Replace Key name array inputs jquery - javascript

I've got a strange question. We have buttons that have data attributes with an id in it. [v1, v2 and v3].
<table id="table-1" data-car-id="v1">
<tr><td>Content1 <input type="text" name="car[v1][marked][12]" /></td></tr>
<button id="copy-2" data-car-id="v2">Copy Table</button>
<table id="table-2">
<button id="copy-3" data-car-id="v3">Copy Table</button>
<table id="table-3">
A little piece of Javascript copies the body of the above table to closest next one. (That works).
$("button[id^='copy']").click(function() {
var $carId = $(this).attr('data-car-id');
var $prevTable = $(this).prev("table[id^='table-']").prop('innerHTML');
var $nextTable = $(this).next("table").html($prevTable);
But now the tricky part, the input name of all inputs in that tbody should be replace. While the market should remain unchanged
car[v1][marked][12] => car[v2][marked][12]
How can I do that? Make it yourself easy and use the JSFiddle I created:

After copying the HTML over to the next table element, select all the children input elements and iterate over them. Use the .replace() method to replace the previous table element's data-car-id attribute with the current button element's data-car-id attribute.
Updated Example
$("button[id^='copy']").on('click', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('data-car-id'),
previousId = $(this).prev('button').attr('data-car-id');
html = $(this).prev("table[id^='table-']").prop('innerHTML');
$(this).next("table").html(html).find('input').each(function () { =, id);


Cannot append to node

I have a the following html code in a table:
<td id="description">
<input id="newdescripion" value="VOIP/DATA" type="text">
<button type="button" id="removeinput">Remove</button>
When I click the button, I would like to empty the td and add the text which is stored in a cookie. The td empties fine but I am unable to append the text. The text is in the variable as it is visible in the alert. I have used the code below to try and achive this, the commented out code is what I have tried and doesn't work.
$(document).on('click', '#removeinput', function() {
var hostname = $('#hostname').text();
var trid = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
var olddesc = Cookies.get(hostname+','+trid+',description');
$(this).closest('td').empty(); <----- THIS WORKS
// $(this).closest('tr').find('#description').text(olddesc);
// $(this).closest('td').text(olddesc);
// $('#'+trid+' td').each(function(){
// if($(this).attr('id') == 'description'){
// $(this).append(olddesc);
// }
// })
//$(document).find('#'+trid+' td#description').append(olddesc);
Can anyone please help me fix this or recommend a better way of doing it?
You can use .html() to add your dynamic data to HTML tag id
var olddesc = Cookies.get(hostname+','+trid+',description');
// Create custom / dynamic HTML
var temp = `<p>` + olddesc + `</p>`;
$(this).closest('td').empty(); <----- THIS WORKS
// Edit: Use ID of html tag
This shall work for you.
$(this).closest('td').append(olddesc); runs after you've removed this from the td, therefore the td is no longer an ancestor of this. You do not need to empty the td; simply set its text to olddesc and it will be automagically emptied as part of the process of setting its text.
// (REMOVE THIS) $(this).closest('td').empty(); <----- THIS WORKS
Just use .html
$(document).on('click', '#removeinput', function() {
var hostname = $('#hostname').text();
var olddesc = "Cokkies return"; //Cookies.get(hostname+','+trid+',description');
$(this).closest('td').html(olddesc); //<----- THIS WORKS
<script src=""></script>
<td id="description">
<input id="newdescripion" value="VOIP/DATA" type="text">
<button type="button" id="removeinput">Remove</button>

Jquery next() is not working

I have
<table class="prodtable">
<input class="editok" value="2" />
<input name="prodnumber" value="1" />
and this js
var neuanzahl = $(this).val();
$(this).parent('td').text(neuanzahl);//<-- till here works fine
$(this).parent('td').next().find('input').val(neuanzahl);//<-- from here, failure
the editok input was inserted dynamically, thats why i am setting the handler from parent table.
my problem is, on blur event, the value of the given input should be put in the next input which is inside the next td with name prodnumger and the <i> should get the class icon-pencil.
I am trying for 1 hour now, what a shame.. not a single success. what am I doing wrong here?
This line
replaces everything in the TD, as that's what text() does, it overwrites everything, so on the next line when you do
$(this).parent('td').next().find('input') ...
there is no this, you just removed it with text()
Just chaining instead of using multiple lines will keep the reference
var neuanzahl = this.value;
The minute you call $(this).parent('td').text(...), you've removed the input from its parent. So $(this).parent('td') in the following calls won't match anything.
Save that td at the start, and use it throughout:
var neuanzahl = $(this).val();
var td = $(this).parent('td');
Solution is to store reference of next div in a variable.
$('.prodtable').on('blur', '.editok', function () {
var td = $(this).parent('td');
var next = $(this).parent('td').next(); //Store reference of next div in a variable
var neuanzahl = $(this).val();
Problem with your code is that when $(this).parent('td').text(neuanzahl) reference to this is lost as you have replaced the content to td.
Your table opening tag is not spelled correctly that is likely why you are having difficulties.

