React Native: renderRow not executed - javascript

In the following code, when setState is called from campaignsUpdated, render gets logged to the console, but not renderRow:
var React = require('react-native'),
Bus = require('../Bus'),
styles = require('../Styles'),
CampaignsStore = require('../stores/Campaigns'),
CampaignItem = require('./CampaignItem'),
} = React
class CampaignList extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2})
componentDidMount() {
Bus.emit('campaigns:search', '')
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
placeholder='Campaign Name'
dataSource = {this.state.dataSource}
renderRow = {this.renderRow.bind(this)}/>
renderRow(campaign) {
return <CampaignItem campaign={campaign}/>
addListeners() {
'campaigns:updated': this.campaignsUpdated.bind(this)
removeListeners() {{
'campaigns:updated': this.campaignsUpdated.bind(this)
campaignsUpdated(event) {
var campaigns =
dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(campaigns)
campaignSearchChanged(event) {
var campaignName = event.nativeEvent.text
Bus.emit('campaigns:search', campaignName)
module.exports = CampaignList
What am I doing wrong here?

You are passing ListView a function renderRow that returns a component. You would have to call that function within ListView once it is passed, presumably during a map over campaigns.

By the looks of it the most likely case is that you have a classic React mutability issue here.
I.e. I suspect your 'campaignsUpdated' method is called with either the same Array instance it received last time, or the elements within the list are the same instances.
Try using:
campaignsUpdated(event) {
var campaigns =; // <-- clone the array
dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(campaigns)
If that doesn't work, then you either make the part that manages your list of compaigns create new copies when changes are made (e.g. const clone = {...campaign, title:"A new Title"}) or update your rowHasChanged method to see if the title (or whatever data you need) has actually changed.
Here are two really good videos about immutability in JavaScript here:


React-select defaultValues

i have a select menu with defaultValue is null
when i pass props to it , it dosent rerender with the new props as defaultValues
ps : the select is multi
i tried to use component will recieve props and everything that i find but still dosent work
this is my select component :
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Select from "react-select";
class SelectMenu extends React.Component {
state = {
defaultValues: [],
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
this.setState({ defaultValues: newProps.defaultValue });
render() {
return (
onChange={(e) => this.props.onChange(e, this.props.nameOnState)}
export default SelectMenu;
componentWillReceiveProps won't be called during mounting.
React doesn’t call UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps() with initial props during mounting. It only calls this method if some of component’s props may update. (
Also, componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated and will be removed in React 17. Take a look at getDerivedStateFromProps instead, and especially the notes on when you do not need it.
I beleive that in your case using the constructor will be perfectly fine, something like:
class Components extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { some_property: props.defaultValue }
i find a solution for this problem
by using components will recieve props
and setting my state with the comming props
and in the render you need to do condition to render the select menu only if the state.length !== 0
i posted this answer just in case someone face the same problem i know its not the most optimal solution but it works for me
sorry for the previous solution but its not optimal i find a way to make it work
so instead of defaultvalues
you have to make its as value props
and if you want to catch the deleted and added values to your default
this function will help you alot
onChange = (e) => {
if (e === null) {
e = [];
equipments: e,
let added = e.filter((elm) => !this.state.equipments.includes(elm));
if (added[0]) {
let data = this.state.deletedEquipments.filter(
(elm) => elm !== added[0].label
deletedEquipments: data,
let Equipments = => elm.label);
let newEquipments = Equipments.filter(
(elm) => !this.state.fixed.includes(elm)
newEquipments: newEquipments,
let difference = this.state.equipments.filter((elm) => !e.includes(elm));
if (difference.length !== 0) {
if (
!this.state.deletedEquipments.includes(difference[0].label) &&
) {
deletedEquipments: [
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
equipments: [],
newEquipments: [],
deletedEquipments: [],

set multiple states, and push to state of array in one onClick function

I'm running into a recurring issue in my code where I want to grab multiple pieces of data from a component to set as states, and push those into an array which is having its own state updated. The way I am doing it currently isn't working and I think it's because I do not understand the order of the way things happen in js and react.
Here's an example of something I'm doing that doesn't work: jsfiddle here or code below.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
categoryTitle: null,
categorySubtitle: null,
categoryArray: [],
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
render() {
return (
categoryTitle={'Category Title Text'}
categorySubtitle={'Category Subtitle Text'}
class CategoryComponent extends Component {
render() {
var categoryTitle = this.props.categoryTitle;
var categorySubtitle = this.props.categorySubtitle;
return (
<div onClick={() => (this.props.setCategoryStates(
I can see in the console that I am grabbing the categoryTitle and categorySubtitle that I want, but they get pushed as null into this.state.categoryArray. Is this a scenario where I need to be using promises? Taking another approach?
This occurs because setState is asynchronous (
Here's the problem
//State has categoryTitle as null and categorySubtitle as null.
this.state = {
categoryTitle: null,
categorySubtitle: null,
categoryArray: [],
//This gets the correct values in the parameters
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
//This is correct, you're setting state BUT this is not sync
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
//This method is using the state, which as can be seen from the constructor is null and hence you're pushing null into your array.
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
Solution to your problem: pass callback to setState
setCategoryStates = (categoryTitle, categorySubtitle) => {
//This is correct, you're setting state BUT this is not sync
categoryTitle: categoryTitle,
categorySubtitle: categorySubtitle,
}, () => {
Add state to the array
This callback will be called once the async state update has succeeded
So accessing state in this variable will be correct.
and change
pushToCategoryArray = () => {
//You don't need state, you can simply make these regular JavaScript variables
'categoryTitle': this.state.categoryTitle,
'categorySubtitle': this.state.categorySubtitle,
I think React doesn't re-render because of the pushToCategoryArray that directly change state. Need to assign new array in this.setState function.
// this.state.categoryArray.push({...})
const prevCategoryArray = this.state.categoryArray
categoryArray: [ newObject, ...prevCategoryArray],

