URL encoding "data:image/jpg; base64" image - javascript

How can I encode the data:image/jpeg;base64 data url to be transmitted correctly through an AJAX POST. I have the following code xhr.open('POST', 'http://url-sent-to/image/' + saveImage + '&imageid=' + imageid.value, true); that is doing so now.
However, the URL http://url-sent-to/image/…RRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFAH/2Q==&imageid=testimagedata does not look like it will be correct, especially since it has = in it.
$(function () {
var fileInput = document.getElementById("file")
, renderButton = $("#renderButton")
, imgly = new ImglyKit({
container: "#container",
ratio: 1 / 1
// As soon as the user selects a file...
fileInput.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
var file;
var fileToBlob = event.target.files[0];
var blob = new Blob([fileToBlob], {"type":fileToBlob.type});
// do stuff with blob
// Find the selected file
if(event.target.files) {
file = event.target.files[0];
} else {
file = event.target.value;
// Use FileReader to turn the selected
// file into a data url. ImglyKit needs
// a data url or an image
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (function(file) {
return function (e) {
data = e.target.result;
// Run ImglyKit with the selected file
try {
} catch (e) {
if(e.name == "NoSupportError") {
alert("Your browser does not support canvas.");
} else if(e.name == "InvalidError") {
alert("The given file is not an image");
// As soon as the user clicks the render button...
// Listen for "Render final image" click
renderButton.click(function (event) {
var dataUrl;
imgly.renderToDataURL("image/jpeg", { size: "1200" }, function (err, dataUrl) {
// `dataUrl` now contains a resized rendered image with
// a width of 300 pixels while keeping the ratio
//Convert DataURL to Blob to send over Ajax
function dataURItoBlob(dataUrl) {
// convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string
// doesn't handle URLEncoded DataURIs - see SO answer #6850276 for code that does this
var byteString = atob(dataUrl.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataUrl.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
// write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
// write the ArrayBuffer to a blob, and you're done
//var bb = new BlobBuilder();
//return bb.getBlob(mimeString);
var blob = dataURItoBlob(dataUrl);
var fd = new FormData(document.forms[0]);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var saveImage = dataUrl;
fd.append("myFile", blob);
xhr.open('POST', 'http://url-sent-to/image/' + saveImage + '&imageid=' + imageid.value, true);
I have a fiddle setup for an example of what I'm doing. Essentially, the user will select an image, enter a description, and hit render. When you check the Javascript console, you'll see a Blob is created, and the POST message at the bottom: http://jsfiddle.net/mattography/Lgduvce1/2/

You're looking for encodeURI(), which will do exactly what you're looking for.
Note that you're missing a ? to start your querystring.
Also note that making URLs that long is a bad idea; you should send a POST request instead.


Use the base64 preview of the binary data response (zip file) in angularjs

I always get this error in the downloaded zip file C:\Users\me\Downloads\test.zip: Unexpected end of archive
My current code is:
var blob = new Blob([data], { // data here is the binary content
type: 'octet/stream',
var zipUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var fileName = orderNo;
fileName += '.zip';
downloadFile(null, fileName, null, zipUrl, null); // just creates a hidden anchor tag and triggers the download
The response of the call is a binary (I think). Binary Content Here
But the preview is a base64. Base64 Content. And it is the correct one. The way I verify it is by using this fiddle.
You can refer to the screenshot of the network here
I put the base64 content in this line var sampleBytes = base64ToArrayBuffer(''); And the zip downloaded just opens fine.
Things I have tried so far.
Adding this headers to the GET call
var headers = {
Accept: 'application/octet-stream',
responseType: 'blob',
But I get Request header field responseType is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
We're using an already ajax.service.js in our AngularJS project.
From this answer
var blob = new Blob([yourBinaryDataAsAnArrayOrAsAString], {type: "application/octet-stream"});
var fileName = "myFileName.myExtension";
saveAs(blob, fileName);
There are other things that I have tried that I have not listed. I will edit the questions once I find them again
But where I'm current at right now. The preview is correct base64 of the binary file. Is it possible to use that instead of the binary? (If it is I will not find the other methods that I've tested) I tried some binary to base64 converters but they don't work.
So I just went and ditched using the ajax.service.js, that we have, for this specific call.
I used the xhr snippet from this answer. I just added the headers necessary for our call: tokens and auth stuff.
And I used this code snippet for the conversion thing.
And the code looks like this:
fetchBlob(url, function (blob) {
// Array buffer to Base64:
var base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(blob)));
var blob = new Blob([base64ToArrayBuffer(base64)], {
type: 'octet/stream',
var zipUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var fileName = orderNo;
fileName += ' Attachments ';
fileName += moment().format('DD-MMM-YYYY');
fileName += '.zip';
downloadFile(null, fileName, null, zipUrl, null); // create a hidden anchor tag and trigger download
function fetchBlob(uri, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', uri, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
var x = AjaxService.getAuthHeaders();
xhr.setRequestHeader('auth_stuff', x['auth_stuff']);
xhr.setRequestHeader('token_stuff', x['token_stuff']);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/octet-stream');
xhr.onload = function (e) {
if (this.status == 200) {
var blob = this.response;
if (callback) {
return xhr.send();
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) {
var binaryString = window.atob(base64);
var binaryLen = binaryString.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLen);
for (var i = 0; i < binaryLen; i++) {
var ascii = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
bytes[i] = ascii;
return bytes;