jQuery change number inside a name attribute

I'm writing some JavaScript to clone a table row containing form elements.
It's working well so far but there's one piece I can't quite figure out.
The element names have a number which increases with every row.
<td><input type="text" name="name[0][abc]" /></td>
<td><button class="add-row-button">+</button></td>
<td><input type="text" name="name[1][abc]" /></td>
<td><button class="add-row-button">+</button></td>
I need the cloned row to update the number. There are multiple fields in each row which need this updated number so I can't just include the new name in the jQuery code. What I think has to happen is I need get the name, use a regex replace, then update the attribute.
Here's my current (simplified for the example) jQuery:
// Current num of elements. Names are 0 based so this will be the number used
// for the new name.
var formRowCount = $('table tr').length;
$('.add-row-button').click(function() {
// Clone the last row.
// Set the new field selector.
var $newRow = $(this).closest('tr').next();
Can someone point me in the right direction. Before formRowCount++; I need to get the current element name and update the number with formRowCount.
Yeah, you can use regex if you want.
var formRowCount = $('table tr').length;
$('.add-row-button').click(function() {
// Clone the last row and insert it.
// Select the input field
var $newInput = $(this).closest('tr').next().find('input[type="text"]');
// Update the input value and name attribute
var newName = $newInput.attr('name').replace(/^(name\[)\d+(\].+)$/, '$1' + formRowCount + '$2');
$newInput.val('').attr('name', newName);
// Update the number

Get Id of table row if it is checked?

I have a datatable containing a list of Cars. each row in the html contains a Car ID. I have added checkbox column to the first cell in my datatable - if it is checked the row is highligted to indicate to the user they have selected that row. What I waht to do is get all the IDs of all the cars a user has selected on clicking a button on the page. (also there are other columns in the table row where I have checkboxes (i.e - a Manual column or an Automatic column which will somtime be checked - like in column 5 ot 6 in the table)
so this is part of the cshtml for my page..
#foreach (var car in Model.Cars)
<tr carId="#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => car.CarID)">
<td class="table-data">
<input id="SelectIndividual" name="Select" type="checkbox" />
//more stuff set in other tds in table
Then this is the JS I have for the page so far.
$('#GetSelectedCars').click(function (event) {
var cars= new Array();
carsListTable.find("tr").each(function (index, para) {
$('tr').find('td:input:checked:first').each(function () {
var car= new Object();
car.ID = $(this).parent().parent().attr("carId");
var jsonString = $.toJSON(cars);
I want to then return the json string to my controller (I do this by passing the value into a hidden field on my model and then deserialize - but at the minute I am getting it as empty. My problem is getting the best way to get the id from the row if it is checked?
You can use the selectors :checkbox:checked and use the to convert the array. The jQuery.closest() method will give the closest ancestor matching the given selector.
var cars = carsListTable.find('.table-data :checkbox:checked').map(function(i, v){
return {
ID : $(v).closest('tr').attr('carId')
Demo Fiddle
Note: The id of elements should be unique in a document so the id of the checkbox should be removed or has to be suffixed or prefixed by a dynamic value like the car id.
First, you should use class instead id for elements that will be present more than once. I suggest change #SelectIndividual for .SelectIndividual on the checkbox input). Another thing you should change is the carId attribute, because is not semantic valid. You should use custom data attributes instead. This is how your code should look like:
#foreach (var car in Model.Cars)
<tr data-carID="#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => car.CarID)">
<td class="table-data">
<input id="SelectIndividual" name="Select" type="checkbox" />
$('#GetSelectedCars').click(function (event) {
var cars= new Array();
$('SelectIndividual:checked').each(function () {
var car= new Object();
car.ID = $(this).parent().parent().data('carID');
//keep doing things
I would suggest to use the data-* attributes that are valid HTML5 as well as the methods for the id of the car.
Can you assign a class to all checkboxes in first column and then try this
$('.cbClass:checked').each(function () {
tr = $(this).closest('tr');
// use the row

Jquery conditional statement

My html
<tr id="uniqueRowId">
<input class="myChk" type="checkbox" />
<td class="from">
<textarea class="fromInput" ...></textarea>
<td class="to">
<textarea ...></textarea>
I have a table where each row is similar to the above with only one exception: not all rows will have textreas. I need to grab all rows that have textareas AND checkbox is not "checked".
Then I need to leaf through them and do some stuff.
I tried something like:
var editableRows = $("td.from .fromInput");
for (s in editableRows)
$s.val("test value");
but it didn't work.
1) how do I grab ONLY the rows that have checkboxes off AND have fromInput textareas?
2) how do I leaf through them and access the val() of both textareas?
I am sure this could be optimized, but I think it will work.
$("tr:not(:has(:checked))").each(function(i, tr) {
var from = $(tr).find("td.from textarea").val();
var to = $(tr).find(" textarea").val();
//now do something with "from" and "to"
See it working on jsFiddle:
You can use this to select the rows:
$('tr', '#yourTable').has('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').has('textarea')
Live demo:
As you can see in the demo, only the row that has a TEXTAREA element and a unchecked checkbox will be selected.
However, I recommend you to set classes to your rows: the TR elements that contain TEXTAREA elements should have a specific class set - like "directions". Then you could select those rows easily like so:
$('tr.directions', '#yourTable').each(function() {
if ( $(this).find('input:checkbox')[0].checked ) return;
// do your thing
Should be what you need. All the rows that don't have anything checked but that do have an input with the class 'fromInput'
If you want to loop through them to get the value of any textarea just extend your selector:
$("tr:not(:has(:checked)):has(textarea.fromInput) textarea")
Or as above if you want to be able to distinguish them:
.each(function() {
var from = $(this).find("td.from textarea").val();
var to = $(this).find(" textarea").val();
I don't know how much performance is a concern here, but if it is, then rather then writing a selector to find rows that contain a textarea you may find it helps to add a class to the row itself.
<tr class="hasTextarea">
Then you could alter your JQuery as so:

