Reinitializing code in Meteor - javascript

I started writing a Meteor app today, for an eCommerce site. This is some code in my basic.js file.
Router.route("/shop", function () {
When /shop is rendered, some code inside of shop.js is executed: = function () {
if ($("figure").hasClass("selected")) {
productSelected = $("figure.selected"),
productPrice ="price"),
productTitle ="product"),
productLocation = productSelected.find("a").attr("href");
$(".content__info__title--overview").find("a").attr("href", productLocation);
// Slideshow
var galleryItems = $(".content").children("section");
galleryItems.each(function () {
var container = $(this);
// Update slider when user clicks on the preview images
container.on("click", ".move-down, .move-up", function (event) {
if ($(this).hasClass("move-down")) {
} else {
if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
productPrice = $(this).data("price"),
productTitle = $(this).data("product");
// Next Slide
function nextSlide(container, n) {
var visibleSlide = container.find("figure.selected");
if (typeof n === "undefined") {
n = visibleSlide.index() + 1;
$(".content__products figure").eq(n).addClass("selected").removeClass("move-down").prevAll().removeClass("move-down move-up").addClass("hide-up").end().prev().removeClass("hide-up").addClass("move-up").end().next().addClass("move-down");
// Previous Slide
function prevSlide(container, n) {
var visibleSlide = container.find("figure.selected");
if (typeof n === "undefined") {
n = visibleSlide.index() - 1;
$(".content__products figure").eq(n).addClass("selected").removeClass("move-up hide-up").nextAll().removeClass("hide-up move-down move-up").end().next().addClass("move-down").end().prev().removeClass("hide-up").addClass("move-up");
Now, this works perfectly fine when the app loads, but when I visit a different route and come back, the none of the code in shop.js work. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I'd love some pointers.

Change the template rendered from this
Since you want to render the catalog route not the layout template.
btw i was asking about the meteor version because on new 1.0.4 meteor version = function () {} got deprecated instead now we use Template.tabletsList.onRendered(function() {});, try it run meteor update.

Ethaan answered my question in the comments. I just had to change to Template.catalog.rendered. Good grief!


Detect URL if it is already opened and throw pop-up : HTML+JS [duplicate]

