HTML Javascript Self-assessment quiz/questionnaire - javascript

Hi so i got a very basic JavaScript HTML quiz working, however what i want to end up with is an assessment type quiz that has lets say 15 questions based on 3 categories (e.g. Alcoholism, depression, drug abuse) e.g.
How often to you drink alcohol?
- All the time
- Occasionally
- Never
the player answers all 15 questions and at the end depending on how they answered the questions they get assigned a category e.g. your category is Drug Abuse etc.
I'm thinking that maybe each category has its own counter and a value is applied to each of the possible answers e.g. All the time gives a score of 3, occasionally scores a 2 etc. As the player answers the questions, the values get stored in the corresponding category and at the end the scores for each category are added up and the category with the highest score gets assigned to the player?
Any help with this would be appreciated :)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2 id="test_status"></h2>
<div id="test"></div>
div#test {
border:#000 1px solid;
padding: 10px 40px 40px 40px;
var pos = 0, test, test_status, question, choice, choices, chA, chB, chC, correct = 0;
var questions = [
["How often do you drink?", "All the time", "Often", "Never", "B"],
["Do you ever feel sad for no reason?", "All the time", "Often", "Never", "C"],
["Have you ever tried drugs", "All the time", "Often", "Never", "C"],
["Do you feel uneasy around people", "All the time", "Often", "Never", "C"]
function _(x) {
return document.getElementById(x);
function renderQuestion () {
test = _("test");
if(pos >= questions.length) {
test.innerHTML = "<h2>Your Category is </h2>";
_("test_status").innerHTML = "Test Completed";
pos = 0;
correct = 0;
return false;
_("test_status").innerHTML = "Question "+(pos+1)+" of"+questions.length;
question = questions[pos] [0];
chA = questions[pos] [1];
chB = questions[pos] [2];
chC = questions[pos] [3];
test.innerHTML = "<h3>"+question+"</h3>";
test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='A'> "+chA+"<br>";
test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='B'> "+chB+"<br>";
test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='C'> "+chC+"<br><br>";
test.innerHTML +="<button onclick='checkAnswer()'>submit Answer</button>";
function checkAnswer() {
choices = document.getElementsByName("choices");
for (var i=0; i<choices.length; i++) {
if(choices[i].checked) {
choice = choices[i].value;
if(choice == questions[pos] [4]) {
window.addEventListener("load", renderQuestion, false);

The executable Javascript snippet its generated by TypeScript(a public GIT repository is available on this bucket), The quiz its organized by arguments and categories; below you can see the UML diagram.
var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
__.prototype = b.prototype;
d.prototype = new __();
var Categories;
(function (Categories) {
var QuestionCategory = (function () {
function QuestionCategory(value) {
this.Value = value;
return QuestionCategory;
Categories.QuestionCategory = QuestionCategory;
var AQuestionCategory = (function (_super) {
__extends(AQuestionCategory, _super);
function AQuestionCategory() {, 1);
return AQuestionCategory;
Categories.AQuestionCategory = AQuestionCategory;
var BQuestionCategory = (function (_super) {
__extends(BQuestionCategory, _super);
function BQuestionCategory() {, 2);
return BQuestionCategory;
Categories.BQuestionCategory = BQuestionCategory;
var CQuestionCategory = (function (_super) {
__extends(CQuestionCategory, _super);
function CQuestionCategory() {, 3);
return CQuestionCategory;
Categories.CQuestionCategory = CQuestionCategory;
})(Categories || (Categories = {}));
var Questions;
(function (Questions) {
var Answer = (function () {
function Answer(text, value) {
this.Text = text;
this.Value = value;
return Answer;
Questions.Answer = Answer;
var Question = (function () {
function Question(text, id, category, answers) {
this.Text = text;
this.ID = id;
this.Category = category;
this.Answers = answers;
Question.prototype.Render = function () {
var _this = this;
var dContainer = document.createElement("div");
var dQuestion = document.createElement("h3");
dQuestion.innerHTML = this.Text;
var dCategory = document.createElement("div");
dCategory.innerHTML = 'Category: ' + this.Category.Value;
var counter = 0;
this.Answers.forEach(function (a) {
var __id = _this.ID + counter;
var dRadio = document.createElement("input");
dRadio.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
dRadio.setAttribute('id', __id);
dRadio.setAttribute('data-category', _this.Category.Value + '');
dRadio.setAttribute('value', a.Value + '');
dRadio.setAttribute('name', _this.ID);
var dLabel = document.createElement("label");
dLabel.innerHTML = a.Text;
dLabel.setAttribute('For', __id);
return dContainer;
return Question;
Questions.Question = Question;
var QuestionCollection = (function () {
function QuestionCollection(questions) {
this.Questions = questions;
QuestionCollection.prototype.Render = function () {
var div = document.createElement("div");
this.Questions.forEach(function (q) {
return div;
return QuestionCollection;
Questions.QuestionCollection = QuestionCollection;
