Get account ID from Google Analytics Tracking code on page - javascript

I am performing an audit using a custom web crawler of mine and was trying to garner the accountID for the legacy implementations of Google Analytics, but I cannot seem to get any of the JavaScript functions in _gaq to return the accountId in use. Does anybody know how to do this? All the documentation I've read really only mentions how to set variables, not how to get variables out once set for the purpose of auditing an implementation.
Thanks in advance
Thanks everyone! I wish I could check off all of your responses as good answers.
After a bit of testing, I have come up with the following function that handles pretty much every use case.
function getAccount() {
try {
if (_gaq) {
for (i = 0; i < _gaq.length; i++) {
if (_gaq[i][0] == "_setAccount") {
return _gaq[i][1]
if (_gat) {
if (_gat.fb) {
return _gat.fb
if (ga) {
return ga.getAll()[0][':trackingId']
} catch (e) { }
return ""

Joshua, this isn't a standard feature / get function that would be available.
You can however manually access ga object created by the tracking library.
If you for example open console for this webpage and type in:
You will receive UA-5620270-1 which is probably the main Analytics Account for Stack Overflow. Similar approach should work in your case as well - and also any other attribute that's accessible:

If you are prepared to accept a less than elegant solution you could use
function getAccount(_gaq) {
for (i = 0; i < _gaq.length; i++) {
if (_gaq[i][0] == "_setAccount") {
return _gaq[i][1];
_gaq is an array of arrays, the function simply loops through until it finds a subarray where the first element is _setAccount and returns the second element, which is the account number (_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);).
As you are talking of legacy implementations, there are even older versions of the code so you might need more checks. The oldest version I could find on an active page was:
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X";
It's quite easy to get the Account Id from there. There is also the synchronous version of the code (sorry, can't find an example right now).
And for the current version look at Petrs answer.

According to documentation first you get all the trackers set on page
// returns an array with all the trackers
const trackers = ga.getAll();
And then, for each tracker, you can obtain the tracking id for each one getting the property
// returns the 'trackingId' propperty
const trackingId = tracker.get('trackingId'));
If you want to shorten it up, you could do
const trackingIds = ga.getAll().map(tracker => tracker.get('trackingId'));
Remember to run this always after the ga ready.
Don't — use ga object methods outside a readyCallback as the methods
may not be available yet.
var trackers = ga.getAll();
Do — use ga object methods inside a
readyCallback as they're guaranteed to be available.
ga(function() {
var trackers = ga.getAll();

I just did it using an alternative method, as follows:
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(function() {
var trackers, i;
trackers = _gat._getTrackers();
for (i = trackers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var account = trackers[i]._getAccount();
console.log("tracker account", account);


How to send a ga command to a tracker with no name?

