Anti-CSRF approach in chat application where textarea is rendered once - javascript

I am integrating chat application in my website. Chat boxes are managed using a javascript library. They are HTML components to which I append a textarea where the user enters the message to be sent (Facebook-like style of chat).
The messages exchanged are persisted in a MySQL databases. Server side language is PHP under Symfony2 framework.
How can I secure my database in this case? Normally, to prevent CSRF vulnerability, I generate a CSRF token when the form containing textarea is rendered. Symfony2 helps to easily validate against the token. But in my situation, textarea is used without a form. I can wrap my textarea inside a form with hidden input token field, but I don't think it will be appropriate to render a new form (with new token) whenever a new message need to be sent.
Could you please share with me your insights regarding such issue? Are there any tricks for chat applications to prevent CSRF attacks? Any advice is highly appreciated.

One method would be to use a counter approach.
So on first form render, you include a token. Each response includes that token and an incrementing counter (starting at a random number). After the first request, you know on the backend which counter position is valid, and can invalidate the token if you find an invalid counter position. Then after 100 (or 1000 or whatever) requests, force a token refresh (which does a normal request to get a new token).
So the convo would look like:
Client Server
getToken --------------------->
generate new token
<-----------------------token // x4asf3%2f
generateCounter() // 2332523
{text: text, token: token, counter: counter+1}
if (!isValidToken(token)) error()
saveCounter(token, counter)
if (!isValidToken(token)) error()
if (counter != getCounter(token)+1) error()
This is similar to the syn-ack process that TCP uses.

The important features of an anti-CSRF token are that:
Each user must have a different token. (A user might also have several tokens for different purposes, but no two users may share a token.)
It must not be practical for a malicious user to obtain (or construct) a valid token for another user.
Each request (that could have unwanted effects if done maliciously) must include a token.
The server must not accept the request unless it contains a valid token for the user performing the request.
Requirements 1 and 2 are typically implemented either using a cryptographic message authentication code to generate the tokens, or simply by assigning a randomly generated token to each user (or session) and storing a copy of it on the server.
For traditional HTML forms, one way to implement requirement 3 is to include the token as a hidden field in the form. However, that's not the only way to do this. In particular, if you're submitting requests by Ajax, all you need is to have your Ajax code somehow obtain the token (e.g. from a hidden field, or an HTML data attribute, or simply from a piece of JS code somewhere on the page) and include it in the request.
For example, if you look at the HTML source of this Stack Overflow page you're reading right now, you'll find a piece of JavaScript that looks something like this (un-minified):
"locale": "en",
// ...snip....
"site": {
"name": "Stack Overflow",
// ...snip....
"user": {
"fkey": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
// ...snip....
// ...snip...
The user.fkey value (which, for obvious reasons, I've changed above) is a random 128-bit anti-CSRF token that is stored in the StackExchange JS object, and is included in every Ajax request made by the scripts on the page.


Display visitor_posts facebook graph api

I'm using visitor_post to display page visitor posts.
right now i can get created_time, message, and id in object.
is it possible to display also the user profile picture?
The from field holds the user id, and via Field Expansion syntax you can use that to request the picture property of that:
Be aware that you will need a page access token to make this request; with any other kind of token you won't get any user details for posts on pages any more.
That of course also means that you should only do this on the server side (which you should for caching purposes anyway), because a page access token should never be exposed in publicly available code such as client-side JavaScript.

Quiz application in .NET MVC/JS/JQUERY, how to prevent cheating?