I want to check with JavaScript if the user has already opened my website in another tab in their browser.
It seems I cannot do that with pagevisibility...
The only way I see is to use WebSocket based on a session cookie, and check if the client has more than one socket. But by this way, from current tab, I have to ask my server if this user has a tab opened right next to their current browser tab. It is a little far-fetched!
Maybe with localstorage?
The shorter version with localStorage and Storage listener
<script type="text/javascript">
// Broadcast that you're opening a page.
localStorage.openpages =;
var onLocalStorageEvent = function(e){
if(e.key == "openpages"){
// Listen if anybody else is opening the same page!
localStorage.page_available =;
if(e.key == "page_available"){
alert("One more page already open");
window.addEventListener('storage', onLocalStorageEvent, false);
Works on page crash as well.
Stimulate page crash in chrome: chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz
Live demo
Using local storage I created a simple demo that should accomplish what your looking to do. Basically, it simply maintains a count of currently opened windows. When the window is closed the unload events fire and remove it from the total window count.
When you first look at it, you may think there's more going on than there really is. Most of it was a shotty attempt to add logic into who was the "main" window, and who should take over as the "main" window as you closed children. (Hence the setTimeout calls to recheck if it should be promoted to a main window) After some head scratching, I decided it would take too much time to implement and was outside the scope of this question. However, if you have two windows open (Main, and Child) and you close the Main, the child will be promoted to a main.
For the most part you should be able to get the general idea of whats going on and use it for your own implementation.
See it all in action here:
Oh yeah, to actually see it in action... Open the link in multiple windows. :)
I've made the necessary changes to have the the local storage maintain the "main" window. As you close tabs child windows can then become promoted to a main window. There are two ways to control the "main" window state through a parameter passed to the constructor of WindowStateManager. This implementation is much nicer than my previous attempt.
// noprotect
var statusWindow = document.getElementById('status');
(function (win)
//Private variables
var _initialized = false;
var _isMainWindow = false;
var _unloaded = false;
var _windowArray;
var _windowId;
var _isNewWindowPromotedToMain = false;
var _onWindowUpdated;
function WindowStateManager(isNewWindowPromotedToMain, onWindowUpdated)
_onWindowUpdated = onWindowUpdated;
_isNewWindowPromotedToMain = isNewWindowPromotedToMain;
_windowId =;
_initialized = true;;
//Determine the state of the window
//If its a main or child window
function determineWindowState()
var self = this;
var _previousState = _isMainWindow;
_windowArray = localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY);
if (_windowArray === null || _windowArray === "NaN")
_windowArray = [];
_windowArray = JSON.parse(_windowArray);
if (_initialized)
//Determine if this window should be promoted
if (_windowArray.length <= 1 ||
(_isNewWindowPromotedToMain ? _windowArray[_windowArray.length - 1] : _windowArray[0]) === _windowId)
_isMainWindow = true;
_isMainWindow = false;
if (_windowArray.length === 0)
_isMainWindow = true;
_windowArray[0] = _windowId;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
_isMainWindow = false;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
//If the window state has been updated invoke callback
if (_previousState !== _isMainWindow)
//Perform a recheck of the window on a delay
//Remove the window from the global count
function removeWindow()
var __windowArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY));
for (var i = 0, length = __windowArray.length; i < length; i++)
if (__windowArray[i] === _windowId)
__windowArray.splice(i, 1);
//Update the local storage with the new array
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(__windowArray));
//Bind unloading events
function bindUnload()
win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
win.addEventListener('unload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
WindowStateManager.prototype.isMainWindow = function ()
return _isMainWindow;
WindowStateManager.prototype.resetWindows = function ()
win.WindowStateManager = WindowStateManager;
var WindowStateManager = new WindowStateManager(false, windowUpdated);
function windowUpdated()
//"this" is a reference to the WindowStateManager
statusWindow.className = (this.isMainWindow() ? 'main' : 'child');
//Resets the count in case something goes wrong in code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id='status'>
<span class='mainWindow'>Main Window</span>
<span class='childWindow'>Child Window</span>
border:1px solid black;
margin:0 auto;
#status.main .mainWindow,
#status.child .childWindow
(2021) You can use BroadcastChannel to communicate between tabs of the same origin.
For example, put the following at the top level of your js code, then test by opening 2 tabs:
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("my-awesome-site");
bc.onmessage = (event) => {
if ( === `Am I the first?`) {
bc.postMessage(`No you're not.`);
alert(`Another tab of this site just got opened`);
if ( === `No you're not.`) {
alert(`An instance of this site is already running`);
bc.postMessage(`Am I the first?`);
I know it is late, but maybe help someone
This snippet of code, will detect how many tabs are open and how many are active (visible) and if none of tabs is active, it will choose last opened tab, as active one.
This code will handle windows/tab crash too and it will refresh the count at crash.
Because localStorage is not supported on Stack Overflow currently, please test here.
Open in several tabs or windows
<div id="holder_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Create a windows ID for each windows that is oppened
var current_window_id = + "";//convert to string
var time_period = 3000;//ms
//Check to see if PageVisibility API is supported or not
var PV_API = page_visibility_API_check();
function page_visibility_API_check ()
var page_visibility_API = false;
var visibility_change_handler = false;
if ('hidden' in document)
page_visibility_API = 'hidden';
visibility_change_handler = 'visibilitychange';
var prefixes = ['webkit','moz','ms','o'];
//loop over all the known prefixes
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){
if ((prefixes[i] + 'Hidden') in document)
page_visibility_API = prefixes[i] + 'Hidden';
visibility_change_handler = prefixes[i] + 'visibilitychange';
if (!page_visibility_API)
//PageVisibility API is not supported in this device
return page_visibility_API;
return {"hidden": page_visibility_API, "handler": visibility_change_handler};
if (PV_API)
document.addEventListener(PV_API.handler, function(){
//console.log("current_window_id", current_window_id, "document[PV_API.hidden]", document[PV_API.hidden]);
if (document[PV_API.hidden])
//windows is hidden now
//skip_once = true;
//windows is visible now
//skip_once = false;
check_current_window_status ();
}, false);
** ADD CURRENT WINDOW TO main_windows LIST **
//update active_window to current window
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
** ADD TO main_windows LIST **
function add_to_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in the list currently
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET main_windows LIST **
function get_main_windows_list()
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
function remove_from_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_main_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
//remove from active windows too
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET active_windows LIST **
function get_active_windows_list()
var temp_active_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.actived_windows)
temp_active_windows_list = (localStorage.actived_windows).split(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** REMOVE FROM actived_windows LIST **
function remove_from_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_active_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** ADD TO actived_windows LIST **
function add_to_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in active list currently
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
//If the last update didn't happened recently (more than time_period*2)
//we will clear saved localStorage's data and reload the page
function manage_crash()
if (localStorage.last_update)
if (parseInt(localStorage.last_update) + (time_period * 2) <
//seems a crash came! who knows!?
function check_current_window_status(test)
if (PV_API)
var active_status = "Inactive";
var windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
if (windows_list.indexOf(localStorage.active_window) < 0)
//last actived windows is not alive anymore!
//set the last added window, as active_window
localStorage.active_window = windows_list[windows_list.length - 1];
if (! document[PV_API.hidden])
//Window's page is visible
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
if (localStorage.active_window == current_window_id)
active_status = "Active";
if (active_status == "Active")
active_windows_list = add_to_active_windows(current_window_id);
active_windows_list = remove_from_active_windows(current_window_id);
console.log(test, active_windows_list);
var element_holder = document.getElementById("holder_element");
element_holder.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<div>"+element_holder.childElementCount+") Current Windows is "+ active_status +" "+active_windows_list.length+" window(s) is visible and active of "+ windows_list.length +" windows</div>");
console.log("PageVisibility API is not supported :(");
//our INACTIVE pages, will remain INACTIVE forever, you need to make some action in this case!
localStorage.last_update =;
//check storage continuously
check_current_window_status ();
}, time_period);
//initial check
check_current_window_status ();