We have a custom Google Analytics plugin that will be sending commands to track custom pageviews and log events. Here's a simplified repro of our scenario:
// Version 1: only works with analytics.js, not with GTM
function GaPlugin(tracker, config) {
// Simplified for SO, we actually use the config argument
// to track more interesting pages and events...
ga(tracker.get('name') + ".send", "pageview", "/virtual/page/view");
var ga = window[window["GoogleAnalyticsObject"] || "ga"];
if (typeof ga == "function") {
ga("provide", "myAnalytics", GaPlugin);
ga("require", "myAnalytics", { /* omitted for simplicity */ });
This works fine if analytics.js is included directly on the page. However, we're now including universal analytics on the page using the Google Tag Manager. Thus we ran into the dreaded error...
Command ignored. Unknown target: undefined seen in the Google Analytics debugging Chrome plugin when the require command is being executed.
This question and this blogpost imply the need to set a tracker name (in GTM, using: Edit Tag => More Settings => Advanced Configuration => Set Tracker Name checkbox) but the tooltip says "Use of named trackers is highly discouraged in GTM". So instead I changed things to this:
// Version 2: crashes with GTM because ga is loaded after this code
function GaPlugin(tracker, config) {
// Simplified for SO, we actually use the config argument
// to track more interesting pages and events...
ga(tracker.get('name') + ".send", "pageview", "/virtual/page/view");
var ga = window[window["GoogleAnalyticsObject"] || "ga"];
if (typeof ga == "function") {
ga("provide", "myAnalytics", GaPlugin);
ga(ga.getAll()[0].get("name") + ".require", "myAnalytics", { });
But now I'm met with an error because ga is undefined when the above executes, because GTM will load universal analytics asynchronously, where I want to run my code to bootstrap the plugin right away. This also means I cannot place a callback on the ga command queue, because again: it doesn't exist yet.
In essence, the order of things (I think) is now:
The GTM snippet starts loading (async).
My own javascript code runs.
GTM will start loading analytics (async).
Analytics is loaded and ready to be used.
The only workaround I could think of was this:
// Version 3: ugly workaround...
function GaPlugin(tracker, config) {
// Simplified for SO, we actually use the config argument
// to track more interesting pages and events...
ga(tracker.get('name') + ".send", "pageview", "/virtual/page/view");
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var ga = window[window["GoogleAnalyticsObject"] || "ga"];
if (typeof ga == "function" && typeof ga.getAll == "function") {
ga("provide", "myAnalytics", GaPlugin);
ga(ga.getAll()[0].get("name") + ".require", "myAnalytics", { });
}, 250);
Isn't there a better way to do this? The GTM documentation nor the GA Plugins documentation seems to have any info on this.
As a footnote, I just realized it might also work if I mimic the tracking snippet by creating ga as a command queue myself. But that also feels like a workaround, not a solution...
Not satisfying, but let me share my workaround as an answer nonetheless, as it is in fact the solution I'm using right now. It builds on the final footnote: mimicking what the Google Analytics bootstrapping snippet does.
I'm setting up the ga object, or at least its q property, myself:
function createGoogleAnalyticsQueueIfNeeded() {
// As a workaround for:
// We mimick:
var gaKey = window["GoogleAnalyticsObject"] || "ga";
var ga = window[gaKey] || function () {
(window[gaKey]["q"] = window[gaKey]["q"] || []).push(arguments);
window[gaKey] = ga;
return ga;
After calling the above, you can place a command on that queue which will be executed whenever GTM has finished loading GA (which also includes an optimization to run the plugin for all trackers):
var ga = createGoogleAnalyticsQueueIfNeeded();
ga(function() {
ga("provide", "myAnalytics", GaPlugin);
ga.getAll().forEach(function(t) {
ga(t.get("name") + ".require", "myAnalytics", { });
Et voila, the provide and .require calls now run whenever GA (loaded via GTM) hollers at the callback.

Get prefixes of css filters with Modernizr

I'm trying to use the Modernizr.prefixed() function to avoid writing all the vendors code in my JS but it doesn't seems to work.
I would like to use it for css filters, here is my code:
Modernizr.prefixed('filter') // returns 'filter' on Chrome which actually needs '-webkit-filter'
I already looked at the source code of Modernizr but it didn't helped (
Notice that the feature detection for filters is present in my Modernizr build.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, this is really a chromium bug.
The fine young gentlemen stucox provides a work around for this specific case, though
// This could be written more efficiently, but shows the technique at least
function getFilterPrefixed () {
var elem = document.createElement('div');
var testValue = 'grayscale(1)';
var prop;
var i;
// `Modernizr._prefixes` is a list of known (common) vendor prefixes
for (i = 0; i < Modernizr._prefixes.length; i++) {
prop = Modernizr._prefixes[i] + 'filter';
// Set-and-check: if the property holds a valid value, it's the one[prop] = testValue;
if ([prop] == testValue) {
return prop;

Accessing custom defined variable/object in javascript in loop

Let me explain the whole problem. I was trying to avoid writing this as it could be a long explanation.
I am working with a tool called Lectora. This is an authoring tool which generates HTML pages and SCORM compliant packages to be deployed to the LMS.
When I insert a button in the Lectora, the code that is generated is something like this...
// some code here...
button63 = new ObjButton('button63', ....);
button64 = new ObjButton('button64', ....);
button65897 = new ObjButton('button65897', ....);
// some more code here...
So I try to write:
var arr_buttons = [];
for(var i in window)
if(window[i] typeof object)
if(window[i] != null)
if(window[i] instanceof ObjButton)
alert(arr_buttons.length); // gives me 845 in IE11 and it gives me 44 in IE8
And when I check the contents of arr_buttons in console or by any other method, I do not find button65897 of any other button object in it. Which makes me think that it is not iterated at all!! This is my problem.
ObjButton is a Lectora created javascript object and I cannot edit it.
Now, I have set the language option in another variable and depending on the variable value for language, I want to get hold of the object 'button65897' and change its images. Now I am finding it difficult to get hold of 'button65897' in IE8.
Isn't there any way to get hold of the object 'button65897' in IE8?

Auto-load/include for JavaScript

I have file called common.js and it's included in each page of my site using <script />.
It will grow fast as my sites functionality will grow (I hope; I imagine). :)
Lets example I have a jQuery event:
$('#that').click(function() {
For the moment, I have that one_of_many_functions() in common.js.
Is it somehow possible that JavaScript automatically loads file one_of_many_functions.js when such function is called, but it doesn't exist? Like auto-loader. :)
The second option I see is to do something like:
$('#that').click(function() {
That not so automatically, but still - includes wanted file.
Is any of this possible? Thanks in an advice! :)
It is not possible to directly auto-load external javascripts on demand. It is, however, possible to implement a dynamic inclusion mechanism similar to the second route you mentioned.
There are some challenges though. When you "include" a new external script, you aren't going to be able to immediately use the included functionality, you'll have to wait until the script loads. This means that you'll have to fragment your code somewhat, which means that you'll have to make some decisions about what should just be included in the core vs. what can be included on demand.
You'll need to set up a central object that keeps track of which assets are already loaded. Here's a quick mockup of that:
var assets = {
assets: {},
include: function (asset_name, callback) {
if (typeof callback != 'function')
callback = function () { return false; };
if (typeof this.assets[asset_name] != 'undefined' )
return callback();
var html_doc = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var st = document.createElement('script');
st.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
st.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
st.setAttribute('src', asset_name);
st.onload = function () { assets._script_loaded(asset_name, callback); };
_script_loaded: function (asset_name, callback) {
this.assets[asset_name] = true;
assets.inlude('myfile.js', function () {
/* do stuff that depends on myfile.js */
Sure it's possible -- but this can become painful to manage. In order to implement something like this, you're going to have to maintain an index of functions and their corresponding source file. As your project grows, this can be troublesome for a few reasons -- the 2 that stick out in my mind are:
A) You have the added responsibility of maintaining your index object/lookup mechanism so that your scripts know where to look when the function you're calling cannot be found.
B) This is one more thing that can go wrong when debugging your growing project.
I'm sure that someone else will mention this by the time I'm finished writing this, but your time would probably be better spent figuring out how to combine all of your code into a single .js file. The benefits to doing so are well-documented.
I have created something close to that a year ago. In fact, I have found this thread by search if that is something new on the field. You can see what I have created here:
My project are, almost 100% OOP. So, I used this fact to focus my solution. I create this "Class" with the name "New" what is used to, first load and after instance the objects.
Here a example of someone using it:
var objSquare = New.Square(); // Square is loaded and after that instance is created
objSquare.x = objBox.width / 2;
objSquare.y = objBox.height / 2;
var objSomeExample = New.Stuff("some parameters can be sent too");
In this version I am not using some json with all js file position. The mapping is hardcore as you can see here:
New.prototype.arrMap = {
CanvasBox: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBox",
CanvasBoxBehavior: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBoxBehavior",
CanvasBoxButton: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBoxButton",
// (...)
But make this more automatic, using gulp or grunt is something what I am thinking to do, and it is not that hard.
This solution was created to be used into the project. So, the code may need some changes to be able to be used into any project. But may be a start.
Hope this helps.
As I said before, this still is a working progress. But I have created a more independent module what use gulp to keep it updated.
All the magic que be found in this links:
A special look should be in this lines of the
# Create an instance of the object passing the argument
instaceObject = (->
ClassElement = (args) ->
window[args["0"]].apply this, args["1"]
ClassElement:: = (window[arguments["0"]])::
objElement = new ClassElement(arguments)
return objElement
This lines allows me to initialize a instance of some object after load its file. As is used in the create method:
return instaceObject(#packageName, arguments) is undefined?

I want to write an extension (a session manager which has more features and eye candy than the ones already in the gallery) for google chrome / chromium.
But I can't get the following code to work:
function list_session() {
var list = [];
{"populate" : true},
function (window_list) {
for(window in window_list) {
return list;
It's a fairly simple example for the use of the google api, but instead of a list of tabs I get only 'undefined'values in return. Furthermore, the window list seems to be empty.
I'm currently running Chromium 7.0.517.44 (64615) under Ubuntu 10.10. I've tried the official chrome release from google as well with the same results.
API documentation can be found here:
Assuming you declared tabs permission in manifest, there are several problems with this code:
list_session() function will return empty list because you modify the list in a callback function, which could be called by chrome 15 minutes after your console.log(list); and return. You need to change your program structure to use callbacks instead.
concat method does not modify original array
in operator is not recommended to use to loop through an array as it might return not what you expect.
So I would write something like this:
function list_session(callback) {{populate : true}, function (window_list) {
var list = [];
for(var i=0;i<window_list.length;i++) {
list = list.concat(window_list[i].tabs);
if(callback) {
list_session(function(tab_list) {
//use array of tabs

