jQuery .click() not working (debugging) - javascript

I am new to jQuery and am making a few .click() functions for my website, but no matter what I try, I can't get them to work.
readURLImg (displays an image preview before submission. This is part of a file uploading script.):
function readURLImg(input){if(input.files&&input.files[0]){var reader=new FileReader();reader.onload=function(e){$("#underlay-img-container-preview").attr("style","background-image:url("+e.target.result+");color:#fafafa");}
I am sure my ids are correct. I have been trying to find the answer for hours with no success.

i have checked your website
then I've clicked on button upload you picture > opened the terminal and test
$("#underlay-img-container-btns-add").click(function(){alert('btn clicked')})
and the results appears
So, your problem is to call the events when the popups are ready
to Understand the concept
close the popup and try the same code it will retrieve empty array '[]'
<div class="btn" id="green" >
<div class="icon-image"></div>
<span>Upload your picture</span>
and add
$('.btn#green').click(function() {
$('.overlay').html($('.overlay').html().replace(/!non_select_tag!/g, 'img'));
$('.overlay').html($('.overlay').html().replace(/!non_select_txt!/g, 'Picture'));
// add you events
$("#underlay-img-container-btns-add").click(function(){alert('btn clicked')})
this will work

$("#underlay-img-container-btns-add").on( 'click', function () { ... });
may not work because content is dynamically created.

$("#underlay-img-container-btns-add").bind( 'click', function () { ... });

To bind events to dynamically generated elements in DOM, you may use
$('document').on( 'click', '#selector', function () {
This binds event to the DOM rather than to the element directly, which may not exist all the time.



Jquery script inside the loaded layer is not working

I have following code snippet in jquery when we click on layer 62 which loads a layer "loaded-page" from a page test.html as follows.
$('#62').on('click', function(e) {
$("#62" ).load( "test.html #loaded-page" );
$('#loaded-page').on('click', function(e) {
<div id="62">Layer62</div>
Test page coding
<div id="loaded-page">Loaded page</div>
MY issue is when we click on layer loaded-page inside DOM, the alert test is not functioning. Can anybody suggest a solution for this ? If needed I can prepare a fiddle for this
This already has an answer, but essentially what you are looking for is event delegation
When you bind the event in your code, that element doesn't exist yet.
So, you bind the event differently, so that it will respond to dynamically added content:
$(document).on('click', '#loaded-page', function(e) {
NOTE: Without knowing your html structure, I can't provide the best solution, but I CAN tell you that you do not want to use document if possible. Instead, you should use the nearest parent that exists when the DOM is initially loaded. In your case, my guess is that this would work:
$('#62').on('click', '#loaded-page', function(e) {
because that when you bind the
$('#loaded-page').on('click', function(e) {
maybe that the #loaded-page element is not be loaded into the document,so can't find it
the better way is :

Trigger click after load page

I'm working with a wordpress theme and I need to activate a button when the page loads, but none of the following has worked for me (my button has the ID "reset"):
$(document).ready(function() {
I put the code in the header or in the page where i need to activate the button, but does not work.
I give you example here
the code above should work.
JavaScript does not allow seamless programmatic triggering of an actual click event.
What you could do is
declare the click callback as a separate, named function
function myClickCallback(e) {
// Do stuff here
Set this as the click callback of your button (e.g. $('#reset').on('click', myClickCallback)).
Invoke the callback when the page loads (e.g. $(document).ready(myClickCallback);)
I am not sure why you 'd want this functionality, since it sounds weird. From reading your description, by "activating", you could also mean enabling the button. To do that you should do something like the following
$(document).on('ready', function (e){
You may need to refer to it using jQuery instead of $:
The jQuery library included with WordPress is set to the noConflict() mode...
Use the function Trigger with the event click
This what works for me:
$(function () {
On the button event, the JQuery binding event doesn't work:
$('#btnUpdatePosition').click(function () {
alert('test again');
But it works when I added the event on attribute declaration:
<input type="button" value="Update" id="btnUpdatePosition" onclick="alert('Click has been called')" />
You can also call if you have a function on element:
<input type="button" value="Update" id="btnUpdatePosition" onclick="fncShow();" />

.click function not working when the event is called by element created by another function

