Compare contents of two pages - javascript

A question about existing tools.
I have a system where we uses versioning a lot. To compare versions we now dumps the information to a text-format and then print the two versions of the text with colored markings. I doesn't look nice and is quite hard for the users to understand.
I'd like to improve on this and actually show the two versions web-pages redered markup and then use some kind of css-markers to show where there are differences between the two pages. What I imagine to be the problem with this kind of apporach is that there are a lot of objects in the dom that doesn't directly affect the rendering and therefore would need to be filtered away for the diff to make sence.
Is there any existing tools that would allow me to compare the doms of to pages and then render apply some kind of visual clues to what is added, changed or removed? It needs to run in the browser only.
Is it a viable approch at all?

One way to achieve this is by taking screenshots (automatically) of the 2 dom structure and comparing those images. that way you are not saving/rendering the dom. you can even use a headless browser like node to do it for you, making it quick and easily integrated into your automated testing.
There are several tools to help you do this rather then writing your own from scratch, such as resemble.js. (however if you prefer you can use phantomjs and casperjs to write it yourself using their api's.
These tools allow you to highlight the differences in two images
there is also a good article here on automated-screenshot-diff which is another node package that can compare two screenshot of dom renderings.


Programatically reload CSS files with Selenium or JavaScript

I'm currently working on a tiny Sublime Text plugin that involves controlling a Chrome instance with Selenium. One of the features I'm working on is live reloading of styles. The idea is to reload the CSS on the browser (through Selenium) any time you make a change on any of your CSS files.
I can easily reload the browser, but I don't want to do that, because its rather slow, and maybe you have some input on the page, which would be lost. Ideally I would like to force Chrome to reload all styles without reloading the page. Since I can inject JavaScript code into Chrome with Selenium, it suffices an answer using JavaScript only, I can deal with the Selenium part. However, if there is some Selenium-specific way of doing this, even better!
I would rather not depend on jQuery or any other external libraries for this, but if needed, I can live with that also.
For the time being, I don't need compatibility with any other browser than Chrome (>31), but if there is a cross-browser compatible solution, it would be a plus!
EDIT: After reading a few answers to similar questions, I want to add a few constrains:
I'm not writing the HTML, so I cannot change the way styleheets are added, or the order, neither can I expect them to have a specific id, or anything like that. I can inject any JavaScipt I want, but I cannot control how the HTML was generated in the first place.
I don't want to append ?v=random() or anything like that, because I don't have control over the server either, so I don't know if the server will look at that and do something different. Besides, I would not like to circumvent the caching, if the server responds 302 and the browser caches, then I'm OK with that.
If possible, I would like the solution to work also for programatically injected CSS (as far as is possible), since the page may be using some CSS AMD loader, or any other Ajax stuff. Ideally, I would like to say to Chrome "please reapply all CSS" as abstract as possible, instead of relying on finding all link tags and such, because those solutions always have a gotcha.
Just to clarify, I know these are kind of hard constrains, but I'm developing a plugin for a text editor, so I need to cope with every technology/web framework/methodology the developer is using, so I cannot trust too much that the developer will follow certain patterns. Of course, I would like to cope with as many situations as possible, but I'm willing to drop unrealistic constrains if necessary. However, I do can force developers to use a specific version of Chrome, at least for developing.
As of now, none of the answers I've found on SO so far provide this level of development-agnosticism.

How to optimize javascript/jquery code to speed up it's performance?

