Use non-static variable with / get - javascript

Is it possible to use a non static variable with Right now, I can not recover anything.
here's what I do:
myVar = 'test';
var obj = {};
obj[myVar] = Output;
and to recover, I do:
var key = example + 'js';
storage.get(key, function (result) {
console.log (result.key)
Thank you in advance for your help!

You can pass null as the query to retrieve the whole storage:, function(data) {
// data contains everything in storage


how can i filtering data from Firebase rt-db using javascript

I need to print in console value of key temp but no things displayed
var database=firebase.database();
var ratingRef = firebase.database().ref("sensors/temp/");
ratingRef.orderByValue().on("value", function(data) {
data.forEach(function(data) {
console.log( data.val());
There's no need for using orderByValue. You have direct reference to the temp child so the data (which is a DataSnapshot) contain the value of temp only.
var ratingRef = firebase.database().ref("sensors/temp");
ratingRef.on("value", function(data) {
console.log(`Temp: ${data.val()}`)

return array variable from csv - javascript / Node

So I'm running this code from a node console and I need to put the result as a variable
var csv = require('csv-array');
, function(data){
The array prints out fine, but how do I set the result as a variable? (I'm hoping this is as easy as it seems for someone with experience)
Here you go,
var csv = require('csv-array');
//variable declaration
var myVariable;
csv.parseCSV("my.csv", function(data){
myVariable = JSON.stringify(data);
return data;
//take it as a variable here.

Outputting my local storage using JavaScript on startup

Making a simple task tracking application, I've just implemented local storage to the app and am struggling to output the stored information. The information that is stored is correct when I check in the chrome console.
The code below is how I store the data and how I currently outputted the inputted data from the user.
var taskItem = "<div class='task-item'><h1 class='task-name'>" + name + "
</h1><h1 class='task-date'>" + date + "</h1><h1 class='task-assigned'>" +
assigned + "</h1></div>"; //Current output of inputted data from user
localStorage.setItem("Lname", JSON.stringify(name)); //storing the
//inputted data
localStorage.setItem("Ldate", JSON.stringify(date));
localStorage.setItem("Lassigned", JSON.stringify(assigned));
What I'm trying to do now is output the local storage on the next boot up of the app. Any pointers would be really quite helpful, thank you.
You should be able to do
to retrieve your data.
In my applications I use this little program!
Try it ..
var DB = function(){
this.Read = function(index){
return JSON.parse(localStorage[index]).data;
this.Write = function(index, data){
localStorage[index] = JSON.stringify({data : data});
this.Test = function(){ // test support localStorage!
return typeof localStorage == typeof {};
this.Clear = function(index){
if(typeof index === "undefined"){
localStorage = {};
} else {
localStorage[index] = JSON.stringify({data : []});
var x = new DB(); // new data base
if(!x.Test()) alert('Error!'); // not support!
x.Write('food', ['food','bar','google']); // write data
console.log(x.Read('food')); // get data!
x.Clear('food'); // clear data!
console.log(x.Read('food')); // get data!
I've got it working now, thank you all for helping!
I had to use to get the data from the local storage.
Rname = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem('Lname'))

