JQuery hover over complete div - javascript

I have the following html code:
<div class="card">
<img src="test.jpg" />
<p class="alt-text">Some Text</p>
<p class="actions" style="display: none;">Some Buttons</p>
And the following JS code
$(".card").on("mouseover", function(){
var $t = $(this);
If I hover over the Card-Div, the text under the image should change from "Some Text" to "Some Buttons".
Ok, if I hover over the image, its working, but if I go some pixels down (to the paragraph), the hover event is triggered again and the text switches again.
My question is: Why is the hover event triggert again and how can I prevent this?
Ok, I am so stupid.
The problem was, that if I toggle the paragraph, the paragraph gets hidden. Now the div isn't that height anymore, so I leave the div for some microseconds. But afterwards the second paragraph is shown, and the cards-div height becomes the old height. So the hover event is triggered again.
Now we have an endless loop :D

You need to use mouseenter, mouseover is a bubbling event which will be fired when you change over from one descendant to another one.
$(".card").on("mouseenter", function(){
var $t = $(this);
Demo: Fiddle
If you want to switch back also then use the hover() method
$(".card").hover(function (e) {
var $t = $(this);
$t.find(".actions").toggle(e.type == 'mouseenter');
$t.find(".alt-text").toggle(e.type == 'mouseleave');
Demo: Fiddle
See this fiddle, you can see how the mouseover is getting triggered by the descendant elements

You can use hover event as shown below
$(".card").on("hover", function(){
var $t = $(this);
JSFiddle Demo


JQuery: How to fire click event on hidden element?

I want to create a flashing effect. When user click the flashing element, it will be disappeared. However, it seems not every "user's click" can fire the "click event". Sometimes, when I clicked the flashing element, it didn't disappear. I thought the reason is a hidden element can not be clicked. Just like this article says CSS: Is a hidden object clickable?. So, is there other methods to make the flashing element disappeared immediately when user clicks the element?
var flashToggle = setInterval(function() {
}, 200)
$("div").on("click", function(e) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div>Flashing element</div>
Put the flashing element inside another element, and put the handler on that parent element. Also, you might change the visibility property of the flashing element, not the display of the flashing element, so that it doesn't change the layout of your page every time it appears or disappears.
const child = $('#child');
let visible = true;
var flashToggle = setInterval(function() {
visible = !visible;
? 'visible'
: 'hidden'
}, 500)
$("#container").on("click", function(e) {
div {
background-color: yellow;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="container">
<div id="child">Flashing element</div>
Yes, hidden/toggle will hide elements by setting the css display. When hidden, elements can not receive clicks. You can try the following:
Use .css('visibility','hidden|visible') instead. This is recommended as it does not have the side effect of changing container size and causing jiggling of other elements.
Wrap your flashing element inside a container element, register the click on the container element instead.
$(this).hide(); ---> $("div").hide();
I think this might be what you're looking for: $("my-element").click()
Try to use opacity : 0|1 instead of display: none / visibility: hidden.
On click event on opacity: 0 worked for me.
It worked for me.

FadeToggle change text and show

I'm trying to get a fade toggle to work. When you click on (+) two it is supposed to show two links and change to (-) two and when you press again it closes those links and goes back to (+) two. Right now, I can't get anything to happen when you press on the toggle.
<div id="ending">
An everyday snapshot of
<div class="toggle"><span style="font-size:11px">(+) </span>two </div> sfsfs
<div class="content">
sfs & sfsf
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".toggle").on("click", function() {
var txt = $(".content").is(':visible') ? '(+) two' : '(-) two';
1) You actually have to reference/include the jQuery library for jQuery functions to work.
2) You had an improper selector.
Rather than $(this).next('.content').slideToggle(450);
just use $('.content').slideToggle(450); or $(this).parent().next('.content').slideToggle(450);
The content div is not a sibling of the toggle div.. so next() isn't going to find it. But if you back up to the parent of the toggle div, then the content div is a sibling, so next() will find it.....
Depending on the rest of the markup, the selector may need to be further altered, but that's the main issue with the function overall.
Seems to work with the selector fixed and the jQuery library actually included.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".toggle").on("click", function() {
var txt = $(".content").is(':visible') ? '(+) two' : '(-) two';
Updated Fiddle

