Get attribute from many divs to toggle class - javascript

So I am trying to check a bunch of divs on an inbox page and I am returning an array from an AJAX call to know which divs to change the font-style of. To achieve this, I have to first check their data-value attribute and then add/remove a class(bold vs. normal fro read/unread messages). The problem is that when I refer to the messageDiv object, it toggles all the messages on the page. Looping through the messages makes the most sense to me, but I do not know how to store a div an array to achieve this.
var messageDiv=$('.widget .inbox-row');
if (data['status']=='A'){//read
if ($.inArray('value'),data['messages']) && messageDiv.hasClass('unread-msg')) {
if (data['status']=='N'){//unread
if ($.inArray('value'),data['messages']) && messageDiv.hasClass('read-msg')) {
This is what a message looks like, iterated many times on the page:
<div class="<?php echo $message_read_status; ?> inbox-row" data-value="<?php echo $messageid; ?>" >
<?php echo $body; ?>
Sincere thanks for any help. Sorry if this is a pretty specific question. I tried to make it as non-specific as possible.

The problem is e is a set of elements, so when you say'value'), it will return teh data-value of the first element in the set.
You need to iterate over each item in the array and run the conditions against each one
var messageDiv = $('.widget .inbox-row');
messageDiv.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (data['status'] == 'A') { //read
if ($.inArray($'value'), data['messages']) > -1 && $this.hasClass('unread-msg')) {
} else if (data['status'] == 'N') { //unread
if ($.inArray($'value'), data['messages']) > -1 && $this.hasClass('read-msg')) {


get href from php and use element in JQuery

I have xyz.php and working menu <li> elements. I need to get hreffrom php use it in Java script for navigate away. So I have list of li tag and in code it's displaying one for example. Each li tag has unique href.
My question is: If I have select only one li elements from the list. I want to use that li's associated href in IF condition in JavaScript and ELSE part is multiple Li's selected. The code is working for else part. But, I am having issue with IF part.
I am not getting the href value from PHP. you can get 'href'from $xyz['url'] in php.
<div class="global-wrapper">
<ul class="list">
<input id="retreat-<?php echo $xyz['api_id']; ?>" class="custom-check-input more-filter-experience" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $xyz['name']; ?>" data-home-location="<?php echo $xyz['api_id']; ?>">
<label class="custom-check-label" for="retreat-<?php echo $xyz['api_id']; ?>"></label>
Here, the java script code:
if(retreatIdArray.length === 1 && exploreDate === undefined) {
var categoryId = $('.global-wrapper').find('.loadProducts').attr('data-categoryid');;
window.location.href = "/categoryId"; // having issue
} else{
window.location.href = '/destination';
You wrote undefine instead of undefined. The statement inside if will never be true.
Also, to check for undefined, it's better to use typeof.
if(retreatIdArray.length === 1 && typeof exploreDate == 'undefined') {
retreats = $('.global_wrapper').find('.custom-check-input').val();
window.location.href = '/href';
} else {
window.location.href = '/destination';
Note: untested code, you may have to adjust it to your needs. Please let me know if it works.

How To compare the Value Of The Div In jQuery

I would appreciate If somebody help here! . I want to compare the value of the div from the php array using jQuery.
I have a php array
i have assigned a class 'turn' too all the php array members
foreach($newarray as $col){
echo "<p class='turn'>".$col."</p>";
Now I want to check the value of the div and compare that if value in the textbox is equal to arrays value or not.
I have given the myBox id to the div
and this is my jQuery Code
myDivObj = $('#myBox').text();
if(myDivObj == e)
alert("Wow !!");
alert("try Again !");
if (myDivObj == e) {
should be
if (myDivObj == $(e).text()) {
since e is the p.turn HTML-element
jsFiddle example