pageinit code executing fine but elements do not update with content and click events do not work

Original loading of the page seems to work fine. Navigating from another page back to the .index page has the issue. The pageinit code executes fine, all values are calculated fine in the calculate method. However elements are not updated and click event is broken. Change events no longer fires when values change.
index.js file
$(document).on("pageinit", ".index", function () {
getElement("btnCalculate").addEventListener("click", calculate, false);
$("#txbGrossIncome").change(function () {
store.set("grossIncome", getElement("txbGrossIncome").value);
$("#txbTaxRate").change(function () {
store.set("taxRate", getElement("txbTaxRate").value);
function calculate() {
var grossIncome = parseFloat(store.get("grossIncome"));
var taxRate = parseFloat(store.get("taxRate"));
if (grossIncome) {
getElement("txbGrossIncome").value = grossIncome;
else {
grossIncome = parseFloat(getElement("txbGrossIncome").getAttribute("placeholder"));
if (taxRate) {
getElement("txbTaxRate").value = taxRate;
else {
taxRate = parseFloat(getElement("txbTaxRate").getAttribute("placeholder"));
var netIncome = grossIncome - (grossIncome * (taxRate / 100))
var totalExpenses = calcExpenses();
var totalBudget = calcBudget(netIncome, totalExpenses);
getElement("txtTotalExpenses").innerHTML = "$" + totalExpenses.toFixed(2);
getElement("txtBudget").innerHTML = "$" + (totalBudget / 12).toFixed(2);
I'm not sure what is causing this behavior. Any ideas? I can send a private link to where this is hosted if necessary to observe the behavior.

How can I remove the first doctype tooltip of the ace-editor in my html-editor?