Reduce size of image when converted to Base64

I am using the File reader in JavaScript,i need to Post my image to WebApi and convert it into byte Array and save it in server,Its working fine,Now my problem is base64 string increasing the size of image, Let say if i upload image of 30Kb, it is storing has 389Kb in server,How i can save in same size or reduce size of image need help
//File Reader
function OnFileEditImageEntry(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function (evt) {
var ImageBase64 = evt.target.result;
return ImageBase64 ;
public IHttpActionResult UpdateUserDetails(ImageModel model)
if (model.ImageBase64 != "")
var PicDataUrl = "";
string ftpurl = "ftp://xxx.xxxxx.xxxx/";
var username = "xxx";
var password = "xxxxx";
string UploadDirectory = "xxxx/xx";
string FileName =model.ImageFileName;
String uploadUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", ftpurl, UploadDirectory,FileName);
FtpWebRequest req = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(uploadUrl);
req.Proxy = null;
req.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
req.EnableSsl = false;
req.UseBinary = true;
req.UsePassive = true;
byte[] data =Convert.FromBase64String(model.ImageBase64);
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream();
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Send the raw binary instead of increasing the size ~30% with base64/FileReader
with fetch
// sends the raw binary
fetch('http://example.com/upload', {method: 'post', body: file})
// Append the blob/file to a FormData and send it
var fd = new FormData()
fd.append('file', file, file.name)
fetch('http://example.com/upload', {method: 'post', body: fd})
With XHR
// xhr = new ...
// xhr.open(...)
xhr.send(file) // or
xhr.send(fd) // send the FormData
Normally when uploading files, try to avoid sending a json as many developers tends to to wrong. Binary data in json is equal to bad practice (and larger size) eg:
$.post(url, {
name: '',
data: base64
Use the FormData#append as much as possible or if you feel like it:
fd.append('json', json)

How to print or save the online edited image (with javascript/jQuery)?

I made an simple image manipulation experiment with html, css and javascript/jquery.
We can upload an image from local drive and displayed in browser.
After that we can also edit/tag the displayed image.
I use this jquery image tag plugin.
Then I think about, how can i save/print the edited image?
This is my code snippet :
$(function () {
$(":file").change(function () {
if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = imageIsLoaded;
function imageIsLoaded(e) {
$('#myImg').attr('src', e.target.result);
Here's the real live app : http://nanonimos.com/upload-tag-image/
and this is the source code.
Any clue/advice would be greatly appreciated :)
You can convert the whole div to an canvas then convert the canvas into data uri(png,jpeg).
Check this Fiddlecanvastoimage for more.
Use this function(From Stackoverflow) to convert dataURI to blob:
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64/URLEncoded data component to raw binary data held in a string
var byteString;
if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0)
byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
byteString = unescape(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
// write the bytes of the string to a typed array
var ia = new Uint8Array(byteString.length);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([ia], {type:mimeString});
and then whenever you want to save just post this file to server.
In HTML5 you can do like this:
var blob = dataURItoBlob(data);
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("imageFile", blob);
Then send it with ajax like this:
type: "POST",
url:"url to file",
data: fd,
success: function(result){
//check success