Filemaker, PHP and jquery > show hide elements

I am echoing out a form (foreach) from my filemaker records which will result in the items ID, Name, a Checkbox and then an image.
In my understanding i will have to use classes or the elements will all have the same id.
My Code;
foreach($result->getRecords() as $record){
$id = $record->getField('Record_ID_PHP');
$name = $record->getField('DB_Name');
$pic = $record->getField('Photo_Path');
echo '"'.$id.'"<br>';
echo $name.'<br>';
echo '<input type="checkbox" class="check" value="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'">';
echo '<div class="pics">';
echo '<img style="width:200px;" src="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'"><br>';
echo '<hr>';
echo '</div>';
Which results in a page full of the records, a checkbox and the relating image.
I wish to only show these images when the checkbox is checked but cannot find a solution, i have tried many jquery scripts, to no avail.
The images will then populate the next page as a pdf to be printed.
I am hoping not to have to grab the checkbox's values as an array to then use the get method with 100's of if statements but cant see another way ?
The jquery ive used.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.check').click(function () {
$(function() {
$(".check").click(function(e) {
Plus many similar alternatives.
Is there something obvious i am missing ?
Query to filemaker method;
I have changed the path field to a calculated value which works great, thank you, although with 1000's of records, i would need lots of php code to echo the checkbox's to the website and lots more to be able to edit them from the website.
I have done this previously with the value held within the checkbox in filemaker.
$sesame = $print->getField('Allergens::Allergens[11]'); if ($sesame == "Sesame") { $sesame = "checked" ;} else if ($sesame !== "Sesame") {$sesame = "" ;}
This displays the checkbox synced with filemaker.
if ($_POST['Sesame'] == 'Sesame'){ $a_sesame = 'Sesame';} else { $a_sesame = 'No Sesame'; }
This is sent as a variable to my script.
if($a_sesame == "Sesame"){$contains_sesame = "Yes";} else { $contains_sesame = "No";}
This grabs the new value from the form.
Which all work great, but then i am writing a script in filemaker too to enable the to and from of the different names for each checkbox state.
which is for this part 120 lines long, this is a sample which i have to repeat for each repetition of this field.
Set Variable [ $sesame; Value:GetValue ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ; 11 ) ]
If [ $sesame = "Sesame" ]
Set Field [ Allergens::Allergens[11]; "Sesame" ] Commit Records/Requests
[ Skip data entry validation; No dialog ]
Else If [ $sesame = "No Sesame" ]
Clear [ Allergens::Allergens[11] ] [ Select ]
Commit Records/Requests
[ Skip data entry validation; No dialog ]
Refresh Window
[ Flush cached join results; Flush cached external data ]
End If
This would be far too large to write for so many records, just for these 14 fields used 120 in filemaker and 400 plus in the php.
I am not 100% sure what you are trying to do but this should work. First add an extra div that closes input and div pics like below.
foreach($result->getRecords() as $record){
$id = $record->getField('Record_ID_PHP');
$name = $record->getField('DB_Name');
$pic = $record->getField('Photo_Path');
echo <<<TEXT
<input type='checkbox' class='check' value='Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/{$pic}'>
<div class='pics'>
<img style='width: 200px;' src='Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/{$pic}'><br>
then change your java to this
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".check").click(function() {
well I hope this helps
Another alternative would be to set up a simple calculated container field in FileMaker, with a calculated value of:
If ( checkbox; imageField )
This would only pass the image when the checkbox was ticked for a record. This should be faster than handling this in JavaScript, since you'd be limiting the number of images being sent over the wire.
Note: For performance, you might try this with this calculated container field stored and unstored. I suspect stored v unstored should make little difference, in which case I'd suggest leaving this unstored to minimize disk space consumed.
You can use the toggle()function:
$(function() {
$(".check").is(':checked',function(e) {

Hide a row if value returned is empty

I feel a little stupid asking this question but for some reason I cant for the life of me think on how to do what I want.
I have a <div class="row"> which has my field label and field in it.
I want to completely hide this row if the value of my field is returned as empty.
HTML (Held in my CMS system):
<div id="rollNumber" class="row">
<label class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-3 control-label">[!RollNumberLabel]</label>
<div class="col-sm-2 form-control-static">[!RollNumber]</div>
View code:
if (newBankdetails.RollNumber != null && newBankdetails.RollNumber != "")
template.Nvc.Add("[!RollNumberLabel]", "Roll number");
template.Nvc.Add("[!RollNumber]", newBankdetails.RollNumber);
I tried doing:
template.Nvc.Add("[!RollNumberLabel]", "");
template.Nvc.Add("[!RollNumber]", "");
but this adds white space between the row above and below this row.
I'm up for any suggestions whether it be JavaScript, JQuery, CSS or if can be done, using HTML (although I don't think it can be done this way).
I can't add any code to my CMS so it needs to be done in my code.
My site is using Twitter Bootstrap
You can test if label text is empty or not.
$(function() {
$(".row").each(function() {
if ($("label", this).text() == "" ) {
Working demo:
I have created an example for you
var $row = $(this);
var $childern = $row.children();
if($childern.length > 1) {
if($childern[0].innerText === "" && $childern[1].innerText === "") {
basically what I'm doing is check all the children of the rows and if both are empty hide the row.
Hope it's helps!
Use CSS display style property to hide the row.
$("#rollNumber").css("display", "none");
I am not sure if this is a overkill solution for your problem, but with jQuery and regex you could do something like this:
var row = $(this);
if(! /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(row.find('label'))){
// No alphabetical characters found

Trying to use Javascript to populate a hidden input

I have this code:
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$name = $row['advertiser'];
$id = $row['id'];
if($row['id'] % 4 == 1 || $row['id'] == 1)
echo "<tr>";
if($row['availability'] == 0)
$td = "<td id='green'>";
if($row['availability'] == 1)
$td = "<td id='grey'>";
if($row['price'] == 0)
mysql_query("UPDATE booklet SET availability = 0 WHERE id = '$id'");
echo $td . $row['id'] . "<br/><p style='font-size: 6pt;'>" . $name[0] . "<p><img src=" . $row['image'] . "></td>";
if($row['id'] % 4 == 0)
echo "</tr>";
It creates a table. What I want to do is this: if you click on a td, I want to pass the value of that td, for example - the number one (1), if you clicked on the first td - I want to pass this value over to a hidden input so I may later use it elsewhere.
The table looks fine. I know what to do when I have the value in a hidden input. I just need to be able to have the table, when I click on a td, to pass the value over. Or to do anything. onClick doesn't work. Even the absolute simplest isolated JQuery statements don't even come close to parsing. The most complex Javascript that actually has worked on this page is a document.write(). Everything else stumps any known browser.
So, using absolutely any methods, is it a possibility, within the realm of current technology, to have code that does what I want?
Again, I need to have a table cell, when clicked on, pass a variable to a hidden input. I've tried everything.
You'll need to add the click event with JQuery and then use Jquery to set the value... Something like this should work.
$(function() {
$("table#mytable td").mouseover(function() {
//The onmouseover code
}).click(function() {
//The onclick code
<td onclick="document.forms[0]['nameofhiddenfield'].value ="> ... </td>
Try to validate your html, you might have mismatched quotes/square brackets somewhere, which breaks Javascript.

