Angular ng-repeat scope issue - javascript

Nothing in my {{}} are showing in my html file. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have no errors in my console.
"GOT DATA" will print in my console, but not show in my file.
The is my html code
<div class="announcements" ng-controller="onBusinessAnnouncementCtrl as announcements">
This is my js code pulling from the server
app.controller('onBusinessAnnouncementCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
.success(function(responses) {
//$scope.latest = responses;
$scope.latest = "GOT DATA";

Because you use the controller as syntac you should apply the variables in your controller to this instead of $scope.
See the same problem in AngularJS Ng-repeat is not working as expected where a repeater was used
below the answer on the previous question:
In your repeater you're looping over announcements.announcements in your controller you set $scope.announcements = response.
Either you change the repeater in ng-repeat="eachAnnouncement in announcements" or change your scope variable to: $scope.announcements = {announcements : response}

Figured it out! For reference:
There is nothing showing in my HTML because there is no value assigned to the controller. To assign "latest" to my controller I have to do this:
app.controller('onBusinessAnnouncementCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
var this = this;
.success(function(responses) {
this.latest = responses;
<div class="announcements" ng-controller="onBusinessAnnouncementCtrl as announcements">{{announcements.latest}}</div>


Angulrjs: A controller doesn't send a value via a factory with the "as" statement

I've been teaching myself how to use the as statement of Angularjs's controller, but struggling to make controllers communicate with others, using the as syntax.
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('angularApp', [])
.factory('MessageService', function(){
var message = {
addedItem: "initialMessge"
return {
returnMessage: message//This is supposed to be the "var message" defined above
.controller('DiaplayingProductController', function(MessageService){
var instance = this; = {
message: MessageService.returnMessage.addedItem
.controller('ProductController', function($scope, $http, MessageService) {
var instance = this; = {
message: MessageService.message,
//There are other stuff here
this.addItem = function(productName) {
//other tasks
}).then(function addSucces(response) { = productName;
<span ng-controller="DiaplayingProductController as dpc" ng-bind=""></span>
<div ng-controller="ProductController as pc">
#foreach ($products as $index => $product)
<div class="product">
<button ng-click="pc.addItem({{$product->name}})>
Add it to Cart
I use Laravel, so {{$product->name}} and #foreach are Laravel's expression.
In a nutshell,
There are one <span> and multiple <button>s, based on the result of #foreach (Again, I use Laravel, so this is basically the same thing as php's foreach)
When one of the <button> is pressed, the content of <span> is supposed to be updated.
The event is triggered in ProductController, which is supposed to update message of DiaplayingProductController, via MessageService.
The message is not going to be sent to the span tag.
This question may be silly. However, there are not many information resources out there which deal with this as statements, so I'd like to ask some advice here. Thank you in advance!
What's this #foreach?
There's a coma in your attributes. Shouldn't be there.
The expression in your ng-click has a missing parenthesis. Also, it should be an expression, therefore the {{}} have nothing to do here.
The data object are not shared between the controllers. You should:
use directives and pass the data using attributes ('=').
set the data in the $scope, which is not as good a solution
use a service as an intermediary (each controller can set/get the value
from that service)

Using ng-init and ng-repeat in the same div

I'm not sure it is possible to use ng-init and ng-repeat in the same div. I need it to select from the database all comments that have an id of 6.
I'm calling the code here and displaying an array:
< div ng-init="getComments('6')" ng-repeat="comment in comments">{{ comment.message }}< /div>
And this is what the function looks like in the angular file:
$scope.getComments = function(statusid) {
.success(function(data) {
$scope.comments = data;
$scope.loading = false;
And calling the API here:
return {
// get all the comments
get : function(statusid) {
return $http.get('/api/comments' + statusid);
Am I missing something simple? I did not include the PHP files as that seems to all be working fine.

