Checkbox checked CSS - javascript

Hi everyone i am trying to make a checkbox using CSS.
I have created this DEMO from
In this demo you can see there is a tree checkbox button (YES,NO,MAYBE)
My question is this: Let's say the user first clicked the button YES.The user then gave up and click on the NO button. I want to make it when user clicked NO button then Yes button automatically unchecked. How can i do that anyone can help me ?
<div class="container">
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno"/>Yes
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno"/>no
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno"/>maybe
.container {
margin: 50px;
.yesno {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
width: 30px;
height: 20px;
border-radius: 14px;
outline: 0;
background: #9da6b0;
-webkit-transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;
cursor: pointer;
.yesno:after {
content: "";
display: block;
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 11px;
position: relative;
top: 3px;
left: 3px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;
.yesno:checked {
background: #529ecc;
.yesno:checked:after {
left: 13px;

You could simply make those elements radio buttons with the same name attribute:
Updated Example
In doing so, the elements are mutually exclusive, and only one can be selected at once.
<div class="container">
<input type="radio" name="yes-no" class="yesno"/>Yes
<input type="radio" name="yes-no" class="yesno"/>no
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno"/>maybe

They should definitely be radio buttons, but here's the JavaScript.
<div class="container">
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno" id="yesCheckbox"/>Yes
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno" id="noCheckbox"/>no
<input type="checkbox" class="yesno" id="maybeCheckbox"/>maybe
$('#yesCheckbox').click(function() {
$('#noCheckbox').prop('checked', false);


Hide certain inputs and show others using a switch button in jQuery

Hello Stackoverflow community, hope that you're doing well, what I'm trying to do is when I click the switch button I want it to hide certain inputs and show others, my code is a form to add students and teachers, since there are cummon inputs I tought about hide the uncummon one when I press the switch button and when I click it again do the opposite but all of that seem to be failed, I can only hide some and when I click it again it won't work, here what I did:
The Jquery code:
The HTML code:
<label>Student </label>
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" id="switchVal" value="0">
<span class="slider"></span>
<label> Teacher</label>
$('.switch').click(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div class='student'>Student</div>
<div class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" id="switchVal" value="0">
<span class="slider"></span>
<div class='teacher'>Teacher</div>
Use $(".teacher, .student").toggle();
Or, if needed, for more granular control you could always get the current checkbox state using
const isChecked = this.checked; // boolean`
jQuery($ => {
$("#switchVal").on("input", function() {
$(".teacher, .student").toggle();
.toggler {
display: inline-flex;
gap: 0 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.toggler-checkbox {
display: inline-block;
width: 35px;
height: 15px;
background: #444;
border-radius: 1.2em;
.toggler-checkbox::before {
content: "";
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
background: #0bf;
border-radius: 1em;
transition: transform 0.3s;
.toggler input:checked ~ .toggler-checkbox::before {
transform: translateX(20px);
.toggler-label {
user-select: none;
.toggler-label:nth-of-type(1) {
order: -1;
color: #0bf;
.toggler input:checked ~ .toggler-label:nth-of-type(1) {
color: inherit;
.toggler input:checked ~ .toggler-label:nth-of-type(2) {
color: #0bf;
<label class="toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="switchVal" value="0" hidden>
<span class="toggler-checkbox"></span>
<b class="toggler-label">Student</b>
<b class="toggler-label">Teacher</b>
<li class="student">Student: Anna</li>
<li class="student">Student: John</li>
<li class="teacher">Teacher: Mark</li>
<li class="student">Student: Tara</li>
<li class="teacher">Teacher: Zack</li>
<script src=""></script>