var QuestionArgument = (function () {
function QuestionArgument(name, collection) {
this.Collection = collection;
this.Name = name;
QuestionArgument.prototype.Render = function () {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var h1Arg = document.createElement("h1");
h1Arg.innerHTML = this.Name;
return div;
return QuestionArgument;
Questions.QuestionArgument = QuestionArgument;
var QuizManager = (function () {
function QuizManager(hook, arguments) {
this.Arguments = arguments;
this.Hook = hook;
QuizManager.prototype.Render = function () {
var _this = this;
this.Arguments.forEach(function (arg) {
var btn = document.createElement('input');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
btn.setAttribute('value', 'Done');
btn.onclick = function (e) {
QuizManager.prototype.Compute = function () {
var _this = this;
var cats = [], dxCat = [], dxCatTotValue = [];
this.Arguments.forEach(function (arg) {
arg.Collection.Questions.forEach(function (q) {
if (cats.length > 0) {
if (cats.indexOf(q.Category) === -1)
cats.forEach(function (c) {
var p = document.querySelectorAll('input[data-category =\'' + c.Value + '\']:checked');
var tv = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(p[i]['value']) != NaN)
tv += parseInt(p[i]['value']);
dxCatTotValue.push({ "Cat": c.Value, "TVal": tv });
var summariH2 = document.createElement("h2");
summariH2.innerHTML = 'Summary';
dxCatTotValue.forEach(function (catValue) {
var entryDiv = document.createElement("div");
entryDiv.innerHTML = 'Category ' + catValue['Cat'] + ': ' + catValue['TVal'];
QuizManager.prototype.Compare = function (a, b) {
if (a['TVal'] > b['TVal'])
return -1;
if (a['TVal'] < b['TVal'])
return 1;
return 0;
return QuizManager;
Questions.QuizManager = QuizManager;
})(Questions || (Questions = {}));
window.onload = function () {
var CCat = new Categories.CQuestionCategory();
var BCat = new Categories.BQuestionCategory();
var ACat = new Categories.AQuestionCategory();
var q1 = new Questions.Question('Do you eat Apples?', 'q1', CCat, [new Questions.Answer('All the time', 1), new Questions.Answer('Occasionally', 2), , new Questions.Answer('Never', 3)]);
var q2 = new Questions.Question('Do you like Pears?', 'q2', BCat, [new Questions.Answer('Yes', 1), new Questions.Answer('No', 2)]);
var fruitsquestions = new Questions.QuestionCollection([q1, q2]);
var fruitsArguments = new Questions.QuestionArgument('Fruits', fruitsquestions);
var q3 = new Questions.Question('Do you eat Onions?', 'q3', ACat, [new Questions.Answer('Yes', 1), new Questions.Answer('No', 2)]);
var q4 = new Questions.Question('Do you like Cucumbers?', 'q4', CCat, [new Questions.Answer('All the time', 1), new Questions.Answer('Occasionally', 2), , new Questions.Answer('Never', 3)]);
var vegetablesQuestions = new Questions.QuestionCollection([q3, q4]);
var vegetablesArguments = new Questions.QuestionArgument('Vegetables', vegetablesQuestions);
var quiz = new Questions.QuizManager(document.getElementById("content"), [fruitsArguments, vegetablesArguments]);
<div id="content"></div>
The TypeScript source:
module Categories {
export class QuestionCategory {
Value: number;
Text: string;
constructor(value: number) { this.Value = value; }
export class AQuestionCategory extends QuestionCategory {
constructor() { super(1); }
export class BQuestionCategory extends QuestionCategory {
constructor() { super(2); }
export class CQuestionCategory extends QuestionCategory {
constructor() { super(3); }
module Questions {
import QC = Categories;
export class Answer {
Text: string;
Value: number;
constructor(text: string, value: number) {
this.Text = text;
this.Value = value;
export class Question {
Category: QC.QuestionCategory;
Answers: Answer[];
Text: string;
ID: string;
constructor(text: string, id: string, category: QC.QuestionCategory, answers: Answer[]) {
this.Text = text;
this.ID = id;
this.Category = category;
this.Answers = answers;
Render(): HTMLElement {
var dContainer = document.createElement("div");
var dQuestion = document.createElement("h3")
dQuestion.innerHTML = this.Text;
var dCategory = document.createElement("div")
dCategory.innerHTML = 'Category: ' + this.Category.Value;
var counter = 0;
this.Answers.forEach(a => {
var __id = this.ID + counter;
var dRadio = document.createElement("input");
dRadio.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
dRadio.setAttribute('id', __id);
dRadio.setAttribute('data-category', this.Category.Value + '');
dRadio.setAttribute('value', a.Value + '');
dRadio.setAttribute('name', this.ID);
var dLabel = document.createElement("label");
dLabel.innerHTML = a.Text
dLabel.setAttribute('For', __id)
return dContainer;
export class QuestionCollection {
Questions: Question[];
constructor(questions: Question[]) { this.Questions = questions; }
Render(): HTMLElement {
var div = document.createElement("div");
this.Questions.forEach(q => {
return div;
export class QuestionArgument {
Name: string;
Collection: QuestionCollection;
constructor(name: string, collection: QuestionCollection) {
this.Collection = collection;
this.Name = name;
Render(): HTMLElement {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var h1Arg = document.createElement("h1");
