Strange .replace() behaviour in Chrome browser - javascript

<input type="text" class="allownumericwithdecimal"/>saadad
$(".allownumericwithdecimal").live("keypress keyup ", function (event) {
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''));
var text = $(this).val();
if (!((event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57) || event.which == 8 || event.which == 46 || event.which == 110 || event.which == 0)) {
var text = $(this).val();
if ((text.indexOf('.') != -1) && (text.substring(text.indexOf('.'), text.indexOf('.').length).length > 2)) {
var text = $(this).val();
if ((event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57) && (text.indexOf('.') != -1)) {
if ((text.substring(text.indexOf('.'), text.indexOf('.').length).length) > 2) {
if (event.which == 190) {
if (text.indexOf('.') != -1 && event.which == 190) {
if (text.match("^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{0,2})?$")) {} else {
if (text.indexOf('.') == -1 && text.length > 7 && (event.which != 190 && event.which != 8 && event.which != 46 && event.which != 110 && event.which != 0)) {
The problem is If I type a value in textBox say 3434 and now I want to make it 35434 by putting cursor after 3 and pressing 5, it works fine in Firefox and IE but in chrome the 5 get added after value and it becomes 34345.
The culprit line is one which replace non numeric characters.
How to handle this issue??

Try this code, it runs. jsFiddle
I just do a test
if ( /[^0-9\.]/g.test($(this).val()) ) {
You just make sure that the user enter the value of what you want. You replace if the entered value is not an integer. Your regex mean: "Those which are not integer or dot (.), replace them with an empty value". That why You need to make this test. Therefore, if the user enters the value you want, it doesn't do the action replace and it doesn't pass to the test.

$(".allownumericwithdecimal").live("keypress keyup ",function (event) {
var caretP= $(this).getCursorPosition();
var text = $(this).val();
if (!((event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57) || event.which ==8 || event.which ==46 || event.which ==110 || event.which ==0) )
var text = $(this).val();
if ((text.indexOf('.') != -1) && (text.substring(text.indexOf('.'), text.indexOf('.').length).length > 2)) {
var text = $(this).val();
if((event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57) && (text.indexOf('.') != -1))
if((text.substring(text.indexOf('.'), text.indexOf('.').length).length)>2)
if(text.indexOf('.') != -1 && event.which==190 )
$(this).val('') ;
if(text.indexOf('.') == -1 && text.length>7 && (event.which!=190 && event.which !=8 && event.which !=46 && event.which !=110 && event.which !=0)){
(function($) {
$.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
return this.each(function() {
if (this.setSelectionRange) {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} else if (this.createTextRange) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);;
$.fn.getCursorPosition = function() {
var input = this.get(0);
if (!input) return; // No (input) element found
if (document.selection) {
// IE
return 'selectionStart' in input ? input.selectionStart:'' || Math.abs(document.selection.createRange().moveStart('character', -input.value.length));
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" class="allownumericwithdecimal"/>saadad

kepress seems to be the culprit when I changed the fiddle to just use keyup the replacement happened correctly (though the cursor shifted to the end)

Just remove the 'keypress' event keypress event is very similar to the keydown event. If you press a button keypress event cannot identify the character. In your code it takes as current input Empty so it replace the character.


Allow float on 'input' not only on 'keypress' event

i have this code to accept valid int or float numbers.
$("input").on("keypress", function(event) {
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''));
if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) {
however, I was not able to catch user input data by copy-paste and rightclick-paste event.
I tried $("input").on("input",... but not working. Please see fiddle demo below.
Fiddle Demo
You can listen to the paste event and check numeric only after a 0ms setTimeout to let the value be pasted in. You'll see a flash of whatever is pasted in so it's not an ideal solution but could be workable.
$("input").on("keypress", function(event) {
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''));
if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) {
$("input").on("paste", function(event) {
var element = $(this);
element.val(element.val().replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''));
}, 0);

Need help restricting a js function(that restricts invalid chars) to a particular input type

Hi i would like to restrict a function that allows only, numbers, back space and left & right arrow keys to inputs with number type, because when i implement it, it also affects my text inputs.
function chars(evt){
var key = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which;
if (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46
|| event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39) {
return true;
else if ( key < 48 || key > 57 ) {
return false;
else return true;
Assign an id to your <input>. Add an event listener to it, like :
function getKeyCode() {
var key = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which;
if(event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46
|| event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39) {
//return true;
} else if (key < 48 || key > 57) {
// return false;
} else {
// return true;
var el = document.getElementById("myInput");
el.addEventListener("keypress", getKeyCode);
<input type="text" id="myInput">