How to add border to label when radio button is selected

<label for="seeker" class="checkbox">
I am a Job Seeker
<input type="radio" id="seeker" name="designation">
<label for="employer" class="checkbox">
I am an Employer
<input type="radio" id="employer" name="designation">
I have multiple HTML radio inputs which are wrapped around labels ( when a radio is selected for say input name "designation" I'd like to add a border color to the label of the radio button that was selected and remove the border from the other labels (, here's the the JS code I tried using but for some reason when a radio button is unchecked JS can't seem to detect the event.
const radios = document.querySelectorAll('.checkbox input')
radios.forEach((radio) => {
radio.addEventListener('change', e => {
if ( {
// logic to add label border
} else {
// logic to remove label border
I know this can be done using the CSS plus (+) operator but seems like that would require the label to preceded the input, something I wouldn't want to do. However I'm open to using a CSS method as long as the markup wouldn't have to be changed.
const inputs= document.body.querySelectorAll("input")
document.addEventListener("change", (e)=>{
input.labels[0].style="border-style: solid; padding: 10px;"
here is the js logic
You can also try this code snippet. I have also provided the required styling if you want.
document.querySelector(".first-checkbox").addEventListener('click', function(){
document.querySelector(".second-checkbox").addEventListener('click', function(){
border:1px solid #D3D3D3;
border:1px solid #C0C0C0;
border:1px solid black;
<div class="checkbox-container">
<label for="seeker" class="first-checkbox">
I am a Job Seeker
<input type="radio" id="seeker" name="designation">
<label for="employer" class="second-checkbox">
I am an Employer
<input type="radio" id="employer" name="designation">
You can simply do it css using input:checked selector
Take an example from below code and codepen link
.radiobox {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
.radiobox input {
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
.radiobox .check {
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #979797;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
position: relative;
top: 1px;
margin-right: 5px;
vertical-align: top;
.radiobox span, .radioTab span, .checkbox span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
.radiobox .check i,
.radioTab .check i {
background: #0db837;
border-radius: 50%;
display: block;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin: -5px 0 0 -5px;
opacity: 0;
transform: scale(0.75);
transition: all 0.3s;
.radiobox input:checked+.check,
.radioTab input:checked+ span .check {
border-color: #5cb85c;
.radiobox input:checked+.check i,
.radioTab input:checked+ span .check i {
opacity: 1;
transform: scale(1);
<h4>Select any one option</h4>
<label class="radiobox" for="one">
<input type="radio" id="one" name="designation" value="one" />
<span class="check"><i></i></span>
<span>This is one option</span>
<label class="radiobox" for="two">
<input type="radio" id="two" name="designation" value="two" />
<span class="check"><i></i></span>
<span>Never think this is an option</span>

Store - save - fetch/retreive array value (php)

I'm having a hard time of thinking how am I going to save the values taken from the checkbox (came from "modalForm").
I have 2 forms here. My "mainform" and "modalForm".
This codes are similar to my program, I just replace the values.
My program works like this. I have a search bar before this, searching unique id and after searching it, their details will be loaded here.
If you click the textbox, a modal will pop up containing checkboxes. If one checkbox is checked, its label beside it will be the one to be shown on the textbox. When two or more checkbox were checked, a word "multiple" will be shown in the UI.
Value(s) will be inserted/updated to the database.
In my case here, instead of label, value is the one showing on the textbox.
Can you help me how can I store the array that i used into database and how can I fetch their values once it was loaded again.
My working fiddle:
I'm having a hard time here because here are two forms.
<form method="post" name="mainform" action="">
<a href="#modal" id="done"> <!-- when the input textbox was clicked, modal will pop up -->
<input disabled type="text" id="test" name="test" placeholder="test" value="">
<input class="hb_button3" type="submit" id="modalbutton" value="save"> <!-- once submit value taken on the checkbox will be save to the system database -->
<form method="post" name="modalForm" id="modalForm" action="testing.php">
<div class="modalwrapper" id="modal"> <!-- modal -->
<div class="modalcontainer">
<div class="modalcol1">
<label>Basketball </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="test_modal[]" name="test_modal[]" value="1">
<div class="clear"></div>
<label>Baseball </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="test_modal[]" name="test_modal[]" value="2">
<div class="clear"></div>
<label>Soccer </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="test_modal[]" name="test_modal[]" value="3">
<div class="clear"></div>
<label>Volleyball </label>
<input type="checkbox" id="test_modal[]" name="test_modal[]" value="4">
<div class="clear"></div>
<label>DOTA :)</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="test_modal[]" name="test_modal[]" value="5">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="savebutton">
<input class="btn1" id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/>
<div class="overlay"></div>
here is my styles.css
/* modal layout */
.modalwrapper {
top: 0;
left: 0;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
box-shadow: 0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.25);
box-sizing: border-box;
transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
.modalwrapper:target {
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible
.overlay {
background-color: #000;
background: rgba(0,0,0,.8);
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1;
.modalcontainer {
display: table;
background-color: #777;
position: relative;
z-index: 100;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px;
.modalcol1 { display: table-cell; }
.clear { clear: both; }
.modalwrapper input[type=checkbox] {
float: right;
margin-right: 20px;
.savebutton input[type=submit] {
float: right;
background-color: maroon;
color: #fff;
border: none;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 20px;
/* modal layout ends here */
my javascript code
$("#done").click(function(e) {
// alert('ok');
// e.preventDefault();
$("#submit").click(function(e) {
var checked = [];
$("input[name='test_modal[]']:checked").each(function ()
{ temp=$(this).val();
if (i==1)
else if (i>1)
else if (i==0)
// alert($("#do").val())
Hope you can help me guys. If you guys can suggest to replace my javascript by using any php statement like if condition, I will try to test it.
Many thanks.

