Run CATscript from IE11 with Javascript - javascript

the code CATIA.SystemService.ExecuteScript(sPath, 0, sName + ".CATScript", "CATMain", aParams) ; throw error Type mismatch, and i don't understand since in IE11 (I know, but I have to) debugger, the watch of CATIA.SystemService gives me the same list of argument for method ExecuteScript, and this call is working in VBscript. How can i get details on argument types? how can I know which var is causing this error?
All my variables are declared (use strict).
in details:
I'm trying to figure out how to save a large set of functions using HTML interfaces to run CATscripts (Catia macros, VBscript like), that are launched via VBscripts, from the transition of my Company from IE8 to IE11 (no choices here). As discussed there in MSDN, and here in Stackoverflow (I've tried all solutions obviously, and the compatibility setting is not activatable), VBscript support stops in IE11
I have 2 sort of functions: some are static, and stored on our intranet website. They still work on IE11 (Edge mode if i understood, although i couldn't find exactly what it mean)
But some other are written on the fly, on users computer, to generate an interface reflecting what's currently in Catia. Those don't work anymore on IE11, and are the most important. It seems they are considered "internet zone", which I don't understand since they are locally written. is that to prevent malware?
here is how i call the function from the HTML:
<input type='button' value='00-10' onclick='StartScript(me)' id='import-zip-from-DB'/>
and here is the VBscript (simplified but functional):
Sub StartScript(button)
Dim aParams()
Dim sName
Dim sPath
sName = button.Id
sPath = "C:\temp\"
'Get Catia object
Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
'run the script in catia
On Error Resume Next
CATIA.SystemService.ExecuteScript sPath, 1, sName & ".CATScript", "CATMain", aParams
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "QC2 toolset"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
I have tried Javascript, with a really similar function. the code to get Catia Object is var CATIA = new ActiveXObject("CATIA.Application");
thanks in advance!

I found a solution, finally!
It's not my favourite answer, but renaming files from file.html to file.hta allowed my functions to work again on my user's stations, as the files are now openned by Microsoft HTML Application host. Major downside: CSS formatting is not as good as IE, but that's a minor issue on a professional tool
So if anyone has a solution that don't involve HTA files, that would surely replace this workaround on my toolset, but for now i'm relieved :)


How to utilize a JavaScript library (jsPDF)

Some Background:
I've been looking for a way to programmatically create a pdf from a collection of images. It’s possible to do 90% of what I need through Word automation, but the problem is you can’t disable JPEG conversion when exporting to a PDF. Originally, I had hoped there’d be a free command line utility out there, but that’s not the case.
The best thing I could find is the JavaScript library jsPDF. I know almost nothing about Javascript, but library seems easy enough to use from the documentation.
This page has an extremely basic example of using JavaScript with VBA. Sadly there’s very little information out there on doing this kind of thing.
The only relevant thing I could find on Stackoverflow is this one unresolved post. I attempted the same method here and not surprisingly, it didn’t work. I get an error stating saying “syntax error” on the add code line.
Sub PDF1()
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim script As String
script = fso.OpenTextFile("***\jsPDF-master\src\jspdf.js", 1, False).ReadAll
‘This requires a reference to Microsoft Script Control 1.0
Dim o As New ScriptControl
o.Language = "JScript"
With o
.AddCode script
End With
End Sub
I really doubt this is the right approach. The entire library is probably 20k+ lines of code. Is what I’m trying to do even possible?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any other suggestions of alternate methods creating PDFs would also be helpful.

How to invoke uft script present in ALM using java script?

My requirement is to execute the UFT scripts based on the input given in html page. I came to know from some of the blogs that Microsoft has stopped vbs script usage in html. for that reason i want to invoke the qtp scripts using java script. I searched for the same and didnt find much information. If anyone can provide the equivalent code in javascript will be helpful. I am in short of time to experiment as the client demo is near.
Dim objQtpApp
Set objQtpApp=Createobject("QuickTest.Application")
objQtpApp.Visible=False 'True
call QC_Connect(varUserName,varPassword)
Sub QC_Connect(varUserName,varPassword,varCustomsON)
objQtpApp.TDConnection.Connect "", "Domain", "Project", varUserName, varPassword,False
If objQtpApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then
objQtpApp.Open "[QualityCenter] Subject\Automated Test Case Development\Test",False
MsgBox "Cannot connect to Quality Center"
End If
End Sub
Your main problem will be that JavaScript doesn't have an equivalent of CreateObject.
The only browser that supports Microsoft's alternative (new ActiveXObject("...")) is IE (not Edge) and it also supports VBScript so there's no point in porting your code to JavaScript.