h1Arg.innerHTML = this.Name;
return div;
export class QuizManager {
Hook: HTMLElement;
Arguments: QuestionArgument[];
constructor(hook: HTMLElement, arguments: QuestionArgument[]) {
this.Arguments = arguments;
this.Hook = hook;
Render() {
this.Arguments.forEach(arg => {
var btn = <HTMLButtonElement> document.createElement('input');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
btn.setAttribute('value', 'Done');
btn.onclick = (e) => { this.Compute(); }
Compute() {
var cats = [], dxCat = [], dxCatTotValue = [];
this.Arguments.forEach(arg => {
arg.Collection.Questions.forEach(q => {
if (cats.length > 0) {
if (cats.indexOf(q.Category) === -1)
cats.forEach(c => {
var p = document.querySelectorAll('input[data-category =\'' + c.Value + '\']:checked');
var tv = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
if (parseInt(p[i]['value']) != NaN)
tv += parseInt(p[i]['value']);
dxCatTotValue.push({ "Cat": c.Value, "TVal": tv });
var summariH2 = document.createElement("h2");
summariH2.innerHTML = 'Summary';
dxCatTotValue.forEach(catValue => {
var entryDiv = document.createElement("div");
entryDiv.innerHTML = 'Category ' + catValue['Cat'] + ': ' + catValue['TVal'];
Compare(a, b) {
if (a['TVal'] > b['TVal'])
return -1;
if (a['TVal'] < b['TVal'])
return 1;
return 0;
window.onload = () => {
var CCat = new Categories.CQuestionCategory();
var BCat = new Categories.BQuestionCategory();
var ACat = new Categories.AQuestionCategory();
var q1 = new Questions.Question('Do you eat Apples?', 'q1',
[new Questions.Answer('All the time', 1), new Questions.Answer('Occasionally', 2), , new Questions.Answer('Never', 3)]);
var q2 = new Questions.Question('Do you like Pears?', 'q2',
[new Questions.Answer('Yes', 1), new Questions.Answer('No', 2)]);
var fruitsquestions = new Questions.QuestionCollection([q1, q2]);
var fruitsArguments = new Questions.QuestionArgument('Fruits', fruitsquestions);
var q3 = new Questions.Question('Do you eat Onions?', 'q3',
[new Questions.Answer('Yes', 1), new Questions.Answer('No', 2)]);
var q4 = new Questions.Question('Do you like Cucumbers?', 'q4',
[new Questions.Answer('All the time', 1), new Questions.Answer('Occasionally', 2), , new Questions.Answer('Never', 3)]);
var vegetablesQuestions = new Questions.QuestionCollection([q3, q4]);
var vegetablesArguments = new Questions.QuestionArgument('Vegetables', vegetablesQuestions);
var quiz = new Questions.QuizManager(document.getElementById("content"), [fruitsArguments, vegetablesArguments]);

this quiz maker produces a very simple set of HTML and it's obvious where the total calculation is in order to change it.
You can simply add the numbers of questions relating to each answer, then compare to say which is largest and display the result. It gives you a choice of having radio buttons in a list for each question, or several on one line.
All the questions will display on a single page, rather than having to press Next each time which can be annoying for people doing the quiz. No CSS is needed and hardly any javascript.
Example code for a self-scoring quiz with 1 question of each type (drop-down box, short answer, multiple answers etc). The generator tool in the link above will create something similar, it's pure HTML and javascript with no external scripts to load, no jquery or dependencies.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional/EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../dkj.css" type="text/css">
<title>Quiz: Sample "Think Again" Quiz</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var stuff = new Array (51) // maximum number of questions
var answered = new Array (51) // processing inhibitor for guessers
for(var i = 0; i<=50; i++){stuff[i]=0; answered[i]=0} //initialize arrays// --> </script>
<body bgcolor ="#ffff88" text="#000000" link="#000088" vlink="purple" alink="#880000" >
<a name="top"></a>
<p align='right'><font size=-1>
Quiz created: 1999/1/31
<h2><font color="#ff3333">Sample "Think Again" Quiz</font></h2></center>
<p><font color="#880000">
I'm sorry. This page requires that your browser be capable of running JavaScript in order to use the self-correcting feature of the quiz.
In most browsers you can activate JavaScript using a dialog box somewhere under one of the menu bar options. If you are really using a (rare) non-JavaScript-capable browser, you will have to do without the self-grading features of this page.</font></p>
<b>Instructions: </b>
Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary,
then click on the "Process Questions" button to see your
score. The program will not reveal which questions you got wrong, only how
many points you have. Go back and change your answers until you get them all
right. (The message box will rejoice at that point and the page will change color in delight.)</p>
<b>Points to note: </b>
(1) Questions with only one possible answer are one point each.
(2) Questions with <i>one or more</i> possible answers (represented by check boxes)
give a point for each correct answer, but also subtract a point for each wrong answer!
(3) The program will not attempt to score your efforts at all if
you have not tried at least half of the questions.
(4) This practice quiz is for your own use only.