Key Press Event In Jquery

I have many input types in the form .Now i want that the user can enter only integer values in the input types.The input can be like this 110.00 only two values after ..But i am not able to get this features.
I have done with the interger input but i am not getting how can we do this :
var charCode = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
var Enteted = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
if ((charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) || charCode == 8 || charCode == 9 || charCode == 37 || charCode == 39 || (charCode == 46 && Enteted != '.'))
return true;
return false;
The values are amount and it can be decimal but not more than two after decimal sign.Please help me
I have done this and working fine for me :
$('.salary').live("keypress",function(e) {
var charCode = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
var Enteted = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
if(!((charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) || charCode == 8 || charCode == 9 || (charCode == 37 && Enteted !='%') || charCode == 39 || charCode == 46)) {
if(charCode == 46 && $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1 && Enteted ==".") {
} // prevent if already dot
if(charCode == 46 && Enteted =="." && !$(this).val()) {
if($(this).val().split(".")[1].length >= 2){
if(charCode != 8 && charCode != 46) e.preventDefault();
if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
return this;
Use as below
<input type="text" id="checkDecimal" class="decimal" />
$(function () {
$('#checkDecimal').bind('paste', function () {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
if (!/^\d*(\.\d{1,2})+$/.test($(self).val())) $(self).val('');
}, 0);
$('#checkDecimal').keypress(function (e) {
var character = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)
var newValue = this.value + character;
if (isNaN(newValue) || parseFloat(newValue) * 100 % 1 > 0) {
return false;
have a look here.
Regex - /^\d+(\.\d{0,2})?$/g;
i have experimented here
<!DOCTYPE html>
$('#input_field').keyup(function(e) {
var regex = /^\d+(\.\d{0,2})?$/g;
if (!regex.test(this.value)) {
this.value = '';
<input type= "text" id = "input_field" name ="input_field" value=""/>
The logic is every time a user entering a number you have to check two things.
Has the user entered decimal point?
Are the decimal places more than two?
For the first one you can use $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1For the second one you can use $(this).val().substring($(this).val().indexOf('.'), $(this).val().indexOf('.').length).length > 2
Here is the code:
$('.amount_class').keypress(function (event) {
if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) {
var text = $(this).val();
if ((text.indexOf('.') != -1) && (text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 2)) {
And the DEMO
Simply use
thats it..

jquery keydown for only digits

i have an input box that is for payments, and i want to only allow number like x.xx, of course xxxx.x will work or xxxxx
i have the setup pretty much working minus some weird behavior. if the numbers 1 and 2 after the decimal can be 2 digits long (works) but if i press 3-9 then it only allows one of that digit. also 0's to the right of the decimal are being allowed infinitely.
heres what im working with. also i want to only allow the enter button and when its pressed then run a function
$('#money-button-input-box').keydown(function(event) {
var str = $(this).val()
if(str.length >= 1){
var rightHalf = str.split('.')[1];
if(rightHalf >= 3 && event.keyCode != 8 ){
if( (event.keyCode == 190 || event.keyCode == 110) && str.replace(/[^.]/g, "").length >= 1 ){
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
if($(this).val() == '')return;
and the function
function allowOnlyNumbers(events){
// Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, and enter
if ( events.keyCode == 46 || events.keyCode == 8 || events.keyCode == 9 || events.keyCode == 27 || events.keyCode == 13 ||
// allow decimals
events.keyCode == 190 || events.keyCode == 110 ||
// Allow: Ctrl+A
(events.keyCode == 65 && events.ctrlKey === true) ||
// Allow: home, end, left, right
(events.keyCode >= 35 && events.keyCode <= 39)) {
// let it happen, don't do anything
} else {
// Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
if (events.shiftKey || (events.keyCode < 48 || events.keyCode > 57) && (events.keyCode < 96 || events.keyCode > 105 )) {
The problem of decimals is because you are using
rightHalf >= 3
which evaluates the actual number & not it's length, because javascript type-casts it to a number for the comparison. What you want instead is the number of digits, try
rightHalf.toString().length >= 2
Fiddle here
As long as rightHalf is a string you can do:
rightHalf.length >= 2
if rightHalf was a number you would get an exception doing that.
function isNumberKeyUp(event, obj, beforeLength, afterLength) {
var text = document.getElementById(obj).value;
var splitText = text.split('.');
if (splitText.length > 1 && splitText[1].length > afterLength) {
document.getElementById(obj).value = splitText[0] + "." + splitText[1].substring(0,2);
return false;
return true;
function isNumberKey(event, obj,beforeLength,afterLength) {
var keyCode1 = event.keyCode;
var keyCode = 0;
if (keyCode1 == 0)
keyCode = event.which;
else {
keyCode = keyCode1;
if ((keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 13 || keyCode == 27 || keyCode == 127 ) {
var text = document.getElementById(obj).value;
if (keyCode == 46 && keyCode1 == 0) {
if (text.toString().indexOf(".") != -1) {
return false;
if (keyCode == 46) {
if (text.toString().indexOf(".") != -1) {
return false;
var splitText = text.split('.');
if (splitText[0].length >= beforeLength) {
if (keyCode == 46 && text.toString().indexOf(".") == -1) {
return true;
} else if (text.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)
return true;
return false;
else {
return GetDefault(event);
return true;
function GetDefault(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode == 0)
keyCode = event.which;
if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 9 || keyCode == 35 || keyCode == 36 || keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 39 || keyCode == 40 || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 118) {
return true;
return false;
Below is the html to call this events
<input type="text" onkeyup="return isNumberKeyUp(event,'txtID',9,2);" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event,'txtID',9,2);" required="required" id="txtID" maxlength="12" value="1.00" name="txtID">
Here's the FIDDLE
rightHalf.length >= 2
$('#money-button-input-box').keyup(function () {
function FormatNumber(val){
var split = val.split('.');
if (split.length>1) return OnlyNumbersAllowed(split[0])+'.'+OnlyNumbersAllowed(split[1]);
else return OnlyNumbersAllowed(split[0]);
function OnlyNumbersAllowed(val){
return val.replace(/\D/g, '');
You could easly put this regex in any function, instead of writing what you have now.

javascript : key validation

im using javascript to validate keys in textbox. it is not working :(
function numeric(e) {
return ((e.keyCode == 8) ||
(e.keyCode == 9) ||
(e.keyCode > 47 && e.keyCode < 58) ||
(e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode < 41) ||
(e.keyCode == 46) ||
(e.keyCode > 95 && e.keyCode < 106) ||
e.keyCode == 190 ||
e.keyCode == 110);
help me...
function numeric(e) {
e = e || window.event;
keycode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(keycode === 13){
I know that in I.E. you can set event.keyCode=0 to suppress the key appearing in the control. But I think you need to trap the onkeydown. Firefox might have an equivalent. This is good because it prevents the key actually "arriving" at the control.
Also keep in mind that you might need to handle combinations of Shift + key and alt + key.
a good debug technique for this sort of thing is to say windows.status = event.keyCode,
and you can see what the keycode is as you type it...
Just try out the following code. I have checked F5 keycode, you can check as you want
function disableKey(event)
if (!event) event = window.event;
if (!event) return;
var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.charCode;
if (keyCode == 116) {
showMsg("This functionality is disabled.");
window.status = "F5 key detected! Attempting to disabling default response.";
window.setTimeout("window.status='';", 2000);
// Standard DOM (Mozilla):
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
//IE (exclude Opera with !event.preventDefault):
if (document.all && event && !event.preventDefault) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
event.keyCode = 0;
return false;
function setEventListenerForFrame(eventListener)
document.getElementById('your_textbox').onkeydown = eventListener;
//frames['frame'].document.onkeypress = eventListener;
<body onload="setEventListener(disableKey);">
Try this if you want a numbers only textbox:
function numbercheck(event) {
var unicode = event.charCode; var unicode1 = event.keyCode; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1) {
if (unicode1 != 8) {
if ((unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) || unicode1 == 37 || unicode1 == 39 || unicode1 == 35 || unicode1 == 36 || unicode1 == 9 || unicode1 == 46)
{ return true; }
{ return false; }
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1) {
if (unicode1 != 8) {
if (unicode1 >= 48 && unicode1 <= 57)
{ return true; }
{ return false; }
And in your textbox call it on the onkeypress event:
onkeypress="return numbercheck(event)"

