and more than one effect playback? - javascript

var shots = Math.ceil(Math.random(0,1)*5);
var snd = new Audio("test.wav");
for (var i = 0; i < shots; i++){;
Now, depending on how many "shots" are fired, i want to play the test.wav the same number of times with a randomized, very short delay in between and possible even "overlapping" sound effect in regards to each other.
How would i best go about doing this ?
- thanks

I would do it like ...
var shots = Math.ceil(Math.random()*5), // Math.random() --> always 0-1 range
src = '', // change to your source
maxStartTime = 1000;
for(var i=0;i<shots;i++){
(new Audio(src)).play();
}, 100 + maxStartTime*(Math.random())); // again you can calibrate the timeout value to what suits you best


canĀ“t manage timeouts in for loop in javascript

I'm trying to do some kind of Simon game in javascript. I have already made a table, and a function that changes any cell by its id to another id, so it's color changes for 300 miliseconds. This is the code:
var seleccionarcelda = function(object){
Then, for a sequence as large as I want it to, it should light a random cell, and then another cell, in a for loop
var secuencia = function(numero){
for(j=0; j<numero; j++){
var cel="t"+ Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
The problem is that it kind of works, but selects all cells at once, and not in order as it should do. How can I fix it?
You could pass the loop index into the function and use that as a multiplier of the delay time.
Something like:
var seleccionarcelda = function(object, index){
// increment delay timer
var delay = (index + 1) * 300;
setTimeout(function(){;}, delay );// use variable for timer delay
var secuencia = function(numero){
for(j=0; j<numero; j++){
var cel="t"+ Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
// pass j to function
seleccionarcelda(document.getElementById(cel), j);
What is happening now is the loop completes in milliseconds and therefore all the setTimeout start at basically the same time

How do I delay this code running in JavaScript?

I have written this code to change an image:
change = function(){
for (r=0; r<6; r++){
for (i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) {
setInterval(imgfile(number=i+1), 5000);
imgfile= function(number){
a = 'document.getElementById("imgdiv").src = "images/'+number+'.svg"';
The function change() is called when a button is clicked.
When I press the button the image changes straight to 6.svg, when I want it to go through the images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and to repeat it 6 times. When I change setInterval to change.setInterval or imgfile.setInterval it doesn't work at all. How do I fix this?
change = function(i=0){
imgfile(i%6+1);//change image
if(i<36) setTimeout(change,5000,i+1);//next image in 5 seconds
imgfile= function(number){
document.getElementById("imgdiv").src = "images/"+number+".svg";//no need to use ev(i||a)l
Instead of loop/interval mess you can simply start a timeout that restarts itself after changing the image... This code will loop over 6 images with a delay of 5 seconds and that 6 times...
Something like this, perhaps?
var index, imgCount, loopCount, imgTag, countdown;
index = 0;
imgCount = 6;
loopCount = 6;
imgTag = document.getElementById('imgdiv');
countdown = function () {
if (index < imgCount * loopCount) {
imgTag.src = 'images/' + index % imgCount + '.svg';
index = index + 1;
setTimeout(countdown, 5000);
Here we're avoiding the double loop and using modular math (index % imgCount) to get the right file number.
For another question I wrote a nice utility function that has quite a number of uses, but can also handle this scenario very easily. The main issue is that there is no time elapsing between the different delays being set. So you are setting 6 different actions to all happen within 5000ms, and all will occur at the same moment.
Here's my original answer
Here's the utility function for that answer, along with its application to your problem.
function doHeavyTask(params) {
var totalMillisAllotted = params.totalMillisAllotted;
var totalTasks = params.totalTasks;
var tasksPerTick = params.tasksPerTick;
var tasksCompleted = 0;
var totalTicks = Math.ceil(totalTasks / tasksPerTick);
var initialDelay = params.initialDelay;
var interval = null;
if (totalTicks === 0) return;
var doTick = function() {
var totalByEndOfTick = Math.min(tasksCompleted + tasksPerTick, totalTasks);
do {
} while(tasksCompleted < totalByEndOfTick);
if (tasksCompleted >= totalTasks) clearInterval(interval);
// Tick once immediately, and then as many times as needed using setInterval
if (!initialDelay) doTick();
if (tasksCompleted < totalTicks) interval = setInterval(doTick, totalMillisAllotted / totalTicks);
// Do 6 actions over the course of 5000 x 6 milliseconds
totalMillisAllotted: 5000 * 6,
totalTasks: 6,
tasksPerTick: 1,
initialDelay: false, // Controls if the 1st tick should occur immediately
task: function(n) { console.log('Set image to "images/' + (n + 1) + '.svg"'); }
You want to do setTimeout().
setTimeout pauses for the millesecond value and then does the code. Where setInterval runs the code every whatever milleseconds.
Yeah, don't do change.setInterval or whatever, it is just setInterval.
An example for you would be this inside the for loop to replace the setInterval function.
setTimeout(imgfile(i+1), 5000);