No record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone. </p>
<form name="formzSampQuiz">
1. Fog is notorious in
<input type=radio name=quest1 onClick="stuff[1]=0; answered[1]=1">New York
<input type=radio name=quest1 onClick="stuff[1]=0; answered[1]=1">Chicago
<input type=radio name=quest1 onClick="stuff[1]=1; answered[1]=1">London
<input type=radio name=quest1 onClick="stuff[1]=0; answered[1]=1">Los Angeles
<input type=radio name=quest1 checked onClick="stuff[1]=0; answered[1]=0">No Answer </blockquote>
2. Chicago is in
<input type=radio name=quest2 onClick="stuff[2]=0; answered[2]=1">Montana
<input type=radio name=quest2 onClick="stuff[2]=0; answered[2]=1">Manitoba
<input type=radio name=quest2 onClick="stuff[2]=0; answered[2]=1">Missouri
<input type=radio name=quest2 onClick="stuff[2]=1; answered[2]=1">Illinois
<input type=radio name=quest2 checked onClick="stuff[2]=0; answered[2]=0">No Answer </blockquote>
3. The famous French Queen Marie Antoinette was married to
<select name=quest3 size=1 onChange="figureout3()"><option selected>No Answer <option>St. Louis
<option>Louis XVI
<option>Louis DXLVIII
<option>Louis Rukeyser
<option>Louey, brother of Dewey and and Huey
<option>John L. Louis
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- //Pre-processor for question 3";
function figureout3() {
if (document.formzSampQuiz.quest3.options.selectedIndex == 0)
{stuff[3] = 0; answered[3]=0} // no answer
else if (document.formzSampQuiz.quest3.options.selectedIndex == 2)
{stuff[3] = 1; answered[3]=1} // right answer
else {stuff[3] = 0; answered[3]=1} // wrong answer
} // end function figureout3()
4. Compared with Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I was
<input type=radio name=quest4 onClick="stuff[4]=1; answered[4]=1">earlier
<input type=radio name=quest4 onClick="stuff[4]=0; answered[4]=1">later
<input type=radio name=quest4 checked onClick="stuff[4]=0; answered[4]=0">No Answer </blockquote>
5. Which of the Following are saints?
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- //Script to pre-process question 5
function figureout5() {
stuff[5]=0; answered[5]=0
if(document.formzSampQuiz.q5p2.checked==true){stuff[5]--; answered[5]=1}
if(document.formzSampQuiz.q5p3.checked==true){stuff[5]++; answered[5]=1}
if(document.formzSampQuiz.q5p4.checked==true){stuff[5]++; answered[5]=1}
if(document.formzSampQuiz.q5p5.checked==true){stuff[5]--; answered[5]=1}
if(document.formzSampQuiz.q5p6.checked==true){stuff[5]--; answered[5]=1}
} //end function figure5
// --></script>
<input type=checkbox name="q5p2" onClick="figureout5()">
<input type=checkbox name="q5p3" onClick="figureout5()">
St. Augustine
<input type=checkbox name="q5p4" onClick="figureout5()">
St. Ursula
<input type=checkbox name="q5p5" onClick="figureout5()">
Adolf Hitler
<input type=checkbox name="q5p6" onClick="figureout5()">
6. Which of the following is <i>not</i> one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
<select name=quest6 size=1 onChange="figureout6()"><option selected>No Answer <option>pride
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- //Pre-processor for question 6";
function figureout6() {
if (document.formzSampQuiz.quest6.options.selectedIndex == 0)
{stuff[6] = 0; answered[6]=0} // no answer
else if (document.formzSampQuiz.quest6.options.selectedIndex == 4)
{stuff[6] = 1; answered[6]=1} // right answer
else {stuff[6] = 0; answered[6]=1} // wrong answer
} // end function figureout6()
<script type="text/javascript"><!--// Processor for questions 1-6>
function processqzSampQuiz() {
var goodguyszSampQuiz=0 // used to calculate score
var inhibitzSampQuiz=0 // used to prevent processing of partially completed forms
for (var i=1; i<=6; i++){
goodguyszSampQuiz=goodguyszSampQuiz + stuff[i]; inhibitzSampQuiz = inhibitzSampQuiz + answered[i];
} // end for
// Prevent display of score if too few questions completed
if (inhibitzSampQuiz < 3){
document.formzSampQuiz.grade.value="You must try at least 3!"
document.formzSampQuiz.score.value= "Secret!";
} // end if
else {
if (goodguyszSampQuiz==7){
}else {document.formzSampQuiz.grade.value="Keep Trying!"}
} // end else
} // end function processqzSampQuiz()
function killall(){ //keep final scores from hanging around after reset clears form
goodguys=0; inhibitaa=0;
for (i=0; i<=50; i++){stuff[i]=0; answered[i]=0}
} // end functionl killall()
// --> </script>
<input type=button name=processor value="Process Questions" onClick=processqzSampQuiz()> <input type=reset value="Reset" onClick="killall(); document.bgColor='#ffff88'">
<input type=text name="grade" value="Nothing!" size=25 onFocus="blur()">
Points out of 7:
<input type=text name="score" value="Zip!" size=10 onFocus="blur()">
<p align='right'><font size=-1>
Return to top.</font></p>
<!-- You can edit this acknowledgement out if you like. -->
<p align='right'><font size=-1>
This consummately cool, pedagogically compelling, self-correcting, <br>
multiple-choice quiz was produced automatically from <br>
a text file of questions using D.K. Jordan's<br>
<a href="">
Think Again Quiz Maker</a> <br>
of October 31, 1998.<br>


How to add conditionals to user input in App Scripts with while loops?

