CSS - Sliding in text - javascript

I have a website an I am trying to replicate the 'sliding in' of text as shown here:
When the user starts to scroll, the text on that page slides in from the left.
I've tried taking a look at the JavaScript files that are being loaded but no use.
My application is using AngularJS, so it would be nice to stick with this librabry, rather than having to us jQuery and jQuery ui.

Ended up using this plugin.
Is really easy to import, just a CSS file and .js file.


Change main content on a webpage using bootstrap

I am building a webpage using Bootstrap 3. I am trying to find the best way to change the main content of the side. I have a Header, left content and right content but I want to change the middle content by pushing a button without changing the surrounding elements. What would be the best thing to use to accomplish this. Is there some demos online that someone can point out? I have been trying to find some but without luck.
Bootstrap doesn't have that feature. First try to learn what bootstrap can do or can't, what bootstrap made for.
What you are trying to do is called templating. You can use php, ajax or other methods to dynamically add content to your content section of your template.
You have many ways to do that, maybe with jQuery .load() and maybe combined with HTML5 history API or some other framework...
But Bootstrap has nothing to do with that..
You can start reading about AJAX and DOM manipulation first, but here is some link you can use:
Dynamically Loading Content in Twitter Bootstrap Tabs
You cannot do that with boot strap that is just not what it's made for you can use either PHP or Ajax personally if you know PHP already and have everything set up for go with that because in my opinion Ajax sucks to learn and work with

How do I use scrollspy on Commonmark input/preview with AngularJS without jQuery?

When I was looking for a live-preview inline Markdown editor for a project - live editing within an HTML page - I came across this one. The feature that interested me the most was scrollspy: when you scroll the input <textarea>, the preview <textarea> scrolls with it. This is very convenient, as the project in question relies on comfortable writing.
The problem I'm having is that such scrollspy uses jQuery, which I'm not comfortable with. One of my main points is to make the project as quick to load and responsive as possible, and jQuery minified increases the local machine loading time by ~100 ms - which, I imagine, translates into even more loading time online. I already have ~300 ms local loading time and if I have to increase it, I'd prefer to do so only when necessary.
Still, I find the text scrollspy feature very attractive and am looking for a way to implement it without relying on jQuery. I'm looking for the simplest and quickest, performance-wise, way to achieve that, using the tools already at my disposal.
I'm using AngularJS, Commonmark parser for Markdown, angular-commonmark.js (which allows me to parse any tag's input as Commonmark) and UI Bootstrap (a Twitter Bootstrap clone built solely with Angular).
EDIT: it turned out, during experimentation, that placing Angular-Commonmark attribute onto <textarea> outputs raw HTML to the <textarea> rather than Marked-down text (i.e., <h1>Text</h1> rather than a bold and big "Text"). I was using <div> to test the output and it worked just fine. Would that disallow me to use scrollspy (since <div>s are unscrollable)?

jQuery Multipage/One-page system

I'd like to know how can I create a system using HTML, CSS and jQuery that simulates a multipage website using a single HTML page. One example of this feature is used in this website.
Is there a plugin to create this effect and transition?
the website link you have given here is actually a single page. There are many plugins to achieve what is happening there. one of them is
reveal.js it also has an online presentation creator present here
other one is impress.js but IE isnt supported

jQuery Tools (horizontal accordion) combined with jQuery UI (tabs)?

Hello everybody and thanks for taking your time.
I got an existing project where the main-page uses a horizontal accordion for the main content area from jQuery Tools (the Tabs element).
Now i have to implement a Tabs-menu (into one of the existing accordion pages) which is build with jQuery UI (the main container are Tabs and inside of them are several nested accordions).
Is there any easy way I can solve this problem and combine jQuery Tools with jQuery UI?
I did a search-replace on the tabs code of jQuery UI (js+css) and changed everything from "tabs" to "tabsnew"..
The script seems to work with this, but the css is not working correctly with this (even tough I changed all elements which are used to build up the Tabs).. I think there must be an easier solution for this..
I'm very thankful for any ideas or solutions!
Drop jQuery UI and implement the tabs again in jQuery Tools. If this is production code for a website there's no reason the users should load both libraries.

How to convert a PowerPoint slide into HTML?

I am trying to insert PowerPoint slides into HTML preserving links in the PowerPoint slide. I was just wondering if any of you knew a good method to maybe exporting a PowerPoint slide to an HTML and then displaying it in a div on your page, with a link to say do a JavaScript function on that same page.
I've never used it, but PPT2HTML might help. There's also this blog that describes how to save your presentation for the web then modify it.
This isn't exactly what you're after, but there are some html-based presentation tools like S5, DOMSlides you might want to consider as they wouldn't suffer from being translated.
You can use the jQuery plugin called PPTXjs.
This plugin convert pptx to html using javascript only (no server side code needed).
It is based on PPTX2HTML but support a lot more shapes, media (audio, video) and more.
pptxFileUrl: "path/to/slide.pptx"
For more details : https://github.com/meshesha/PPTXjs.
1)u can convert it to flash swf
2)convert all slides to an image file and then add 2 buttons(Back,Next) with calling the next and previous images based on an integer variable and this buttons will show u the previous and next slides :)
sorry but u cant embed it without copying all the Powerpoint-exported HTML code in your div tag
Though not quite what you asked, Google Docs or Slideshare both let you embed Powerpoint as flash - perhaps that would be a more elegant way to do this. That is, if embedding is the aim!
I remember there was a function in PowerPoint to export it to an HTML, I would do that and then have it in the page using an <iframe> and then put that inside a <div>

