jQuery - Hover after DOM change - javascript

With $('#sidebar').toggleClass('small'); Im adding adding/removing specified class from #sidebar.
When #sidebar has class small I should be able to perform additional actions when user hover over #sidebar.small.
I have tried to accomplish that with code bellow:
mouseenter: function () {
alert(1); //doesn't work
mouseleave: function () {
//stuff to do on mouse leave
But that doesn't work.
How should I perform hover function on changed DOM element?

You should be able to use the jquery hover method to do this: https://api.jquery.com/hover/
Sorry noticed one other thing... when you originally set your event handler, does #sidebar have the css tag or not? The way your code is written, if it doesn't, it will try to attach to the element $("#sidebar.small"), so if the css tag is not there it won't attach to anything.
I think you want more like this:
mouseenter: function() {
if($('#sidebar').hasClass('small')) {
Update again for a typo, sorry...

Jquery only binds the handlers for the found elements at the time of binding.
The solution is to rebind the appropriate handlers when you add the class.
code from the fiddle:
.text('A Span')
function bindHover(){
$('span.small').unbind('hover'); // Avoid re-binding something


click event to a JQuery object before adding it to the DOM

Attaching the click event to a JQuery object before adding it to the DOM is done like this I believe.
$('.Button').on('click', '#Your-Selection', function () {
console.log("yeahhhh!!! but this doesn't work for me :(");
Is there a way to attach it to a span child of #Your-Selection. This does not work but something like:
$('.Button').on('click', '#Your-Selection span', function () {
console.log("yeahhhh!!! but this doesn't work for me :(");
Please use like this
$(document).on('click', '#Your-Selection span', function () {
console.log("yeahhhh!!! this will work for you :)");
this will attach click event to the span child of #Your-Selection
I think you are not asking the right question, please
take a look at the jquery on method documentation:http://api.jquery.com/on/
If neither .Button exists (on DOM load) is better to attach it to the body, but if it
exists is better attach to body that the whole document, or the closest tag you have in DOM
You should do something like this:
$("body").on("click", ".Button #Your-Selection span", function(){
//whatever you want
As per the jQuery API documentation I have doubts with below solutions. The correct way I think is like as follows:
console.log('yeahhhh!!! this will work');
so if the button is inside the span you can modify the above code as follow
$('#Your-Selection').on('click','span .Button',function(){
console.log('yeahhhh!!! this will work');
So the event only need to be bubble up one level. If you use document or body event need to bubble up so many levels if your HTML structure is complex.

Image not clickable after loaded via AJAX

I have a set of images that are loaded via jQuery AJAX. For some reason, my click handler won't trigger when it is clicked.
//I added this part to test, because the above wasn't working...
alert(event.target.tagName+' '+event.target.className);
<img data-rsid="2" class="delete_related_sub" src="image.png" />
So my 2nd click handler alerts me with "IMG delete_related_sub". But the first one isn't triggered. The is actually in a table that is actually in a pane run by bootstrap tabs, not sure if that'd actually help though.
Try it like this
$(document).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {
Just replace document with a static parent of your image.
Use this:
$("body").on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {
Or, in the success: give this:
$('img.delete_related_sub').click(function() {
Because the line to bind the event runs before the element is added, try using
$(parent).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {});
where the parent is a static element that will be there for sure. This works because the event is bound to an element that actually exists, then checks to match your selector. See .on() for more details.
Something like
$(document).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {});
would work fine.
$('.delete_related_sub').live("click", function()
Use live event to listen clicks

How to trigger a class-targeted method AFTER the class has been added to an element?

In the below markup, the #enable button will add a class to the #show div. This class has a method attached to it that fades in/out the #hidden span.
However, even though the class is added to the #show div, the method attached to the class isn't triggered.
<input type='button' id='enable' value='Enable' />
<div id='show'>
Testing.. <span id='hidden'>Testing, 1, 2, 3.</span>
$(function() {
// Adds .testing class after the button is clicked. however..
$('#enable').click(function() {
// It will not trigger after .testing class has been added to DIV?
$('.testing').hover(function() {
}, function() {
Fiddle to work with: http://jsfiddle.net/jS3nM/
It seems I am missing something conceptually. What is the correct way to handle this?
jQuery does not work like CSS. When you do, $("selector"), it will return a list of elements in the document that match that selector right now.
You will then operate on those elements with jQuery methods. There is no magic like "class-targeted method" going on.
You can find add a event listener to document:
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: function() {
}, ".testing");
document is always found and always exists, and the event listener is added to that. The selector at the end filters out what elements are qualified for the event.
Because when you bind the hover handler there is no element with class of testing in the document, you should delegate the event, you can use the on method, try the following"
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.testing', function(e) {
$(document).on('mouseleave', '.testing', function(e) {

$('body').on('click', '.anything', function(){})

$('body').on('click', '.anything', function() {
doesn't work for anything right now and I can't figure out why. I'm able to anchor to anything else, say I just toss a #wrap div right inside the body. Then I'm able to do
$('#wrap').on('click', '.anything', function() {
for any element I want.
Any idea what I could have done to disable this ability on the body element?
You should use $(document). It is a function trigger for any click event in the document. Then inside you can use the jquery on("click","body *",somefunction), where the second argument specifies which specific element to target. In this case every element inside the body.
$(document).on('click','body *',function(){
// $(this) = your current element that clicked.
// additional code
You can try this:
You must follow the following format
$('element,id,class').on('click', function(){....});
*JQuery code*
$('body').addClass('.anything').on('click', function(){
//do some code here i.e
If you want to capture click on everything then do
//code here
I use this for selector: http://api.jquery.com/all-selector/
This is used for handling clicks: http://api.jquery.com/click/
And then use http://api.jquery.com/event.preventDefault/
To stop normal clicking actions.

Adding a function to onclick event by Javascript!

Is it possible to add a onclick event to any button by jquery or something like we add class?
function onload()
//add a something() function to button by id
Calling your function something binding the click event on the element with a ID
$('#id').click(function(e) {
$('#id').bind("click", function(e) { something(); });
Live has a slightly difference, it will bind the event for any elements added, but since you are using the ID it probably wont happen, unless you remove the element from the DOM and add back later on (with the same ID).
$('#id').live("click", function(e) { something(); });
Not sure if this one works in any case, it adds the attribute onclick on your element: (I never use it)
$('#id').attr("onclick", "something()");
Yes. You could write it like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// do something when clicked
$('#id').click(function() {
// do stuff
Yes. Something like the following should work.
$('#button_id').click(function() {
// do stuff

