Access Backbone fetch parameters - javascript

I need to be able to pass the server some info when calling fetch on a Backbone collection. On my front-end I have this code, passing data:{} to the fetch function along with the success and error callbacks. Looking at the docs for Backbone fetch:
perhaps I am not passing in the parameters correctly to the fetch function? Perhaps they should be in an array []...
var lineupCollection = new LineupCollection([]);
var loadTeamsOnPageLoad = (function() {
lineupCollection.url = '/api/lineups';
processData: true,
data: {
success: function (result) {
if(window.teamDashboardTableView === undefined){
window.teamDashboardTableView = new TeamDashboardTableView({el: $("#team-dashboard-table-div")});
error: function (err) {
setTimeout(function () {
alert('error fetching lineupCollection - ' + err.message);
}, 1);
which will load a Backbone collection into a table.
It's call this method on the back-end:
exports.getBackboneLineups = function(req,res,next){
var user_id = req.mainUser._id;
console.log('req.params',req.params); //empty {}
console.log('',; //undefined
console.log('team_id',req.team_id); //undefined
console.log('',; //undefined
console.log('req.body',req.body); //empty {}
var team_id =; //undefined EXCEPTION, can't read property _id of undefined
var system_db = req.system_db;
var Lineup = LineupModel.getNewLineup(system_db,user_id);
Lineup.find({team_id:team_id}, function (err, lineups) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
however, I am totally failing as far as how to access the data that I supposedly past to the server from the client. I can't really find a good example and I am getting tired of guessing. What's the best way to do this?
also tried passing {data:{}, success: function(), error: function()} all in the same JavaScript object, but that didn't work.

fetch only takes one argument (see Instead, you should probably alter your backend to specify the team id in the resource's URL. For example:
lineupCollection.url = function(){ return '/api/lineups?team_id=' + this.team_id; };
lineupCollection.team_id = $("#team_id").attr("value");
lineupCollection.fetch({ success: ..., error: ...});


API Call is going after providing conditions in JavaScript

I am trying to make API call and sending storeId and consultuntId to backend, its working fine.
This is the code:-
const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
const live_shopping_events_parameter = Object.fromEntries(urlParams);
url: '/aos/lscommission',
data: {
storeId: live_shopping_events_parameter.r,
consultuntId: live_shopping_events_parameter.z,
success: function (){
error: function(error) {
But I need to check two condition
the url fields exist and are valid
non-empty numeric for storeId and consultantId
This is the Example URL -
Where r is is the storeId and z is the consultuntId.
This is my code to check non-empty numeric for storeId and consultantId
const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
const live_shopping_events_parameter = Object.fromEntries(urlParams);
if(live_shopping_events_parameter !== 'undefined' || live_shopping_events_parameter !== null ) {
url: '/aos/lscommission',
data: {
storeId: live_shopping_events_parameter.r,
consultuntId: live_shopping_events_parameter.z,
success: function (){
error: function(error) {
for this code if I remove parameters (, then still it is making API call.
How to solve this issue.
You are trying to condition in the whole object returning from Object.entries which will always return an object. That is why your condition is becoming true always. You should try to factor in the property you are trying to find, like this:
if (live_shopping_events_parameter.r !== undefined || live_shopping_events_parameter.z !== undefined) {
/* You code here */
Thats because irrespective if there are url params or not the Object.fromEntries(urlParams) will return an object. If you want to check if params exist you need to check individually like live_shopping_events_parameter.r, this will return true is param exists and false if param is absent and make API call only when it is true.
const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
const live_shopping_events_parameter = Object.fromEntries(urlParams);
if(live_shopping_events_parameter.r && live_shopping_events_parameter.z) {
//Params exist
//Make API call here..
console.log('Calling API')
// No params found
console.log('Params missing')

async js validation form

Good morning !
Currently I am trying to create some kind of simple validation using javascript, but I have a problem with using async functionalities.
Below you can see UI method which iterates through validityChecks collections
checkValidity: function(input){
for(let i = 0; i<this.validityChecks.length; i++){
var isInvalid = this.validityChecks[i].isInvalid(input);//promise is returned
var requirementElement = this.validityChecks[i].element;
Below is specific collection object which is not working as it was intended
var usernameValidityChecks = [
isInvalid: function(input){
var unwantedSigns = input.value.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g);
return unwantedSigns ? true:false;
invalidityMessage:'Only letters and numbers are allowed',
element: document.querySelector('.username-registration li:nth-child(2)')
isInvalid: async function (input){
return await checkUsername(input.value);
invalidityMessage: 'This value needs to be unique',
element: document.querySelector('.username-registration li:nth-child(3)')
function checkUsername (username) {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) =>{
url: "check.php",
type: "POST",
data: { user_name: username },
success: (data, statusText, jqXHR) => {
error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
The problem is that to var isInvalid in checkValidity method is returned promise. Can anyone advice how to returned there value instead of promise ? Or how to handle promise there ?
Thank you in advance!
Forgive me, but it is my first time with Stack and probably my question is a little bit inaccurate. Some of objects in collections are also synchronous, I changed usernameValidityChecks. How to handle this kind of situation ? Where I have async and sync method at the same time ?
Instead of below line
var isInvalid = this.validityChecks[i].isInvalid(input);
you can use below code to make code much cleaner and store the desired value on the variable however above suggested solutions are also correct
var isInvalid = await this.validityChecks[i].isInvalid(input).catch((err) => { console.log(err) });
After this line you will get the desired value on isInvalid variable
And also add async keyword in all other isInvalid function definition
Use .then to access the result of a promise:
var isInvalid = this.validityChecks[i].isInvalid(input).then(res => res);

