Why do rendered pixels differ from real pixels? - javascript

In my HTML i have a <div> (call it the panel) with fixed width that contains some text; that text is set to font-size: 25px; line-height: 25px; in the accompanying CSS. It so happens that the text ends up as 36 lines.
Given that all margins, paddings and borders are zero, you'd expect the height of the panel to be 36 * 25px = 900px, and that is in fact what i find in Firefox, using the DOM's getBoundingClientRect() method.
However, in Google Chrome i get different figures; it would appear the panel is only 892.7999877929688px high while lines are 24.799999660915798px high. Dividing those two numbers still gives 36 though. It looks like there is a scaling ratio between nominal pixels as set in the CSS and real pixels as reported by getBoundingClientRect(); in my case, this is 1.0080645299120465 nominal per real pixels.
One more piece of evidence comes from Chromium running inside an nwjs app where i initially observed the discrepancy. During my tests, it showed consistently a different ratio from the one in Chrome. Now, at some point during my tests, the pixels reported by Chromium suddenly jumped to the integer values as reported in Firefox; i'm not sure what i did to make this happen.
It could be expected that the fractional ratios are in some way linked to page zoom; after all, at very small sizes, Chrome and Chromium reflow the text (and sometimes do it wrong). And indeed, varying the zoom in Chrome leads to different ratios, and making Chrome zoom in to the max will make the ratio flat out at 1. Still, my Chromium app is not zoomed in to the max and still has a fractional ratio. an integer pixels ratio in the test but a fractional value in the real app.
For all i presently know, all i can do to obtain the ratio so i can make sound, consistent box size measuring with JavaScript is to set up a box of known size and measure it.
I'm still wondering what the source of the observed behavior is. Are there any reports of it? Is it an intentional or an emergent behavior of the renderer? Was it ever discussed by the devs? Is there an API to obtain the ratio?
I've put some code on a gist at https://gist.github.com/loveencounterflow/d8c20b9021d2ab3f573a to simplify testing.

Some fonts cant be rendered at the exact size u ask for, and fonts had properties that affect indirectly to the real size reported. If you want same behavior everywere, maybe u have to import your own font to achieve similar rendering cross browsing. I had a similar problem while working on IE and Chrome.


How to obtain screen scaling on the client machine?

I am trying to obtain the screen scaling on the client machine - the value in the image below. As you can see it's set to 150%.
I've tried window.devicePixelRatio, which returns 1.5 - which is what I want, but only if the browser zoom is at 100%. I am unclear how to get zoom level in a modern browser, which precludes me from getting accurate screen scaling.
Am I missing a simple way to obtain screen scaling?
P.S. This question doesn't solve anything because the ratio as the same as zoom, which makes it impossible to find the scaling. See example.

how to get the minimum scroll thumb height in javascript

I am trying to get the minimum height of the div scroll thumb in javascript,
It looks like there is a minimum height that the browsers do not pass.
in chrome it is 16 px.
i need a formula to get it for all browsers
i am able to get the height if greater or equal to the minimum
Can you help?
Note that it's really dependent on the browser and often the browser uses native OS widgets, and DPI settings. On mobile devices the scrollbar is usually hidden entirely.
Whichever "solution" you'll find, you shouldn't trust it to work everywhere. Even if you'd cover all cases now, it most likely breaks tomorrow.

Safari mobile blurry when scale

i have a panel that should be drawn floating over the normal html page.
This object is dynamically created on DOMloaded event and scaled to fit current screen resolution depending on the zoom level of page.
In order to obtain that we have to scale the element, because we fix the width and height.
The scale amount in not mobile friendly website is always bigger than 1. It seems to work in all browsers except for Safari mobile, in which the floating panel is blurry.
How can i solve this problem?
It is the device, not the browser. iPhones have retina displays, which, in plain words, means that the pixels are doubled. Fonts, borders and other CSS styles scale up fine, but images are stretched, that's the reason your image appears blurred.
The simplest way to fix this is to use a bigger image
Of course this has the drawback that well... you will be using a bigger image for all devices/browsers even if you don't need one. Of course, there are many other ways to handle this.
Here is a place to start:

Image stretches after JS image source change in Firefox

Scroll through the images in Firefox (tested on v. 26) and you notice if you look to the right that the image stretches one pixel (or so) after its .src has been changed. This behaviour only occurs in Firefox and if the width of the image is increased or decreased by 1px (through web console), the behaviour disappears... I know that the image is bigger than the width I set but it still doesn't explain the behaviour and why it's only occuring at a very specific width (after all, image is still resized in browser if I increase or decrease the width by 1px as well but then the behaviour disappears). Works perfect in Opera, Chome, Safari and IE...
I spent some time researching this and they way I see it, it's a bug.
I filed a bug report at Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=953364
I also made a thorough test page for those interested in studying this behaviour: http://www.blackwinged-angel.com/bugs/index.html
And finally, the fix:
-Set css property image-rendering on the image to something else than auto (optimizequality, optimizespeed, -moz-crisp-edges). It's claimed in the documentation that optimizequality and optimizespeed are the same as auto (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/image-rendering) but they do result in different downscaling algorithms being used (see my link for proof). However, this fixes the problem.
-Use image sizes where images are only upscaled, not scaled at all or check the resulting downscaling since it only applies to certain sizes of the containing element in relation to certain actual image sizes, not all.
Again folks, this only applies to Firefox, was tested on Firefox 26, applies to downscaling images on-the-fly in the browser by styling img (and possibly other) elements with width and height and it's not consistent (just happens at about roughly 30% of tested downscalings on a specific image for me).

smooth animation only in firefox 4

It seems that the following setup on jsfiddle only runs smooth in firefox 4.
Im wondering why?
I thought maybe because of the hardware acceleration in firefox 4,
but without it still runs smooth.
So maybe someone knows why?
edit: compared to chrome,safari,ie8
You're animating over a 10 second period a change in size of only 20 pixels. That means that there's going to be only one integral dimension change every 1/2 second, which is exactly what I see in Chrome. The size of the image can't be set to fractions of a pixel (in all browsers). Firefox 4 seems to allow that, however; that's the only thing I can imagine anyway.
If you change your fiddle like this you'll see that Chrome is running the animation as fast as you could want it to, but the image only shifts when there's a whole integer change in the property value (width and height).
This is an interesting side effect that I hadn't encountered before.
It seems that other browsers can't apply subpixel scaling, so you only have 20 pixels to spread in 10 seconds, coming to a glorius 2 frames per second. The workaround for this would be to apply CSS transitions (if you don't need to support IE).
See example with CSS transitions here:

