I receive from my rest api news with the specified id. When I display all news I used ng-repeat and works fine but when I want display one object this method is not working.
My .when code:
templateUrl: 'views/display.html',
controller: 'NewsDisplayController',
constollerAs: 'displaydash'
and the controller:
function($routeParams, NewsModel){
var displaydash = this;
var newsId = $routeParams.id;
path = 'getNewsById/'+newsId;
function getNewsById() {
NewsModel.getNewsById().then(function (result){
displaydash.news = result.data;
Result from console.log:
Object { id="56f1ba6b275c8aa5bf4895d8", title="Tytul", text="Text", more...}
How can I display this in my html template?
I try to display in html file in this way:
But it's not working
You can go for :
So, here you can go for:
in Controller:
displaydash.news = result.data;
$scope.news = angular.toJson(displaydash.news);
in HTML:
The issue in your question is simple, you are trying to access news object which you have not defined, try creating a scope variable for it, you will be easily able to access it:
$scope.displaydash.news = result.data;
Refer: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.toJson
If result.data is an object, enclose it with square brackets and set as news, otherwise use it directly.
displaydash.news = typeof(result.data) == "object"?[result.data]: result.data;
I am attempting to simply throw some JSON data onto a page from a GET call.
This is my HTML (Please be aware this is loaded into index.html which has the correct angular notation):
<div class="container" ng-controller="DownloadCtrl as download">
This is the download controller:
'use strict';
angular.module('dashboardApp').controller('DownloadCtrl', DownloadCtrl);
DownloadCtrl.$inject= ['DownloadService'];
function DownloadCtrl(DownloadService){
var self = this;
self.routes = function(){
.then(function(responseData) {
self.routes = responseData;
This is the download service:
'use strict';
.factory('DownloadService', DownloadService);
DownloadService.$inject = ['$http', '$sessionStorage'];
var baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/Dashboard/rest/download/';
function DownloadService ($http, $sessionStorage){
var service = {};
service.getRoutes = getRoutes;
return service;
function getRoutes(){
return $http.get(baseURL+"route",$sessionStorage.sessionData.sessionID);
I have debugged the application and it does hit self.routes however it just skips over it and no data is displayed.
I also am not receiving any errors in the console. It just skips over the function.
This is my first AngularJS application.
Your code is bad organized,
the error resides in the view, because it is not calling the method self.routes, it is just printing out...
your view must do something like that:
But, this is a bad way to code...
Please, consider doing something like that:
self.routes = responseData;
// instead of
self.routes = function(){
self.routes = responseData;
I have a object in mainController.js that is set as default as 99.
I am obtaining user location and do running some other function with it to calculate this value.
However, When I load the page, the page seems to load faster than this process. Therefore it displays 99 instead of the calculated value.
If I put console.log after the calculation, the object is successfully changed.
status.success( function(data)
$scope.current = data;
$scope.getLocation = function()
if (navigator.geolocation)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position){
$scope.location = {lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude};
alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
var dirBuilt = false;
$scope.$on('location_obtained', function(){
$scope.buildDist = function()
if(dirBuilt === false)
$scope.facilities[0].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[0].location.lat,$scope.facilities[0].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[1].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[1].location.lat,$scope.facilities[1].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[2].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[2].location.lat,$scope.facilities[2].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[3].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[3].location.lat,$scope.facilities[3].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[4].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[4].location.lat,$scope.facilities[4].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[5].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[5].location.lat,$scope.facilities[5].location.lng);
dirBuilt = true;
alert("aaa: "+ $scope.facilities[0].distance);
that "alert("aaa: "+ $scope.facilities[0].distance);" returns the value I want it to display but it is not displayed on the page....
(ng-bind would not work for some reason...)
How can I make the html wait for the operation? Thanks
You should not make HTML wait until you finish your Js code ! What you should be doing is showing a placeholder value - Loading image so that user know the page is loading some data.
Once you are done with your calculation, hide /replace the loading image with the data you want to show.
Quick example
Your view markup will have some HTML element to show the progress bar.And all your other contents will be in another div
<body ng-app="yourApp" ng-controller="yourCtrl as vm">
<div ng-show="loaderCount>0"> Loading something..</div>
<div ng-show="loaderCount==0">
And in your angular controller, You have a scope variable called loaderCount which you will increase everytime when you are doing some operation (http call/Long running function execution etc..). When you get your result, You decrease this variable value back. In your View You are hiding and showing the Loading Pane based on this value.
var yourApp= angular.module('yourApp', []);
var ctrl = function($scope, $http) {
var vm = this;
vm.loaderCount = 0;
vm.someValue = "";
vm.actionItems = [{ Name: "Test" }, { Name: "Test2" }];
$http.get("../Home/GetSlowData").then(function(s) {
vm.someValue = s.data;
yourApp.controller('yourCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', ctrl]);
This might not be the best angular code. But this will give you an idea about how to handle this use case. You should be using services to talk to Http endpoints instead of directly using $http in your angular controller.
Note that, $http.get returns a promise which allows you do things when you get the response from this asynchronous operation (the then event). You should make sure that your time taking calculation is returning a promise.
You can bind with the ngBind directive instead of {{}} and not write to the binded property when the calculation is done.
This will hide the result from the view while it is null.
Try to do something like this:
$scope.value = "Loading";
$scope.value = "";
$scope.calculate = function() {
$scope.value = yourcalculation;
Or in your case i think if you use $scope.$apply() after you add data to your scope element will do the trick
Try this :
$scope.$on('location_obtained', function(){
$scope.buildDist = function()
if(dirBuilt === false)
$scope.facilities[0].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[0].location.lat,$scope.facilities[0].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[1].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[1].location.lat,$scope.facilities[1].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[2].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[2].location.lat,$scope.facilities[2].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[3].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[3].location.lat,$scope.facilities[3].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[4].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[4].location.lat,$scope.facilities[4].location.lng);
$scope.facilities[5].distance = distCalc($scope.location.lat,$scope.location.lng,$scope.facilities[5].location.lat,$scope.facilities[5].location.lng);
dirBuilt = true;
alert("aaa: "+ $scope.facilities[0].distance);
$scope.$apply(); // This should do the trick
Are you using a promise on the service? The function running your calculation can be in a separate angular factory which has .success and .error events to tap into. If the calculation is a success. You can pass the data back to your controller and then bind that data to the controller scope. I'll be at a computer soon and will add some code to explain further if needed.
This would be your distance calculator, I used a Factory over a service but you can read about why to use one over the other
A couple of things to keep in mind. You geolcation is more of a service then something to control since you're requesting from the user, you could add it to the below factory to expand the factories capabilities and allow you to use getLocation in other controllers.
make sure you add the distance service to your html document
also make sure you put the distance service in your controller and on the main angular app.
'use strict'
var distSrvc= angular.module("distanceService",[])
Object.keys(facilitiesData).length; // or if it's already an array of facilities use facilitiesData.length
// if its a javascript object and distance is already defined
for (var distance in facilitiesData) {
if (facilitiesData.hasOwnProperty(distance)) {
facilitiesData.distance = distCalc(locationData.lat,locationData.lng,facilitieData.location.lat,facilitieData.location.lng);
// if its an array of objects
for (var i = 0 ; i< facilitiesData.length;i++){
facilitiesData[i].distance = distCalc(locationData.lat,locationData.lng,facilitieData.location.lat,facilitieData.location.lng);
return facilitiesData
Then in your controller you'll need to load the service for use.
yourcontroller.js this will give errors if you don't load it on the html page and add it to the main angular app.
'use strict'
var myController= angular.module("distanceService",[])
myController.controller('myController',['$scope','DistanceCalc',function($http,DistanceCalc){ // see how i added the service and passed it to the function
$scope.getLocation = function(){
if (navigator.geolocation)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position){
$scope.location = {lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude};
alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
// this line below sends the data to the service
//success i'm done running distance calculations and now i want to update the facilties object with the added distance
$scope.facilities = data
// some error occurred and data can tell you about that error
I have a rather simple question. I have a simple controller and its $scope.coords = []; renders JSON in HTML:
[24.43359375, 54.6611237221]
[25.2905273438, 54.6738309659]
[25.3344726562, 54.6102549816]
[25.2685546875, 54.6801830971]
[25.2960205078, 54.6611237221]
How can I render that JSON not in html, but in my controller itself ? The code looks like that. Please see the comment in code:
propertyModule.controller('propertyController', ['$scope', 'Property', function ($scope, Property) {
// Query returns an array of objects, MyModel.objects.all() by default
$scope.properties = Property.query();
// Getting a single object
$scope.property = Property.get({pk: 1});
$scope.coords = [];
$scope.properties = Property.query({}, function(data){
angular.forEach(data , function(value){
$scope.positions = //$Resource('realestate.property').items();
[54.6833, 25.2833], [54.67833, 25.3033] // those coordinates are hardcoded now, I want them to be rendered here by $scope.coords
First off, you're showing us a bunch of arrays, not a JSON document. But since your code seems to be working, I'll assume you do have a valid JSON to work with.
You need to consider the fact that you are making an asynchronous request here :
$scope.properties = Property.query({}, function(data) {
angular.forEach(data , function(value){
This means you won't be able to fetch data from $scope.coords before anything has arrived.
There are several ways to solve that :
You could simply fetch data while you're still in the loop :
angular.forEach(data , function(value) {
if('your condition') {
You could use a promise, see the angular doc.
Or you could watch over $scope.coords with $scope.$watch.
Do you know why wont Angularjs update the div. However I am able to log the data to console.
What am I missing here?
I have added a fiddle;
function jsonp_example($scope, $http) {
$scope.doRequest = function() {
var url = "http://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/wtmpeachtest.wordpress.com/posts?callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
You need to assign the result data to scope variable:
$http.jsonp(url).success(function (data) {
$scope.data = data;
Otherwise Angular has no idea that you want this response data to be displayed anywhere.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/a4Rc2/853/