ReactJS calling function twice inside child component fails to set parent state twice

I'm having an issue where I want to save the data from a particular fieldset with the default values on componentDidMount().
The data saving happens in the parent component, after it is sent up from the child component. However, as React's setState() is asynchronous, it is only saving data from one of the fields. I have outlined a skeleton version of my problem below. Any ideas how I can fix this?
// Parent Component
class Form extends Component {
this.manageData = this.manageData.bind(this);
this.state = {
formData: {}
manageData(data) {
var newObj = {
[]: data.value
var currentState = this.state.formData;
var newState = Object.assign({}, currentState, newObj);
formData: newState, // This only sets ONE of the fields from ChildComponent because React delays the setting of state.
render() {
return (
<ChildComponent formValidate={this.manageData} />
// Child Component
class ChildComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const fieldA = {
name: 'Phone Number',
value: '123456678'
fieldB = {
name: 'Email Address',
value: ''
render() {
/// Things happen here.
You're already answering you're own question. React handles state asynchronously and as such you need to make sure you use the current component's state when setState is invoked. Thankfully the team behind React is well-aware of this and have provided an overload for the setState method. I would modify your manageData call to the following:
manageData(data) {
this.setState(prevState => {
const nextState = Object.assign({}, prevState);
nextState.formData[] = data.value;
return nextState;
This overload for the setState takes a function whose first parameter is the component's current state at the time that the setState method is invoked. Here is the link where they begin discussing this form of the setState method.
Change manageData to this
manageData(data) {
const newObj = {
[]: data.value
this.setState(prevState => ({
formData: {

What is the correct way to add to an array with splice in react

Newbie question.
I have an array that i need to add to and I am using slice to do this. I am using gatsby/react. The problem I have is each time my page/component rerenders the object I am adding to my array gets added again
Here is my code
class IndexPage extends PureComponent {
render() {
const data =;
const hostels = data.featuredHostel.edges;
const hopimage = data.hop.childImageSharp.fluid;
hostels.splice(8, 0, {
node: {
featuredImage: {
alt: 'Bedhopper Image',
fluid: hopimage
id: 'bedhopper',
slug: '/deals/bed-hopper',
title: 'For travel adicts who want to stay everywhere'
return (....
Been stuck on this for a while now. Any help appreciated
You should make any calculation on constructor or componentDidMount.
class IndexPage extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { hostels } = this.state;
return (
Probably, your case can works too (I didn't see whole code). I guess you use array index as key for render, hostelIndex) => (<SomeComponent key={hostelIndex} />))
You can change key to for example for more unique block.

How to automatically run a function after a page loads in react?

In my componentDidMount(), I am calling an actionCreator in my redux file to do an API call to get a list of items. This list of items is then added into the redux store which I can access from my component via mapStateToProps.
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
list: state.list
So in my render(), I have:
render() {
const { list } = this.props;
Now, when the page loads, I need to run a function that needs to map over this list.
Let's say I have this method:
someFunction(list) {
// A function that makes use of list
But where do I call it? I must call it when the list is already available to me as my function will give me an error the list is undefined (if it's not yet available).
I also cannot invoke it in render (before the return statement) as it gives me an error that render() must be pure.
Is there another lifecycle method that I can use?
Just do this, and in redux store please make sure that initial state of list should be []
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
list: someFunction(state.list)
These are two ways you can play with received props from Redux
Do it in render
render() {
const { list } = this.props;
const items = list &&, index) => {
return <li key={}>{item.value}</li>
Or Do it in componentWillReceiveProps method if you are not using react 16.3 or greater
this.state = {
items: []
if(nextProps.list != this.props.list){
const items = nextProps.list &&, index) => {
return <li key={}>{item.value}</li>
this.setState({items: items});
render() {
const {items} = this.state;
You can also do it in componentDidMount if your Api call is placed in componentWillMount or receiving props from parent.