Custom Upload Button

hi i was just wondering how you can create you own custom file upload button, because the best i can do is
and what i want to achieve is
if there is anyway of doing this i would be very thankful,
and please can i have answers that explain how to do it with code and not answers with links to websites that allow you to download a button or something like that,Thank You :)
Although some of these answers will create something that looks like you want it to work, they will break down when they try to perform the way that you expect. The file input doesn't style well directly and you will have trouble trying it. However, there is a trick.
The trick is to turn the opacity of the input to 0 and then change the background underneath it to the button style that you want.
.file_button_container input {
height: 47px;
width: 263px;
.file_button_container {
background: transparent url( left top no-repeat;
.file_button_container input {
opacity: 0;
<div class="file_button_container"><input type="file" /></div>
I think you can also try doing it this way:
Creating an additional <label for="X"></label> element which you can style easily with CSS
<div class="container">
<label for="upload" class="uploadButton">Upload</label>
<input type="file" name="upload" id="upload">
.container {
position: relative;
.uploadButton {
height: 25px;
width: 66px;
display: block;
cursor: pointer;
background: url('') center center no-repeat;
input[type="file"] {
display: block;
width: 66px;
height: 25px;
clip: rect(0px 0px 0px 0px);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
<div class="container">
<label for="upload" class="uploadButton"></label>
<input type="file" name="upload" id="upload" required />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
The arrow isn't something you can "just do with code" and the rounded corners would work fine in firefox, but not in ie using css... if you just need to use a custom image it's easy:
In Vue JS
If you wanna put the upload image button inside the textarea
use Relative and Absolute position to put the camera icon inside the textarea
use bottom-3 right-4 to find the proper position
<div class="field relative">
<textarea class="textarea" v-model="description" type="text" maxlength="10000"> </textarea>
<label for="upload-file" class="icn icn-camera cursor-pointer absolute bottom-3 right-4">
<input type="file" id="upload-file" hidden ref="file" #change="getImage($event)" accept="image/**" />
if not inside the textarea box, just one custom upload button then just keep the code like this
<label for="upload-file" class="icn icn-camera cursor-pointer">
<input type="file" id="upload-file" hidden ref="file" #change="getImage($event)" accept="image/**" />
change the default upload file icon to a camera icon
Step 1. Create a simple html markup
<div class="fileUpload btn btn-primary">
<input type="file" class="upload" />
Step 2. CSS: Tricky Part
.fileUpload {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 10px;
.fileUpload input.upload {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
For demo see here
Use the input's label as custom upload button:
<label for="pic" class="uploadfilelabel" >upload </label>
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="110000">
<input id="pic" name="pic" type="file" size="110000">
and CSS:
label.uploadfilelabel{/*custom label here*/}
Notice that we did not display the main input button, because otherwise it will occupy space
I'm too late to answer but someone surely will find this useful in future, no need to use of Javascript or Hidden field too. If you are using Bootstrap then definitely there's no need of btn CSS as well.
display: none;
.btn-primary {
background-color: #007bff;
border-color: #007bff;
color: #fff;
.btn {
-moz-user-select: none;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: 0.25rem;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.5;
padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
text-align: center;
transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out 0s, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out 0s, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out 0s, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out 0s;
vertical-align: middle;
white-space: nowrap;
<label for="upload_file" class="custom-file-upload btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-cloud-upload"></i> File Upload</label>
<input class="margin" type="file" formnovalidate id="upload_file" name="file" accept="*">
Here is an approximation to the button you want with css/html
<button class="upload">Choose a file to upload...</button>
padding:10px 20px;
for rounded corners in pre-IE9 use css3pie