I made a selectBox which had its range of values from a Google Sheet Column. I also want to take an Integer input value from the user and then write this value in a specific cell according to option taken from selectBox. The html link does not show the integer response box. Is it possible to do the above plan in a while loop? Would appreciate any ideas and correction of code
function doGet() {
var ap = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("Gsheet URL here");
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var user = ui.prompt("Put down a number");
var result = result.getSelectedButton();
var sheet = ap.getSheetByName("lv");
var values = sheet.getRange("A2:A10").getValues();
var options =
#To show show the selected option??
var item = options.getSelecteditem();
if (item === A3)
var cell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveCell();
var a1 = cell.getA3Notation();
var val = cell.getValue();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Ur value is "+a1+" value is "+val);
return '<option value="' + row[0] + '">' + row[0] + '</option>';
var html = '<form onSubmit="handleSubmit(this)"> Type of Cuisine' + options.join('') + '</select></form>';
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html);
Using an Html Dialog to Control User Inputs
Not sure what you wanted so here's a complete example I whipped up for you.
function processInput(obj) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet0');
const [min,max,locs] = sh.getRange('B1:B3').getValues().flat();
Logger.log('min: %s max: %s locs: %s',min,max,locs)
const lA = locs.split(',');
if( > max) {
obj.msg = "Too High Try Again";
return obj;
} else if ( < min) {
obj.msg = "To Low Try Again";
return obj;
} else if (!~lA.indexOf(obj.loc)) {
obj.msg = "Invalid Location";
return obj;
} else {
obj.msg = "Complete";
return obj;
Following function Launches the dialog:
function launchInputDialog() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('ah1'),"Enter Input");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style>input {margin: 2px 5px 2px 0;}</style>
<input type="text" id="in1" placeholder="Enter an integer" />
<br /><input type="text" id="in2" placeholder="Enter a location" />
<br /><input type="button" value="Process" onClick="processinput();" />
<div id="msg"></div>
function processinput() {
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = '';
let v1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('in1').value);
let v2 = document.getElementById('in2').value;
let obj = {int:v1,loc:v2,msg:''};
.withSuccessHandler(robj => {
if(robj.msg == "Complete") {
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = `Value: ${} Location: ${robj.loc} Try Again`;
document.getElementById("in1").value = '';
document.getElementById("in2").value = '';
} else {
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = robj.msg;
Short Demo:
This version uses a <select> tag to allow the user to determine where the data will be loaded
function doPost(e) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
let data = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
function sendData(obj) {
const url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
const params = { "contentType": "application/json", "payload": JSON.stringify(obj), "muteHttpExceptions": true, "method": "post", "headers": { "Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } };
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
function displayError(msg) {
function launchMyDialog() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('ah1'), 'My Dialog');
function getSelectOptions() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName('Options');
var rg = sh.getDataRange();
var vA = rg.getValues();
var options = [];
for (var i = 0; i < vA.length; i++) {
return vA;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<input type="text" id="txt1" name="id" placeholder="Enter Numbers only"/>
<select id="sel1" name="loc"></select>
<input type="button" value="submit" onClick="processForm(this.parentNode);" />
function processForm(obj) {
if([A-Za-z]/)) {"Invalid Characters Found in id field");
} else {;
window.onload = function() {
function updateSelect(vA) {
var select = document.getElementById("sel1");
select.options.length = 0;
for(var i=0;i<vA.length;i++) {
select.options[i] = new Option(vA[i],vA[i]);

How to add JS "addEventListener"?

I have made a little quiz using JS, HTML and CSS. Am using "addEventListener" but it is not working properly and I don't know how to fix it. I have seen other have ask a similar question but none of them solve my problem. I think it should be easy to understand my code. Also if you see any other issues with my code please let me know.
function Quiz(questions) {
this.score = 0;
this.questions = questions;
this.questionIndex = 0;
Quiz.prototype.getQuestionIndex = function() {
return this.questions[this.questionIndex];
Quiz.prototype.guess = function(answer) {
if(this.getQuestionIndex().isCorrectAnswer(answer)) {
Quiz.prototype.isEnded = function() {
return this.questionIndex === this.questions.length;
function Question(text, choices, answer) {
this.text = text;
this.choices = choices;
this.answer = answer;
Question.prototype.isCorrectAnswer = function(choice) {
return this.answer === choice;
function populate() {
if(quiz.isEnded()) {
else {
// show question
var element = document.getElementById("question");
element.innerHTML = quiz.getQuestionIndex().text;
// show options
var choices = quiz.getQuestionIndex().choices;
for(var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
var element = document.getElementById("choice" + i);
element.innerHTML = choices[i];
guess("btn" + i, choices[i]);
function guess(id, guess) {
var button = document.getElementById(id);
button.onclick = function() {
function showProgress() {
var currentQuestionNumber = quiz.questionIndex + 1;
var element = document.getElementById("progress");
element.innerHTML = "Question " + currentQuestionNumber + " of " + quiz.questions.length;
function shuffle_questions(questions) {
var currentIndex = questions.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = questions[currentIndex];
questions[currentIndex] = questions[randomIndex];
questions[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return questions;
function restart() {
document.getElementById("quiz").innerHTML = ''; // Clear out the "game over"
questions = shuffle_questions(questions); // Left as an exercise for the reader; see
quiz = new Quiz(questions); // Rebuild the quiz object
return false; // So the link doesn't try to go anywhere
function showScores() {
var gameOverHTML = "<h1>Result</h1>";
gameOverHTML += "<h2 id='score'> Your scores: " + quiz.score + "</h2>";
// message if they would like to try again
gameOverHTML += gameOverHTML.addEventListener("click", restart); //not done yet
var element = document.getElementById("quiz");
element.innerHTML = gameOverHTML;
// create questions here
var questions = [
new Question("Which nation won FIFA 2018 World Cup?", ["Peru", "France","Germany", "USA"], "France"),
new Question("Which nation hosted FIFA 2018 World Cup?", ["Sweden", "Russia", "Iran", "South Korea"], "Russia"),
new Question("Which nation has won the most World Cups?", ["Argentina", "Peru","Brazil", "France"], "Brazil"),
new Question("Where was FIFA 2014 World Cup hosted?", ["Ecuador", "Brazil", "France", "All"], "Brazil"),
new Question("Which nation won the first FIFA World Cup", ["Brazil", "Uruguay", "Italy", "Australia"], "Uruguay")
// create quiz
var quiz = new Quiz(questions);
// display quiz
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<div class="grid">
<div id="quiz">
<h1>FIFA World Cup Quiz</h1>
<hr style="margin-bottom: 20px">
<p id="question"></p>
<div class="buttons">
<button id="btn0"><span id="choice0"></span></button>
<button id="btn1"><span id="choice1"></span></button>
<button id="btn2"><span id="choice2"></span></button>
<button id="btn3"><span id="choice3"></span></button>
<hr style="margin-top: 50px">
<p id="progress">Question x of y</p>
<script src="question.js"></script>
You should just use event delegation, it's very efficient.