Javascript Mouseover Event Acting Squirrely

I'm trying to show a div container with child elements and just have the top portion of the container shown until the mouse moves over it and then show the entire container with the child elements with the content. This sorta works like I'm wanting it to, but the problem is that if you move the mouse over any of the child elements the entire main container slides back up and then slides back down again. I'm trying to make it so that the entire container slides down on MouseOver and stays down until MouseOut when it should slide back up.
<div onmouseover="$('#id_content').slideDown('fast', function(){ $(this).css('display', 'block'); $(this).css('visibility', 'visible'); });"
onmouseout="$('#id_content').slideUp('fast', function(){ $(this).css('display', 'none'); $(this).css('visibility', 'hidden'); });">
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm - hh:mm
<div id="id_content" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
<span class="commands"> <!-- Goes in the top right hand corner of the main container -->
<span class="delete" onclick="delete_entry('record_id')">X</span>
jQuery has a function for that : hover.
It also would allow you to avoid inlining the event handlers :
$('#id_content').slideDown('fast', function(){ $(this).css('display', 'block'); $(this).css('visibility', 'visible'); });
}, function(){
$('#id_content').slideUp('fast', function(){ $(this).css('display', 'none'); $(this).css('visibility', 'hidden'); });
It looks like you are using JQuery anyway, so don't use onmouseover events.
Use the JQuery hover method instead: http://api.jquery.com/hover/
It allows you to provide a function when the mouse enters and object and when a mouse leaves an object.
Whilst youre at it I'd replace the onclick event with JQuerys .click() method. http://api.jquery.com/click/
You want mouseenter and mouseleave. They are combined by jQuery in hover.
In JavaScript you can detect when an onmouseout is an onmouseleave or whether you're just mousing over a child element. Check if event.relatedTarget is a child element.

jQuery mouse event handling

I have following code:
<div class="one">Content</div>
<div class="two">Content</div>
I want to hide my second div when mosueleave event happen from first div and also the mouse don't have over second div.
if ((mouseleave from div.one) && (mouse not on div.two))
hide (div.two);
How can I implement this snippet using jquery? please help me.
You can set a flag on the .two div that keeps track of the mouseover state. Then when the mouse leaves .one you check for this state and if it exists you hide the div. Like so:
$(".two").live("mouseenter", function(){
$(this).data("hover", true);
}).live("mouseleave", function(){
$(".one").live("mouseleave", function(){
if( !$(".two").data("hover") ) $(".two").hide();
enclose both divs in another, say, div class='zero'. so you would have something in your $(document).ready() like
$('.zero').live('hover', function() {
$('.zero').live('blur', function() {
note: you must style="display: none" for div class='two' by default

How to blur the div element?

I have a dropdown menu inside a DIV.
I want the dropdown to be hide when user click anywhere else.
$('div').blur(function() { $(this).hide(); }
is not working.
I know .blur works only with <a> but in this case what is the simplest solution?
Try using tabindex attribute on your div, see:
Check this post for more information and demo.
I think the issue is that divs don't fire the onfocusout event. You'll need to capture click events on the body and then work out if the target was then menu div. If it wasn't, then the user has clicked elsewhere and the div needs to be hidden.
$("body").click(function(e) {
if(e.target.id !== 'menu'){
<style>#menu { display: none; }</style>
<div id="menu_button" onclick="$('#menu').show();">Menu....</div>
<div id="menu"> <!-- Menu options here --> </div>
<p>Other stuff</p>
$("body").click(function (evt) {
var target = evt.target;
if(target.id !== 'menuContainer'){
give the div an id, for instance "menuContainer". then you can check by target.id instead of target.tagName to make sure its that specific div.
Not the cleanest way, but instead of capturing every click event on the page you could add an empty link to your div and use it as a "focus proxy" for the div.
So your markup will change to:
<div><a id="focus_proxy" href="#"></a></div>
and your Javascript code should hook to the blur event on the link:
$('div > #focus_proxy').blur(function() { $('div').hide() })
Don't forget to set the focus on the link when you show the div:
$('div > #focus_proxy').focus()
I just encountered this problem.
I guess none of the above can fix the problem properly, so I post my answer here. It's a combination of some of the above answers:
at least it fixed 2 problems that one might met by just check if the clicked point is the same "id"
$("body").click(function(e) {
var x = e.target;
//check if the clicked point is the trigger
if($(x).attr("class") == "floatLink"){
//check if the clicked point is the children of the div you want to show
else if($(x).closest(".menu").length <= 0){
.click will work just fine inside the div tag. Just make sure you're not over top of the select element.
$('div').click(function(e) {
var $target = $(e.target);
if (!$target.is("select")) { $(this).hide() };

