JQUERY AJAX Login Form with ASP Classic - javascript

I have a modal menu that I'm using as a login form that has input for the username and password utilizing JQUERY AJAX methods seen here:
function ajaxSubmit(){
I'm trying to submit the data that was put into the form, process it to verify.asp which outputs a login status(Logged In, Incorrect Information), and then get that status back to my menu.
It's loading my verify.asp info into the menu, but it always comes back as "Incorrect information". Its not processing any information from the serialize data how can I communicate properly with this page? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You're actually creating two separate requests to verify.asp. The first one sends the form data correctly, but its response is ignored. On the second one you do get the response onto #Modal-Menu-Status, but there isn't any parameter being sent, so that "incorrect information" is being returned.
You should use JQuery's ajax() method:
function ajaxSubmit(){
url: "verify.asp",
data: $("#Form-Submit").serialize(),
method: "POST",
success: function(response){


Submitting form data as JSON using ajax POST

So I have a form with a 3 hidden pre-filled input fields and 2 text input fields. I am trying to submit this form data using AJAX post as a JSON.
Upon hitting the submit button, I get the url as :
after this I wrote some code which I have mentioned to convert these as JSON and then post it.
The problem which I am getting is:
How can I integrate the code I mentioned into the submit button, so that, as soon as the user click the submit button, the url as mentioned above is obtained and everything else (as mentioned in the code) happens in the background and the ajax post request is made.
I am sorry if anything is unclear.
//This is the code, and If I run it in console after clicking the submit button then I am able to do the ajax post successfully. I want to integrate this code to the submit button.
var urlvalue = location.search.substring(1).replace(/\+/g, '%20');
var postdata = JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURIComponent(urlvalue).replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}');
const URL = myurl;
data: postdata,
success: function(result){
error: function(error){
console.log(`Error $(error)`);
I'm not sure I understand your question exactly, but if you just want the form submission to POST the data somewhere, you will have to provide a function to the form's onsubmit attribute.
That function should contain pretty much the working code you have at the bottom of your question (as well as cancelling the default form action with event.preventDefault()).

Only allow access to a php action through form submit, but when using an ajax call

i have a form that deletes the comment its in.
To only allow the page that carries out the php action to be viewed when the form is submitted i do a basic
if (isset($_POST['submit-delete'])) {
// carry out delete
this works fine, but i am using ajax to not reload the page.
The response is the same as i have used else where:
type: "POST",
url: "process/deletecomment.php",
data: $(".delrepcomment").serialize(),
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
if (response.commentDeleted === true) {
else {
$('.delrepcomment').after('<div class="error">Something went wrong!</div>');
return false;
This however doesnt work, unless i remove the check to see if the form has been submitted.
Whats the best way around this? I want to keep the check for the form being submitted incase of js being turned off or any direct access attempts.
You should post the data you require for the script to work. In your case, you have to post a key-value-pair with "submit-delete" as the key and an arbitrary value (unless you check that value later in the code).
On the other hand, PHP stores the used HTTP method in $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], this would be "POST" in your case.

Send content created by javascript in PHP mail?

I'm using a javascript shopping cart on a store, and I want to send an order confirmation on checkout. The problem is that the cart isn't saved in database of any kind, and is printed with javascript. How would I attach it to the email? I've included the shopping cart script on the page that sends the mail.
<table class="simpleCart_items"></table> would print the cart, but how would I attach the printed cart to email?
Hidden input or something?
My ajax call looks like this:
var data = $('#yhteystiedot').serialize();
data.cartContent = $('.simpleCart_items').html();
//alert (dataString);return false;
type: "POST",
url: "order.php",
data: data,
dataType: "text",
error: function(){ alert("Jotakin meni pahasti pieleen! Yritä uudelleen?");
success: function() {
$(document).html("Tilaus lähti.");
You can make an ajax call to a php function that sends an email. The argument is the content generated by javascript.
You'll need to post the cart values to serverside PHP script and recreate the HTML for the cart in order to be able to send it through email. You can do direct form post or ajax post based on your need.
I asume your $.ajax() call looks something like this:
var dataTrunk = $(this).serializeArray();
dataTrunk.push( { name: 'cartContent', value: $(your_table_selector).html()});
url: 'mail.php', // your mail script
data: dataTrunk,
type: 'post'
return false;
In php you would trap $_POST['cartContent'] and render it in email and send it.
If you are sending email with html and plain text body, then it would probably be a good idea to strip html elements and replace them with chars that are compatible with plain text.
// edited: I've fixed the error

Any function with mixed functionality of .ajax() and .load()?

.ajax() can send a post request and get data in return where as .load() can get any element in the rendered page. How to create a form when submitted(asynchromously) instead of getting back some data should get the page element of the rendered page that would be generated had there been normal submission instead of ajax submission?
I dont want to write views(Django) for xhr, normal requests separately. So, When I submit a form by ajax I dont want to hijack default action but only want to get some element of the rendered post submission page instead of actually being redirected to that post submission page which would have happened hadn't it been an xhr request.
load will do a POST rather than a GET if you supply the data to send as an object rather than a string. From the docs:
Request Method
The POST method is used if data is provided as an object; otherwise, GET is assumed.
$("#target").load("/path/to/resource selector_for_relevant_elements", {});
..should convert the load from GET to POST. Of course, you'd replace {} with the arguments you want to send.
Original answer:
You can do the POST directly with ajax and then process the returned HTML yourself. For instance, to turn this load:
$("#target").load("/path/to/resource selector_for_relevant_elements");
..into a POST:
url: "/path/to/resource",
method: "POST",
dataType: "html",
success: function(html) {
// Build the elemnts of the result in a disconnected document
var page = $("<div>").append(html); // See note below
// Find the relevant elements and put them in target
I've done the wrapper div because that's what jQuery's load function does. You may want to look at the source for load (that line number will rot, of course, but the filename is unlikely to change) to see if there are other tricks you need to replicate.

using Blobstore Python API with ajax

there is any sample showing how to use the blobstore api with ajax?
when i use forms works fine, but if i use jquery i don't know how to send the file and i get this error:
blob_info = upload_files[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
I have this code in javascript
function TestAjax()
var nombre="Some random name";
type: "POST",
error: function ()
alert("Some error");
success: function()
{ alert("it's ok") }
When i use forms the file it's sended with a input tag (exactly like the doc's sample)
I wrote a series of posts about exactly this.
Somehow you still need to get the multipart form data request to the server... so when you're using forms, I assume your <form> tag has something like this on it: enctype="multipart/form-data", right?
When you're just sending a "POST" via ajax, you're losing that multipart request, which is where your file is.
There are some jQuery "ajax file upload" plugins out there that may help you out.
Hope this helps!
** EDIT **
I guess one thing I can add to this is usually ajax file uploads (on the client) are implemented by either creating a hidden iframe, and using that iframe to submit a form, or using a form and posting it via JavaScript.