Meteor Collection.insert() not returning Id

I'm trying to get the Id of the new insert so I can push the Id onto another collection.
According to this post =>
Meteor collection.insert callback to return new id and this post => Meteor collection.insert callback issues, I should be able to
return Collection.insert(obj);
and it will return the ID of the newly inserted data to my client.
Instead I'm getting an Observable like this:
{_isScalar: false}
_isScalar: false
constructor: f Object()
hasOwnProperty: f hasOwnProperty()
//many other object properties
The documentation seems pretty clear that I should be getting the ID in return. Is this a bug?]
My version of meteor is
I've been working on this issue for a few days and I've tried getting the ID many different ways, nothing I've tried results in the ID.
Here's my full code for reference:
submitStuff: function(data): string{
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
if (!loggedInUser || !Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser,['user','admin'])){
throw new Meteor.Error("M504", "Access denied");
} else {
let insertedData = null;
const model: MyModel[] = [{
data.stuff //bunch of data being inserted
model.forEach((obj: MyModel) => {
insertedData = Collection.insert(obj);
return insertedData;
} catch(e) {
throw new Meteor.Error(e + e.reason, "|Throw new error|");
Client:'submitData', data, (error, value) => {
this.errors.push(error + error.reason + "|new Error code|");
else{'userPushId', value, (error) => { //this pushes Id onto the second collection
this.errors.push(error + error.reason + "|new Error code|");
// ...
try {
const myModels = [{ ...whatever }];
// I'm using map so I return an array of id's.
//your forEach about technically should end up with only one id,
// which is the last insertion
const insertedDataIds = => Collection.insert(model));
// you can also write to the secondary location here with something like:
const secondaryWrite = SecondaryCollection.insert({ something: insertedDataIds });
return insertedDataId's
also I don't know if this is just a typo on stack but your'submitData') should be'submitStuff') but that is probably not your actual issue.
Alright, so after searching around I realized I'm using angular-meteors rxjs package to create a MongoObservable when creating a collection instead of Mongo's regular collection.
Because I'm using MongoObservable and trying to invoke .insert() on that, the return is a bit different then a regular Mongo Collection and will return an Observable instead of the Id. Documentation Here
If you add a .collection after the collection name you will get the Id in return like so:
submitStuff: function(data): string{
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
if (!loggedInUser || !Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser,['user','admin'])){
throw new Meteor.Error("M504", "Access denied");
} else {
let id = new Mongo.ObjectID();
const model: MyModel[] = [{
data.stuff //bunch of data being inserted
model.forEach((obj: MyModel) => {
insertedData = Collection.collection.insert(obj); //added .collection
return insertedData;
} catch(e) {
throw new Meteor.Error(e + e.reason, "|Throw new error|");

Cannot get the result of the Backbone model fetch

My model urlRoot:
urlRoot: function() {
if ( != null ) {
return 'notes/' +;
} else return 'notes';
window.show_note = function (note_id) {
var note = new Memo.Models.Note([], { id: note_id });
success: function (collection, note, response) {
var noteObj = collection.get("0");
var noteView = new Memo.Views.FullNote( {model: noteObj }, {flag: 0 } );
{ id: note_id } - I post this to server to get note by id
I want to do 'set' or 'get' functions on model 'note' after note.fetch in a callback function - success, but only I have is error: 'Uncaught TypeError: note.set is not a function'.
If I do this way: 'var noteObj = collection.get("0");'
I get that I need but I still can`t use get or set.
You should set urlRoot to:
urlRoot: '/notes'
And backbone will figure out that it needs to add the id to the url. (docs)
Assuming Memo.Models.Note is a model and not a collection, the above snippet should be like this:
window.show_note = function(note_id) {
var note = new Memo.Models.Note({ id: note_id });
success: function (model, response, options) {
var noteView = new Memo.Views.FullNote({
model: model
}, {flag: 0 });
Note the argument passed to new Memo.Models.Note. A backbone model constructor takes two arguments: attributes and options (docs) as opposed to a collection, which takes models and options (docs). So you'll want to add the hash with the id property as the first argument.
Also note the function signature of the success callback. For a model the success callback takes three arguments: model, response and options (docs). You'll be interested in the model argument because that is the fetched backbone model. response is the raw response data.
I hope my assumptions are right and this is the answer you are looking for.

Mongoose - setting virtuals via return on callback function [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Mongoose complex (async) virtuals
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I see similar questions posted all over stackoverflow, but can't seem to find a satisfactory answer.
I'm using MongooseJS as my ODM and I'm trying to set up virtual getters than query, analyze and return information from a different collection.
Unfortunately, (because of nodejs asynchronous nature) I can't return information from within a callback function. Is there an easy way of going about this?
Here's my code:
UserSchema.virtual('info').get(function () {
var data = {
a: 0,
b: 0
OtherSchema.find({}, function (err, results) {
results.forEach(function (result) {
if ( {
data.a += 1
} else {
data.b += 1
return data; //return this information
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You need to pass a callback function into your virtual method, like so:
UserSchema.virtual('info').get(function (cb) {
var data = {
a: 0,
b: 0
OtherSchema.find({}, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
// pass the error back to the calling function if it exists
return cb(err);
results.forEach(function(result) {
if( { data.a+=1 }
// pass null back for the error and data back as the response
cb(null, data);
Then to call the function you would do (excuse my syntax on calling the virtual method. Not 100% sure how that works in Mongoose):, data) {
// check if there was an error
// if not then do whatever with the data