Pdf.js and viewer.js. Pass a stream or blob to the viewer

I'm having troubles in finding a solution for this:
I retrieve a PDF blob from a SQL filestream field using Javascript in this way (it's a lightswitch project)
var blob = new Blob([screen.WebReportsPdfFilesStream.selectedItem.Pdf], { type: "application/pdf;base64" });
I have the blob and I can even convert it in a filestream or to base64("JVBERi0....." or "%PDF 1.6 ......", etc.)
No problem so far.
Now I need to display it in a viewer. I prefer the viewer to open in a new window but i'm open to embed it into my page somehow.
I'm wondering if I can directly pass the blob or the stream to the viewer and display the document. I've tried something like
PDFView.open(pdfAsArray, 0)
Nothing happens in the embedded viewer in this case.
The pdfAsArray is good since I can display it appending the stream to a canvas within the same page. I just want to display the viewer, not embed the PDF in a canvas, possibly in a new window.
Can anyone provide few lines of code on how to achieve that in Javascript?
I'm using PDFJS.version = '1.0.1040'; PDFJS.build = '997096f';
The code that worked for me to get base64 pdf data loaded was this:
function (base64Data) {
var pdfData = base64ToUint8Array(base64Data);
PDFJS.getDocument(pdfData).then(function (pdf) {
pdf.getPage(1).then(function (page) {
var scale = 1;
var viewport = page.getViewport(scale);
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.height = viewport.height;
canvas.width = viewport.width;
page.render({ canvasContext: context, viewport: viewport });
function base64ToUint8Array(base64) {
var raw = atob(base64);
var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(raw.length);
for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
return uint8Array;
This function could be the success function of an api call promise. What I'm doing here is rendering the pdf onto a canvas element myCanvas.
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
This shows the first page of the pdf but has no functionality. I can see why the viewer is desirable. If I get this hooked up to the viewer (viewer.html / viewer.js) I will edit my answer.
EDIT: How to hook up the viewer
1 In bower.json, add "pdfjs-viewer": "1.0.1040"
2 Html:
<iframe id="pdfViewer" src="lib/pdfjs-viewer/web/viewer.html" style="width: 100%; height: 700px;" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""></iframe>
3 Change the stupid default document in the viewer.js file:
var DEFAULT_URL = '';
4 Controller:
var pdfjsframe = document.getElementById('pdfViewer');
pdfjsframe.onload = function() {
function(base64Data) {
$scope.base64Data = base64Data;
function(failure) {
function LoadPdfDocument() {
if ($scope.PdfDocumentLoaded)
if (!$scope.base64Data)
var pdfData = base64ToUint8Array($scope.base64Data);
$scope.PdfDocumentLoaded = true;
function base64ToUint8Array(base64) {
var raw = atob(base64);
var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(raw.length);
for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
return uint8Array;
If you've got an typed array (e.g. an Uint8Array), then the file can be opened using PDFView.open(typedarray, 0);.
If you've got a Blob or File object, then the data has to be converted to a typed array before you can view it:
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function() {
var arraybuffer = this.result;
var uint8array = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
PDFView.open(uint8array, 0);
Another method is to create a URL for the Blob/File object:
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
PDFView.open(url, 0);
If the PDF Viewer is hosted at the same origin as your website that embeds the frame, then you can also view the PDF by passing the blob URL to the viewer:
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var viewerUrl = 'web/viewer.html?file=' + encodeURIComponent(url);
// TODO: Load the PDF.js viewer in a frame or new tab/window.
I finally made the PDFView.open method working. Now if I embed the viewer into my page and call the open function as Rob suggested in the first 2 examples it works.
For those who are looking for this kind of solution I provide some lines of code here:
This is the code in my Lightswitch mainPage.lsml.js. The js scripts (pdf.js, viewer and Others) are referenced in the main html page of the Lightswitch project (Default.html); I assume it should work with any other html page not Lightswitch based.
myapp.MainPage.ShowPdf_execute = function (screen) {
// Write code here.
// Getting the stream from sql
var blob = new Blob([screen.WebReportsPdfFilesStream.selectedItem.Pdf], { type: "application/pdf;base64" });
// Pass the stream to an aspx page that makes some manipulations and returns a response
var formData = new FormData();
formData.tagName = pdfName;
formData.append(pdfName, blob);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "../OpenPdf.aspx";
xhr.open('POST', url, false);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
var response = e.target.response;
var pdfAsArray = convertDataURIToBinary("data:application/pdf;base64, " + response);
var pdfDocument;
// Use PDFJS to render a pdfDocument from pdf array
PDFJS.getDocument(pdfAsArray).then(function (pdf) {
pdfDocument = pdf;
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
PDFView.load(pdfDocument, 1.5)
xhr.send(formData); // multipart/form-data
This is the convertDataURIToBinary function
function convertDataURIToBinary(dataURI) {
var base64Index = dataURI.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) + BASE64_MARKER.length;
var base64 = dataURI.substring(base64Index);
var raw = window.atob(base64);
var rawLength = raw.length;
var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));
for (i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {
array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
return array;
What is still missed is the possibility to pass the stream directly to the viewer.html page in order to open it in a new window and have a separate ui where make the rendering.
This code is still not working since I got an empty viewer with no document inside:
var blob = new Blob([screen.WebReportsPdfFilesStream.selectedItem.Pdf], { type: "application/pdf;base64" });
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var viewerUrl = 'Scripts/pdfViewer/web/viewer.html?file=' + encodeURIComponent(url);
Looks like the encodeURIComponent(url) is not passing to the viewer a good object to load into the viewer.
Any idea or suggestion?
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var viewerUrl = 'web/viewer.html?file=' + encodeURIComponent(url);
// TODO: Load the PDF.js viewer in a frame or new tab/window.
//-- Abobe code opens a new window but with errors : 'Missing PDF
// blob://http://server-addr:port/converted-blob'
I am using viewer in an iframe;
style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
And fetch API used as follows;
fetch(pdfSourceUrl).then((response: Response) => {
response.blob().then((blob) => {
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
pdfIframe.src = `pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=${url}`;
Eventually iframe src created as follows;

