Auto-File upload after selecting file in Sencha Touch 2.3 - javascript

I have a Sencha Touch 2.3 application that I am helping develop. One of the features I want to implement is uploading a file that I then do various things with using PHP in the back-end. However, I cannot find a way that works to actually complete the upload (or even show a dialog box to select a file to upload!)
I have a navigation bar that looks like the following:
navigationBar: {
docked: 'top',
id: 'mainAdminToolbar',
items: [
{ ...
align: 'right',
hidden: true,
text: 'Import',
itemId: 'ImportBtn',
In my main controller file, I have the following:
ImportBtn: "adminMain #ImportBtn",
"adminMain #ImportBtn": {
tap: "onImportTap"
I looked at the a lot of examples (such as this one and this one), but I can get none of them to work. I believe the latter might be for a more updated version of the framework, too, but I cannot update as of right now and have to work with version 2.3
What I want to do is the following:
Have a user click the button
Have a dialog window pop up in which a user can select a file
Have the file auto-upload after being selected
Do various server-side things with the file
How can I achieve this using Sencha Touch 2.3?

Try to use
xtype: 'filefield' and it's 'updatedata' event
To select file you can write something like this
xtype: 'filefield',
itemId: 'ImportBtn',
listeners: {
change: function (button, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
And after selecting the file you can get it with this (It works fine in 2.4)
var file = [your-filefield].getComponent().input.dom.files[0];
Here is more about filefield!/api/Ext.field.File


How can I drag jqgrid edit form properly?

When I drag a edit form, the position of the form is not valid.
Always it starts from position (0,0) to the window.
Its position is not relative to mouse cursor position.
How can I fix this?
These are my code.
<table id="jqGrid"></table>
<div id="jqGridPager"></div>
url: url,
mtype: "GET",
postData: data,
datatype: "jsonp",
colModel: [
{ label: 'd_id', name: 'd_id', width: 15, key: true, hidden: true},
{ label: 'driver', name: 'd_name', width: 30, align:"center", editable: true, editoptions: {size: 40} },
{ label: 'phone', name: 'd_phone', width: 30, align:"center", editable: true, editoptions: {size: 40} },
{ label: '', name: '' }
viewrecords: true,
autowidth: true,
height: '100%',
rownumbers: true,
rownumWidth: 25,
rowNum: 20,
editurl: g_base_url + 'driver/edit',
pager: "#jqGridPager",
loadError : function(xhr,st,err) {
loadComplete: function () {
onCellSelect: function(rowid, iCol, cellcontent, e) {
and my jqgrid version is 4.8, jquery version is jquery-1.11.2 and jquery-ui version is 1.11.4.
please visit jqgrid demo and click edit button ("+" symbol in the page bar) and drag edit form serveral times. You can find its position always starts at pos (0,0).
demo link is
The problem which you describes seems be a bug in Guriddo jqGrid JS 4.8.x. I tried other demos and many from there have the same problem. So I would recommend you to post bug report to Guriddo forum at least if you purchased the licence for Guriddo jqGrid JS.
I develop free fork of jqGrid under the name free jqGrid (see the readme and the wiki). You can try it directly from CDN. If you uses grid inside of jQuery UI modal dialog then you should use the latest code posted after publishing free jqGrid 4.8. The problem was reported in the answer and I included new option onTop option in free jqGrid.
$.jgrid.jqModal = $.jgrid.jqModal || {};
$.extend(true, $.jgrid.jqModal, {toTop: true});
So you can use for example the URLs, and (the locales like or are optional in free jqGrid).
I will try later to modify the code of dialogs used by jqGrid so that the situation where onTop: true will be detected and the option will be set automatically if required. I don't want to make it default because of some reasons. I analyzed the code of jqGrid 4.7 and make many changes. One problem way that all dialogs like Edit form stay in memory in jqGrid. If one close the dialog it will be just hidden. The event handler used in the dialogs, like onClick handler references DOM element of grid and other objects. There are some other disadvantages. So I make so that on closing of dialog in free jqGrid the form will be completely distorted. The default settings toTop: false makes all elements of the grid inclusive all dialogs be created as children of gbox div constructed over the grid. So one can remove from the page all elements created by jqGrid just by removing gbox. The problem is only that the overlay should be probably moved on top of the page (be children of <body>) like the dialog itself if one have the grid inside of another modal dialog. I hope I will find the perfect solution later. Till the time you can just set toTop: true option either for edit form or globally like in the code above.

