Visual Studio 2013 developers license javascript error - javascript

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 installed, and I would like to start coding windows store apps. Every time I create a project, I'm getting the notification that I need a developer license. This is fine to me, so I press the 'I agree' button.
After doing this, Visual Studio seems to be trying to make some connection to the web, and the next thing happening is a JavaScript error. Literally translated from Dutch it says:
You need JavaScript to login to your Microsoft-account. This browser doesn't support JavaScript or scripts are being blocked. Look into the online Help of your browser to see if the browser supports JavaScript or to enable scripts.
My default browser is Google Chrome, and in the settings of Google Chrome, JavaScript is enabled by default. How do I solve all of this? I really want to start creating windows store apps.

Finally solved this.
The problem is: Microsoft Visual Studio is still making use of Internet Explorer in stead of your chosen default browser. Visual Studio needs to be able to do something with Cookies in Internet Explorer, and this is blocked by default. Lower your security settings on Internet Explorer, and everything is solved.


Client and server side JavaScript debugging experience for Visual Studio Community 2017

I vaguely recall debugging client side JavaScript code inside of Visual Studio many years ago (this was before browsers has Dev Tools, and you had just the Firebug extension for Firefox), but more recently when I try it, I cannot break into the script inside of Visual Studio and I have to use the debugger in Dev Tools inside the browsers.
When I set a breakpoint within Visual Studio and run my application, the application does not honor the breakpoint and just keeps running. When I look at the breakpoint in the code editor, I see a message that reads:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded
for this document.
I am using Firefox 62.0.3 on 64-bit Windows.
My question is:
Just like the "Chrome Debugger" extension for Visual Studio Code allows for the JavaScript debugging experience inside Code, for both client and server side JavaScript, is there something that I can use with Visual Studio Community 2017 to debug JavaScript, and also support source maps?
Also, this is not very important, but since I have not been able to debug JavaScript inside Visual Studio for quite some time now, I am beginning to doubt whether I actually debugged it in Visual Studio or was it just a dream, or a memory gone wrong. But I am pretty sure, 100% that I did. But still, I don't know. I know that I did, but sometimes, I just want to make sure that it wasn't just me.
Adding a few more updates to the previous answer -
Microsoft Edge debugging is supported starting with version 15.7 of Visual Studio 2017. You will need to be on "Windows 10 April 2018 Update" or later.
Also by default Javascript debugging has been disabled by default on Visual Studio 2017. You can enable that as shown in the post above or automatically let Visual Studio show the below dialog box when you start debugging with a breakpoint set in JavaScript/TypeScript file.
Enabling JavaScript dialog box in Visual Studio 2017
Yes options are there to enable debugging JavaScript in visual studio 2017 too.
1. Go to tools and then select options
2. Then by click on the debugging tag you can able to see many check box options.
3. In that check whether your visual studio is enable with JavaScript debugging options provided.
By enabling this you can able to use Client Side JavaScript debugging on Visual Studio 2017
The short answer is:
The JavaScript debugging experience for Visual Studio is available only for debugging scripts inside Chrome and Internet Explorer. I am not sure if it is available with Microsoft Edge. And since Internet Explorer is pretty much out of use, the only popular browser that this experience is surely available for is Chrome.
So, make sure you select Chrome from the list of browsers in the toolbar when launching your debug session in Visual Studio.
Yes, I wasn't dreaming. I used to be able to debug those JavaScript files inside of Visual Studio, but at the time, I would be unconsciously using Internet Explorer. That experience was available only for Internet Explorer.
A few things to make sure you're doing before you start debugging:
Make sure you're running a debug configuration, so all your symbols are loaded.To do that, go to Project -> Properties, and from the dialog, navigate to the Configuration Properties page, and select Debug as the active configuration for the fields highlighted in the picture below.
Like Prasanna Brabourame said in his answer, check the checkbox that reads "Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome and IE)" from the Tools -> Options -> Debuggging dialog.

How to Get Full JavaScript/TypeScript Debugging in Chrome with Visual Studio (Like IE)

Is there a method for interactive debugging JavaScript and TypeScript in Visual Studio using Chrome similar to the functionality currently provided with Internet Explorer? With IE I can set a breakpoint in JavaScript or TypeScript in the IDE and step through the code within the IDE. I cannot get that same behavior with Chrome in Visual Studio.
For a fully integrated debugging experience with any JavaScript/browser based application and Visual Studio, you'll need to use Internet Explorer today. As TypeScript compiles to JavaScript, the integrated debugging also requires Internet Explorer.
The "trick" I often use if I want to use another browser is to add a debugger; statement somewhere in my TypeScript/JavaScript code and have the development tools open in Chrome ..., and execution will then stop on that instruction. As long as you have source-maps enabled, you should see your original TypeScript code in the Chrome debugging window. You can then use Chrome debugging tools to set further breakpoints. If the file doesn't change, the breakpoints will be retained from a "refresh" of the page.
This does not allow me to set breakpoints within Visual Studio though, but it's still effective and works well enough for my development.
Update April 2016
As a few in comments have pointed out, there's a path to making this work a little better, although the experience isn't nearly as complete as it is for Internet Explorer. Follow the steps outlined here. It involves starting Chrome with a custom command line (to enable remote debugging):
chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
And then attaching to the Chrome process with WebKit debugging enabled. You can add a custom browser to make it easy to launch Chrome.
(But, I will add that I haven't been able to get this to work in a way that I find useful and consistent, especially as I use Chrome for most other web browsing.)