I have this function that create an element
function AddPayment(ID)
showForm = $('#AddPaymentForm').html();
$(".cancel").click(function(){ AddPayment(ID); });
Coming from this
<div id='AddPaymentForm'>
<span class='button' id='cancel' class='cancel' >Cancel</span>
I wanted that function to place the element in here
<div id='divAJAX_ID'></div>
I also wanted that function to create an onclick function on my span, but it isn't working.
I guess the problem is coming from placing the
$(".cancel").click(function(){ AddPayment(ID); });
at the wrong placement. I've tried all the possible place but I can't still work this right.
What's wrong?
You have two class attributes on the same element. It should be something like:
class="button cancel"
instead of
class="button" id="whatever" class="cancel"
It is probably causing trouble to jQuery.
See how it start working on this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pvNrg/2/
First, your question as the html:
<div id='AddPaymentForm'>
<p>Coming from this</p>
<span id='cancel' class='cancel'>Cancel</span>
<p>I wanted that function to place the element in here</p>
<div id='divAJAX_ID'></div>
<p>I also wanted that function to create an onclick function on my span, but it isn't working. I guess the problem is coming from placing the ... at the wrong placement. I've tried all the possible place but I can't still work this right.</p>
<p>What's wrong?</p>
And the javascript:
$(function () {
function AddPayment(ID) {
showForm = $('#AddPaymentForm').html();
$('#divAJAX_' + ID).html(showForm);
$(".cancel").click(function () {
For dynamically created elements ,You have to do event delegation
$(document).on("click", ".cancel" , function(event){
Use this code
function AddPayment(ID)
var showForm = $('#AddPaymentForm').html();
var container = $('#divAJAX_'+ID);
container.find(".cancel").click(function(){ AddPayment(ID); });
$("#AddPaymentForm,[id^=divAJAX_]").on("click", ".cancel" , function(event){
Attach the delegated event handlers only the list of containers you need to monitor (not the document) if you need to save performance (you don't need to monitor all the .cancel). With this approach, the event does not have to bubble up more levels. If you have anther element that is parent of AddPaymentForm and all divAJAX_. You could write like this:
$("#anotherContainer").on("click", ".cancel" , function(event){

Image not clickable after loaded via AJAX

I have a set of images that are loaded via jQuery AJAX. For some reason, my click handler won't trigger when it is clicked.
//I added this part to test, because the above wasn't working...
alert(event.target.tagName+' '+event.target.className);
<img data-rsid="2" class="delete_related_sub" src="image.png" />
So my 2nd click handler alerts me with "IMG delete_related_sub". But the first one isn't triggered. The is actually in a table that is actually in a pane run by bootstrap tabs, not sure if that'd actually help though.
Try it like this
$(document).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {
Just replace document with a static parent of your image.
Use this:
$("body").on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {
Or, in the success: give this:
$('img.delete_related_sub').click(function() {
Because the line to bind the event runs before the element is added, try using
$(parent).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {});
where the parent is a static element that will be there for sure. This works because the event is bound to an element that actually exists, then checks to match your selector. See .on() for more details.
Something like
$(document).on('click', 'img.delete_related_sub', function() {});
would work fine.
$('.delete_related_sub').live("click", function()
Use live event to listen clicks

Why i can not trigger the jquery function?

This is a button to close the click but it fail and not work. I would like to know what is the tab ID since i did not think i assign one when i create a tab.
Thank you.
This is my attempt
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
<input type="button" id="closeTab" value="Cancel" class="submit"/>
I found my js code is working but the button can not trigger it? Why? thank you
latest try:
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
It still doesn't work so i think it is because the upper function ? How to fix this?
Also, are there any ways to clear my session in using this jquery function (what should i add for instance)?**Thanks
With javascript, you have to delay the execution of certain functions (like event handlers) until the page loads fully. Otherwise, it is attempting to bind a function to an element that doesn't yet exist. With jQuery, you can pass a function to jQuery to be executed on page load very easily like this:
$(function(){ /* code goes here */ });
So to use this with your code, you would do this:
$("#closeTab").click(function() {
window.parent.$('#tt').tabs('close','Create List');
This way, when the jQuery attempts to bind the function to #closeTab, it happens after the page has loaded (and after #closeTab exists).
Do you have any errors in the console?
Do you include jQuery before that click binding?
Try changing the window.parent.... to alert('clicked!'); and make sure you're actually getting there.
Also, make sure the click binding is inside of a:
// here
A script can close only the windows it creates. It cannot close the tab which it didn't create.
To rephrase, cannot close tab only if unless but when created tab by script which is same that close window.
I hope this makes sense.
Maybe the form is submitted and the browser navigates to another URL before the code could run? Try replacing function() with function(e) and adding e.preventDefault(); to the beginning of the event handler.