First tab panel does not show data in grid (IE 9)

I have a tab panel and every tab has grid in it, but after loading, data in first tab is missing but it displays fine in 2nd tab , this is working in all the browsers in Extjs 4.2 but it is not working in Extjs 5.0 with IE. ( working fine in chrome ) thee is no errors on console. I am getting crazy with this issue. may be it is a bug in Extjs 5. Thanks in advance.
//main panel class
Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyView', {
extend: '',
alias : 'widget.myView',
id : 'myView',
autoScroll : true,
activeTab: 0,
height: 600,
layout: {
type: 'column'
requires : [
initComponent : function() {
this.items = [
xtype: 'panel',
id: 'fTab',
autoScroll: true,
items: [ { xtype: 'firstTab' }]
xtype: 'panel',
id: 'sTab',
autoScroll: true,
items: [ { xtype: 'secondTab' } ]
var isActivieTabSet = false;
// if store1 has data show the first tab
if(store1Count > 0) {
var tab0 = myView.down('#fTab');;
if (!isActivieTabSet) {
isActivieTabSet = true;
} else {
//check if store2 has data
if(store2Count > 0) {
var tab1 = myView.down('#sTab');;
if (!isActivieTabSet) {
isActivieTabSet = true;
} else {
I see these issues with your code:
you should not set a layout on tab panel. Tab panel uses card layout internally, most likely it ignores any passed layout but if you set it it may be confusing for developers
you set ids on components - they are unique in the code you posted but it may not be true for the whole application. The general rule is not to manually set ids - you don't need them.
you overnest - you don't need to wrap 'firstTab' in 'fTab'. We always try to use the most shallow containment chain possible.
hiding tabs is very unusual. I'm not saying that it wouldn't work but if you need to hide a tab then you can use card layout with some simple switching logic. Tab panel is de-facto a card layout with tab "buttons" to switch the active card.
Otherwise the code does not give a clue why it should misbehave. I would suggest a) fix the above and, if it does not help b) prepare a showcase at so that I can run it and find the real culprit.
Thank you!!
1) Right , No need to specify the Layout on tab panel. I took this out
2) Right, it is a good practice to not add the Ids but we are nesting these components and show/hide by using these ids.
3) Right, that was the first thing that came to my mind, take out the wrapper panel from the grid and it works fine and show up the data but with this we have two issues.
a) In the Grid we are using 'pagingtoolbar' and shows at the botton (same in the whole application)
this.dockedItems = [ { xtype: 'pagingtoolbar', store:, displayInfo: true,
dock: 'bottom' } ];
We are using the CARD layout and when we take out the panel this always shows at the botton even though the grid has only 5 records and It looks very weird and we don't want to put this on top (dock: 'top' )
b) Other issue iis sometime Column Header and data are not aligned
{header: 'Number', dataIndex: 'number', flex: 1 }
if i take out the flex:1 then all the columns get too narrow and half of the vertical space on the right is empty.
4) We have this use case that if grid does not have any data then don't show the tab. so we have to manually show/hide the tab.
Let me combine these classes & upload them (but it may time because I have to take out only the necessary objects :( ).
Thanks you again for your help!!
My Grid is inside the panel and this panel is inside the main tabpanel. if i removed the panel over the Gris then it works fine.
//this does not works (does not show data in first tab)
xtype: 'panel',
id: 'fTab',
autoScroll: true,
items: [ { xtype: 'firstTab' }]
//this works
xtype: 'firstTab'
I guess this is a bug in Extjs 5.0, same code works in Extjs 4.2 and also in Chrome.
OK, i found the solution, I have to add this on the grid.
bufferedRenderer: false,
In Extjs 5 it is true by default and it is not behaving right in IE when the Grid is inside a Panel with pagination. after this everything works great :) Thanks

Rendering ExtJS 4+ MVC application in a html div - how-to?