Can you style an html radio button to look like a checkbox?

I have an html form that a user will fill out and print. Once printed, these forms will be faxed or mailed to a government agency, and need to look close enough like the original form published by said agency that a government bureaucrat doesn't spot that this is a reproduction. The data entered in the form is not saved anywhere or even submitted back to a web server. All that matters is that our users can easily find these forms on our intranet site and type into the form for printing with their normal keyboard.
On the screen I want to leave the radio button as-is, to enforce and communicate radio button usage (choose only one option). However, when it prints out I need it to print with the square checkbox style rather than the round radio button style. I know how to use a media selector to set styles for print only, so that's not the issue. It's just that I don't know if I can style the radio button like I want at all.
If I can't get this working I'm gonna have to create a checkbox to shadow each radio button, use javascript to keep the checkboxes and radio buttons in sync, and css to show the one I care about in the proper medium. Obviously if I can just style them it would save a lot of work.
Three years after this question is posted and this is almost within reach. In fact, it's completely achievable in Firefox 1+, Chrome 1+, Safari 3+ and Opera 15+ using the CSS3 appearance property.
The result is radio elements that look like checkboxes:
input[type="radio"] {
-webkit-appearance: checkbox; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-moz-appearance: checkbox; /* Firefox */
-ms-appearance: checkbox; /* not currently supported */
<label><input type="radio" name="radio"> Checkbox 1</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="radio"> Checkbox 2</label>
Note: this was eventually dropped from the CSS3 specification due to a lack of support and conformance from vendors. I'd recommend against implementing it unless you only need to support Webkit or Gecko based browsers.
This is my solution using only CSS (Jsfiddle:
div.options > label > input {
visibility: hidden;
div.options > label {
display: block;
margin: 0 0 0 -10px;
padding: 0 0 20px 0;
height: 20px;
width: 150px;
div.options > label > img {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0px;
background: none;
div.options > label > input:checked +img {
background: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position:center center;
background-size:30px 30px;
<div class="options">
<label title="item1">
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="0" />
Item 1
<img />
<label title="item2">
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="1" />
Item 2
<img />
<label title="item3">
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="2" />
Item 3
<img />
In CSS3:
input[type=radio] {content:url(mycheckbox.png)}
input[type=radio]:checked {content:url(mycheckbox-checked.png)}
In reality:
<span class=fakecheckbox><input type=radio><img src="checkbox.png" alt=""></span>
#media screen {.fakecheckbox img {display:none}}
#media print {.fakecheckbox input {display:none;}}
and you'll need Javascript to keep <img> and radios in sync (and ideally insert them there in a first place).
I've used <img>, because browsers are usually configured not to print background-image. It's better to use image than another control, because image is non-interactive and less likely to cause problems.
Pure Vanilla CSS / HTML solution in 2021. It uses the CSS appearance: none; property.
Seems to be compatible with all major browsers at this time:
appearance: none;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
content: none;
outline: none;
margin: 0;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) 0px 3px 8px;
input[type="radio"]:checked {
appearance: none;
outline: none;
padding: 0;
content: none;
border: none;
position: absolute;
color: green !important;
content: "\00A0\2713\00A0" !important;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
font-weight: bolder;
font-size: 21px;
<input type="radio" name="radio" checked>
<input type="radio" name="radio">
<input type="radio" name="radio">
Yes it can be done using this css, i've hidden the default radio button and made a custom radio button that looks like a checkbox.