Browser.ExecScript() stopped working after updating windows

I've set up a simple testbed for WatiN (ver 2.1) which reads:
var browser = new IE();
browser.GoTo(""); // webpage doesn't matter really
This works only if KB3025390 is not installed. Installing it breaks the above test with an UnAuthorizedAccessException which has HRESULT set to E_ACCESSDENIED. What gives? Is there any workaround?
Update: Using IWebBrowser2.Navigate2 along with "javascript:console.log(123)" type of scripts works however
it makes me feel uneasy using such a backchannel
the scripts run through this back-channel of .Navigate2() may only have a max length of about 2070 chars (give or take) otherwise they get forcibly truncated to this length leading to javascript errors upon attempting to run them
using .Navigate2(), even with the most trivial script, will clog the ready state of Internet Explorer for good in the sense that it will be set to READYSTATE_LOADING without any hope of getting rid of it. In simple terms this means that once you use this hack, you either have to perform every single subsequent operation in WatiN in a "dont-wait-for-webpage-to-load" fashion (GoToNoWait, ClickNoWait etc) lest your code freezes upon waiting for the browser to turn back to READYSTATE_COMPLETE (which will never come about ofcourse as already mentioned).
there appears to be a much broader issue here in the sense that I can't even access the properties of an IHtmlWindow2 object p.e. window.document throws an unauthorized exception again making it virtually impossible to transfer over to the C# world the return-values of the scripts I'm running (using Expando etc) for documents other than (for the window there is IWebBrowser2.Document which does the trick)
Update#2: The folks over at the selenium project have also noticed this issue:
A bug report has been created as well:
Update#3: IHTMLWindow2.setInterval and IHTMLWindow2.setTimeout also throw UnauthorizedAccess exceptions. These methods are not marked as deprecated in:
yet they have wounded up suffering from the same cutbacks all the same.
Update#4: I gave the approach recommended in this post a shot:
In order to dynamically invoke the "eval" method of the IHTMLWindow2 object (or any other method really). Got the same "System.UnauthorizedAccessException" as above. So no joy here either.
Microsoft recommends using "eval" over "execscript" however after the above experiment I suspect that they are refering to accessing "eval" only from within the browser.
As far as I can tell thus far, when it comes to the full-fledged IE11+ using "eval" out-of-process (via COM) appears to have been completely prohibited along with any other function-invocation of the window object, the only exception being the back-channel of the .Navigate2() mentioned above.
It turns out Microsoft eventually backpedaled on its decision to kill off .execScript at COM-level. Just install the latest updates for Windows including kb3025390: One of the updates for IE that came after kb3025390 brings back .execScript functionality at COM-level
Note, however, that .execScript is not accessible through IE's javascript anymore. In that context it's gone for good.
fyi: this one is also not working
try this worked for me at some places but not all places
ieObject.Navigate "javascript:<methodNameString>(<commaSeperatedParameterString>)", Null, "_parent"
ieObject.Navigate2 "javascript:"<methodNameString>(<commaSeperatedParameterString>)", Null, "_parent"
now trying to find out solution using eval
I have found a way around the problem of an update installing automatically. You can just create a simple batch file with following content.
#echo off
wusa /uninstall /kb:3025390/quiet /norestart
Then go to task scheduler, create a new task for this batch file to run every one hour or day as per your requirements. Add it as a system task so it runs in the background and does not affect the running automations.