On one of my web projects, I use a lot of javascript/jQuery code, which is pretty slow on browsers (Windows 7 x64), especially on IE.
I use 3 Ajax requests at the same time only on Home page.
On Search page, I also use ajax requests, which are fired on scroll event, on any 'search tag' (simple anchor tag) click event and etc. which in general is making data loading very slow.
I use jQuery plugins such as, Anythingslider, jquery coockies plugin, Raty (rating plugin), Tipsuy, jQuery coreUISelect, jScrollPane, mouse wheel and etc. All those 3rd party plugins I have minified and combined in jquery.plugins.js file, which is almost 80KB.
I select a lot of DOM elements with jQuery. For example I use the following code:
instead of:
I also have one big CSS file, which is more than 5 000 lines, because I have combined all 3rd party jQuery plugins's css files into one file, for caching and less HTTP requests.
Well, I wonder, what can I do to optimize my code for better performance and speeding up web page load?
What kind of tools can I use to debug and my JS code? I forgot to mention that, when I refresh page in Google Chrome or Firefox with firebug or Chrome native developer tools opened, the page in that case loads also very slow. Sometimes the Firefox is even crushed.
Will selecting of DOM elements with raw js give me a better and faster way to parse the document? Or should I leave, the jQuery selecting? Talk about is about 50 elements.
Should I separate and after that minify external plugins, such as Anythingslider? Or is it better when I have 'all in one' js file?
Is it better to also separate jQuery plugins's css code from main style.css? Because even hovering on element and affecting the :hover state from css file, is pretty slow.
Well guys, I'm really counting on you.
I've been googling all night to find answers on my questions and really hope to find it here.
1) minify it
2) all the browsers come with built in debugging tools
3) reduce access to the dom by storing references in variables, don't look up the same element twice
4) separate and use a well known cdn
5) separate just cos its easier to manage
More jQuery tips here : jquery-performance-rules and here : improve-your-jquery-25-excellent-tips.
Make sure all your static resources are cached with no disk lookup
This library is pretty cool
You can compare selector performance here:
Just setup your HTML code, include jQuery lib and place each selector you want to compare as various test case.
Many of the jquery-performance-rules still apply,
Also have look at here jquery-proven-performance-tips-tricks
Since there are a lot of ways to improve code, especially with such big websites like yours, I think it will be more useful to just post the external links, since these are very nicely written and concise tutorials and tools. Here are some of them:
Yahoo's tutorial, one of the most complete tutorials I know
W3Schools' tutorial on using image sprites, especially useful when there are a lot of small images on the page
Tips on efficient jQuery usage
Firebug, Firefox plugin for debugging javascript, html, css
HTML validator, can be very useful to quickly find errors in markup
HTML compressor for minifying your HTML code (there are a lot of tools on the web for this purpose, it's just a matter of finding the best one)
CSS compressor, same as for HTML
I would also recommend IDE for building web applications/websites called JetBrains' PHPStorm. It is commercial software, but definitely worth every cent, since it gives hints and tips for improvement while typing.
Raw performance may not be your issue. If you notice poor performance on page load, see this article I wrote specifically about minimizing javascript execution on page initialization.

Implementing HTML DOM rewriting logic on the server

My application does massive rewriting of the DOM on the client side at load time. It traverses the page scanning for special markup (think Markdown) or other patterns, replacing them with sometimes rather complicated DOM structures (using DOM calls such as createElement) to style text but also create diagrams and graphics.
I adopted this architecture in order to avoid any build or preprocessing steps. It works fine in a desktop browser, but is noticeably slow on mobile devices (several seconds, even after relentless optimization). So I would like to rearchitect the system to pre-scan the page and pre-build the DOM. I'm having a bit of a mental block figuring out how to do this. Obviously, I would prefer not to rewrite all the Javascript in some other server-side language. Also, I would like to preserve the option to do the building at load time as I do now, with the basic rewriting logic sharing the same code.
The most likely-sounding option is to build this as a node app, although I am a node beginner. using jsdom both to parse the input and modify the DOM. Or, since I am an a fan of XSLT, and intrigued by Saxon-CE, even though it would mean rewriting everything, I also considered implementing the scanning/rewriting logic in XSLT, to be invoked either from node (for the pre-building case--do people use Saxon from node?) or the browser (for the load-time building case).
Can anyone comment on this approach or throw out alternative ideas?
Not sure what specific use cases you are tackling with the massive DOM rewriting, nor am I sure what your throughput requirements are. That said, one alternate approach to the node/jsdom route could be to run a farm of headless Webkit browsers, and run your current JavaScript as-is in that live rendering context. That would allow you to offload processing from those pokey mobile CPU's into arbitrarily scalable cloud resources (assuming this might be affordable for your project/business), and skirt the need to rewrite or tweak your current, working code at all.
Sounds like you want Node. If you already know JavaScript it really is a cinch to pick up.
I would recommend a tutorial like this one:
It will take you an hour-ish to get through but gives a solid overview of Node as you build a small but functional app along with the author.

