How come Chrome is not painting partial DOM updates? - javascript

I'm trying to learn better how Chrome (and other browsers) are rendering pages. I do have some good understanding now of how DOM and CSSOM are constructed. Also, I know a bit about processes of performing Layout and Paint phases.
I tried the following idea:
try rendering 1000 items created by regular calls to DOM API
each item is placed inside a <div> element (floated left) and appended to <body>
this takes around 1000ms based on timing.js output (tool from Addy Osmani) and it's also visible inside the Timeline in chrome
JS Fiddle is available here. Sorry for the quality of this example, but I was drafting this in a hurry.
Based on Timeline analysis I figured out that each <div> is laid out before the first Paint occurs. This is certainly not what I want, because only first 10 are visible on screen after page loads.
So I figured that I will first render initial 10 items which I have hoped will cause Paint. Right after that (wrapping the call in setTimeout(function(){},0)) I'm appending the rest 990 items to the body.
I was hoping to have the Paint method to happen right after initial 10 items are laid out, but that doesn't happen. I can see two Layout phases and the Paint happens after all 1000 items are laid out. Any ideas where did I go wrong here?


Javascript poor animation performance when many elements are on the DOM

They say that if you update compositor only css properties (like transform translate), you will have good rendering performance because the engines can skip style calculations and do just the layer compositions. In this test I have 30K colored divs on the screen, and draging the red square has very poor performance.
Recording with the devtools I can see that I spend a lot of time with "system"
using chrome://tracing/ I can see that most time is being spent here
I could find some information on chrome docs about this, it says
PaintArtifactCompositor::Update is expensive and can be avoided for simple paint changes where layerization is known to not change. For example, if the color of a display item changes in a way that does not affect layerization, we can just update the display items of the existing cc::Layers. This is implemented in UpdateRepaintedLayers.
It looks like chrome is checking those 30K divs to see if it can skip their drawing, and it looks like it skips them, since I see very small painting time, but this checking is taking too much time, it seems to me that it could be possible to tell chrome that it does not need to check those guys.

Rendering a view blocks the event loop when using Angular Material

We're using Angular together with Angular-material design. We noticed that during rendering some more complicated views, the scripting and rendering blocks the event loop thus it makes the whole page unresponsive for a few seconds. I created a simple page that demonstrates this problem: (source code: If you click on the button, it will generate 200 rows with a single mat-checkbox component. There is also a counter that is refreshed every 10 ms if everything is fine. You can clearly see that the counter stops during the rendering because the event loop is blocked by the *ngFor rendering the rows. I tried to measure the length of the block, it blocks it for 400 ms on my machine.
My question is: is it completely "normal" behavior? Can it be avoided? Is it really so much data that it has to block event loop for that long? Because the delay is easily noticeable by user.
The only solution we found was to render it incrementally. I. e. render one row, wait 1 ms, render the next row, wait 1 ms etc. Isn't there a better solution?
EDIT 1: I tried also the Chrome's Performance tool. It says it spent most of the time in "scripting" phase. I tried to look at the stack traces there but wasn't able to identify the problem.
Adding element to the DOM has a cost that you won't be able to reduce ever.
However if you look at the performance tab of the devtools while you are adding the elements you will notice a few things.
Right now it looks like you are build in dev mode, not prod. A prod build should be significantly faster.
Secondly, while there's an associated cost to adding elements in the DOM, there's also a much higher cost to instantiating those elements. Especially when it comes to Angular Material elements. They are really pretty and well made, but they are also on the heavy side when it comes to both code and html nodes. If you have to including lots of checkboxes at once, using regular html elements with a bit of css to make them look similar instead of an actual angular element might be they way to go.
In my case the actual operation of inserting everything in the DOM is ~90ms, out of the whole 350ms including the click event triggering the creation of all the elements in the ngFor loop.
The last part is further supported by the cost of elements after adding them, that you can also easily notice when looking at the performances. This is exacerbated by the dev mode once again, but it's present nonetheless.
So I would recommand trying it out in a more optimized build mode, and if it's still not enough maybe swap the Material component for a basic checkbox with css (maybe even a bit of svg).

