create hash equivalent to python call using javascript on browser - javascript

I'm trying to create hash for calling thesubdb api they've given the python implementation of their hash generation method.
My project needs me to create hash on the go on browser and then pass it to my php backend and then call subdbapi using php.
But for that first of all I need to create hash of video file on my browser using javascript.
I'm using the new html 5 file api to read local file on users computer and create hash for same.
var md5 = CryptoJS.MD5(binary).toString();
above is my javascript code.
This does not match the output of the python code that they've given which is :
def get_hash(name):
readsize = 64 * 1024
with open(name, 'rb') as f:
size = os.path.getsize(name)
data =, os.SEEK_END)
data +=
return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
i'm sure i'm missing something fundamental in my javascript code.
thanks in advance.


NodeJS Express how to unescape HTML entities for display purposes

I am building a web application in NodeJS with Express, Angular JS and Google App-Engine Datastore.
I am learning Node. I created a form that "sanitizes" (escapes) user input before inserting into the database. I followed the NodeJS tutorial on the MDN website to create this code:
//Trim and escape all inputs
The 'requested_filepath_list' is a list of UNIX file paths.
So when a user submits the request, it is stored in the database in the "Escaped" format.
//Escaped data
Question: How can I "unescape" the data for display purposes?
//Desired output
I tried the unescape function but it does not seem to work, it just returns the same output.
let escape_str = '/top/example/test123.txt';
let unescaped_str = unescape(escape_str);
console.log('unescaped_str: ' + unescaped_str);
unescaped_str: /top/example/test123.txt
//Desired output
I was able to use the 'he' library to achieve this requirement.
Here's a post with the details: What's the right way to decode a string that has special HTML entities in it?
Here's the library. I was able to install it using npm install.
Example solution:
const he = require('he');
let escape_str = '/top/example/test123.txt';
let unescaped_str = he.decode(escape_str);
console.log('unescaped_str ' + unescaped_str);
You can try this :)
const querystring = require('querystring');

Transliterate text from PHP to JavaScript

I am working on personal project and using Symfony3.
In order to upload files i am using OneUpUploaderBundle.
And I am not accepting file name that consists of characters with accents, Cyrillic characters, etc.
In order to do so - I am using function from CODE section
I would like to use PHP function in CODE section in JavaScript!
// transliterate text
public function transliterateText($input_text)
$input_russian = transliterator_transliterate('Russian-Latin/BGN', $input_text);
$input_german_french = transliterator_transliterate('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII', $input_russian);
$input_baltic = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $input_german_french);
$transliterated_text = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_0-9\(\)\n]/', '_', $input_baltic );
$transliterated_text = strtolower($transliterated_text);
return $transliterated_text;
input: "12345 Rūķīši Проверка äöüß àâæçéèêëïîôœùûüÿ.txt"
output: "12345_rukisi_proverka_aouss_aaaeceeeeiiooeuuuy.txt"
I did not found many information about this problem on the Internet.
May be it is not a good idea to use JavaScript for this task...
Or maybe I should create service in Symfony3, that is accessible through AJAX and returns transliterated text instead?
Please advise.
Thank You for your time and knowledge.
I would like to use this function in JavaScript in order to show user what the filename would look like when on the server. (File names are going to be transliterated on server anyway). At the moment I am sending (in the UploadListener) following information for each file [{'error':'none'}{'orig':'my file name.txt'}{'t13n':'my_file_name.txt'}]. I would like to send as little as possible informātion from server to browser. So if there was "translation" of the CODE I would need only to send error for each file...

SHA1 varies in java and javascript for same input

Facing an issue while creating SHA1 from javascript and java. The problem is both are different. It is used for validating the client request to web server. That means client send a based64 encoded security key to server and server regenerate the same key and equate both are same. Please find below code for generating secret keys in client and server.
MessageDigest mDigest = null;
try {
mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
String input = value1 + value1 + server_key;
byte[] result = mDigest.digest(input.getBytes());
String secret = Base64.encodeToString(result, Base64.NO_WRAP);
//comparison logic goes here
Client (java script)
var input = value1 + value2 + server_key;
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA1(input);
var encoded = base64Encode(hash.toString());
The values value1, value1, server_key will be available in both client and server. The issue we are facing is, the SHA1 generated in both client and server is not matching. I understand the issue is in java its using getBytes() and in javascript using string value for generating SHA1. The CryptoJS.SHA1 does not support bytearray as parameter. We cannot change the server code as it is used by many client applications. Any help will be much appreciated.
In Java ->
byte[] result = mDigest.digest(input.getBytes());
and in JavaScript ->
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA1(input);.
I belief this is the problem. In java the parameter is a bytearray and output is also a bytearray. But in javascript the parameter is var (string) and return is also var (string). I 've also compared the output of CryptoJS.SHA1 with some online SHA1 generating tools. The comparison is true. I am not an expert in this area. If you can explain more, it will be more helpful.
I managed it to do in another way. My application is a cordova based application. So generated the sha1 and encoded it from java and objC and invoked it using cordova plugins.

Python key adding to url

I need to change key in url when user retrieves the link:
to , for example:
Could it be done by cgi library?
Also, may be now by url, but somehow in other way: I just need to send random word generated in python to the client.
You should look at the Requests library, which is very pleasant to use. There are examples in the documentation on how to pass parameters:
In your case this would be something like:
payload = {'word': 'yellow'}
r = requests.get("", params=payload)

How go I get csv data into netsuite?

I've got an update to my question.
What I really wanted to know was this:
How do I get csv data into netsuite?
Well, it seems I use the csv import tool to create a mapping and use this call to import the csv nlapiSubmitCSVImport(nlobjCSVImport).
Now my question is: How do I iterate through the object?!
That gets me half way - I get the csv data but I can't seem to find out how I iterate through it in order to manipulate the date. This is, of course, the whole point of a scheduled script.
This is really driving me mad.
#Robert H
I can think of a million reasons why you'd want to import data from a CSV. Billing, for instance. Various reports on data any company keeps and I wouldn't want to keep this in the file cabinet nor would I really want to keep the file at all. I just want the data. I want to manipulate it and I want to enter it.
Solution Steps:
To upload a CSV file we have to use a Suitelet script.
(Note: file - This field type is available only for Suitelets and will appear on the main tab of the Suitelet page. Setting the field type to file adds a file upload widget to the page.)
var fileField = form.addField('custpage_file', 'file', 'Select CSV File');
var id = nlapiSubmitFile(file);
Let's prepare to call a Restlet script and pass the file id to it.
var recordObj = new Object();
recordObj.fileId = fileId;
// Format input for Restlets for the JSON content type
var recordText = JSON.stringify(recordObj);//stringifying JSON
// Setting up the URL of the Restlet
var url = '';
// Setting up the headers for passing the credentials
var headers = new Array();
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
headers['Authorization'] = 'NLAuth, nlauth_signature=*password*, nlauth_account=TSTDRV****, nlauth_role=3';
(Note: nlapiCreateCSVImport: This API is only supported for bundle installation scripts, scheduled scripts, and RESTlets)
Let's call the Restlet using nlapiRequestURL:
// Calling Restlet
var output = nlapiRequestURL(url, recordText, headers, null, "POST");
Create a mapping using Import CSV records available at Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV records.
Inside the Restlet script Fetch the file id from the Restlet parameter. Use nlapiCreateCSVImport() API and set its mapping with mapping id created in step 3. Set the CSV file using the setPrimaryFile() function.
var primaryFile = nlapiLoadFile(datain.fileId);
var job = nlapiCreateCSVImport();
job.setMapping(mappingFileId); // Set the mapping
// Set File
job.setPrimaryFile(primaryFile.getValue()); // Fetches the content of the file and sets it.
Submit using nlapiSubmitCSVImport().
nlapiSubmitCSVImport(job); // We are done
There is another way we can get around this although neither preferable nor would I suggest. (As it consumes a lot of API's if you have a large number of records in your CSV file.)
Let's say that we don't want to use the nlapiCreateCSVImport API, so let's continue from the step 4.
Just fetch the file Id as we did earlier, load the file, and get its contents.
var fileContent = primaryFile.getValue();
Split the lines of the file, then subsequently split the words and store the values into separate arrays.
var splitLine = fileContent.split("\n"); // Splitting the file on the basis of lines.
for (var lines = 1,count=0; lines < splitLine.length; lines++)
var words = (splitLine[lines]).split(","); // words stores all the words on a line
for (var word = 0; word < words.length; word++)
nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "Words:",words[word]);
Note: Make sure you don't have an additional blank line in your CSV file.
Finally create the record and set field values from the array that we created above.
var myRec = nlapiCreateRecord('cashsale'); // Here you create the record of your choice
myRec.setFieldValue('entity', arrCustomerId[i]); // For example, arrCustomerId is an array of customer ID.
var submitRec = nlapiSubmitRecord(myRec); // and we are done
fellow NetSuite user here, I've been using SuiteScripts for a while now but never saw nlobjCSVImport object nor nlapiSubmitCSVImport .. I looked in the documentation, it shows, but there is no page describing the details, care to share where you got the doc from?
With the doc for the CSVImport object I might be able to provide some more help.
P.S. I tried posting this message as a comment but the "Add comment" link didn't show up for some reason. Still new to SOF
convert csv file to json object datatable
If you know the structure of the CSV file, just do a for loop and map the fields to the corresponding nlapiSetValue.
Should be pretty straightforward.

