How to test a front-end JavaScript library and integrate with Travis? - javascript

I have already experimented testing NodeJS libraries using Jasmine or Mocha, but I don't know how to test front-end projects. I have found tutorials online, but everything includes a task manager in the workflow and I would like to know how to do this without one.
I found the following question close to what I am asking:
Using Travis-CI for client-side JavaScript libraries?
In my case, I am using Jasmine and have already set up the Jasmine SpecRunner.html, Jasmine library and spec/mylibSpec.js. The tests pass when I run the SpecRunner.html on my browser.
Now, how do I integrate this with Travis, without Grunt/Gulp/Brunch/etc?
I have heard the words "PhantomJS" and "Selenium" and I think this has to do with what I am trying to accomplish. Is there a "hello, world"-like project with tests and Travis integration one can learn from?

The Travis documentation lists three basic ways to accomplish this:
the PhantomJS headless browser
running Firefox with a virtual display or
using the Saucelabs browser VM service
Testing with PhantomJS is the fastest, since it does not simulate a display (it still allows you to create screenshots, though). PhantomJS comes with a run-jasmine example.
The phantom test script can then be executed directly, simply by running
script: phantomjs run-jasmine.js
in your .travis.yml, without the additional overhead of a build system such as Grunt.
If testing your project requires a real browser GUI, that leaves you with options 2 or 3.
Saucelabs browser VMs have the advantage of real cross-browser testing; if your project is open source, they offer a free plan. They also provide an in-depth tutorial for your specific use case: Travis + Jasmine + Saucelabs, which however does require Grunt in order to run.


How to test a web page from my local machine after it is loaded in my browser

I have a website that is running on some server, which is used by a few thousand people. It's built on Java and soy template. I need to test the fronted rendering/js files. Can I do this from my local machine after accessing the web page?
for example: say I need to run a few Javascript test files on I go to in my browser, after it is loaded, I need to run a few js files to test it. Is it possible? if yes, should I use Mocha or jest or any other alternate framework?
Only you can do is E2E testing. E2E testing is an UI automation testing. Here are the e2e testing framework choices:
You can use jestjs with puppeteer.
There are different test types that can be run against code: Unit, Integration, Functional, etc. Some types have different test methodologies: TDD, BDD, etc. In this instance it seems you are wanting Functional Tests usually using the BDD method. In regard to your post, you state Java but tag the post Javascript and mention the Mocha framework. I'm assuming you meant Javascript instead of Java, with that said Mocha does support Functional Tests:
You will need the Selenium Driver to be installed along with other specific web browser drivers: Chrome, Edge, Gecko. A quick search shows that there might be an easier path to get up and running:
I have no experience with that library but leave further investigation up to you.

Testing Framework For testing UI Components

I am writing jquery plugins like selectbox, rangeslider etc.. I am planning to do automation test. When I look into it, I find them confusing.
There are frameworks like TestNG, JUnit, Maven, Gradel etc..
and on the other side mocha, jasmine etc..
What is the similarity and difference between them?
Which one is the best to test uicomponents?
or At least the basics which would help me to understand?
#sjethvani Thanks for your reply.
Now I have got some understanding on Browser Automation Tools and Testing Frameworks. Have decided to use Selenium with NodeJs and Mocha. But, Is it possible to test it in all browsers parallelly using a single command line? mocha test - command preferably runs it in a single browse or Do I have to loop it inside my test file, to open it in different browsers? Is this the way?

Azure documentdb how to develop server side?

as a total JavaScript beginner, how do I actually develop for it?
I mean, I've seen but there was no mentioning of a development environment.
Is there something like a visual studio project template for server-side javascript?
I use node.js so your mileage may vary if you are developing from .NET, but here's what I do:
First of all, I created an npm package documentdb-utils. It is a wrapper for the DocumentDB node.js package that makes it easier to do a bunch of things.
Then, I created npm package documentdb-mock to write tests for my stored procedures. The source code for documentdb-mock includes 4 example stored procedures along with a test suite for each using nodeunit. You can start with these as they exercise most of the server-side API.
After I have them passing my local unit tests, I write integration tests that exercise my system end-to-end including creating any necessary data for each test run. The only problems that I've found here with sprocs that I didn't see in my mocked testing had to do with reaching certain limits... although, documentdb-mock has been upgraded to simulate many of these now also.
I haven't open sourced this yet, but I have also written a parser/rewriter that will embed any require(d) packages into my sprocs before sending them to DocumentDB. This allows me to write and test in a nicely factored way on node.js even using downloaded packages from within my sprocs, but when they get pushed to DocumentDB any dependencies are automatically embedded inside of the function. I'll open source that at some point (probably adding it to documentdb-utils) but I can share it with you now if you desire.
Here are a few tools that I found helpful for development (especially server-side [by which we mean database-side] scripting):
DocumentDB Studio -
Sample Code -
Here is another nice open source tool for exploring data in documentdb:

Can Protractor and Karma be used together?