We ask the user here to define html, so add a div or a section or something like that. So, I want the validation-tooltips when editing my HTML. But don't wanna have the doc-type warning.
Try this
var session = editor.getSession();
session.on("changeAnnotation", function() {
var annotations = session.getAnnotations()||[], i = len = annotations.length;
while (i--) {
if(/doctype first\. Expected/.test(annotations[i].text)) {
annotations.splice(i, 1);
if(len>annotations.length) {
With "Unexpected End of File. Expected DOCTYPE." warning filtered.
var session = editor.getSession();
session.on("changeAnnotation", function () {
var annotations = session.getAnnotations() || [], i = len = annotations.length;
while (i--) {
if (/doctype first\. Expected/.test(annotations[i].text)) {
annotations.splice(i, 1);
else if (/Unexpected End of file\. Expected/.test(annotations[i].text)) {
annotations.splice(i, 1);
if (len > annotations.length) {
If instead you operate on the annotations directly and call the editor onChangeAnnotation method directly to update the annotations on the page you can prevent firing another changeAnnotation event and calling this event handler twice as Chris's answer does.
var editor = Application.ace.edit(element),
session = editor.getSession();
session.on('changeAnnotation', function () {
session.$annotations = session.$annotations.filter(function(annotation){
return !(/doctype first\. Expected/.test(annotation.text) || /Unexpected End of file\. Expected/.test(annotation.text))

0x8000ffff JavaScript runtime error Unexpected call to method or property access

Every time when I try to run this code in visual studio I get the above error. I am not sure what is going on. I know it's question like this, but I did not see this error in the answered in the solutions to this problem. Can anyone help me with this?
// display the lightbox
function lightbox() {
var insertContent = "<div id='chartCon'>Test</div>";
// jQuery wrapper (optional, for compatibility only)
(function ($) {
// add lightbox/shadow <div/>'s if not previously added
if ($('#lightbox').size() == 0) {
var theLightbox = $('<div id="lightbox" class="highcharts-container"/>');
var theShadow = $('<div id="lightbox-shadow"/>');
$(theShadow).click(function (e) {
//$().keydown(function (e) {
// if (e.which == 27) {
// closeLightbox();
// }
// remove any previously added content
// insert HTML content
if (insertContent != null) {
//create chart
var chart = $('#ChartContainer').highcharts('StockChart');
var annots = chart.exportData()
window.chartwidth = $('#ChartContainer').width();
window.chartops.series = window.seriesOptions;
$('#lightbox').highcharts('StockChart', window.chartops);
// move the lightbox to the current window top
$('#lightbox').css('top', $(window).scrollTop());
// display the lightbox
})(jQuery); // end jQuery wrapper
// close the lightbox
function closeLightbox() {
// jQuery wrapper (optional, for compatibility only)
(function ($) {
//export possibly changed annotations and reset chartwidth
var chart = $('#lightbox').highcharts('StockChart');
var annots = chart.exportData()
window.chartwidth = $('#ChartContainer').width();
// hide lightbox/shadow <div/>'s
// remove contents of lightbox in case a video or other content is actively playing
})(jQuery); // end jQuery wrapper
Sorry, this is the function giving me the error
init: function (chart) {
var rangeSelector = this,
options = chart.options.rangeSelector,
buttonOptions = options.buttons || [].concat(rangeSelector.defaultButtons),
selectedOption = options.selected,
blurInputs = rangeSelector.blurInputs = function () {
var minInput = rangeSelector.minInput,
maxInput = rangeSelector.maxInput;
if (minInput) {
if (maxInput) {

AngularJS : How to run JavaScript from inside Directive after directive is compiled and linked

