Does seeking an HTML5 video require loading the whole file? - javascript

I want to randomly seek to different points in a ~30 minute video every 30 seconds. The filesize will be 100mb. When I seek does the player start loading from that point or does it have to load the entire file and then find that time within it?

It depends on the browser. If we are talking about a modern browser then when you seek, they will typically send a new http request to the server containing a Range: header, indicating what "chunk" of the file they want to load. This would only be for a browser utilizing http 1.1 or higher. I think if the browser supports html5 video then you can be fairly certain that they will be using http 1.1. Keep in mind though that the client will typically always be loading something. So if you seek to 5 seconds into the vid it will essentially start loading the entire thing again until another seek happens.

No, it starts loading from the given timestamp, as long as the browser knows the duration of the video.


How to use readableStream to stream audio at the same time for all website users?

I'm making a website for someone who wants to have a constantly looping audio file that streams at the same time to all users. For instance, if a user were to access the website at 12:30, and the website were to have looped the audio file at 12, the user would hear the audio 30 minutes into the file.
In investigating possible methods to accomplish this, readableStream seemed like a good option; but I'm not sure how to implement it, which I attribute to myself needing to study more javascript in order to understand the resources that explain it.
Might anyone be able to help me understand how to code readableStream to accomplish this?
I currently have the website fully prepared aside from this crucial point and, currently, the website just starts playing the audio file from the beginning for any user who loads for the page.
Not really my field but happy to try as requested! Wiser heads please step in. Assume you are using a fixed size (say mp3) file that is downloaded, and not streaming. And use your server clock rather than the user's clock for consistency among users.
Be aware that there normally has to be a user interaction (like a click) for media to play.
Use the modulus operator (%) to get the start point. e.g. with simple numbers, if the time now is +120 seconds from your "day start", and the file is 35 seconds long, you should scrub to 15 secs in the file. 120 % 35 = 15.
You can set the ""scrub-to"" time in the file URI when you deliver the html
or use javascript, e.g. see HTML 5 <audio> - Play file at certain time point and others,
which would also allow you to further increment the scrub after the download, while waiting for the user to click.
Hope that can get you started.

Audio delay cycling through JavaScript object array?

This is my website hosted by netlify all is good except when I try to cycle through this array of objects I get an initial lag in my audio the code that plays the audio is "" of .5-2 sec.
And after I have cycled through them once the lag almost all completely disappears is this a netlify thing?
On my localhost is works like in the movies so perfect!
Would love to get a helpful link/video/advice, thanks.
It isn't a Netlify thing in particular, just an internet thing in general.
File loading isn't instantaneous on the web. When someone requests a file (in this case, the gun sound), it needs to get from the server to the client, and that takes some time (depending on things like network speeds, physical distance, etc.). On your local machine, these loading times are negligible, since the files are not traveling over the web.
After a file is loaded it's cached in the browser, which is why you're noticing no delay after cycling through all the guns.
A method to mitigate this issue would be to request and load all the sound files before the user starts cycling through all of the guns. That way, they don't need to be requested one-at-a-time on-demand. You could also try to reduce filesizes, although that won't help as much as the preloading.

Video.js download chunk instead of the whole video

I'm using VideoJs to play various videos. Some bigger than others.
Here's a simple scenario. A video starts playing that has 100mb length in total with a duration of 10 minutes. If the user skips to minute 2 then a call will be made to the backend to server the whole remaining video.
That's not good as far as user experience goes.The download time can be quite big and the player will be stuck in loading until it's finished.
Ideally what I'd want for it to do is download in chunks of 5-10 seconds.
Honestly javascript isn't my strong point so I don't really know where to being in doing that.
The backend accepts byte ranges. And I also have a Varnish.
Also I'm not opposed to using another video player if the one I'm currently using is not ok or for some reason doesn't support what I'm looking for.
Any pointing in the right direction is greatly appreciated.
For anybody who comes across this question and has the same problem:
Also make sure that varnish forwards the Range header.
This is quite possibly an issue with your file or server configuration, and not necessarily VideoJS. When you want users to be able to seek beyond the current buffer, you're usually talking about psueudo streaming.
To do this, your server must:
Support byte-range requests (you indicated that your back-end does support this)
Return the correct content-type header
Since you stated your server does support byte-range requests, I'd double check the content-type header.
Also, if you are using H.264 MP4 files, you might need to optimize them for streaming by moving the metadata (MOOV atom) to the beginning of the file. Some video encoders also refer to this as "fast start". A standalone application that can do this to already encoded MP4s is qtfaststart.
Otherwise, VideoJS should support seeking automatically. You can find a number of examples of them on JSFiddle.
You can also try to seek programmatically to see if that behaves any differently:
let player = VideoJS.setup("video");;
player.currentTime(340); // time to seek to