I'm making a quiz application, where 4 users join a lobby (finished), and then the leader starts the quiz.
When the quiz is started, questions get randomly selected. Users can answer them, and click submit. Each question is timed, meaning user only has 10 seconds to answer the question.
This is all done through AJAX, since I want the website to be real-time. How exactly would I prevent cheating? User could manually edit the JS file, etc.
I was thinking of getting the exact time when the question gets loaded + the answer time. And if it's not in the span of 10 seconds, he's cheating. Would that work, or is there a better and easier way to do this?
Thank you.
I thought AntiForgeryToken was right solution to solve your problem. I read a lot of articles to make sure my old answer is correct.
1- Hiding or Encrypting the javascript source code
2- How to Disable HTML view source or Encrypt Html elements programatically?
3- How To Prove That Client Side Javascript Is Secure?
4- ASP.NET MVC - does AntiForgeryToken prevent the user from changing posted form values?
I came to the conclusion:
AntiForgeryToken prevents a malicious site to trick a user to a form that looks the same as the original and post it to the original site. It does not prevent the scenario you are describing.
There's really no way to do this completely client-side. If the person has a valid auth cookie, they can craft any sort of request they want regardless of the code on the page and send it to your server.
You can use HtmlHelper.AntiForgeryToken with salt value.
To use these helpers to protect a particular form, put an Html.AntiForgeryToken() into the BeginForm, e.g.,
#using (Html.BeginForm("Users", "SubmitQuiz"))
<!-- rest of form goes here -->
This will output something like the following:
<form action="/Users/SubmitQuiz" method="post">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="saTFWpkKN0BYazFtN6c4YbZAmsEwG0srqlUqqloi/fVgeV2ciIFVmelvzwRZpArs" />
<!-- rest of form goes here -->
Next, to validate an incoming form post, add the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] filter to your target action method. For example,
public ViewResult SubmitQuiz()
// ... etc
Salt is just an arbitrary string. A different salt value means a
different anti-forgery token will be generated. This means that even
if an attacker manages to get hold of a valid token somehow, they
can’t reuse it in other parts of the application where a different
salt value is required.
You can create different salts for different users like this.
AntiForgeryToken() prevents tampering with the code using inspection tools like this:
In Client side
1- A new random anti-XSRF token will be generated.
2- An anti-XSRF field token is generated using the security token from step (1).
In Server side (Validating the tokens)
1- The incoming session token and field token are read and the anti-XSRF token extracted from each. The anti-XSRF tokens must be identical per step (2 client side) in the generation routine.
2- If validation succeeds, the request is allowed to proceed. If validation fails, the framework will throw an HttpAntiForgeryException.
For more information this, Please see this article.
Conclusion: Since there's no way to prevent anything on the client side, the only solution that actually sounds okay is having server check everything.
A GET request, which requests the question and logs the time. After that, a JS timer which automatically submits the question if the countdown is finished. The user can also manually submit the answer (obviously). POST of the answer, and the server logs the time of it, compares it to the initial time of the GET request. If it's longer than 10 seconds, it throws and error, and the answer is not counted.
Thank you everyone.

How can I go to an html page while passing a hidden parameter using Javascript or jQuery?

Upon completion of an ajax call I would like to direct the user to an html page, but at the same time passing a hidden variable (this variable contains sensitive information and should not show up in the URL).
How can I accomplish this?
window.location.href = 'userpage.html?id=14253';
But with the id remaining invisible? Can I POST the id somehow while sending the user to userpage.html?
You should not be checking user credentials on the client side of your website. Regardless of how the ID is being passed to your script, it can be replicated without you being able to check if the request is valid.
To start being even remotely secure with what information is granted to a user, you need to be checking it via the server side. With every request, ensure the user is authenticated to view such data.
If I were you, I would look into using PHP sessions as the first line of defense for checking if a user is authenticated. Doing so will at least keep the information about a user out of a replicable space that can be viewed by the user.
Look up 'php session login tutorial' on Google and you will find plenty of simple tutorials which should get you on the right track.
Example Tutorial
No matter what, the information you pass along is insecure. You can submit a post request using XMLHttpRequest objects if you'd like (or use a framework/library to make AJAX calls) -- but the user could still spoof the data and get different results.
ID enforcement should be done in the backend. Does the requested ID match the ID of the user signed in? No? Don't show it. etc etc.

Using the MVC3 AntiForgeryToken in non-authenticated scenarios?

Through several threads I can see that the use of the MVC antiforgery token is overkill on areas of a site where a user is not authenticated.
I have an application that posts some information to from site1, site2, site3, etc. Each site has a unique identifier that gets sent in the POST request through an asynchronous Javascript POST. The Javascript that is executed on site1-3, is generated on, then returned to the sites with some Javascript variables populated.
So the lifecycle is as follows:
A page on site1 has a Javascript reference to
That link reference is to a controller route that generates Javascript to return to site1.
The end of the JS that is returned contains a POST request that goes back to containing Url, browser, etc., details for the visitor of the page on site1.
I can read in the POST parameters just fine in the accepting controller from the JS POST request, however, what I wanted to know is if there is any point in adding an antiforgery token to the parameter list.
If so, I would have to generate it on the initial request, and pass it back as a JS variable in the JS returned to site1, then pass it back along with the form POST in the second request.
Since any processing on will only occur if a valid account is found, is there any point in going through this?
If so, how would I generate the antiforgery token on at the controller level?
I would say that it depends on the sensitivity of the data that is being posted. If another user could cause harm (or annoyance) by crafting forged requests and submitting them, then I would say that it would be appropriate. It sounds like you're just collecting some usage information so that's not likely to be the case.
A one-time, random nonce might be a better solution. That would make it difficult to forge a request and prevent erroneous multiple submits, say from the user using a cached copy. Generate a random value (a GUID might work) on, inserting it in the database and marking it as unused. Send it back with the POST. Check whether it has been used or not. If not used, then mark it used and perform your logging action. If it has been used already, discard the request as a duplicate submission.
Note that you wouldn't need a POST for this, a simple GET with URL parameters would be sufficient since the nonce will prevent it from being accidentally repeated.