I have a responsive template that I am trying to use with my Angularjs app. This is also my first Angular app so I know I have many mistakes and re-factoring in my future.
I have read enough about angular that I know DOM manipulations are suppose to go inside a directive.
I have a javascript object responsible for template re-sizes the side menu and basically the outer shell of the template. I moved all of this code into a directive and named it responsive-theme.
First I added all the methods that are being used and then I defined the App object at the bottom. I removed the function bodies to shorten the code.
Basically the object at the bottom is a helper object to use with all the methods.
var directive = angular.module('bac.directive-manager');
directive.directive('responsiveTheme', function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
// IE mode
var isRTL = false;
var isIE8 = false;
var isIE9 = false;
var isIE10 = false;
var sidebarWidth = 225;
var sidebarCollapsedWidth = 35;
var responsiveHandlers = [];
// theme layout color set
var layoutColorCodes = {
// last popep popover
var lastPopedPopover;
var handleInit = function() {
var handleDesktopTabletContents = function () {
var handleSidebarState = function () {
var runResponsiveHandlers = function () {
var handleResponsive = function () {
var handleResponsiveOnInit = function () {
var handleResponsiveOnResize = function () {
var handleSidebarAndContentHeight = function () {
var handleSidebarMenu = function () {
var _calculateFixedSidebarViewportHeight = function () {
var handleFixedSidebar = function () {
var handleFixedSidebarHoverable = function () {
var handleSidebarToggler = function () {
var handleHorizontalMenu = function () {
var handleGoTop = function () {
var handlePortletTools = function () {
var handleUniform = function () {
var handleAccordions = function () {
var handleTabs = function () {
var handleScrollers = function () {
var handleTooltips = function () {
var handleDropdowns = function () {
var handleModal = function () {
var handlePopovers = function () {
var handleChoosenSelect = function () {
var handleFancybox = function () {
var handleTheme = function () {
var handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE = function () {
var handleFullScreenMode = function() {
$scope.App = {
//main function to initiate template pages
init: function () {
//IMPORTANT!!!: Do not modify the core handlers call order.
//core handlers
handleResponsiveOnResize(); // set and handle responsive
handleScrollers(); // handles slim scrolling contents
handleResponsiveOnInit(); // handler responsive elements on page load
//layout handlers
handleFixedSidebar(); // handles fixed sidebar menu
handleFixedSidebarHoverable(); // handles fixed sidebar on hover effect
handleSidebarMenu(); // handles main menu
handleHorizontalMenu(); // handles horizontal menu
handleSidebarToggler(); // handles sidebar hide/show
handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE(); // fixes/enables html5 placeholder attribute for IE9, IE8
handleGoTop(); //handles scroll to top functionality in the footer
handleTheme(); // handles style customer tool
//ui component handlers
handlePortletTools(); // handles portlet action bar functionality(refresh, configure, toggle, remove)
handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns
handleTabs(); // handle tabs
handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips
handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers
handleAccordions(); //handles accordions
handleChoosenSelect(); // handles bootstrap chosen dropdowns
$scope.App.addResponsiveHandler(handleChoosenSelect); // reinitiate chosen dropdown on main content resize. disable this line if you don't really use chosen dropdowns.
handleFullScreenMode(); // handles full screen
fixContentHeight: function () {
setLastPopedPopover: function (el) {
lastPopedPopover = el;
addResponsiveHandler: function (func) {
// useful function to make equal height for contacts stand side by side
setEqualHeight: function (els) {
var tallestEl = 0;
els = jQuery(els);
els.each(function () {
var currentHeight = $(this).height();
if (currentHeight > tallestEl) {
tallestColumn = currentHeight;
// wrapper function to scroll to an element
scrollTo: function (el, offeset) {
pos = el ? el.offset().top : 0;
scrollTop: pos + (offeset ? offeset : 0)
}, 'slow');
scrollTop: function () {
// wrapper function to block element(indicate loading)
blockUI: function (ele, centerY) {
var el = jQuery(ele);
message: '<img src="./assets/img/ajax-loading.gif" align="">',
centerY: centerY !== undefined ? centerY : true,
css: {
top: '10%',
border: 'none',
padding: '2px',
backgroundColor: 'none'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.05,
cursor: 'wait'
// wrapper function to un-block element(finish loading)
unblockUI: function (el) {
onUnblock: function () {
// initializes uniform elements
initUniform: function (els) {
if (els) {
jQuery(els).each(function () {
if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() === 0) {