Working Perfect in 2022.
color: #17CBF2;
font-family: arial;
.con1 {
display: block;
position: relative;
padding-left: 25px;
margin-bottom: 12px;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 15px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
/* Hide the browser's default radio button */
.con1 input {
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
/* Create a custom radio button */
.checkmark {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 18px;
width: 18px;
background-color: lightgrey;
border-radius: 10%;
/* When the radio button is checked, add a blue background */
.con1 input:checked ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #17CBF2;
<label class="con1"><span>Yes</span>
<input type="radio" name="radio1" checked>
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<label class="con1"><span>No</span>
<input type="radio" name="radio1">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
I tweaked user2314737's answer to use font awesome for the icon. For those unfamiliar with fa, one significant benefit over img's is the vector based rendering inherent to fonts. I.e. no image jaggies at any zoom level.
div.checkRadioContainer > label > input {
visibility: hidden;
div.checkRadioContainer {
max-width: 10em;
div.checkRadioContainer > label {
display: block;
border: 2px solid grey;
margin-bottom: -2px;
cursor: pointer;
div.checkRadioContainer > label:hover {
background-color: AliceBlue;
div.checkRadioContainer > label > span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
line-height: 2em;
div.checkRadioContainer > label > input + i {
visibility: hidden;
color: green;
margin-left: -0.5em;
margin-right: 0.2em;
div.checkRadioContainer > label > input:checked + i {
visibility: visible;
<div class="checkRadioContainer">
<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" />
<i class="fa fa-check fa-2x"></i>
<span>Item 1</span>
<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" />
<i class="fa fa-check fa-2x"></i>
<span>Item 2</span>
<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" />
<i class="fa fa-check fa-2x"></i>
<span>Item 3</span>
You can hide de default radio appareance and then draw the check with clip-path in the pseudo-element, no javascript needed.
display: block;
margin-bottom: 10px;
input[type=radio] {
appearance: none;
background-color: #fff;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
border: 2px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 2px;
display: inline-grid;
place-content: center;
input[type=radio]::before {
content: "";
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
transform: scale(0);
transform-origin: bottom left;
background-color: #fff;
clip-path: polygon(13% 50%, 34% 66%, 81% 2%, 100% 18%, 39% 100%, 0 71%);
input[type=radio]:checked::before {
transform: scale(1);
background-color: #0075FF;
border: 2px solid #0075FF;
<input type="radio" name="fruit"> Apple
<input type="radio" name="fruit"> Banana
<input type="radio" name="fruit"> Orange
<input type="radio" name="fruit"> Avocado
Simple and neat with fontawesome
input[type=radio] {
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-o-appearance: none;
outline: none;
content: none;
margin-left: 5px;
input[type=radio]:before {
font-family: "FontAwesome";
content: "\f00c";
font-size: 25px;
color: transparent !important;
background: #fff;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border: 2px solid black;
margin-right: 5px;
input[type=radio]:checked:before {
color: black !important;
appearance property doesn't work in all browser. You can do like the following-
display: none;
<input type="radio" name="gender" id="test1" value="male">
<label for="test1"> check 1</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" id="test2">
<label for="test2"> check 2</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="other" id="test3">
<label for="test3"> check 3</label>
It works IE 8+ and other browsers
I don't think you can make a control look like anything other than a control with CSS.
Your best bet it to make a PRINT button goes to a new page with a graphic in place of the selected radio button, then do a window.print() from there.
Yes, CSS can do this:
input[type=checkbox] {
display: none;
input[type=checkbox] + *:before {
content: "";
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0.4em;
