How to set curve to the labels in the Highchart Pie Chart - javascript

I'm using Highcharts JS library for drawing a pie chart where I have to show some labels in circular format. In my case, it's name of projects which I wanted to show in it's own block aligned with arc. See my code here Jsfiddle
I've tried with some other JS libraries like CircleType and Arctext to give the curve shape for these labels. But for this, the attribute ID needs to be set for the particular text which I'm not able to do. By modifying Highcharts.js, I can manage to set ID for the Title of chart and when I set the property like jQuery('#myid').arctext({radius: 50, rotate: true}); the title disappears.
So is it feasible to do this task in the graph?
Any help will be appreciated.


Draw bubbles to show details in line chart using chart js

I developed a line chart using chartJS. In my chart, I have to draw the data line, and lines with bubbles to show where is the mode, red, and amber in my data. I have figured how to draw the lines. But I don't understand how to draw the bubbles to show the details.
The chart I need to draw is shown in the picture:
Is there any idea how to draw the chart ?
I have found the simple solution.
There is plugins in chartJS called chartjs-plugin-annotation.
These plugins help you make arbitrary lines in the chart and give labels to it.
You can see the example and documentation of chartJS plugin annotation here

Highcharts stacked area chart with background chart

What i would like: (not in highcharts)
Note the gray backround graph showing the average trend
What i currently have: (made with highcharts)
I managed to implement the stacked area chart, but i would like to add the grey average graph in the background.
Could anyone tell me if and how this is possible?
The answer was simply adding the "stack" variable to my series, which allows you to build multiple stacks of "stacked area" charts: one for the actual values, one for the average of last week. Thanks to everyone for their input

Add labels between two points in a line graph d3.js

I'm trying to add labels to different sections of a line graph using d3.js. I'm working with a dataset that needs to be labelled by the end user by assigning labels to different section of the graph. My current under use case is to build something like the following:
While I am able to create the line graph, and can guess that the areas can be added to the graph as brushes, I'm unable to get started with regard it.

Adding labels and descriptive label to D3.js donut chart

I'm using the following d3.js donut chart: jsfiddel
What I would like to do is extend this example so that:
Each coloured section needs a text label
I want to colour in the centre of the donut, and add some text to the centre of the donut
I need to be able to style each path based on it's class, so how can I apply a class?
Any help appreciated, many of the samples for d3.js are hosted on a site which is currently down .

Putting images as axis ticks in d3.js

is it possible to put images as axis ticks using d3.js javascript library?
I am trying to visualize a simple bar graph (done!) but in the x-axis I need to show a different image for each bar.
It is possible. The way to think about this is using d3 to position images on a page.
If you have each image in a div with it's own id then you can use d3 to select and position those divs. I found this tutorial very helpful.