} else {
updateUniform : function(els) {
// initializes choosen dropdowns
initChosenSelect: function (els) {
allow_single_deselect: true
initFancybox: function () {
getActualVal: function (ele) {
var el = jQuery(ele);
if (el.val() === el.attr("placeholder")) {
return "";
return el.val();
getURLParameter: function (paramName) {
var searchString =,
i, val, params = searchString.split("&");
for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
val = params[i].split("=");
if (val[0] == paramName) {
return unescape(val[1]);
return null;
// check for device touch support
isTouchDevice: function () {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
isIE8: function () {
return isIE8;
isRTL: function () {
return isRTL;
getLayoutColorCode: function (name) {
if (layoutColorCodes[name]) {
return layoutColorCodes[name];
} else {
return '';
Originally the App.init() object method would be called at the bottom of any regular html page, and I have others that do certain things also that would be used on specific pages like Login.init() for the login page and so forth.
I did read that stackoverflow post
"Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background? and realize that I am trying to go backwards in a sense, but I want to use this template that I have so I need to retro fit this solution.
I am trying to use this directive on my body tag.
<body ui-view="dashboard-shell" responsive-theme>
<div class="page-container">
<div class="page-sidebar nav-collapse collapse" ng-controller="SidemenuController">
<div class="page-content" ui-view="dashboard">
So here is my problem. This kinda sorta works. I don't get any console errors but when I try to use my side menu which the javascript for it is in the directive it doesn't work until I go inside the console and type App.init(). After that all of the template javascript works. I want to know how to do responsive theme stuff in these directives. I have tried using it both in the compile and link sections. I have tried putting the code in compile and link and calling the $scope.App.init() from a controller and also at the bottom after defining everything. I also tried putting this in jsfiddle but can't show a true example without having the console to call App.init().
My end design would be having some way to switch the pages through ui-router and when a route gets switched it calls the appropriate methods or re-runs the directive or something. The only method that will run on every page is the App.init() method and everything else is really page specific. And technically since this is a single page app the App.init() only needs to run once for the application. I have it tied to a parent template inside ui-router and the pages that will switch all use this shell template. There are some objects that need to access other to call their methods.
Im sorry in advance for maybe a confusing post. I am struggling right now trying to put together some of the ways that you do things from an angular perspective. I will continue to edit the post as I get responses to give further examples.
You said I have read enough about angular that I know DOM manipulations are suppose to go inside a directive but it sounds like you missed the point of a directive. A directive should handle DOM manipulation, yes, but not one directive for the entire page. Each element (or segment) of the page should have its own directive (assuming DOM manip needs to be done on that element) and then the $controller should handle the interactions between those elements and your data (or model).
You've created one gigantic directive and are trying to have it do way too much. Thankfully, you've kinda sorta designed your code in such a way that it shouldn't be too hard to break it up into several directives. Basically, each of your handle functions should be its own directive.
So you'd have something like:
.directive('sidebarMenu', function(){
return {
template: 'path/to/sidebar/partial.html',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
// insert the code for your 'handleSidebarMenu()' function here
.directive('horizontalMenu', function(){
return {
template: 'path/to/horizontal/partial.html',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
// insert the code for your 'handleHorizontalMenu()' function here
and then your view would look something like:
<body ui-view="dashboard-shell" responsive-theme>
<div class="page-container">
<div class="page-sidebar nav-collapse collapse">
<div class="page-content" ui-view="dashboard">
And then you don't need a SidebarmenuController because your controller functions shouldn't be handling DOM elements like the sidebar. The controller should just handling the data that you're going to display in your view, and then the view (or .html file) will handle the displaying and manipulation of that data by its use of the directives you've written.
Does that make sense? Just try breaking that huge directive up into many smaller directives that handle specific elements or specific tasks in the DOM.