Here a very generic piece of code that will do what you want.
It will work with your generated button, you just have to change classes I target in the event() function.
const event = () => {
document.querySelector('.your-quizz').addEventListener('click', event => {
if ('.your-button')) {
const restart = () => {
console.log('restart here')
<div class="your-quizz">
<button class="your-button">restart</button>

How to work with multidimensional-arrays in Javascript?

I'm trying to make a code that works like this:
Get number of teams (y) and number of players(x).
Get x names and x ranks.
Create balance teams based on the player ranks.
Each team should have x/y players.
Print each team separately.
I can't see where is my problem and why my code doesn't work. Hope you guys could help.
This is my code:
function step1() {
var teams = document.getElementById("teams").value;
var players = document.getElementById("players").value;
var main = document.getElementById("main");
for(var i=1;i<=players;i++){
main.innerHTML += "<input class='names' placeholder='Player "+i+"' type='text' style='width:100px'/> "+
"<input class='ranks' placeholder='Rank' type='text' style='width:40px'/><br/>";
main.innerHTML+="<br/><button onclick='buildTeams("+players+","+teams+")'>Build</button>";
function buildTeams(playersInt,teamsInt) {
var error=0;
var names = new Array(playersInt);
var ranks = new Array(playersInt);
var nameInp = document.getElementsByClassName("names");
var rankInp = document.getElementsByClassName("ranks");
for(var i=0;i<playersInt;i++) {
names[i] = nameInp[i].value;
for(var i=0;i<playersInt;i++) {
ranks[i] = rankInp[i].value;
var teams = new Array(teamsInt);
for(var i=0;i<teamsInt;i++) {
teams[i]=new Array(playersInt/teamsInt);
for(var i=0;i<(playersInt/teamsInt);i++) {
for(var j=0;j<teamsInt;j++) {
for(var i=0;i<teamsInt;i++) {
function checkMvp(ranks) {
var high= ranks[0];
var bpi=0;
for(var i=1;i<ranks.length;i++) {
if(ranks[i]>high) {
return bpi;
<h2>Power Balance</h2>
<div id="main">
Number of teams:
<input type="text" id="teams" style="width:30px"/>
Number of players:
<input type="text" id="players" style="width:30px"/>
<p id="error"></p>
<input type="button" onclick="step1()" value="Next"/>
Check out my solution here. It should be working fine. You mistakenly swapped the logic in the loop for adding players to teams. Also, it's a good habit to use Array.prototype.push than to create new element using a loop function after creating the array with new Array(length).
