Retrieve origina context from callback - javascript

I have a JavaScript class with two methods like this.
var MyObject = function () {};
MyObject.prototype = {
open: function () {
var self = this;
$('#a').click('', self.other);
other: function () {
var myobject = new MyObject;;
In the console.log in the other function, this is the HTML node that the event listens to and not the MyObject object as in the open function.
How can I retrieve the MyObject object from the function other when used as a callback?

You can use $.proxy passing the this context as 2nd parameter:
var MyObject = function () {};
MyObject.prototype = {
open: function () {
$('#a').click($.proxy(this.other, this));
other: function () {
var myobject = new MyObject;;
When clicking on #a the MyObject.other() function will be called with a this instance referring to MyObject.
JSFIddle with code in action

You could pass this into the eventData parameter of .click.
MyObject.prototype = {
open: function () {
var self = this;
$('#a').click(self, self.other);
other: function (event) {
console.log(; // should output your object
The reason you're seeing your html object went logging this in other is because other is being run under the context of the .click callback and this is referring to it's caller --> the html object.


Function is undefined in JS object

I create object var myObj = new functon () {...}.
In that object i add functions like :
var myObj = new function () {
this.func1 = function() {
this.func2 = function() {
As you can see in func1 I try to call func2 but it is always undefined. Why? Cause everything is in one object.
Change your scripts to
var myObj = function () {
var self = this;
this.func1 = function () {
this.func2 = function () {
On top of solutions provided by others. If you are going to call a javascript function that is defined like this
var func = function(){}
the function definition needs to come before the function call.
In the other way of defining a function this does not matter.
function func(){}
So Overall Code should be
var myObj = function(){
this.func2 = function(){
this.func1 = function(){
It's undefined because you don't have local variable func2. So correct reference should be this.func2().
However even in this case your code is not ideal construction object like this (mixing constructor and anonymous function) (although correct). In this case it's better to use object literal in the first place rather then create constructor function for just creating one single object instance:
var myObj = {
func1: function () {
func2: function () {}
You should call func2 like this
var myObj = new function () {
this.func1 = function () {
this.func2 = function () {
if you want call func2 with this. and without, you can do it like this
var myObj = new function () {
function func2() {
this.func1 = function() {
this.func2 = func2;
you can call like this.
Calling func2() directly, searches the function of window object.
var myObj = functon(){
var current = this;
this.func1 = function(){
this.func2 = function(){

What is the best way to use this in prototype method

It is comfortable to create self = this variable. In all methods we always can use self, and don't worry about method context - some times this in method not we expected.
But in prototype method we can't use this hint;
Look at the example (jQuery needed onle to show the question)
var myClass = function () {
this.propery = 'someData';
var self = this;
this.method = function () {
myClass.prototype.method2 = function () {
// want to use self here
var my = new myClass();
var eventBus = $({});
eventBus.bind('onMyEvent', my.method);
eventBus.bind('onMyEvent', my.method2);
What is the best way to declare the class with possibility to use self in prototype methods?
You don't need self, just need to set the value of this by binding the object to the function:
var MyClass = function () { = 'someData';
this.method = function () {
MyClass.prototype.method2 = function () {
var my = new MyClass();
var eventBus = $({});
eventBus.bind('onMyEvent', my.method.bind(my)); // bind
eventBus.bind('onMyEvent', my.method2.bind(my)); // bind