/* Make some horizontal space. */
width: .6em;
height: .6em;
border-radius: 0.6em;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px .5px #888
/* An outer circle. */
/* No inner circle. */
background-color: #ddd;
/* Inner color. */
input[type=checkbox]:checked + *:before {
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px .5px #888
/* An outer circle. */
, inset 0px 0px 0px .14em #ddd;
/* An inner circle with above inner color.*/
background-color: #444;
/* The dot color */
<input id="check1" type="checkbox" name="check" value="check1" checked>
<label for="check1">Fake Checkbox1</label>
<input id="check2" type="checkbox" name="check" value="check2">
<label for="check2">Fake Checkbox2</label>
<input id="check2" type="radio" name="check" value="radio1" checked>
<label for="check2">Real Checkbox1</label>
<input id="check2" type="radio" name="check" value="radio2">
<label for="check2">Real Checkbox2</label>
Simple but optimal solution.
appearance: none;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
content: none;
outline: none;
margin: 0;
.custom-radio[type="radio"]:checked {
appearance: none;
outline: none;
padding: 0;
content: none;
border: none;
position: absolute;
background:#0c1332 ;
color: white !important;
content: "\00A0\2713\00A0" !important;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
font-weight: bolder;
font-size: 13px;
<p>Please select your favorite Web language:</p>
<input type="radio" id="html" class="custom-radio" name="fav_language" value="HTML">
<label for="html">HTML</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="css" name="fav_language" class="custom-radio" value="CSS">
<label for="css">CSS</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="javascript" name="fav_language" class="custom-radio" value="JavaScript">
<label for="javascript">JavaScript</label>
So I have been lurking on stack for so many years. This is actually my first time posting on here.
Anyhow, this might seem insane but I came across this post while struggling with the same issue and came up with a dirty solution. I know there are more elegant ways to perhaps set this as a property value but:
if you look at lines 12880-12883 in tcpdf.php :
$fx = ((($w - $this->getAbsFontMeasure($tmpfont['cw'][`110`])) / 2) * $this->k);
$fy = (($w - ((($tmpfont['desc']['Ascent'] - $tmpfont['desc']['Descent']) * $this->FontSizePt / 1000) / $this->k)) * $this->k);
$popt['ap']['n'][$onvalue] = sprintf('q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td ('.chr(`110`).') Tj ET Q', $this->TextColor, $tmpfont['i'], $this->FontSizePt, $fx, $fy);
$popt['ap']['n']['Off'] = sprintf('q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td ('.chr(`111`).') Tj ET Q', $this->TextColor, $tmpfont['i'], $this->FontSizePt, $fx, $fy);
and lines 13135-13138 :
$fx = ((($w - $this->getAbsFontMeasure($tmpfont['cw'][`108`])) / 2) * $this->k);
$fy = (($w - ((($tmpfont['desc']['Ascent'] - $tmpfont['desc']['Descent']) * $this->FontSizePt / 1000) / $this->k)) * $this->k);
$popt['ap']['n']['Yes'] = sprintf('q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td ('.chr(`108`).') Tj ET Q', $this->TextColor, $tmpfont['i'], $this->FontSizePt, $fx, $fy);
$popt['ap']['n']['Off'] = sprintf('q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td ('.chr(`109`).') Tj ET Q', $this->TextColor, $tmpfont['i'], $this->FontSizePt, $fx, $fy);
Those widgets are rendered from the zapfdingbats font set... just swap the character codes and voila... checks are radios and/or vice versa. This also opens up ideas to make a custom font set to use here and add some nice styling to your form elements.
Anyhow, just figured I would offer my two cents ... it worked awesome for me.
It can be also like this:
input[type="radio"] {
border-radius: 50%;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
input[type="radio"]:checked {
background: #d8046e url("../img/check.svg") center center no-repeat;
Very simple idea using a table and no Javascript.
Am I being too simplistic?
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#ageBox {display: none;}
<style type="text/css" media="print">
#ageButton {display: none;}
<td id="ageButton">
<input type="radio" name="userAge" value="18-24">18-24
<input type="radio" name="userAge" value="25-34">25-34
<td id="ageBox">
<input type="checkbox">18-24
<input type="checkbox">25-34