All examples that I have found so far explain how to render ExtJS (4.2) MVC application within the "viewport", which in other words means full browser screen, and occupying whole HTML BODY.
I would like to render application within the existing HTML page within named DIV, so that I can have HTML design around the application.
<div id="appdiv"><!-- application runs here --></div>
I've seen some sites with ExtJS 4 examples that use trick to render ExtJS app within the page by using IFRAME.
Is it possible to avoid IFRAME? And, if it is, how skeleton of ExtJS 4.2 application shall look like if it will be rendered within a div.
Notes: In ExtJS 3 I have found the solution by creating a panel as main container which renders within named div. However, version 4.2 (and possibly earlier 4.x's) suggests MVC application approach that seem far superior.
---- Edits
I have realised that I have to put starting points for this question.
Source for this example is generated by ExtJS's CMD command that generates "application" framework skeleton.
Skeleton of application is consisted of many files including engine reference, and other references, so I would not be able to include here all sources in "application" dir/folder. Skeleton of application can be done using cmd in the fashion: sencha -sdk /myuserroot/Sencha/Cmd/ generate app ExtGenApp /mywebroot/htdocs/extja_genapp This generates files and folders and copies all necessary files in the place.
"User" activity area is in "app" dir. App dir has subdirs for views, controllers, models and additional stuff.
As in many other frameworks you are expected to keep folder structure so that framework can find appropriate files and initialise them.
list of files:
index.html (in the root of the generated application)
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- <x-compile> -->
<!-- <x-bootstrap> -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css">
<script src="ext/ext-dev.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
<!-- </x-bootstrap> -->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<!-- </x-compile> -->
<h1>HTML Before</h1>
<div id="appBox"></div>
<h1>HTML After</h1>
This file is generated and updated by Sencha Cmd. You can edit this file as
needed for your application, but these edits will have to be merged by
Sencha Cmd when it performs code generation tasks such as generating new
models, controllers or views and when running "sencha app upgrade".
Ideally changes to this file would be limited and most work would be done
in other places (such as Controllers). If Sencha Cmd cannot merge your
changes and its generated code, it will produce a "merge conflict" that you
will need to resolve manually.
// DO NOT DELETE - this directive is required for Sencha Cmd packages to work.
//#require #packageOverrides
name: 'ExtGenApp',
views: [
controllers: [
launch: function() {
new Ext.view.appBoxView({
renderTo: 'appBox'
});; // generates error
note: originally there is no launch function but there is auto generate viewport (one gets that by default generator)
Ext.define('ExtGenApp.controller.Main', {
extend: ''
Ext.define('ExtGenApp.view.appBoxView', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
layout: {
type: 'border'
items: [{
region: 'west',
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'west',
width: 150
region: 'center',
xtype: 'tabpanel',
title: 'Center Tab 1'
this shall be initial layout on the screen (AFAIK)
and finally:
Ext.define("ExtGenApp.view.Main", {
extend: 'Ext.Component',
html: 'Hello, World!!'
which shall, as I understood, be the "content".
as is, it generates an error of not founding "Ext.view.appBoxView" and how it looks to me, framework do not initialise the application.
A viewport is just a specialized Ext.container.Container that auto sizes to the the document body.
As such, you can easily create your own in the launch method:
launch: function(){
new MyContainer({
renderTo: 'myDiv'
In some of these answers, some suggest using an Ext.Panel with a renderTo. You shouldn't be using an Ext.Panel if you're not going to be utilizing it for anything other than a container if you're going to go this route. You should be using Ext.container.Container instead.
By using Ext.Panel you are adding a bunch of unnecessary things like the title bar and such to your component. Each one of these puts extra place holders there even if you aren't using them.
I liked Evan Trimboli's concise approach but I could not get it to work either (it also told me that MyContainer is not defined). However this approach worked...
launch: function () {
Ext.create('widget.MyContainer', {
renderTo: 'MyDiv'
...where 'widget.MyContainer' is the alias created inside the view itself, and provided I also did this up top:
Ext.define('MyApp.Application', {
extend: '',
name: 'MyApp',
views: [
Have you tried using Ext.panel.Panel or Ext.window.Window as a container?
<div id="appBox">
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
width: 400,
height: 300,
title: 'Container Panel',
items: [
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Child Panel 1',
height: 100,
width: '75%'
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Child Panel 2',
height: 100,
width: '75%'

Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe

I have an app with several tabs written in ExtJs 4.
One of the tabs is just an iframe. I create it like this and it works fine.
xtype: 'tabpanel',
title: 'My Embedded Web Pages',
items : [
title: 'Google',
html : '<iframe width ="100%" height="100%" src=""><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>'
I would like create the page Dynamically using more of an OOP design patter though by extending an Ext.panel.Panel. If I can do this I can add some more functionality ( like a basic toolbar with a back button ).
Ext.define('NS.view.web_browser.WebBrowser' ,{
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.web_browser',
title: 'Web Browser',
refresh: function() {
initComponent: function( arguments ) {
listeners : {
viewready : function( view, options )
someText = '<iframe width ="100%" height="100%" src=""><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>';
//I'm assuming 'this' is the panel
this.update( Ext.util.JSON.encode( someText ) );
However, this is not working. I expect its how I am trying to cram the html into the panel but am not sure. Any help appreciated.
Did you try out the ux: miframe.js? The documentation is available here. I have been using it for embedding iframes in Panels for quite some time with ExtJS 3.x. I don't know if it has been ported for ExtJS4 though.

EXTJS scope problem

This is a novice question. Hopefully this example can educate myself and others As well as fix my problem.
I have an EXTJS layout that is very similar to the EXTJS complex layout example. A TabPanel is the center piece of this layout. One of the tabs renders a GridPanel that displays some data. I want to click on an Edit icon in the table and open up a separate tab to do the editing.
Here are my issues:
1. If mainTabPnl is defined in view_main.js and the handler in grid.js, how do I add a tab to mainTabPnl? This seems like a scope issue.
2. In the following Firefox line, 't' is undefined. Why?
var t = Ext.getCmp('main-tab-panel');
3. If I try to id my tabs, my whole layout goes haywire. What's happening here?
(see 'center2' tab). I thought that if I could do an Ext.getCmp('center2') I could render something in in from a separate handler.
Thanks for any help on this....
// file: view_main.js
var mainTabPnl = new Ext.TabPanel({
region: 'center',
id: 'main-tab-pnl',
deferredRender: false,
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
contentEl: 'center2',
//id: 'center2', /*!!! screen goes haywire!! why? !!!*/
title: 'Main Panel',
autoScroll: true
}, {
contentEl: 'center1',
title: 'Close Me',
closable: true,
autoScroll: true
// file: grid.js
var columns = [{
// Column Headers
header: 'Actions',
id: 'actions',
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
width: 50,
items: [{
icon : '/site_media/icons/application_edit.png',
tooltip: 'Edit Record',
handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
alert("Add-Tab "); // The alert works..
/* but mainTabPnl is not defined */
title: 'New Tab',
iconCls: 'tabs',
html: 'Tab Body <br/><br/>',
Collect all your UI initialization code into a single call to Ext.onReady made from a single file. This will ensure that the ExtJS library is fully initialized before you begin building your widgets and that interacting widgets are instantiated in the proper order.
Specific answers:
1: There is no "scoping issue" between multiple JS files pulled into the same page through standard includes. Global symbols defined in each file populate the same window object.
2: 'main-tab-panel' doesn't exist yet at the time of that call. Putting all UI initialization into the same Ext.onReady call will prevent this from happening.
3: You are creating a DOM node with an ID identical to that which you are already using for contentEl.