Blob from DataURL?

Using FileReader's readAsDataURL() I can transform arbitrary data into a Data URL. Is there way to convert a Data URL back into a Blob instance using builtin browser apis?
User Matt has proposed the following code a year ago ( How to convert dataURL to file object in javascript? ) which might help you
EDIT: As some commenters reported, BlobBuilder has been deprecated some time ago. This is the updated code:
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string
// doesn't handle URLEncoded DataURIs - see SO answer #6850276 for code that does this
var byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]
// write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
// create a view into the buffer
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
// set the bytes of the buffer to the correct values
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
// write the ArrayBuffer to a blob, and you're done
var blob = new Blob([ab], {type: mimeString});
return blob;
Like #Adria method but with Fetch api and just smaller [caniuse?]
Don't have to think about mimetype since blob response type just works out of the box
Warning: Can violate the Content Security Policy (CSP)
...if you use that stuff
.then(res => res.blob())
.then(blob => console.log(blob))
Don't think you could do it any smaller then this without using lib's
In modern browsers one can use the one liner suggested by Christian d'Heureuse in a comment:
const blob = await (await fetch(dataURI)).blob();
dataURItoBlob : function(dataURI, dataTYPE) {
var binary = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]), array = [];
for(var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) array.push(binary.charCodeAt(i));
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], {type: dataTYPE});
input dataURI is Data URL and dataTYPE is the file type and then output blob object
XHR based method.
function dataURLtoBlob( dataUrl, callback )
var req = new XMLHttpRequest;
req.open( 'GET', dataUrl );
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; // Can't use blob directly because of https://crbug.com/412752
req.onload = function fileLoaded(e)
// If you require the blob to have correct mime type
var mime = this.getResponseHeader('content-type');
callback( new Blob([this.response], {type:mime}) );
dataURLtoBlob( '', function( blob )
console.log( blob );
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
if(typeof dataURI !== 'string'){
throw new Error('Invalid argument: dataURI must be a string');
dataURI = dataURI.split(',');
var type = dataURI[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0],
byteString = atob(dataURI[1]),
byteStringLength = byteString.length,
arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteStringLength),
intArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
for (var i = 0; i < byteStringLength; i++) {
intArray[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([intArray], {
type: type
Since none of these answers support base64 and non-base64 dataURLs, here's one that does based on vuamitom's deleted answer:
// from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37135417/download-canvas-as-png-in-fabric-js-giving-network-error/
var dataURLtoBlob = exports.dataURLtoBlob = function(dataurl) {
var parts = dataurl.split(','), mime = parts[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1]
if(parts[0].indexOf('base64') !== -1) {
var bstr = atob(parts[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n)
u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n)
return new Blob([u8arr], {type:mime})
} else {
var raw = decodeURIComponent(parts[1])
return new Blob([raw], {type: mime})
Note: I'm not sure if there are other dataURL mime types that might have to be handled differently. But please let me know if you find out! Its possible that dataURLs can simply have any format they want, and in that case it'd be up to you to find the right code for your particular use case.
Create a blob using XHR API:
function dataURLtoBlob( dataUrl, callback )
var req = new XMLHttpRequest;
req.open( 'GET', dataUrl );
req.responseType = 'blob';
req.onload = function fileLoaded(e)
dataURLtoBlob(dataURI , function( blob )
console.log( blob );
If you need something that works server-side on Google Apps Script, try:
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64 to Byte[]
// doesn't handle URLEncoded DataURIs - see SO answer #6850276 for code that does this
var data = Utilities.base64Decode(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(data);
return blob;
rather than