Use http cookie value in an Angular template

I have angular working in one of my ASP.NET MVC applications. I am using two html templates with Angular Routing. One is a list of current Favorites that comes from the database and is serialized into json from my Web API and used by angular to list those items from the database.
The second html template is a form that will be used to add new favorites. When the overall page that includes my angular code loads, it has a cookie named currentSearch which is holding the value of whatever the last search parameters executed by the user.
I would like to inject this value into my angular html template (newFavoriteView.html) for the value of a hidden input named and id'd searchString.
I have tried using jQuery, but had problems, plus I would much rather do this inside of angular and somehow pass the value along to my template or do the work inside the view(template). However, I know the latter would be bad form. Below is the code I think is important for one to see in order to understand what I am doing.
Index.cshtml (My ASP.NET VIEW)
ViewBag.Title = "Render Search";
ViewBag.InitModule = "renderIndex";
<div class="medium-12 column">
<div data-ng-view=""></div>
#section ngScripts {
<script src="~/ng-modules/render-index.js"></script>
Setting the cookie in the MVC Controller
private void LastSearch()
string lastSearch = null;
if (Request.Url != null)
var currentSearch = Request.Url.LocalPath + "?" +
if (Request.Cookies["currentSearch"] != null)
lastSearch = Request.Cookies["currentSearch"].Value;
ViewBag.LastSearch = lastSearch;
if (lastSearch != currentSearch)
var current = new HttpCookie("currentSearch", currentSearch){
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1) };
var previous = new HttpCookie("lastSearch", lastSearch) {
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1) };
.module("renderIndex", ["ngRoute"])
.controller("favoritesController", favoritesController)
.controller("newFavoriteController", newFavoriteController);
function config($routeProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl: "/ng-templates/favoritesView.html",
controller: "favoritesController",
controllerAs: "vm"
.when("/newsearch", {
templateUrl: "/ng-templates/newFavoriteView.html",
controller: "newFavoriteController",
controllerAs: "vm"
.otherwise({ redirectTo: "/" });
function favoritesController($http) {
var vm = this;
vm.searches = [];
vm.isBusy = true;
.success(function (result) {
vm.searches = result;
.error(function () {
.then(function () {
vm.isBusy = false;
function newFavoriteController($http, $window) {
var vm = this;
vm.newFavorite = {}; = function () {
$"/api/favorites", vm.newFavorite)
.success(function (result) {
var newFavorite =;
//TODO: merge with existing topics
alert("Thanks for your post");
.error(function () {
alert("Your broken, go fix yourself!");
.then(function () {
$window.location = "#/";
<div class="container">
<h3>New Favorite</h3>
<form name="newFavoriteForm" ng-submit="">
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-12 column">
<input name="searchString" id="searchString" type="hidden"
<label for="title">Name</label><br />
<input name="title" type="text"
<label for="title">Description</label><br />
<textarea name="body" rows="5" cols="30"
<div class="medium-12 column">
<input type="submit" class="tiny button radius" value="Save"/> |
My current attepts have been using jQuery at the end of the page after Angular has loaded and grab the cookie and stuff it in the hidden value. But I was not able to get that to work. I also thought about setting the value as a javascript variable (in my c# page) and then using that variable in angular some how. AM I going about this the right way?
Or should it be handled in the angular controller?...
I'm new to angular and the Angular Scope and a bit of ignorance are getting in the way. If any other info is needed I can make it available, thanks if you can help or guide me in the right direction.
You can do it by reading the cookie value using JavaScript, set it as a property of the $scope object and access it on the template.
//Inside your controllers
function favoritesController($http, $scope) {
//Get the cookie value using Js
var cookie = document.cookie; //the value is returned as a semi-colon separated key-value string, so split the string and get the important value
//Say the cookie string returned is 'currentSearch=AngularJS'
//Split the string and extract the cookie value
cookie = cookie.split("="); //I am assuming there's only one cookie set
//make the cookie available on $scope, can be accessed in templates now
$scope.searchString = cookie[1];
In AngularJS, the scope is the glue between your application's controllers and your view. The controller and the view share this scope object. The scope is like the model of your application. Since both the controller and the view share the same scope object, it can be used to communicate between the two. The scope can contain the data and the functions that will run in the view. Take note that every controller has its own scope. The $scope object must be injected into the controller if you want to access it.
For example:
//inject $http and $scope so you can use them in the controller
function favoritesController($http, $scope) {
Whatever is stored on the scope can be accessed on the view and the value of a scope property can also be set from the view. The scope object is important for Angular's two-way data binding.
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding or over-simplifying, but...assuming JavaScript can read this cookie-value, you could just have your controller read it and assign it to a $scope variable?
If JavaScript can't read the value, then you could have your ASP write the value to a JavaScript inline script tag. This feels yuckier though.
Update to show controller-as example.
Assuming your HTML looked something vaguely like this:
<div ng-controller="MyController as controller">
<!-- other HTML goes here -->
<input name="searchString" id="searchString" type="hidden" ng-model=""/>
Then your controller may look something like this:
app.controller('MyController', function ($scope, $cookies) {
$ = {
currentSearch: $cookies.currentSearch
// Note that the model is nested in a 'data' object to ensure that
// any ngIf (or similar) directives in your HTML pass by reference
// instead of value (so 2-way binding works).