How to prefetch images into array and display them in browser in infinite loop

Can any one guide me on how to achieve this.. I am listing them in pointers..
A linux binary captures frames from the locally attached webcamera
and stores them in a folder. This is a continuous process. The
images are stored numerically.
I have a webserver which gives a output of the latest images received from the webcamera. This is a PHP file which gets the recent most image received and prints out.
What I have now is a javascript which refreshes the image every second and displays in the img tag.
Though it works the output is slow and updates slowly one frame at a time.
I am trying to display the images quickly and in a way it should
look like a mjpeg movie being played (not that it has to be so good
as I learned from the forums that the http does have its overhead)
<script type="text/javascript">
function refresh(){
document.images["pic1"].src="/latimage.php?camid=$selectedcamid&ref=" + new Date();
setTimeout('refresh()', 1000);}
<img src='/latimage.php?camid=$selectedcamid' id='pic1'>
Above code works perfect. But my unsatisfied mind wants to display the frames obtained from the webcam displaying atleast 3 to 4 frames per second.
As I understood from my searches so far it is not too feasible to do
the refresh act too quickly as the HTTP process does take time.
I am trying to find some details on getting this done using a method
by which I can prefetch 100 frames into a image array (I would call
it buffering) and start displaying one image at a time at the rate
of 3 images / second.
Whiles displaying the images the older images should be removed from
the array and the latest ones fetched should be inserted in the end.
Thus the looping is infinite.
I am sorry for asking too many questions..I am unable to find any proper direction to start off with. I can do the above in .net windows application quite easily but in web browser I am unable to get any ideas. I am not sure if jQuery image array or json or simple javascript would do.
I need some guidance please..
If you need to capture the camera output to disk, then I suggest capturing the camera output as video (at 3 FPS) and then streaming that video file to your browser using WebSockets. Here is an example of doing that. If you are willing to run nginx on your server then live_thumb is a complete solution that captures and streams video via WebSockets.
On the other hand, if your goal is just to view the output of the camera and you don't need to store the video, you could consider using WebRTC and running a browser at both ends and then just hooking up the media stream. In other words one browser (perhaps a headless variant) would run on the system with your camera and would stream the video to your other browser using WebRTC. With WebRTC you could get much higher frame rates and your bandwidth would probably still be significantly lower than sending individual images at a slow frame rate.

HTML5 Video - Failed to load resource error after it starts playing

I'm working on a video heavy site, and an event triggers a few videos to start playing, but one of the larger ones unloads itself after a second or two, resulting an error:
even though it was loaded a moment ago.
Staggering the buffering of each video helps slightly, but the unloading still happens occasionally. Any suggestions on managing this issue would be greatly appreciated.
There is perhaps too little information in the post to give an exact answer but I would look into bandwidth (computer and internet) and video bit-rates as a first point. What dimensions are the videos and at what bit-rate are they encoded at would be an important question (HD, PAL/NTSC, custom).
Bandwidth problems can happen at several stages:
Is the server capable of delivering the total bit-rate required (sum of the video bit-rates + overhead) which must be continuously at this bit-rate as a minimum. This is not just about the internet bandwidth the server has available but also factors such as loading from storage, server load and so forth.
Is the internet connection (the bottle neck point) able to pass through this bit rate. If total bit-rate of videos supersede the available bandwidth incl. overhead you won't be able to load the streams fast enough
Is the computer able to buffer and decode all these video streams simultaneously. If the videos are for example HD (even if they are scaled down in the browser window the initial frame will be decoded at full frame dimension) the computer would need to decode and compute a huge amount of data even if it is hardware accelerated.
It could be any point really but I would perhaps start with point 3 if you already know your internet connection is more than capable (including overhead). Also if the browser uses the disc as a temporary cache for the buffer the disc will become a factor as well (seek times, fragmentation).
To eliminate you should find out what the bit-rate is for each video, sum them and see if your internet connection can handle it, if it does, do a test against the server to see if it has problems delivering the content streams. If none shows any sign of problems try to run your application with videos from local disc (through a local server) and see if your computer is capable of decoding all simultaneously.
Even if unlikely there are also the possibilities of (packet) errors in transmission regardless of good bandwidth as well as the video stream's encoding themselves (general file errors, atypical encoding scheme in case these are video container files etc.).

