Div Increment on button click - javascript

Need javascript for incrementation...
I have two with class names, parent and child (child inside the parent).
Each has a button outside them. If I click the button outside the parent, the div should be incremented with child inside it.
And if the button outside the child is clicked, the child div must be incremented.
Find the below link as demo.
HTML code is
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
Add one more child
Add one more Parent

You can use a click handlers with event delegation and cloning like below
var _parent = $('.parent').eq(0).clone();
$(document).on('click', '.inc-child', function(){
var $p = $(this).parent();
$('.inc-parent').on('click', function(){
Demo: Fiddle

Check this JS
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button[name='addDom']").click(function() {
var domElement = $('<div class="module_holder"><div class="module_item"><img src="images/i-5.png" alt="Sweep Stakes" /></div></div>');


remove onclick when attached to children

I have the following code:
layoutOverlaysBldg = $("#layout-overlays-bldg")
layoutOverlaysBldg.on("click", "div", function(event) {
var floor;
console.log("floornum: " + this.dataset.floornum);
floor = parseInt(this.dataset.floornum);
later - based on data I'm getting back from the DB - I want to remove some of the .on("click", "div", ...) from only some of the divs. I already have the selector that is getting the right divs but I cannot figure out how to remove the click event. I have tried .off("click") after selecting the right div but it has no effect.
This issue here is because you are using a delegated event. You can add or remove the event for all child elements, but not individual ones given your div selector.
With that in mind the easiest way to do what you need is to add the event based on a class, then add and remove that class on the children as needed. Something like this:
layoutOverlaysBldg = $("#layout-overlays-bldg")
layoutOverlaysBldg.on("click", "div.clickable", function(event) {
// your code...
You can then enable/disable the event on the child div by adding or removing the .clickable class.
You can try like this :
Example :
<div id="test">
<div id="first">first</div>
<div id="second">second</div>
<div onclick="unbindSecondDiv();">UNBIND</div>
function unbindSecondDiv()
test = $("#second")
alert('Selected Area Click is Unbind');
test = $("#test > div")
test.bind("click" , function(event) {
In the above example , selected DIV elements click event is bind.
And after execute function unbindSecondDiv() , second DIV click event will be unbind.
Have a try , may helps you.

Catch the onClick event on `span` tags

I have got a lot of span tags inside my div elements. Each div has a unique id.I want to add an onclick event to the span elements in each div uniquley. How can i do that?
<div class="bootstrap-tagsinput"id="1">
<span class="tag label label-info">Access control lists</span>
<span class="tag label label-info">Network firewall</span>
<div class="bootstrap-tagsinput"id="2">
<span class="tag label label-info">Access control lists</span>
<span class="tag label label-info">Network firewall</span>
My current script which catches all the span elements irrespective of the div.
$('span.label-info').click(function() {
var news=$('input[type=text][id="vuln<?php echo $model->v_id;?>"]').val()+','+$(this).text();
$('input[type=text][id="vuln<?php echo $model->v_id;?>"]').val(news);
return false;
How can i catch click on span elements inside each div separately?
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Instead of having a separate click handler for each div, you can keep the shared click handler, but find out which div is the parent, and use its ID in the subsequent selectors.
$('span.label-info').click(function() {
// find the parent/ansector that is a div and has the class
var divId = $(this).closest('div.bootstrap-tagsinput').prop('id');
var news=$('input[type=text][id="vuln' + divId + '"]').val()+','+$(this).text();
$('input[type=text][id="vuln' + divId + '"]').val(news);
return false;
Your code should work to add a click even handler to each span.
$('span.label-info').click(function() {
$(this).attr('id'); //<--$(this) is a handle to the clicked span
$(this).parent().attr('id'); //<-- $(this).parent() references the parent div
It's worth mentioning, consider changing .click() to .on('click').
Also - if you wanted to bind once without rebinding after spans were dynamically added to the div, you could bind it like this:
$('div').on('click', 'span.label-info').click(function() {
/* <-- do stuff with $(this) or $(this).parent() here --> */
in your span click event you can find parent div and then get its attribute id to find which div it is.
Below is the code

JQuery .not(next) - is it possible?

