Having trouble replacing an input in Prompt dialog box to asterisks - javascript

Hi I would like to replace the input of my prompt dialog box with asterisks. For example I write tom then i want the alert dialog box to display your password is ***.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
//declared variables
var input1 =0;
var dis = input1.length;
input1=prompt("Please enter your Password here","Enter Password Here");
dis.replace(/./gmi, '*')
window.alert("Valid password "+ input1 + "\n You entered the password " +
I tried this but it said replace is undefined.

if i properly understand, then you should not use replace(" ", "*") as replace() replaces only first character
use Regular Expressions for that (overload for replace() method). This will look like input1.replace(/./gmi, '*')

One could get creative here (it's meant as an alternative to using replace())
var plainText = prompt("Please enter your Password here", "Enter Password Here");
var asterisks = (new Array(plainText.length+1).join("*"));
// if you enter "Tom" you get
// plainText = "Tom"
// asterisks = "***"

You simply make the entry field like this:


Create button to get value from input and open default email client?

I have a button in a form that I want to collect the value (which is an email address) from a nearby input and construct an email using the default email client. It would be a similar function to your standard email link:
<a href="mailto:someone#example.com?Subject=Test" target="_blank">
Only in my instance, it's a button constructing the email and it also collects a value. What I have so far:
<input class="an-input" type="text">
<button class="ui-state-default inputButton an-button">SEND</button>
var ACEbutton = conf._input.find('.an-button');
ACEbutton.click(function() {
var inputValue = conf._input.find('input').val();
var subject = "This is a subject";
var subjectEncoded = encodeURIComponent(subject);
document.getElementById('emailMe').href = "mailto:'+inputValue+'?subject=" + subjectEncoded;
} );
The code as it stands isn't opening the email.
You should end the string statement before concatenating it. If you start a string with double quotes, you should end it with double quotes. Same goes for single quotes.
document.getElementById('emailMe').href = "mailto:"+inputValue+"?subject=" + subjectEncoded;
instead of
document.getElementById('emailMe').href = "mailto:'+inputValue+'?subject=" + subjectEncoded;
//fix syntax like Ricardo said
document.getElementById('emailMe').href = "mailto:"+inputValue+"?subject=" + subjectEncoded;
//trigger email client

validating specific email address in form with javascript

I'm setting up a form and in it I've already coded verifying that there is an entry in the email form box as you can see here
function checkMailing(){
//if we want to refer to the email field - which has the name 'email' - we would use the form variable (created above), as such:
//you this with the name of any field iside of the form
//use an if statement to check the value of the form
var mailingVal = theForm.mailing.value
mailingVal = trim(mailingVal);
if(mailingVal == "" ){
//error message
//add a dropshadow to the field (to highlight it)
theForm.mailing.style.boxShadow = "0px 0px 6px #01FFFF";
//from the form field, go up to the parent (the div with the class 'formbox', then inside of that for the div with the class 'fieldInfo', and change the text contents to be an error message
setMessage(theForm.mailing, "error", "You must enter an address");
/*theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").innerHTML = "You must enter an email!";
theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").className = "error";*/
//if the user entered an email (or in this anything) give them positive feedback
theForm.mailing.style.boxShadow = "";
setMessage(theForm.mailing, "correct", "Perfect");
/*theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").innerHTML = "Perfect)"
theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").className = "correct";*/
However I need it to also validate that it is a CERTAIN email address and not just any email address. For example it must be an #gmail.com address and not an #hotmail.com or #anythingelse.com. Any guidance would be appreciated thank you!
You can use regex:
if (mailingVal && mailingVal.match(/#gmail\.com$/i)) {
// it's gmail
A better approach might be to use a regex which makes sure that the string to match ends with #gmail.com
var re = /#gmail\.com$/i;
if(re.exec(mailingVal) !== null) {
// the test passed!
This will ensure that the string ends with #gmail.com and does not contain any extra characters after the .com
Using that regex, someone#gmail.com will match, but someone#gmail.comm will not. As will someone#Gmail.com or someone#GMAIL.COM (and so on) because of the /i switch.
If you wanted it to only match case-sensitively, just remove the /i switch, so the regex would read like
var re = /#gmail.com$/
Here is the regex solution in your code, changed the exec to test (which just returns true or false, depending on whether the regex matches or not):
function checkMailing(){
//if we want to refer to the email field - which has the name 'email' - we would use the form variable (created above), as such:
//you this with the name of any field iside of the form
//use an if statement to check the value of the form
var mailingVal = theForm.mailing.value,
re = /#gmail\.com$/i;
mailingVal = trim(mailingVal);
//error message
//add a dropshadow to the field (to highlight it)
theForm.mailing.style.boxShadow = "0px 0px 6px #01FFFF";
//from the form field, go up to the parent (the div with the class 'formbox', then inside of that for the div with the class 'fieldInfo', and change the text contents to be an error message
setMessage(theForm.mailing, "error", "You must enter an address");
/*theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").innerHTML = "You must enter an email!";
theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").className = "error";*/
} else {
//if the user entered an email (or in this anything) give them positive feedback
theForm.mailing.style.boxShadow = "";
setMessage(theForm.mailing, "correct", "Perfect");
/*theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").innerHTML = "Perfect)"
theForm.email.parentNode.querySelector("div").className = "correct";*/
This should work for you. I do have one question about the trim() function you are using. What is it? Is there a library you are using, or is the trim function something you wrote? I would just use String.prototype.trim to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of the mailingVal.
If you know wich exactly mail vendor you want to check, then try this one:
if (mailingVal.length && mailingVal.indexOf('#gmail.com') > -1 ) console.log('that is gmail!');
You also may need to put your string to lover case to be sure that 'Gmail' is also valid
mailingVal = mailingVal.toLowerCase()
as metioned in comments, this case will make mails like 'wut#gmail.commadot' also valid.
To prevent that you can try this check:
mailingVal = mailingVal.split['#'];
if (mailingVal.length > 2) {
console.log('not Valid email');
} else {
if (mailingVal[1].toLowerCase() === 'gmail.com') console.log('Bingo!');

Replace a part of text in textbox while typing text in it

The format of text in the text box is like this:
login -u username -p password
While typing this text I want to replace 'password' with number of '*' equal to its length. So if I type:
'login -u abc#abc.com -p abc' in text box it should display like this:
login -u abc#abc.com -p ***
And also I need to store the actual password which is being replaced.
Is there a possible way? Thank you in advance
You should parse the input value using regular expression, i.e.
<input type="text" id="inputText" />
<input type="hidden" id="actualPassword" /> <!-- Another element to store actual password -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to repeat string n times */
var StringUtilities = {
repeat: function(str, times) {
return (new Array(times + 1)).join(str);
var test = /(login[\s]+\-u[\s]+[a-zA-Z0-9#\.\s]+\-p[\s]+)(.*)/i.exec( $(this).val() ); //'login -u user123 -p password123'
if(test !== null)
if( $('#actualPassword').val().length < $.trim(test[2]).length )
$('#actualPassword').val( $('#actualPassword').val() + test[2].slice(-1) );
$('#actualPassword').val($('#actualPassword').val().slice(0, test[2].length));
$(this).val( test[1] + StringUtilities.repeat( '*', test[2].length) );
JS FIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/nmx04h1o/3/
You can use multiple text boxes and still make it look like one, command prompt. Using CSS you remove left, right borders and join them close enough. On keypress event of each textbox, check if the user typed space and change the focus to next textbox. This solution works provided you have some fixed format of input to be taken.
The way you need to look at your requirement needs to be change. Why you need to get data from user with nly one input?
You need to collect username and password differently and then you can merge the same on form submit.
$output = "login -u " + $("#username").val() + " -p " + $("#password").val();
return false;
Do not do it. You can see what i've tried at the bottom of my answer.
I played around with this problem a littlebit, but when i did a facing myself another problems.
There are 2 method to do this. 1st is, when a user enter a character, you need to use the keyup function.
So, you can write a regular expression, what is catching the -p andsomecharactersherewhileitsnotspace.
Ok, the first method is to catch the last character of users password, and contcat it to a hidden field. Me and Apul Gupta tried this.
For some reason, both of our code is mess up the password, because for some reason, what i do not know, there will be * characters if you are typing to fast. I tried to replace those * characters, but in this case, some characters are lost from the password.
The other way is to get the character from keyup event. This is bad, because String.fromCharCode is returning always uppercase characters, since, keyup do not know, is there a SHIFT or CAPS LOCK happens. Maybe now you think, you can handle it, but you can not. SHIFT is simple, but you don't know, was the CAPS LOCK was turned on befor or not.
A solution could be for this, if you allow users only lowercase or only uppercase passwords, but this is bad because weekening the password.
So, think a littlebit more. Let's say, somehow we can use one of the solution. Then this whole things turn to a very complex thing, what are too expensive i think. Because, you should handle, what happens, if a user just SHIFT, LEFT ARROW, DELETE the password. You need to check, what selected with that combination of keyperss, where was the cursor, etc...
I suggest you to forget this, or try to find another way to do it.
Kiran Varthis answer is the best option i think.
What i've tried:
<input type="text" name="userInput" id="userInput" value="" />
<input type="hidden" value="" name="hiddenPassword" id="hiddenPassword" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
return new Array(num + 1).join(this);
//46 = delete key
$("#userInput").keyup(function(e) {
var match = $("#userInput").val().match(/-p([\s]+)(.+)/i);
if (e.keyCode === 8) {
var deleted = $('#hiddenPassword').val().substring(0, $('#hiddenPassword').val().length - 1);
} else {
if (match !== null && match[2] && String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/)) {
$('#hiddenPassword').val($('#hiddenPassword').val() + $("#userInput").val().substring($("#userInput").val().length - 1));
$("#userInput").val(($("#userInput").val().replace(/-p (.+)/, "-p " + "*".repeat(match[2].length))));
if (match !== null && match[2]) {
console.log("Password is: " + $('#hiddenPassword').val());