React-like programming without React

I grew up using JQuery and have been following a programming pattern which one could say is "React-like", but not using React. I would like to know how my graphics performance is doing so well, nonetheless.
As an example, in my front-end, I have a table that displays some "state" (in React terms). However, this "state" for me is just kept in global variables. I have an update_table() function which is the central place where updates to the table happen. It takes the "state" and renders the table with it. The first thing it does is call $("#table").empty() to get a clean start and then fills in the rows with the "state" information.
I have some dynamically changing data (the "state") every 2-3 seconds on the server side which I poll using Ajax and once I get the data/"state", I just call update_table().
This is the perfect problem for solving with React, I know. However, after implementing this simple solution with JQuery, I see that it works just fine (I'm not populating a huge table here; I have a max of 20 rows and 5 columns).
I expected to see flickering because of the $("#table").empty() call followed by adding rows one-by-one inside the update_table() function. However, the browser (chrome/safari) somehow seems to be doing a very good job of updating only that elements that have actually changed (Almost as if the browser has an implementation of Virtual DOM/diffing, like React!)
I guess your question is why you can have such a good graphics performance without React.
What you see as a "good graphics performance" really is a matter of definition or, worse, opinion.
The classic Netscape processing cycle (which all modern browsers inherit) has basically four main stages. Here is the full-blown Gecko engine description.
As long as you manipulate the DOM, you're in the "DOM update" stage and no rendering is performed AT ALL. Only when your code yields, the next stage starts. Because of the DOM changes the sizes or positions of some elements may have changed, too. So this stage recomputes the layout. After this stage, the next is rendering, where the pixels are redrawn.
This means that if your code changes a very large number elements in the DOM, they are all still rendered together, and not in an incremental fashion. So, the empty() call does not render if you repopulate the table immediately after.
Now, when you see the pixels of an element like "13872", the rendering stage may render those at the exact same position with the exact same colors. You don't have any change in pixel color, and thus there is no flickering you could see.
That said, your graphics performance is excellent -- yes. But how did you measure it? You just looked at it and decided that it's perfect. Now, visually it really may be very very good. Because all you need is avoid the layout stage from sizing/positioning something differently.
But actual performance is not measured with the lazy eyes of us humans (there are many usability studies in that field, let's say that one frame at 60 Hz takes 16.6 ms, so it is enough to render in less than that). It is measured with an actual metric (updates per second or whatever). Consider that on older machines with older browsers and slower graphics cards your "excellent" performance may look shameful. How do you know it is still good on an old Toshiba tablet with 64 MB graphics memory?
And what about scaling? If you have 100x the elements you have now, are you sure it will scale well? What if some data takes more (or less) space and changes the whole layout? All of these edge conditions may not be covered by your simple approach.
A library like React takes into account those cases you may not have encountered yet, and offers a uniform pattern to approach them.
So if you are happy with your solution you don't need React. I often avoid jQuery because ES5/ES6 is already pretty good these days and I can just jot down 3-4 lines of code using document.getElementById() and such. But I realize that on larger projects or complex cases jQuery is the perfect tool.
Look at React like that: a tool that is useful when you realize you need it, and cumbersome when you think you can do without. It's all up to you :)
When you have something like this:
.html("... new content of the table ... ");
then the following happens:
.empty() removes content and marks rendering tree / layout as invalid.
.html() adds new content and marks rendering tree / layout as invalid.
mark as invalid among other things calls InvalidateRect() (on Windows) that causes the window to receive WM_PAINT event at some point in future.
By handling WM_PAINT the browser will calculate layout and render all the result.
Therefore multiple change requests will be collapsed into single window painting operation.

List with 3500+ items is loaded via ajax a small bunch at a time. Stops updating in the UI, but I see the li tags being appended in DOM

I have a use case where there are thousands of items on a list shown to the user. They are loaded a small batch at a time and I see the network traffic going in and out, I see data getting loaded. I see the DOM getting bigger, but the list itself in the UI stops updating (Chrome).
When I examine it, I see thousands of items in the code, when I select the items through console and make it count them, I see the proper number. But in the page itself, I don't see these items get displayed. The list uses drag-and-drop to put items from it into another list (and load additional data about them).
Not using jquery.datatables at the moment, but been meaning to migrate to them a long time ago. I can’t find a good example, though, everything I see uses pagination to split, but what if this is not an option?
How can I pinpoint what it is that is preventing the items from display? The number of entries will vary between 500 and 20 000.
Never mind. everything works as intended, duh. I was stupid and missed something very obvious: things had "display: none" for a very good reason about which I totally forgot (has to do with the core logic of the application). Next time hit me with a stick so I could remember to pay more attention.
Not sure what you meant by saying 'DOM getting bigger' but 'don't see items get displayed'.
Typically JS has a main thread which will handle functions/callbacks as well as view-refresh. So if you operation is blocking , the view will not be refreshing.
As for the pagination is not an option thing, you can consider using DOM-lazy-Loading mechanism where you only put what should be in the current viewport into the dom. As user scroll, you calculate the scroll height dynamically to add/remove items to/from the DOM. One thing to remember is you typically need to define a fixed height for your rows so that you could do the calculation. This lazy-loading way is a common way of solving this type of problem and is widely used by different frameworks like GXT, angular-gird..etc.

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first, always?

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first? and other thing will wait to render above element then they will start to render?
like if header and sidebar comes first in source then will main content section will always render after header and sidebar.?
Does rendering of html element fully depend on source order?
I believe browsers attempt to render something as soon as they can.
Tables are known exception, they will only render when completely loaded. So whatever you have inside them, the order won't probably matter.
These two videos are supposed to show the inner rendering process of a gecko browser to give you some insight. Techniques used in the visualisations are unknown though, so they might be fake..
Hopefully it's obvious that the browser can't render something until it sees in in your response stream. That said, you can use absolute positioning to move things around on the page, javascript to show, hide and move things and probably a bunch of other tricks too.
But do you really want your user to see your page jumping and flashing things so fast they wonder where they went? I'd say try to order your content logically from top to bottom. On the internet, most users don't realize they can scroll down and anything below the fold remains a hidden world to them. Lead with your most important info (ironic that this is my last statement, no?)