Example HTML:
<div class=blah>
<div class=moreCats></div>
<div class=subCats>.......</div>
<div class=blah>
<div class=moreCats></div>
<div class=subCats>.......</div>
<div class=blah>
<div class=moreCats></div>
<div class=subCats>.......</div>
Using slideToggle, if I click the first div moreCats I want next subCats to slideDown, which it does. At the same time I want to slideUp any other open subCats, but, NOT the one I'm toggling or else it would close then reopen, which is what its doing.
Question: is this valid? If not is there something similar?
Here's the full JQuery I'm trying
// show children cat items
$('#sideNav').on("click", ".moreCats", function() {
$('div.subCats').not($(this).next('.subCats')).slideUp(); // close all except next
$(this).next('.subCats').slideToggle(); // slideToggle next
You can combine them by placing the slideToggle for the current target (which will return that element) inside .not and you want to select the parent's next as well
$('#sideNav').on("click", ".moreCats", function() {
//or do $(this).closest('.blah').next('.subCats');
If you want to split them, then better cache the next instead of selecting it again.
$('#sideNav').on("click", ".moreCats", function() {
var $target = $(this).parent().next('.subCats');
//or just do as below
.moreCats doesn't have any siblings so you can't use .next(). What you really need is to get the next sibling of this's parent. So you go from $(this) > .parent() > .next('.subCats')
$('body').on("click", ".moreCats", function() {
$('div.subCats').not($(this).parent().next('.subCats')).slideUp(); // close all except next
$(this).parent().next('.subCats').slideToggle(); // slideToggle next
See this JSFiddle for an example.
What you have is valid but it doesn't do what you expect, .next() selects the next immediate sibling element, you should first select the parent element:
You can also use .index() method:
click: function() {
var $sub = $('div.subCats'),
i = $('#sideNav .moreCats').index(this);
$sub.not( $sub.eq(i).slideToggle() ).slideUp();
}, ".moreCats");

How to select one child div by clicking on another child div of the same parent in jQuery?

For example I have simple html.
<div class="a">
<div class="child"></div> <!-- div element I click -->
<div class="childINeedToSelect"></div> <!-- div element I need to be selected -->
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="a">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="childINeedToSelect"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
When I click on top first child class div I need to change, for example, border ONLY of the first childINeedToSelect class div. They have the same parent - a class div, but the difficult is that there are more than just one element with class a. I've already tried:
$(document).ready(function () {
var child = $('.child');
child.bind('click', function() {
var belt;
function detectElement(arrow) {
belt = arrow.parent('.a').children('childINeedToSelect').eq(1);
belt.css("background-color", "red");
As you see I'm trying to send $(this) as parameter to detectElement() to determine which div was clicked. But my target div background doesn't change, and when I try to use element belt later, after it was detected by detectElement() function, Opera javascript debugger gives me error
Unhandled Error: Cannot convert 'belt.css('marginLeft')' to object
in line
var currentMargin = parseInt(belt.css('marginLeft').toString().replace('px', ''));
but this line of code worked perfectly, before calling detectElement() function; What am I doing wrong? How should I select element I need?
I'd suggest:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
Or you could use the nextAll() method to find the sibling childINeedToSelect:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
And if you should have multiple .child and childINeedToSelect elements, you can pass the :first selector into the nextAll() method:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
I'm unsure why you were using bind(), but on the off-chance that you might be trying to account for dynamically-added elements (added after the event-handlers are bound to the various DOM nodes/jQuery objects), you could instead use on():
$('.a').on('click','.child', function(){
JS Fiddle demo.
:first selector.
Try this fiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
var child = $('.child');
child.bind('click', function() {
var belt;
function detectElement(arrow) {
belt = arrow.siblings('.childINeedToSelect').eq(0);
belt.css("background-color", "red");
Try something like

How do I get the ID of a particular class using jQuery?

I have some div elements having class name hover, these div elements have parent divs having class name hoverparent but the id's of these parent elements are different.
Is it possible to get the ID of respective .hoverparent element while hovering on my .hover div elements?
I tried to get this by:
But it gives the same first parent id every time.
Structure is like:
<div class="hoverparent" id="hover-1">
<div class="hover">ABC</div>
<div class="hoverparent" id="hover-2">
<div class="hover">DEF</div>
You need to use the parent or closest functions to traverse up the DOM tree to find the "parent" element you are looking for:
$(".hover").hover(function() {
var $parent = $(this).closest(".hoverparent");
The difference between parent and closest is that the first will only work if the .hoverparent element is the immediate parent of the .hover element; closest will search upwards through all ancestors to find it.
try $(this).parent().attr('id') , in your hover callback.
$('.hover').mouseover(function() {
don't call your class hover. this should work
function () {
var id = $(this).parent().attr('id');
Add each loop like this :
var id=$(this).attr("id");
Use the parent method in the handler for the hover event:
var par = $(this).parent().attr('id');
//Now do with ID what you need
//presumably you don't need anything for mouseout
You can try the parent() method.
Like this:
var parentId = $(this).parent('div.hoverparent').attr('id');
Try the following:
$('.hover').hover(function() {
var parentID = $(this).parent().attr('id'); alert(parentID);
here is the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/9dJJ9/1/show/