Public function in Singleton calling itself

I'm trying to use a singleton pattern but I am having trouble with implementing a recursive public function.
var singleton = (function(){
var self = this;
function privateFunc(){
console.log('I can only be accessed from within!');
publicFunc: function(){
//More stuff here
setTimeout(self.publicFunc, 1000);
I am calling it with singleton.publicFunc
I get this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'publicFunc' of undefined.
My understanding is var self is actually the Window object in this instance, so I have to pass singleton.publicFunc as the callback for this to work, but it doesn't seem very "DRY" (Don't repeat yourself). Is there
a better way to accomplish this while using a singleton?
With API calls
var wikiAPI = (function(){
var self = this;
return {
getRandomArticle : function() {
return $.getJSON("", function (data) {
fireAPICalls : function() {
self.getRandomArticle().done(function(data) {
for(var id in data.query.pages) { = data.query.pages[id];
setTimeout(self.fireAPICalls, 1000);
You can use a named function expression like so:
var singleton = (function(){
var self = this;
function privateFunc(){
console.log('I can only be accessed from within!');
publicFunc: function nameVisibleOnlyInsideThisFunction(){
//More stuff here
setTimeout(nameVisibleOnlyInsideThisFunction, 1000);
I just saw your edit. What would help is having a reference to the functions you are trying to call. So how about something like this:
var wikiAPI = (function(){
var self = this;
var randomArticle = function() {
return $.getJSON("", function (data) {
var repeatFunc = function fireApi() {
randomArticle().done(function(data) {
for(var id in data.query.pages) { = data.query.pages[id];
setTimeout(fireApi, 1000);
return {
getRandomArticle : randomArticle,
fireAPICalls : repeatFunc
Use bind in the setTimeout() to bind the function to the right scope:
publicFunc: function() {
setTimeout(this.publicFunc.bind(this), 1000);
You can't use this in a IIFE. If you want to use this properly you need to create an object/instance of a function, like so:
var singleton = (function () {
// allow to omit "new" when declaring an object
if (!(this instanceof singleton)) return new singleton();
var self = this, // self now points to "this"
privateFunc = function () {
console.log('I can only be accessed from within!');
this.publicFunc = function() {
console.log(this); // this now points to the correct object
setTimeout(function () {; // call function in the "self" scope
}, 1000);
return this;
it's not much of a singleton now, but you can have the closest thing to private and public that javascript has!

How to call key of object inside of callback?

How can i get variable in handler function of obj? Without reference of the obj in MyClass.
var obj = {
func: function(){
var myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.handler = this.handler;;
handler: function(){
//Here i don't have access to obj
console.log(this); //MyClass
console.log(this.variable); //undefined
function MyClass(){ = function(){
this.handler = function(){};
That's construction need you, if you use Base.js or another similar way of oop.
_.bindAll(obj) (underscore metod) also not suitable. It's break overriding in Base.js.
Bind only handler method:
var obj = {
func: function(){
var myClass = new MyClass();
// notice Function.bind call here
// you can use _.bind instead to make it compatible with legacy browsers
myClass.handler = this.handler.bind(this);;
handler: function(){
function MyClass(){ = function(){
this.handler = function(){};
Use a variable to refer original context:
var self = this;
myClass.handler = function(){ self.handler(); };
Declare variable before handler:
var obj = {
variable: true,
func: function(){
// ...
handler: function(){
console.log(this.variable); //true
Use Function call with this from obj in declared in a scope var to solve it.
var obj = {
func: function(){
var self = this;
var myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.handler = function() { return; };;
handler: function(){
//Here i don't have access to obj
console.log(this); //MyClass
console.log(this.variable); //undefined
You don't have access to obj because this is bind to the instance of MyClass constructor - myClass. If in handler you want to have access to myClass through this and access to obj you have to use obj name directly so:
console.log(this); // myClass
console.log(obj.variable); // true
If you want to have this bind to obj use what Juan Mellado or gryzzly suggested.

javascript this in 'static method'

Class.method = function () { this.xx }
Class.prototype.method = function () { this.xx }
var clazz = new Class();
When I call the 4th line this in the function will refer to clazz
But when Class.method() is executed, what will this refer to?
this within the Class.prototype.method function will still refer to the Class instance. This isn't a static method, a static (i.e. one per class) method would be something like:
Class.method = function () {
// I am a static method
For example:
var Example = function () { = "DefaultName";
Example.prototype.setName = function (name) { = name;
var test = new Example();
console.log(; // "foo"
If you call .method() on your constructor function itself (without new), this will still be bound to the Class object. The this value always depends on the type of invocation, since you are calling the function from within an object (= a method), this will be bound to that context.
Class = function() {
this.xx = "hello";
Class.method = function () { this.xx }
Class.prototype.method = function () { alert(this.xx) }
var clazz=new Class();
clazz.method(); // display "hello";
Class.method() // undefined
it will refer to the object calling the Class.method function.