Angular JS | Passing data to 2 differents controllers on click

I've got some projects displayed in divs via ng-repeat.
Each div contains a link with the id of the project.
Basically I want to bind my project id on ng-click in order to update a factory. This will allow me to share the clicked project's id with another controller who will load the project details data only.
Here is my projects view:
<div ng-repeat="detail in projects.details">
<a ng-href="#!/project/project-details" ng-click="setId(detail.project_id)"><span></span></a>
Here is my factory:
app.factory('getGoodIdProjectDetails', function (){
var savedId = 1; //Default à 1
return {
getId : function () {
return savedId;
savedId = idGet;
return savedId;
Here are my controllers:
function ProjectCtrl($scope, $http, $timeout, getGoodIdProjectDetails) {
$scope.setId = function (idGet) {
$scope.idProjectDetails = getGoodIdProjectDetails.setId(idGet);
function ProjectDetailsCtrl($scope, $http, $timeout, getGoodIdProjectDetails) {
$scope.idProjectDetails = getGoodIdProjectDetails.getId();
In my view the console is displaying an error like I can't bind ng-click this way, but when I inspect the view it's sorting me the good thing, like ng-click="setId(8)"
I want the factory to update with the good id on click. Then I want to access this id in projectDetailsCtrl in order to load the project.
|| EDIT || : I changed the ng-click, that works fine, everything's good. Thx all
try this:
<div ng-repeat="detail in projects.details">
<a ng-href="#!/project/project-details" ng-click="setId(detail.project_id)"><span>Voir le projet ></span></a>
you don't need to use binding expression {{}} to pass values to functions

AngularJS Only Show View If Server Data Present

In my regular Javascript I append data to HTML ONLY if there's data from the server, otherwise I just show a simple div saying there's nothing. How can I implement this in AngularJS?
if (AJAXresult)
$element.append(JSONdata); //JSONdata will contain a list of customer data
$element.append('<div>No results</div>');
How can I achieve this in Angular?
The simplest way would be to control for the no data state in your returned view.
<div ng-if="!hasCustomers">
No Customers Available
<div ng-if="hasCustomers">
<!-- show some stuff -->
Then in your controller you can easily initialize this when you load your data:
angular.module('myApp').controller('MyController', function($scope, myDataService){
$scope.hasCustomers = false;
$scope.customers =;
$scope.hasCustomers = customers && customers.length;
If you want to make sure the data is loaded before your view is ever instantiated, then you can also use the resolve property on your $route
templateUrl: '/sometemplate.html',
controller: 'MyController',
controllerAs: 'ctrl', // <-- Highly recommend you do this
resolve: {
customerData: function(myDataService){
return myDataService.getCustomers();
resolve is basically a hash of functions that return a promise, and can be dependency injected just like everything else. The controller and view will not be loaded until all the resolve promises have been fulfilled.
It will be available in your controller by the same property name you gave it:
.controller('MyController', function($scope, customerData){
$scope.customers = customerData;
$scope.hasCustomers = customerData && customerData.length;