javascript regex validation if no content

I have the following validation on a form field:
$(".controlsphone input").blur(function() {
var ree = /^\d+$/;
$('#registerErrors').append('<p id="email_error401112">Please enter a phone number</p>');
I would like to only validate the field if a number exists. The field is not required, but if there is content within the field, it needs to be valid (a number)
How does the above code look? Any ideas what i can do to implement this?
Cheers, Dan
var ree = /^\d*$/;
because + stands for one or more, excluding zero.
while * stands for zero or more

Javascript functions

So I have a textbox which allows a max entry of 5 characters.
The user should enter the time in the format hh:mm or hhmm , into the textbox.
Supposing the user enters 1:2:3 or 1::2 etc, then it should show an alert message('Incorrect time format')
Is there any way I can check all other occurences of : EXCEPT for the first : , and alert the user?
(This needs to be done within a javascript function)
This is what I used to check for non-digit values(excluding :) entered into textbox:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function getClks(){
var re=":";
var found = clks.match(re);
if (clks.match(/^[0-9:]/)){
alert('Invalid time value');
if (found=:){
var splitime = clks.split(":");
var hours = splitime[0];
var mins = splitime[1];
Unless you have a very good reason to change the user's input. I would recommend only alerting the user that their input doesn't match the correct format.
If you really want to remove characters, you can use the replace function with some regex to remove the extra : chars.
You can use search or match to test whether the input is in the correct format.
Something like /^\d{1,2}:\d{2}$/ should work.
try to use this jquery plugin: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/
It will mask your textbox:
#alexl's jQuery plugin is probably enough, but for completeness sake..
Outside jQuery contexts I'd use a RegExp, /([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])/, and test the number string like so:
var timestr = /* .. get the text .. */
if(timestr.match(/([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])/) {
console.log('Good number string');
} else {
console.log('Bad number string');
Everyone else explained what to do. Here's a more concrete example of how to use it.
var regex = new RegExp("\\d{2}[:]\\d{2}");
if (regex.test(input)) {
var array = input.split(":");
var hours = array[0];
var minutes = array[1];
} else {
alert("malformed input");
You could do something like this
<input id="myinput" maxlength="5" type="text" />
<input type="button" onclick="test()" value="test" id="testbtn" />
var re = new RegExp("^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3])(:([0-5][0-9])){1,2}$");
var myInput = document.getElementById('myinput');
function test(){
alert(re.test(myInput.value)); //alerts true if the input is well-formed
example => http://jsfiddle.net/steweb/rRZLx/