Javascript / Jquery - How to set a variable name based on a variable

This has been asked a bunch of times before but I'm not grasping it.
In the following..
var variableName = "hello";
How do I make the variable name 'variableName' based on another variable?
PHP Example
$a = 'hello';
$$a = 'hi'; // same as $hello..
echo $hello; // and $hello outputs 'hi'
I specifically need this variable variable to be used for localstorage so it may be syntax that I'm having a problem with.
What I'm Using It For (you can probbaly skip to This Seems To Work)
I want to generate a unique variable name for storing information in local storage. Variable name will be based on the post id of the wordpress post/page which I retrieve with php.
For example we will say the post id is 3333
I add the letters id to the beginning of each post id
So now I have id3333
var postIdNumber = 'id3333';
Then I get 3 other pieces of information that I want to store into local storage about this post (for simplicity I have shown an example output, not the code to get it)
var postURL = 'website.comm/a-wp-post/';
var postTitle = 'A Wordpress Post';
var postThumb = 'website.comm/images/thumb3333.jpg';
Now I want to store this information into local storage
var lsTest = { 'lsURL': postURL, 'lsTitle': postTitle, 'lsThumb': postThumb };
localStorage.setItem('lsTest', JSON.stringify(lsTest));
That works fine. Except that I want to be able to store multiple posts into local storage to retrieve later from a 'my favourite posts' page.
So I need a dynamic variable name.
For post ID 3333 I need the variable currently named lsTest to be named id3333
For post ID 4444 I need the variable currently named lsTest to be named id4444
This seems to work (Though I dont fully comprehend it)
solution modified from
var variableVariable = {}
variableVariable.postNumber = 'id3333';
var vv = 'postNumber';
jQuery('.test-div').text(variableVariable[vv]); // outputs id3333
While this does not..
var variableVariable = {} // also, should this have a ';' ?
variableVariable.postNumber = 'id3333';
var vv = 'postNumber';
var variableVariable[vv] = { 'lsURL': postURL, 'lsTitle': postTitle, 'lsThumb': postThumb };
localStorage.setItem('variableVariable[vv]', JSON.stringify(variableVariable[vv]));
In PHP I could maybe do something like this.. (for examples sake i'm mixing php variables into JS)
$uv = 'id3333';
$$uv = { 'lsURL': postURL, 'lsTitle': postTitle, 'lsThumb': postThumb };
localStorage.setItem('$$uv', JSON.stringify($$uv));
You just need to create an object of objects, keyed off of the unique post id. But then you need to stringify the object before storing it, and parse it when retrieving it.
function saveObject(key, object) {
object = JSON.stringify(object);
window.localStorage.setItem(key, object);
function getSavedObject(key) {
var saved = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
if (saved) {
return JSON.parse(saved);
} else {
return null;
your object:
var lsTest = {
id3333: {
postUrl: postUrl1,
postTitle: postTitle1,
postThumb: postThumb1,
id4444: {
postUrl: postUrl2,
postTitle: postTitle2,
postThumb: postThumb2,
store it:
saveObject('myUniqueSiteName', lsTest);
retrieve it:
var lsTest = getSavedObject('myUniqueSiteName');
adding a new post:
var lsTest = getSavedObject('myUniqueSiteName');
var postId = 'id555';
lsTest[postId] = {
postUrl: postUrl3,
postTitle: postTitle3,
postThumb: postThumb3,
saveObject('myUniqueSiteName', lsTest);
Variable variables are not a good idea even in PHP. Just make an array or a hash (which is an object, but it's used as a hash or map, where you can add and delete properties or entries as you please).
var posts = {};
var someId = 3333; //or '3333' if it isn't a number
posts[someId] = {
URL: postURL,
title: postTitle,
thumb: postThumb
localStorage.setItem('post' + someId, JSON.stringify(posts[someId]));
A property named "foo" on an object named "bar" can be accessed like so: = 'baz';
or like so:
bar['foo'] = 'baz';
Which is the same as:
var name = 'foo';
bar[name] = 'baz';
Finally, the global object in JavaScript (which in the browser is window) "holds" the global variables.
var myGlobal = 10;
console.log(window.myGlobal); // logs 10
var globalName = 'foo';
window[globalName] = 'baz';
console.log(foo); //logs 'baz'
Using global variables in general is discouraged. Using them to store posts where the name of the var is the id is highly unorthodox and many JS developers would consider it simply wrong.

How to access $scope object in factory using AngularJS?

I have serialize method for post , So riskAssessmentKey is not part of $scope.topRiskDTO but i pass the riskAssessmentKey value from $scope.riskAssessmentDTO.riskAssessmentkey and now i am posting to factory but when i save all values are posting but riskAssessmentKey is coming undefined i dont know why..
So far tried code....
$scope.addTopRisk = function(){
topRiskGridConfig.topRiskmodalWinConfig.title = 'Add top Risk';
$scope.topRiskDTO = {};
$scope.issuePltDataSource = kendoCustomDataSource.getDropDownDataSource('RA_KY_CNCRN_IS_PLTFM');
$scope.$on('addTopRisk', function (s,id){
$scope.riskAssessmentDTO.riskAssessmentKey = id;
$scope.submit = function(){
var serializeTopRisk = function (topRisk,id) {
var riskAssessmentKey = id;
var objToReturn = {
topRiskName: topRisk.topRiskName,
mitigationActivityDes: topRisk.mitigationActivityDes,
issuePltfLookUpCode: topRisk.issuePltfLookUpCode,
issueNo: topRisk.issueNo,
riskAssessmentKey: topRisk.riskAssessmentKey
objToReturn.riskAssessmentKey = topRisk.riskAssessmentKey;
return objToReturn;
saveTopRisk: function(topRisk,id) {
var request = serializeTopRisk(topRisk);
console.log('request payload', JSON.stringify(request));
console.log('ID :: ', id);
var endpoint = 'app/assessment/rest/addTopRisks';
return $, request);
You forgot to pass the id to the serializeTopRisk function.
So you already pass the params correctly this this:
saveTopRisk: function(topRisk,id) {
var request = serializeTopRisk(topRisk);
But then serializeTopRisk should also get the id
var serializeTopRisk = function (topRisk, id) { // added the id over what you originally had
var riskAssessmentKey = $rootScope.riskAssessmentDTO.riskAssessmentKey; // drop this, use id instead
Don't use rootScope to pass data between the factory and the controller if you don't need to (it looks like you are already passing values to the factory from the controller by supplying it with object inputs, keep it that way and drop the rootScope usage from the factory).