How could I correctly total the points?

I am javascript learner struggling to design a small javascript game for my kids (5 to 10 years old) in which points are based on time elapsed. But, I cannot figure out a way to total the points. I have managed the code below but the result is not accurate. Probably the program is totalling all the items in array with each click. Can anybody help please? I am a newbie and there will be many mistakes or absurdities in here, I request you to be helpful politely while correcting me. Any help is appreciated..
document.getElementById("box1").onclick = function() {
clickT =;
reactT = (clickT - createdT) / 1000; //gets the time difference for reaction.
points = reactT * 1000;
points = 2000 - points;
pRecord.push(points); //add points to array.
for (i = 0; i < pRecord.length; i++) {
totalpoints += pRecord[i];
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = reactT; = "none";
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = totalpoints;
Just set totalpoints to zero before you sum the points:
document.getElementById("box1").onclick = function() {
var clickT =;
var reactT = (clickT - createdT) / 1000; //gets the time difference for reaction.
var points = reactT * 1000;
points = 2000 - points;
pRecord.push(points); //add points to array.
var totalpoints = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < pRecord.length; i++){
totalpoints += pRecord[i];
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = reactT; = "none";
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = totalpoints;
And also I don't know if you defined your variables in the outer scope, but I guess you did not, so I added var before every variable creation.
Here is an improved version of your code that also properly registers the reaction times, capping the maximum allowed reaction time to a configured value.
In your original implementation you could get bad readings if the reaction time was greater than 2 seconds.
Also, in your original code, you don`t need to divide by 1000 and then multiply back, since you end up with milliseconds anyway.
This is it:
document.getElementById("box1").addEventListener("click", function() {
clickT =;
// Gets the time difference in milliseconds for reaction.
reactT = clickT - createdT;
// Maximum allowed reaction time after which we give no more points.
var maxPoints = 2000;
// We cap the registered reaction time to the maximum allowed.
points = Math.max(reactT, maxPoints);
// We score the reaction time based
points = maxPoints - points;
// Add points to array.
// Compute the total points.
var totalpoints = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pRecord.length; i++){
totalpoints += pRecord[i];
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = reactT; = "none";
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = totalpoints;
You can notice that I have defined the totalpoints variable (and initialized it with 0), as otherwise, at each click, all your scores were re-added, not just the last one.
I have made the assumption that totalpoints was not already defined before the code you have pasted. Should this assumption be wrong and you have already initialized totalpoints before, in your code, then you need to replace the following piece from my code:
// Compute the total points.
var totalpoints = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pRecord.length; i++){
totalpoints += pRecord[i];
// Add the new points to the total.
totalpoints += points;