Replace flash with jquery/html5

I have a project with that uses flash for most pages. Now the client want to replace the flash with jquery/html. So from where I have to start with?
The project has swf file and it is embedded by swfobject(javascript).
Can someone help me with giving a idea or steps how I can convert the swf to javascript/html?
If the Flash doesn't contain a huge amount of animation/dynamic interaction then I'd say you should follow a process along these lines:
Create HTML documents where the content is structured in a simple, consistent format. If you're not sure about how to do this then I'd suggest you find out some of the basic principles associated with semantic markup (Google is your friend here, there are plenty of great resources - but here's a starter I just came across). Don't worry about elements which involve animation or special user interaction at this stage - just set aside a part of your HTML where such elements need to go for now
Use CSS to layout the document structure with the desired appearance. Do this one step at a time - starting from the largest elements in the page and working your way down to the smallest ones (I find this the best way to build your UI reliably though others may approach it differently).
Once your basic pages are structured correctly and looking good it's time to focus on the animated/interactive aspects. The easiest way to do this is to use other people's work: jQuery plugins. Identify what functionality you need and find plugins that already provide that functionality (i.e. you mentioned a slideshow function - Google for "jQuery slideshow" and play around with the options - there will be plenty).
Realistically, if you're not particularly familiar with HTML/CSS/JS this will not be a simple task for you. Here's a few other thoughts that might help you:
Focus initially on the content structure: if you get this right everything else builds on top of it with much less pain. In addition, Google really likes good document structure so this will go a very small way to getting the site better search result rankings.
Don't worry too much about HTML5: aside from the fact that you have to do extra work to make it fully browser compatible (at least, if you have need of a great deal of browser compatibility), it just isn't really necessary to take advantage of elements like nav or video yet (unless your client won't allow the use of Flash video - but that's for another discussion). Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Be consistent, this is related to the first point above - if you apply structure to your elements consistently across all of your documents you can then take advantage of the same CSS and JS much more easily.
As for the w3schools comments elsewhere on this page, I would say don't use them for tutorials - but they can be a useful reference source for learning HTML elements and attributes and for CSS rules (although there are many other sites who could help here).
Well, I hope this helps you out. Sorry I can't be more specific but I'd need a much more detailed description of your problem before I could give you much more... Good luck
1) Learn Flash (hopefully you've achieved that)
2) Learn Javascript. Learn html5. There are a lot of resources and tutorials.
3) Take the source of flash project. Read it and slowly rewrite to javascript.
4) Once you have translated the project, it is propably suboptimal. Think in javascript to change some flash-like constructions into javascript-like. Do minor optimizations until you're happy with results.
Have you tried Wallaby or Swiffy? Adobe is reacting to the demise of excessive Flash usage in other ways too.

JavaScript object browser?

I was recently tasked to document a large JavaScript application I have been maintaining for some time. So I do have a good knowledge of the system.
But due the sheer size of the application, it will probably take a lot of time even with prior knowledge around the code and the source code itself in uncompressed form.
So I'm looking for tools that would help me explore classes and methods and their relationships in JavaScript and if possible, document them along the way, is there one available?
Something like object browser in VS would be nice, but any tools that help me get things done faster will do.
Firebug's DOM tab lets you browse the contents of the global window object, and you can inspect a particular object by entering inspect(whatever) in the command line.
You won't be able to use it to detect relationships unless an instance of one object holds an instance of a related object, but it's a start.
You can also use the Options menu on the DOM tab to restrict what's shown to user-defined functions and properties, which should help reduce clutter.
Take a look at Aptana, they have an outline that can help you to determine what are the objects and somtetimes their relationship.
Firebug + uneval(obj) is a simple trick that is often helpful.
I see a lot of people talking about examining the DOM within Firebug. However, from your question it looks like you want something like jsdoc? just add type and class information through comments and jsdoc generates documentation including class relationships.
Google has a fork of it with added functionality
UPDATE: It's not a fork, it's a rewrite by the developer that wrote jsdoc originally as a perl script. It aims at being more adaptable so you can use whatever js inheritance/events/properties style you'd like. Another feature is that it lets you modify the templates used to generate the HTML in a much simpler way.
We don't know if this JS application is designed to run in a Web browser...
If yes, as advised, Firebug (a Firefox extension) is excellent at debugging JS and exploring Dom.
On the IE side, you have some tools like IEDocMon, Web Accessibility Toolbar (it does more than its name) or Fiddler (unrelated to your question, but still a good tool to have).
Firebug (Firefox) / Dragonfly (Opera) can help you with viewing objects in realtime
Aptana / JS/UML(Eclipse) can help with relationships of objects
This is an old question, but let me answer it anyway.
Use an IDE. Integrated Development Environments were made for jumping around rapidly among the code. The key features you will exercise during exploration are viewing the file structure or outline, jumping to a declaration or usage, and searching the entire project for all instances of a string. If you are using WebStorm, set up a custom scope for files except generated files and node.js to aid in searching.
Run 'npm la | less' which lists all your dependent modules with one line descriptions. You may have never seen moment.js and never need to read the documentation, but taking the time to read a one line summary of it is worthwhile. If you need more information on a tool than one line summary, search for the term on SlideShare. Slides are faster than ReadTheDocs.
Document a little as you go. I'm a fan of forcing people to use notebooks constantly rather than scratch paper. Also, I find adding a one line comment to each JavaScript file is worthwhile. You want to know what should be in each directory of your project. I also recommend building a glossary of the exact meaning of domain terms in your system, e.g., what does "job" in your system.
Finally, you may need to just fire up the application in a debugger and start stepping through parts of it. Most large projects have accreted worth from programmers of various skill levels and motivations.
You are aiming for a level of "conceptual integrity" (to quote Yourdon) or to "grok" the software (to quote Heinlien). It does take some time, cannot be bypassed, and can be done efficiently.