function step1() {
var teams = document.getElementById("teams").value;
var players = document.getElementById("players").value;
var main = document.getElementById("main");
for(var i=1;i<=players;i++){
main.innerHTML += "<input class='names' placeholder='Player "+i+"' type='text' style='width:100px'/> "+
"<input class='ranks' placeholder='Rank' type='text' style='width:40px'/><br/>";
main.innerHTML+="<br/><button onclick='buildTeams("+players+","+teams+")'>Build</button>";
function buildTeams(playersInt,teamsInt) {
var error=0;
var names = [];
var ranks = [];
var nameInp = document.getElementsByClassName("names");
var rankInp = document.getElementsByClassName("ranks");
for(var i=0;i<playersInt;i++) {
for(var e=0;e<playersInt;e++) {
var teams = [];
for(var x=0;x<teamsInt;x++) {
for(var a=0;a<teamsInt;a++) {
for(var j=0;j<(playersInt/teamsInt);j++) {
for(var w=0;w<teamsInt;w++) {
function checkMvp(ranks) {
var high= ranks[0];
var bpi=0;
for(var i=1;i<ranks.length;i++) {
if(ranks[i]>high) {
return bpi;

Trying to add a link to open a 'steam://run/' link to a random word array

So i'm messing about creating a random word picker to pick a steam game from my library, I want to add a 'Launch' link to each random word. Heres the code;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="steam_gen_style.css">
// Use the following variable to specify
// the number of random words
var NumberOfWords = 28
var words = new BuildArray(NumberOfWords)
// Use the following variables to
// define your random words:
words[1] = "ARK: Survival Evolved/346110"
words[2] = "Portal 2/620"
words[3] = "Left 4 Dead 2/550"
words[4] = "CS:GO/730"
words[5] = "And Yet It Moves/18700"
words[6] = "Bridge Constructer/250460"
words[7] = "Bridge Constructer Medieval/319850"
words[8] = "Half-Life 2/220"
words[9] = "GTA V/271590"
words[10] = "Antichamber/219890"
words[11] = "World of Goo/22000"
words[12] = "Super meat Boy/40800"
words[13] = "Hotline Miami/219150"
words[14] = "Metro: Last Light/287390"
words[15] = "GTA IV/12210"
words[16] = "Oddworld: New'n'Tasty/314660"
words[17] = "TUG"
words[18] = "Trials Evo"
words[19] = "Super Hotline Miami"
words[20] = "Outlast"
words[21] = "Besiege"
words[22] = "Next Car Game"
words[23] = "Rust"
words[24] = "Garry's Mod"
words[25] = "Planetary Annihilation"
words[26] = "Skyrim"
words[27] = "Minecraft"
words[28] = "The Forest"
function BuildArray(size){
this.length = size
for (var i = 1; i <= size; i++){
this[i] = null}
return this
function PickRandomWord(frm) {
var rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * NumberOfWords);
var index = words[rnd].indexOf("/");
frm.WordBox.value = words[rnd].substring(0, index);
var link = document.getElementById("gameLink");
var str = words[rnd].substring(index + 1, words[rnd].length);
link.innerHTML = "<a href='steam://run/" + str + "'>Click</a>";
// Display the word inside the text box
frm.WordBox.value = words[rnd]
<div id="top"></div>
<header id="header">
<h1> Today you will play </h1>
<FORM NAME="WordForm" id="box">
TYPE=TEXT SIZE=30 NAME="WordBox" id="output"><BR>
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON id="button" onClick="PickRandomWord(document.WordForm)"
VALUE="Click Here to Get a Random Word">
<p>Link to game: </p>
<p id="gameLink"></p>
I've tried a few things but stuck, by the way, I've never done anything with java I only know a little bit of HTMl, I'm just messing around to learn things!
Well if you want a link to be generated based on the game selected you can add below 2 lines at the end of PickRandomWord(),
var link = document.getElementById("gameLink");
link.innerHTML = ""+words[rnd]+"";
Now add 2 more HTML lines after you form,
<p>Link to game: </p>
<p id="gameLink"></p>
UPDATE: You need to have the numbers like 346110, 620 to be stored somewhere so that you can access them depending on the game you select. As you asked for an example, here is what I have come up with.
Here is a demo
Suppose you append the numbers along with the name of the game as,
words[1] = "ARK: Survival Evolved/346110";
words[2] = "Portal 2/620";
Now change your PickRandomWord() function as,
function PickRandomWord(frm) {
var rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * NumberOfWords);
var index = words[rnd].indexOf("/");
frm.WordBox.value = words[rnd].substring(0, index);
var link = document.getElementById("gameLink");
var str = words[rnd].substring(index + 1, words[rnd].length);
link.innerHTML = "<a href='steam://run/" + str + "'>Click</a>";
UPDATE2: You are having problems with your parenthesis and it is not advisable to write JavaScript statements without semi-colon(;). Copy and paste the below code as it is,
var NumberOfWords = 28
var words = new BuildArray(NumberOfWords)
words[1] = "ARK: Survival Evolved/346110"
words[2] = "Portal 2/620"
words[3] = "Left 4 Dead 2/621"
words[4] = "CS:GO/622"
words[5] = "And Yet It Moves/622"
words[6] = "Bridge Constructer/6203"
words[7] = "Bridge Constructer Medieval/6520"
words[8] = "Half-Life 2/6290"
words[9] = "GTA V/6020"
words[10] = "Antichamber/6250"
words[11] = "World of Goo/6820"
words[12] = "Super meat Boy/6290"
words[13] = "Hotline Miami/61020"
words[14] = "Metro: Last Light/62110"
words[15] = "GTA IV/67620"
words[16] = "Oddworld: New'n'Tasty/62870"
words[17] = "TUG/687820"
words[18] = "Trials Evo/6120"
words[19] = "Super Hotline Miami/60"
words[20] = "Outlast/690"
words[21] = "Besiege/62900"
words[22] = "Next Car Game/62023"
words[23] = "Rust/620879"
words[24] = "Garry's Mod/626750"
words[25] = "Planetary Annihilation/6260"
words[26] = "Skyrim/6276870"
words[27] = "Minecraft/656520"
words[28] = "The Forest/5620"
function BuildArray(size) {
this.length = size
for (var i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
this[i] = null
return this
function PickRandomWord(frm) {
var rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * NumberOfWords);
var index = words[rnd].indexOf("/");
frm.WordBox.value = words[rnd].substring(0, index);
var link = document.getElementById("gameLink");
var str = words[rnd].substring(index + 1, words[rnd].length);
link.innerHTML = "<a href='steam://run/" + str + "'>Click</a>";
<div id="top"></div>
<header id="header">
<h1> Today you will play the shit out of </h1>
<FORM NAME="WordForm" id="box">
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=30 NAME="WordBox" id="output">
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON id="button" onClick="PickRandomWord(document.WordForm)" VALUE="Click Here to Get a Random Word">
<p>Link to game:</p>
<p id="gameLink"></p>

Matching radio button selection with nested Array content in Javascript

UPDATE 6-25-2014
Any insight would be appreciated!