If Protractor is replacing Angular Scenario Runner for E2E testing, does that mean I will still be able to use it with Karma as my E2E testing framework ?
Not recommended by the current maintainer of Protractor:
Protractor and Karma should not be used together; instead they provide separate systems for running tests. Protractor and Karma cover different aspects of testing - Karma is intended mostly for unit tests, while Protractor should be used for end to end testing.
Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS, which uses a Selenium/WebDriver server to provision browsers and drive test execution. Examples of pure WebDriverJS can be found here:
Georgios - I think it makes sense to keep Protractor and Karma separate - for end to end tests, you want the native event driving and flexibility of webdriver, while for unit tests you want fast execution and autowatching of files.
UPDATE. Here is a simple package I've created to add minimal Karma setup to any project with one single command npm install min-karma.
I'd like to clarify some possible misconceptions about Karma and Protractor. Karma FAQ actually does refer to Adapter for Angular's Scenario Runner, which, however, seems to be abandoned, with Protractor being recommended instead.
Karma is a test runner that will run the JavaScript files specified in you configuration file explicitly or using node-globs. (For non-JavaScript external templates, Angular's Unit Testing Guide recommends using Karma html preprocessor to compile them into JavaScript first.)
These can be all your source files, some of them, some of them plus some additional files or files irrelevant to your project, only providing some extra configuration - you name it!
You can have multiple karma config files for different purposes, which you can run in parallel or one-by-one. Each karma process launches its own set of browsers (these are currently available).
This feature of Karma to run only a set of files is what makes it perfect for fast tests running in background upon each source file edit, and get immediate feedback, which is brilliant! The only negative is the "noisy" error reporting that will hopefully improve!
Karma is not only for unit tests
Unit test is for a single unit of your source code. In Angular's case a typical unit is Angular Component (Service, Factory, Provider, Controller, Filter, Directive etc). Remember to keep your Controllers thin, so too many unit tests for latters is a red flag.
In a unit test, every other units of code, on which this unit depends (so-called unit's dependencies) should not be tested at the same time. Instead they should be "mocked", e.g. replaced by something simple like dummy instances. Angular provides great mock environment support. Ideally you want to see all those mocks directly inside your tests, so you never need to wonder where all those dependencies come from.
Karma is just as useful for Integration Tests, where a group of source code units is tested together, with only some of their dependencies being mocked. It is important to remember that any dependency is by default provided from your source code modules (as long as those modules either injected directly in your tests, or they are dependencies of other modules injected (in which case you don't need to inject them, but no harm to do so). The mocked dependencies will override the provided ones.
Running Fast and Frequent is the main feature of Karma. This means you want to avoid any server requests, any database queries, anything that can take longer than fractions of seconds. (Otherwise it will NOT be fast!) Those long processes are ones you want to mock. This also explains why it is a bad practice to put raw low level services like $http directly inside your controllers or any complicated business logic units. By wrapping those low level outside communication services into smaller dedicated services, you make it much easier to "mock them away".
What Karma does not do is running your site as it is, which is what End-to-End (E2E) testing is. In principle, you could use Angular's internal methods to recreate the site or its pieces. Which, for small pieces, can be useful, and a fast way e.g. to test directives.
It is, however, not recommended way to throw complicated code inside your tests. The more you do it, the more chance is that you make errors in that code instead of what you are actually testing.
That is why I personally dislike the often mentioned complicated way of testing methods using low level methods like $http. It works cleaner to isolate any reference to low level methods into dedicated methods of your own, whose single responsibility is to make http requests. These dedicated methods should be able to work with real backend, not a fake one! Which you can easily test - manually or even perfectly fine with Karma running with another special config, as long as you don't mix that config with the one usually used to run Karma regular and fast.
Now, having your dedicated small services tested, you can safely and easily mock them to test your other logic and put these tests into your regular Karma setup.
To summarize. Use Karma to run any set of JavaScript files. It is (should be) fast. You don't see your complete app, so can't test the final result effectively and reliably. Would I run it with Protractor? Why would I? Running Protractor would slow down my tests, defeating the purpose of Karma. It is easy to run Protractor separately.
Protractor is:
an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.
So Protractor does exactly what Karma doesn't - run your real final application. This reveals its both power and limitations:
Running complete application is the only reliable final test that your application works as expected. You can write up complete user story scenarios and put them into your tests!
But it is harder to track errors without isolating individual units of your source code. This is why you still need Karma to test your JavaScript code first.
Now would I want to run Protractor with Karma? I surely can run them in separate terminal windows, in parallel. I could, in principle, have them share test files if I need to, but normally I'd rather not. Why? Because I want to keep my tests small with single dedicated purpose.
The only exception would be a file defining testing macros useful for both runners. This, however, would not be a test file but a macro definition file.
Other than that, I like a clear separation between my tests. Those to be run frequently and fast, and those for the complete app. That makes a clear separation between when using Karma and when Protractor.
Karma is a test runner provided by the Angular team, Karma will execute your tests in multiple browsers which shall ensure that our application is compatible in all browsers.
Unit Test for angular js can be used karma + jasmine
Jasmine is a javascript unit testing framework and will provide us with utilities to test our application. This works best on the Angular framework and thus, our choice of “automated unit testing tool”.
And Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.
Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, headless browsers , cross browser testing and can be hosted on saucelabs.
Yes, you can use karma and protractor together. Karma is used for unit testing the component you created using angular command you can test those components using karma.
Protractor is used for end to end test. It is mainly used for UI testing.

Test driven JavaScript, Jasmine, and production code

I'm trying to grasp the basics of Jasmine (and BDD/TDD I guess). The examples I have seen does not resemble any realistic scenario of a web application, and have a hard time relating to it.
Are Jasmine tests done aside (separately) from working on the JavaScript that will be deployed? Manually copying tested/validated code.. Or does Jasmine compile to standard JS used for production?
Jasmine is a framework for testing JavaScript code. Just like testing Ruby on Rails code, the tests don't become part of the production code. They are in the same repo and are run but they aren't minified into project.js or whatever your build process is. As part of your test run process, you can do headless tests using PhantomJS (headless webkit) and have it run on your CI server and so forth just like any other test.
I have worked on a bunch of projects this way. There has been a trend of seeing JavaScript has an enhancement layer that doesn't really need to be tested but today JavaScript is so much more. It is critical to test it if your application needs to work.