How to use FileSystemObject to read file in JavaScript

I want to read a file with FileSystemObject. My code is as following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Read json</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function readFile(filename){
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ForReading = 1;
var f1 = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, ForReading);
var text = f1.ReadAll();
return text;
myJSONText = "text.txt";
var myObject = readFile(myJSONText);//eval('(' + myJSONText + ')');
First, let me repeat some comments above. I've never seen using ActiveXObject client side extolled as a thing that should be done.
Now, let me say I'm trying to learn how to do this myself. Here are some thoughts (and helpful links, see the bottom) on this question.
The general layout, according to "Much ADO about Text Files" on MSDN's scripting clinic column, is:
Create the object.
Create another object, using the first, that uses
a method of the first object (such as getting a file).
Do things to
the file.
Close the file.
How do you start? According to IE Dev Center (linked here), use an ActiveXObject in Javascript as follows:
newObj = new ActiveXObject(servername.typename[, location])
You've got that when you declare fso in your code. What about this "servername" thing, isn't the file accessed locally? Instead of "servername etc" you've put in Scripting.FileSystemObject. This is actually fine, if the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry key on the host PC supports it (see ref above).
Once the ActiveXObject is successfully declared, and if the browser allows it (IE only), and if the end user agrees to any warnings that pop up ("An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page..." etc), then the object allows you to use any of the methods associated with that object. That's where the power of the Windows Scripting FileSystemObject comes into play.
Any FileSystemObject (fso) method is now available to use, which as its name suggests, means file (and directory) interaction on the local machine. Not just reading, as your question is focused on, but writing and deleting as well. A complete list of methods and properties is available at MSDN here. After being used, close out the file using the .close() method.
So, this is dangerous for obvious reasons. But what wasn't obvious to me at first was that these interactions with the filesystem may happen invisibly. There is a good chance that whatever you do, from reading a file to deleting a directory tree, no warnings or command prompts will come up to let you know what's happening because of your few lines of code.
Let me finish by commenting on the last bits of code above. Using JSON in conjunction with data pulled from the FileSystemObject provides a great way to allow JavaScript interaction (JSON .parse and .stringify come immediately to mind). With this, data could be stored locally, perhaps as an alternative to HTML5 local storage (ref this SO thread, which goes more in-depth with this concept, and another SO question I raised about this here).
Here are some links for further reading:
IE Dev Center, JavaScript Objects, ActiveXObject
MSDN JScript Windows Scripting (including FileSystemObject methods, etc)
MSDN Scripting Clinic (older articles, many broken links, but stil a lot of good info on this stuff)

Tutorial for using JavaScript on a Desktop

I need to do some scripts in java script.
I am working on it but couldn't find a few solutions to a few problems.
First of all I need a GOOD tutorial, but not for an internet page but for a DESKTOP script.
Things couldn't find out like :
1) I wanted a simple message box in order to debug my program, I used:
var name = prompt("What is your name","Type Name Here");
When running it I get error of "Object expected"
2) Couldn't find how to open a file
Based on your comments, I guess that you are attempting to run a JavaScript file directly on Windows. Double-clicking on a .js file in windows will (probably) run it in Windows Script Host.
The prompt() function will not work this way, since WSH provides a completely different API than browser-embedded engines.
The following code should accomplish your intentions. However if you want anything more than a simple popup, HTAs are the only way to do complex GUIs with JScript on the desktop.
var fso, ws, ts;
fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
ws = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
var ForWriting= 2;
ts = fso.OpenTextFile('foo.txt', ForWriting, true);
ts.WriteLine(new Date().getTime());
ws.Popup('Wrote to file!');
var ForReading= 1;
ts = fso.OpenTextFile('foo.txt', ForReading, false);
var fileContents = ts.ReadLine();
ws.Popup('The file contained: ' + fileContents);
I have to ask: why is JavaScript the right tool for the job? Why not use a scripting language intended to be used this way, such as Python, Ruby, Lua, ... etc?
If you are using Microsoft's JScript (and it sounds like you are), look to the MSDN web site for help. The page here looks fairly good. Google can also help with that.
Assuming you don't mind using Java, you could also use the Mozilla Rhino shell. But it doesn't look like there is a standard way of reading from the console in JavaScript. (presumably since this is not something typically required in a JavaScript application...) The built in JavaScript functions in the shell seem fairly basic, but you can read a file.
There area also examples of using Rhino, which may be helpful. You can interface with the Java API to do whatever else you need to do.
Edit: I wrote this answer a long time ago; today I would use node.js. See their learning page.
The latest prerelease of Opera acts as a runtime for JS applications.
They have tutorials describing how to use it.
I used: var name = prompt("What is your name","Type Name Here");
When running it I get error of "Object expected"
Presumably your runtime doesn't implement prompt that in a way that is compatible with those arguments.
2) Couldn't find how to open a file
This depends on the runtime you use. JS itself doesn't have anything built in to read files (or display a prompt). You need an environment that provides those objects.