UPDATE 6-21-2014
I tried to make the radio variables, global so the 'if block' in the 'answerFwd' function could be compared to the correctAnswer Array, but that didn't work!
UPDATE 6-16-2014
I am building a quiz and creating an array of radio buttons dynamically, and would like to match the selected button with the correct answer I have established in the question array.
<div id="responses">
<input type="radio" name="choices" class="radioButtons" value="0" id="choice0">
<div id="c0" class="choiceText">The Observers</div>
<input type="radio" name="choices" class="radioButtons" value="1" id="choice1">
<div id="c1" class="choiceText">The Watchers </div>
<input type="radio" name="choices" class="radioButtons" value="2" id="choice2">
<div id="c2" class="choiceText">The Sentinels</div>
<input type="radio" name="choices" class="radioButtons" value="3" id="choice3">
<div id="c3" class="choiceText">The Oa</div>
var allQuestions = [{
"question": "Who was Luke's wingman in the battle at Hoth?",
"choices": ["Dak", "Biggs", "Wedge", "fx-7"],
"correctAnswer": 0 }, {
"question": "What is the name of Darth Vader's flag ship?",
"choices": ["The Avenger", "Devastator ", "Conquest", "The Executor"],
"correctAnswer": 3 },{},{} //other questions];
var item = allQuestions[0];
var currentQuestion = 0;
var playersScore = 0;
//function which creates the buttons
function createRadioButtonFromArray(array) {
var len = array.length;
var responses = document.getElementById("responses");
responses.innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
radio = document.createElement("input"); //Updated 6-21-2014 removed 'var'
radio.type = "radio"; = "choices";
radio.className = "radioButtons";
radio.value = i; = "choice" + i;
ar radioText = document.createElement("div"); = "c" + i;
radioText.className = "choiceText";
radioText.innerHTML = array[i];
function answerFwd() {
var answerOutput = " ";
var itemAnswers = allQuestions;
var playerTally = 0; //Updated 6-9-2014
var playerFeedback = " "; //Updated 6-9-2014
var playerMessage = document.getElementById("playerMessage"); //Updated 6-9-2014
if (currentAnswer <= itemAnswers.length) {
* Updated 6-9-2014 I am stumped; This doesn't work but I was encouraged I got a score tally on the page! Am I comparing the elements correctly? Updated 6-21-2014 This reversed the gain, where I had the tally render on the screen*
if (itemAnswers.correctAnswer === { //Updated 6-21-2014
playerTally += 1;
playerFeedback += "<h5>" + playerTally + "</h5> <br/>";
playerMessage.innerHTML = playerFeedback;
At first I tried to debug this but had trouble finding where the error was coming from.
One thing I noticed was currentAnswer variable was only being set once. (when it was declared)
Another thing that would make this cleaner is storing each response to each question as a property of the questions object.
For example: {"question": "What is the registry of the Starship Reliant?","choices": ["NX-01", "NCC-1864", "NCC-1701", "NCC-2000"],"correctAnswer": 1,"selectedAnswer": 0}
This is a good example of why you may want to use object oriented programming. You can keep the global namespace clean, while also having tighter control over your variables.
I put together this Quiz Code using some object oriented principles:
var Quiz = function(questions) {
this.questions = questions;
this.$template = {
"header": document.querySelector(".question"),
"options": document.querySelector(".question-choices")
Quiz.prototype = {
"init": function() {
this.question = 0;
//gets called when this.question == this.questions.length, calculates a score percentage and alerts it
"score": function() {
var correctCount = 0;
if ( (question.selectedAnswer || -1) === question.correctAnswer ) correctCount += 1
alert("Score: " + ((correctCount / this.questions.length) * 100) + "%")
//Gets called during initialization, and also after a nav button is pressed, loads the question and shows the choices
"generateQuestion": function() {
var question = this.questions[this.question];
this.$template.header.innerHTML = question.question;
this.$template.options.innerHTML = "";
//Binds the previous, and next event handlers, to navigate through the questions
"bindEvents": function() {
var _this = this,
$nextBtn = document.querySelector(".question-navigation--next"),
$prevBtn = document.querySelector(".question-navigation--prev");
$nextBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
//Go to the next question
if ( _this.question == _this.questions.length ) {
} else {
$prevBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if ( _this.question <= 0 ) _this.question = 0
//Create each individual radio button, is callback in a forEach loop
"createRadio": function(choice, index) {
var question = this.questions[this.question];
var radio = document.createElement("input");
radio.type = "radio"; = "options"; = "option-"+index;
if ( question.selectedAnswer === index ) {
radio.checked = true;
radio.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
question.selectedAnswer = index;
var radioText = document.createElement("label");
radioText.setAttribute("for", "option-"+index)
radioText.innerHTML = choice;
radioText.insertBefore(radio, radioText.firstChild);
var q = new Quiz(allQuestions)