Use Chrome/Firefox while debugging client-side

I am using camera with getUserMedia and I get a few errors I want to fix. The thing is Visual Studio only allows me to debug JavaScript (I mean hitting breakpoints) with IE, and IE does not support getUserMedia.
If you want to debug in a browser other than Internet Explorer then you will need to use the Developer Tools of that individual browser and set your breakpoints accordingly. Alternatively you could use console.log() and/or console.warn() to get the state of your objects in code. Visual Studio does not and cannot understand the implementations of different JavaScript and rendering engines (V8, Blink, Gecko etc.) - nor should it ever attempt to do so. These engines move so rapidly with six week release cycles the IDE would be a totally misleading proxy for the actual the platform you're supposed to be testing against.
Both Firefox and Chrome allow you to retain console contents beyond a page reload/navigation and there are tools like Browser Link in Visual Studio will allow you to test in multiple browsers simultaneously - inspecting the console results afterwards for errors (interactions will have to be tested individually in each browser).
If you are testing mobile devices Adobe Shadow that would potentially allow you to test on multiple tablets and/or phone simultaneously whilst using Dev Tools (I believe Chrome) on your laptop or desktop. Otherwise desktop browsers dev tools allow you to debug page running on a connected mobile device using the same browser, or - in the case of Firefox - also Chrome instances on the device.
It is well worth getting to know browser dev tools for front end debugging and troubleshooting, as these are much more powerful for this purpose than those provided with Visual Studio. The free CodeSchool course Discover DevTools (focussed on the Chrome DevTools and sponsored by Google/Chrome) may help you discover some of the features of client developer tooling, and many of the interfaces and techniques will be broadly applicable to other browser dev tools.
If you want to test on devices that are not available to you, browsers that you cannot install on your system (e.g. Safari on Windows) or simply a newer or legacy version which you cannot install alongside the one already installed locally then there are services like Browserstack which allow you to do so in hosted virtual machines. There is a Visual Studio extension available for BrowserStack to help connect to projects running locally.

How to track/debug IE 7 & 6 javascript errors in dreamweaver CS3?

How to track/debug IE 7 & 6 javascript errors in pages in dreamweaver CS3 ? I know how to debug in Visual studio but is it possible in Dreamweaver CS3 ?
Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4 for that matter, do no include a debugger that allows you to set breakpoints and track variable values. You're best off using another tool for the debugging, either move over to Visual Studio to debug a particular page. I've not used Visual Studio for web page debugging, so not quite sure how it works, but if you set Visual Studio as the External Editor in Dreamweaver, you should be able to open the current document in Visual Studio and then use it's debugging tools. To set an external editor in Dreamweaver read the Adobe TechNote: Setting the external code editor within Dreamweaver, or the Dreamweaver CS4 help docs for Using an external editor. If you don't have Visual Studio, then perhaps debuggin in Visual Web Developer Express might be useful. Set it as the external editor and then try the steps in How to debug JavaScript with Visual Web Developer Express (assuming the steps are correct, haven't tried it).
Then with the document open, go to Edit -> Open with {external editor name}.
Or you can do the debugging from within Internet Explorer. I haven't tried it, but a quick search yields HOW-TO: Debug JavaScript in Internet Explorer. I'm sure that there are IE plugins that help or facilitate debugging in Explorer out there.
(Please add references here if anyone is aware of them)

how can i debug javascript code within a coldfusion template(a coldfusion page) using visual studio 2008

i know i can debug an page in visual studio 2008, because visual studio knows pages. but i'm developing coldfusion based application now, and i'm curious whether i can use visual studio to debug the js code in coldfusion pages.
thank you in advance.
Visual Studio isn't aware of CFML Syntax, so it can't debug a CFML page. I don't think you can debug (in the sense of line-debugging, "stepping through") JavaScript code in Visual Studio anyway -- not even inside an ASPX page -- but I'm not sure.
What you should use to step-debug JavaScript is Firefox and FireBug. Once you've got the tools, all you need to know is how to use FireBug to debug your JavaScript, which is explained pretty well right on the FireBug website.
You need to write a debugger inside your javascript code. And also make sure that your IE Options "disable script debugging is unchecked"
Here is the referencein how to debug javascript using IE
Here are the references :
Hope this helps,
I would add 1 to what Adam said. To debug Javascript in IE, you can download Visual Web Developer 2008. Create a default website, (file>new web site) and then start the debug (the green play button on the menu). This will launch an IE window pointing to localhost. (http://localhost:3928/WebSite1/Default.aspx) If you change the url to whatever, you will start debugging in IE as well. I have firebug for FF. Web developer add on is also useful. The thing is you will need to debug in IE too since IE craps on places where FF does not.
hope it helps...
Also, in your solutions explorer window, right click on default.aspx and pick "browse with..." then set IE as default browser.