Capture photos in interval from canvas

I have a script that allows me to show in canvas the webcam and 'download' a specific frame within some intervals.
I am having trouble when time parameters are big (30 minutes of captures every 2 seconds). It works smoothly for about 15 minutes and then crashes (firefox closes with out of memory error). Also, after restarting firefox sometimes many 0 byte photos are taken during a 3-4 mins and then starts working again. I am running this in an old 2 GB RAM machine placed in the lab, is there a way to reduce memory usage?
Here is the piece of code with parameters and the function realizarCapturas.
I can add the resting code but I think the part to optimize should be this one.
var frecuenciaComienzoCaptura = 1; // how long till next capture
var frecuenciaCaptura = 3; //seconds between photos
var duracion = 5; // amount of photos to capture
function realizarCapturas(){
var i = 1;
var interval = setInterval(function(){
if(i <= duracion){
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);
var imagen = document.getElementById("imagen");
imagen.href = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var now = new Date();
var filename = formatNumber(now.getHours()) + "-" + formatNumber(now.getMinutes()) + "-" + formatNumber(now.getSeconds()); = filename + ".png"; // Make sure the browser downloads the image; // Trigger the click
i = i+1;
}, frecuenciaCaptura * 1000);
}, frecuenciaComienzoCaptura * 1000 * 60 * 60);
}, false);
As a rule NEVER use setInterval as it can be a source of call stack overflows which are very difficult to detect in code.
Your problem is that you are not clearing all the intervals you are generating and thus every 3 seconds you are creating a new interval event. Eventually the time it takes to run the little bit of code will be longer than than can be managed by all the interval events you have created and thus each interval will continue to push their events onto the call stack but will not get a chance to be run until more intervals have been place on the stack eventually causing the crash. Nor does setInterval guarantee the time between events are accurate.
Use setTimeout instead. That way you will only ever generate event as needed and you do not have to keep a handle to turn off events.
Below is your code written so that you will never have a call stack overflow.
var frecuenciaComienzoCaptura = 1 * 1000* 60 * 60; // how long till next capture
var frecuenciaCaptura = 3 * 1000; //seconds between photos
var duracion = 5; // amount of photos to capture
var counter = 0;
// the capture function
var captura = function () {
counter = counter + 1;
if(counter < duracion){ // do we need more images?
// only create timer events as needed.
setTimeout(captura, frecuenciaCaptura); //set time till next image
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);
var imagen = document.getElementById("imagen");
imagen.href = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var now = new Date();
var filename = formatNumber(now.getHours()) + "-" + formatNumber(now.getMinutes()) + "-" + formatNumber(now.getSeconds()); = filename + ".png"; // Make sure the browser downloads the image; // Trigger the click
function realizarCapturas() {
// request next batch of captures by only creating one timer event as we need
counter = 0; // reset counter
captura(); // capture timages
// start captures.

JavaScript setTimeout() Method on Animation

I have three yellow bars and each of them needs to come from left to right. For that, I have produced this code, but it only works on the last one. Can anyone correct this code; I need to work with pure JavaScript. I am not using any framework. Thanks.
window.onload = function(){
var yellowTitles = document.getElementById('magazine-brief').getElementsByTagName('h2');
for(i=0; i< yellowTitles.length; i++) {
var header = yellowTitles[i];
var timer = i*500;
var yellowBar = setTimeout(animeYellowBar,timer);
function animeYellowBar(){ "0";
Here's how I'd solve the problem:
var yellows = document.getElementById('magazine-brief').getElementsByTagName('h2');
// this will force the header number to be bound correctly
// also animates the div across the page by tracking the current position of x
function createMotion(num){
var currPos = 0;//current x position
var delta = 10;//move by this amount
currPos += delta
yellows[num].style.left = currPos;
}, num * 500);
for (var i = 1; i < yellows.length; i++)
Note the function "createMotion" - added so the number "i" is correctly reference in the setInterval function.
Shouldn't you be incrementing your CSS left value instead of just setting it to 0? Why have a timeout at all if you're just going to set the value without gradually incrementing or decrementing?
If you do actually want to use a gradual animation, look at this tutorial :
Very descriptive and possibly what you want.
By the time your timeout function runs, header refers to your last h2.
Try editing your timeout function to this:
function animeYellowBar(){
var thisheader=header; "0";
var yellows = document.getElementById('magazine-brief').getElementsByTagName('h2');
for (var i = 0; i < yellows.length; i++)
(function(idx, el){
var interval = window.setInterval(function(){ = parseInt( + 10; // adjust this movement step
if (parseInt( >= 0)
{ = 0;
}, 100); // adjust this number for animation speed
}, (idx++) * 500);
})(i, yellows[i]);

