How to replace YUIDoc's index partial with the classes partial? - javascript

I'm trying to build docs from source on one of my plugins. Everything works fine now but the index page is empty and useless. I want to replace the index partial with the content of the classes partial since that's the only useful info for this plugin.
It looks like the index partial doesn't have access to the data that's available in the classes partial?
I've attached two screenshots to illustrate what I'm talking about. The second screen shot is what I want to show on the index page. I've tried importing the partial there but nothing rendered except for a static heading.

You're not able to do it easy because the index template of theme doesn't have all classes and modules data.
Please feel free to file an issue on GitHub, or patch welcome.


Trying to see what options are pre-configured with another site's Ckeditor

So I basically have a rails app that is loading another full page in Ckeditor, but it's having a ton of issues trying to render the HTML. The styling is different, lots of text is being manipulated and swapped around, etc.
However, there's another app that uses ckeditor and the site renders just fine for it. I've tried hunting through the source code to see how the ckeditor is initialized, but the only thing I see is $("#html_editor").ckeditor(); which doesn't appear that any extra options are being loaded.
Just trying to find some other ways to determine why my ckeditor isn't displaying HTMl pages properly even though I'm initializing it the same way.
I've tried enabling the fullPage option, but it still looks extremely weird (things are completely misplaced), etc.
Looking for any suggestions.
Found it after hunting down a default config.js that contains default options when loading CKEditor

wise way to use angular-ui tab to have multiple dynamic content

What I want is each of tab consist of its dynamic content, but now I doubt I was doing it correctly when I put ng-view within ng-repeat.
Here is a working version to push . So in the beginning it was fine for me.
But after that I felt I've to load some data, the tab no longer working working when I do $scope.tasks = tasks
which tasks is a object in data.js. Here is the error :
You are missing quotes on change to active="".
Which causes the
Error: The string contains invalid characters.
Why are you shoe-horning tabs here. I think a simple nav would do. The underlying issue is your design is fundamentally flawed, you can only have one ng-view on a page. If you update your post I can recommend a solution.

Including a custom js file on rails_admin dashboard

I am trying to include a custom js for a custom field that depends on a google maps control, I don't want to mix html and js on a partial file, however, up to now, it appears to be the way to go.
I have checked on the wiki and the only reference about including a custom js is here but it doesn't work.
I only want to be able to organize my javascripts as usual (at assets/javascripts/) and be able to interact with my rails_admin form views. Anyone has any idea on how this should be handled?
To restate: It sounds like you are trying to keep javascript code out of view (html/erb) files.
I can recommend one way you may wish to try.
If you look at the assets/javascript directory you can see the generated javascript files that are created per controller when you are scaffolding a resource.
These files are great for keeping all the code related to the controller context in. there is another file named application.js which is great to keep global javascript routines in.
If you put tags/fields on the elements which you wish to select to bind a javascript method to you are able to keep the methods focused on finding and binding fields sharing the tag.
field you wish to interact with:
using jquery you should be able to select the span by the data tag ( you could stored extra infor. you can then also bind methods to the span.
$("span[data-interesting='hi there']").click(function() { console.log('someone clicked the span'); })
You could use a selector that is more general and do something useful to all the matching items.
Good luck!

When working with an already made website, how do you know which file to edit to change something?

Let's say I'm building a website and using an already made Wordpress theme. Say it's a pretty complex theme and there's a lot of folders and files. If I wanted to change something specific, like text, or an image, or something that happens in Javascript/jQuery, and the change that I want is not an option in the themes control panel, what do I do? I know I have to go into the files but how do I know which file to go to? Lately, I've just download the theme to my desktop and use the windows search companion and type in the field that says "a word or phrase in the file." Sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. For CSS changes I usually use Firebug and click on the element, but many times I want to change the HTML/PHP/Javascript. I feel like I'm doing it the wrong way and there's an easier way that I'm missing.
As you mentioned WordPress theme so I will specifically try to answer this question for editing WordPress theme.
When it comes to WordPress, everything is very structured and well organized. If theme written following standard practices then each component has its specific file. If you are familiar with WordPress theme structure and want to change php code or say a static part then all you need to do is locate the component file say sidebar.php, home.php, single-{type}.php, header.php and many similar files.
Now if you want to edit something that is shown in right/left side of page as sidebar then chances of finding it in sidebar.php are maximum. Similarly to change something on home page try looking for home.php, for posts it could be single-post.php.
Many a times what you are looking to change might need a tweak in widgets. In this case, process remains same as theme you just need to look in different folder.
Javascript: For editing javascript, beautify the code if it came minified. When you have code ready much of js debugging can be done using firebug/Developer Console in chrome. Best way is to put breakpoints at relevant position and then inspect code behavior. You will be able to locate code block that you need to tweak to achieve what you want.
CSS: Create a child theme and then use it override default theme properties.
You can probably use grep in PowerShell, Cygwin, etc.
grep -lir "a word or phrase in the file." *
edit: Emulating Grep in Powershell

Using javascript instead of Sphinx's default toctree

I'm using sphinx to auto-generate html pages. The Table of Contents is really long so I'm trying to add a new html class (among other things) to the toctree's div so I can use a javascript library. Basically wanting to change how the toctree generates its HTML.
I've found the globaltoc.html file, put it in the _templates folder and uncommented the template_path in
This is the file in the _templates directory.
{% extends '!globaltoc.html' %}
<div class="toctree-wrapper compound dhtmlxTree" id="toc", setImagePath="_static/imgs/csh_dhx_skyblue/">
{{ toctree() }}
If I'm doing this completely wrong please tell me another way to do this. I'd like to be able to this in pure reST, but it doesn't seem possible. I've looked at the limited examples on Sphinx templating and this is all I can find.
The overall goal of this is to use dhtmlxTree for use with a very large tree. I've already added the required .js files and .css files to layout.html. I just need the div that contains the toctree to have the class I need. I can get the results I need by editing it manually, now i need to automate it.
Thanks for your help.
I believe there are two possible solutions to my problem:
Using Jinja templates to write the javascript and the bulleted list. Currently, I'm not familiar with using the recursive Jinja flag. So this solution, while possible, may cause me more frustration than the second solution.
Simply reducing the :maxdepth: attribute for the toctree directive. It was set to 4. Reducing this number makes the Table of Contents smaller and therefore easier to read.
After thinking about the need to see all the layers, I realized it was just silly and it reduced the usefulness of the Table of Contents. So I just reduced the :maxdepth: to 2 and everything is back to the simplicity that reST and Sphinx offers.
Better design trumps the cool factor every time.