Protecting my REST service, which I will use on the client side, from others to use

Let's assume that I have created my REST service smoothly and I am returning json results.
I also implemented API key for my users to communicate for my service.
Then Company A started using my service and I gave them an API key.
Then they created an HttpHandler for bridge (I am not sure what is the term here) in order not to expose API key (I am also not sure it is the right way).
For example, lets assume that my service url is as follows :{key_comes_here}
Company A is using this service from client side like below :
Then they start using it on the client side.
Company A protected the api key here. That's fine.
But there is another problem here. Somebody else can still grab url and starts using my service.
What is the way of preventing others from doing that?
For the record, I am using WCF Web API in order to create my REST services.
Company A's HttpHandler (second link) only looks at the host header in order to see if it is coming from or not. but in can be faked easily I guess.
Is there any known way of implementing a Token for the url. For example, lets say that will carry a querystring parameter representing a TOKEN in order for HttpHandler to check if the request is the right one.
But there are many things here to think about I guess.
You could always require the client to authenticate, using HTTP Basic Auth or some custom scheme. If your client requires the user to login, you can at least restrict the general public from obtaining the URL, since they will need to login to find out about it.
It gets harder if you are also trying to protect the URL from unintended use by people who legitimately have access to the official client. You could try changing the service password at regular intervals, and updating the client along with it. That way a refresh of the client in-browser would pull the new password, but anyone who built custom code would be out of date. Of course, a really determined user could just write code to rip the password from the client JS programmatically when it changes, but you would at least protect against casual infringers.
With regard to the URL token idea you mentioned in update 2, it could work something like this. Imagine every month, the URL requires a new token to work, e.g. Once it's February, 'January' will stop working. The server will have to know to only accept current month, and client will have to know to send a token (determined at the time the client web page loads from the server in the browser)
(All pseudo-code since I don't know C# and which JS framework you will use)
Server-side code:
if (request.urlVars.token == then
render "This is the real data: [2,5,3,5,3]"
render "401 Unauthorized"
Client code (dynamic version served by your service)
var dataUrl = '' + <%= %>
// below is JS code that does ajax call using dataUrl
So now we have service code that will only accept the current month as a token, and client code that when you refresh in the browser gets the latest token (set dynamically as current month). Since this scheme is really predictable and could be hacked, the remaining step is to salted hash the token so no one can guess what it is going to be .
if (request.urlVars.token == mySaltedHashMethod( then
var dataUrl = '' + <%= mySaltedHashMethod( %>
Which would leave you with a URL like and would change tokens every month.
You would probably want to expire faster than every month as well, which you could do my using epoch hour instead of month.
I'd be interested to see if someone out there has solved this with some kind of encrypted client code!
What you're describing is generally referred to as a "proxy" -- companyA's public page is available to anyone, and behind the scenes, it makes the right calls to your system. It's not uncommon for applications to use proxies to get around security -- for example, the same-origin policy means that your javascript can't make Ajax calls to, say, Amazon -- but if you proxy it on your own system, you can get around this.
I can't really think of a technical way to prevent this; once they've pulled data from your service, they can use that data however they want. You have legal options, of course; you can make it a term of service that proxying isn't allowed, and pull their API key if they don't comply. But most likely, if you haven't already included that in the TOS, you'd have to wait for, say, a renewal of their subscription to your service.
Presumably if they're making server-side HTTP requests to your service, those requests are all coming from the same IP address, so you could block that address. You'd probably want to tell them first, and they could certainly get around that if they wanted to.
With the second link exposed by Company A I don't think you can do much. As I understand it, you can only check whether the incoming request comes from Company A or not.
But each request issued to can't be distinguished from original request from Company A. Everyone they let in uses their referrer as a disguise.

