How to include comfirm box in Php - javascript

I have created a Joomla article. I have installed sourcerer Joomla extension to use JavaScript and php. I am working on course purchase site in this user purchase course from owner and credits are deducted on purchasing of course. We are using a confirm box so that when a user click on "Cancel" button then it return to course page and when user click on "OK" button, then a php code is executed and course is purchased and credits are deducted. It works fine when I click on the OK button. When I click on cancel button, it is deducted credits also. I don't want to deduct credits on click of cancel.
I am using this JavaScript code:
var answer = confirm ("You are about to purchase this course. Click Continue to complete the purchase, or CANCEL to return to the CE page.");

function confirm_delete() {
return confirm('are you sure?');
Use onclick in the button
onclick='return confirm_delete()'
When the user clicks OK the php code gets excecuted but when clicked on Cancel nothing happends.

Why don't you use onclick?
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');"

The best way to do this is by onclick method as follows:
oncllick ='return confirm()'
function confirm()
return confirm('Are you sure to continue?');
when user click ok then code excecuted and when click on cancel button it remains on that page only


Prevent Exit Pop Up Loading After Form Submit

My aim is to have a exit pop up which triggers the window.onbeforeunload if somebody tries to close the current tab or browser. But after they complete a sign up form to opt in to my e-mail list and redirect to my "Thank you page URL", I do not want the exit pop up to show.
I am using a page builder, so the code is not written by myself.
This is the following script I am using:
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
return 'Are you sure you want to leave this page? You will lose any unsaved data.';
As for my form, because after the user enters their name and clicks submit, they redirect to a URL and the exit pop is triggering once the redirect begins. I only want the pop to show if they try to leave opting in then disable this after they take that action.
I notice an a class tag with the href="submit-form" My form is also contained in the form target tag if that helps.
How do I implement a script which disables the exit pop up after redirecting to a new page in a HTML sign up form?
Thank you for any insight.
You could achieve that by using if-else statements and setting the event to null if a form is being submitted.
Here is an example
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
return null;
return 'Are you sure you want to leave this page? You will lose any unsaved data.';
PS: I have not tested it but it should work

java script confirm box, it should remain on same page when cancel button is clicked

we r having functionality, when we edit the draft for specific job role.. It is redirecting to that edit draft page. This page has cancel button, on click of which we get confirmation box.. having msg ("Directing back to the previous page, changes made will not be saved.") also "OK" & "Cancel" button.
My Problem
In current code when I click on "OK" It is redirecting to parent page (which is correct) but when I click on "Cancel" button or cross mark of confirmation box, still its redirecting to the parent page (which is wrong) it should remain on the same edit page when I click on cancel button(or cross mark). I need help for this. Thanks.
****JS code for cancel button:****
jq("[data-dom-id=sdd-ejrp-btn-cancel]").click(function ()
var sdd_ejrp_btn_cancel = jq(this);
if (confirm("Directing back to the previous page, changes made will not be saved."))
UI code in soy template:
<button data-dom-id="sdd-ejrp-btn-cancel" onclick="{if $pageId > 0}javascript: event.preventDefault(); window.location.href='{$baseUrl}/pages/viewpage.action?pageId={$pageId}'{/if}{if $pageId <= 0}javascript: event.preventDefault(); window.location.href='{$baseUrl}/pages/viewpage.action?pageId={$parentPageId}'{/if}" class="aui-button aui-button-link">Cancel</button>
You need to return false; if OK is not clicked. Below is the code:
jq("[data-dom-id=sdd-ejrp-btn-cancel]").click(function() {
var sdd_ejrp_btn_cancel = jq(this);
if (confirm("Directing back to the previous page, changes made will not be saved.")) {
console.log("Clicked Yes!!.. It will redirect.");
} else {
console.log("It will stay here... ");
return false;
I think the issue is using <button> inside a form. Whenever a click happened, the form will submit. Try changing <button> tag with <span> or other elements

Confirm redirection from page in javascript

i am working on site that contains say three pages
page2.aspx and page3.aspx
I want if user redirects from page1, alert box asking for confirmation should come. For this i have written following code
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
return 'Are you sure you want to leave?';
But this code run on every postback to server including pressing F5.
I want this code to run only when user redirects to any of remaining two pages
how can do this ??
try this code in javascript onload event in the pages only
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to leave?"))
//redirect to next page
return false
Handling in window.onbeforeunload may not be the straight forward way to do it since the alert message will be shown each and every time you load the page.
What you could do instead is call the confirmation js function in the from the DOM object that could possibly take the user to the different page.
For instance, let us suppose the below anchor tag takes the user to page two:
<a id="pageTwoAnchorTag" runat="server" href="~/Page2.aspx">Page 2</a>
you could add the below onclick event to get your confirmation when the user wants to go the page 2:
<a id="pageTwoAnchorTag" runat="server" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to leave?')" href="~/Page2.aspx">Leave Records</a>
Only asking for confirmation in a couple of places might not be fully satisfying, since it will not trigger in all desired cases. For example, when you close the browser tab or window, your data will be lost.
I suggest to do the opposite: Register for the onbeforeunload as you already do, but include a "guard" which you disable on any action that should not trigger the confirmation (i.e. in postbacks):
window.shouldconfirm = true;
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
if (shouldconfirm) {
return 'Are you sure you want to leave?';
Register for the events that occur before a postback is executed (e.g. button click events, etc.) In those places, disable the confirmation:
window.shouldconfirm = false;
I am slightly surprised that the postbacks trigger the onbeforeunload event. I though to remember that on form posting the event is not triggered, and that a ASP.NET postback is implemented as a form post action.

User confirmation from server side

I want to confirm user to proceed the saving .
Let's say I have two processes , Process-One and Process-Two .
After complete Process-One , I want to show confirmation message box to user to proceed saving Process-Two .
protected void btnSaveProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
..Saving Process-One....
..Saving Process-One Complete....
// here to show "Are you sure you want to Save Process-Two"
//if user confirm "OK" , save Process-Two
//if user "Cancel" , stop and cancel saving Process-Two
Actually , I'm a little weak in Javascript . How can I make this process using Javascript ?
TIA :)
Since you said you are not great with javascript, you can try this. Break the process into 2 buttons, first part is done in btnSaveProcess_Click, and now make a second button btnSecond. btnSecond will handle the second part, after btnSaveProcess_Click is done have it trigger the click event of the btnSecond button. when you create the btnSecond set it up with an alert like:
<asp:Button id="btnSecond" Text="2nd Button" CssClass="HideMe" runat="server" OnClientClick="javascript:return confirm('Would you like to proceed?');"/>
this way the 1st button completes and calls the 2nd ones click. that will cause the alert to come up, if the user clicks ok it proceeds to the 2nd ones event, if the user hits no it doesn't continue.
you could use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. it has a ConfirmButtonExtender that will show a confirm dialog before triggering the postback.
if you want some thing more lightweight you could add the following to a button onClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"

confirmation popup message (ASP.NET/VB)

I want to have a confirmation message box pop up when a user clicks the cancel button on a form. I believe this would be the correct javascript code:
function confirmation() {
var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to cancel? Any information you have entered will be discarded.")
if (answer) {
window.location = "index.htm";
But, I'm not sure how I can call the function with VB from my code behind page.
On your cancel button add this markup attribute
OnClientClick="return confirmation();"

