script for on load alert box based on url - javascript

I am creating a submittal form, sending the form to a php form, and after the form completes having it redirect to the initial page with an additional "?s=1" in the url.
Basically what I am trying to do is create an alert box pop up on loading the page with the "?s=1" in the url.
It is a very brute force method to use I know, but i can't seem to get the small script to work correctly. I know for certain everything works and loads to the point and reloads the initial page with ?s=1 in it.
Here is the code i'm using to try and prompt the alert box
enter code here <script type="text/javascript">
var Path = window.location.href;
if (Path == "mywebsite.html?s=1")
alert("Your Form Has Been Submitted.")
Does anybody know why the box will not appear? Or possibly an alternate method for what I am attempting to do? Thanks.

window.location.href contains the complete URL, including the domain, and the full path, so a basic equality comparison won't work unless you're exaclty matching it, and even still this could cause problems (e.g. www. versus a naked domain, https:// versus http://, etc.). A possible solution is to use RegEx.
var pathRegex = /mywebsite\.html\?s\=1/;
if (pathRegex.test(window.location.href)) {
alert("Your Form Has Been Submitted.")
As a note, you can have an if statement without an accompanying else, and else statements don't take any arguments in parentheses like if, unless you're talking about else if.

Here is some code I wrote up for one of my projects that lets you pull a parameter and value out of the url.
function GetURLParameter(urlParameter){
var url =;
var urlVariables = url.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < urlVariables.length; i++){
var parameter = urlVariables[i].split('=');
if (parameter[0] == urlParameter){
return parameter[1];
It's easy to use:
It would just be
var k = GetURLParameter('s');
if (k == 1){
alert("Your Form Has Been Submitted.")

function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
And then check like...
if (getParameterByName("s")=="1")
alert("Your Form Has Been Submitted.")


Using Cookies to Capture UTM URL Parameters

I read the following post to understand how to use cookies to capture UTM URL Parameters:
I genuinely think that the code she outlined has all the write steps, but that it wont actually work. Getting this in Stackoverflow so that we can update the code and so that we can update the author so that others (like myself) do not have issues going forward.
Parse the URL
The URL parameters need to be parsed so the cookie values can be set. This can be done using javascript.
// Parse the URL
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
// Give the URL parameters variable names
var source = getParameterByName('utm_source');
var medium = getParameterByName('utm_medium');
var campaign = getParameterByName('utm_campaign');
Setting the Cookie Values
In order to set the cookie values, jQuery and the jQuery Cookie Plugin must be on the page.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/path/to/js.cookie.js"></script>
Using the variables defined in the first step, the cookie values can be set.
// Set the cookies
if($.cookie('utm_source') == null || $.cookie('utm_source') == "") {
$.cookie('utm_source', source);
if($.cookie('utm_medium') == null || $.cookie('utm_medium') == "") {
$.cookie('utm_medium', medium);
if($.cookie('utm_campaign') == null || $.cookie('utm_campaign') == "") {
$.cookie('utm_campaign', campaign);
Then we grab the cookie values and set the form field values
// Grab the cookie value and set the form field values
I have the following questions:
Does Jquery still support cookies?
I am confused about the below code. I do not think this will work, because it is not reading the cookie values.
// Grab the cookie value and set the form field values
Shouldn't the code be the following:
/ Put the variable names into the hidden fields in the form.

Javascript how to narrow down suitable URL in the if statment

I am trying to develop a Javascript code which will suit my website. Here is my code:
jQuery('.hestia-title').click(function() {
var link;
link = location.href;
if (link = "" || "" || "") {
var element_to_scroll_to = jQuery('.second-title')[0];
console.log("Viskas veikia");
} else {
window.location.href = "";
<script src=""></script>
This code should determine on what open page it is run, but I encounter a problem with the if statement:
if (link="" || "" || "")
I want that the if statement would run only if the specific URL would be opened, but now it even runs if the opened page URL is "". Can someone please help me with this problem?
Each part of || (or &&) has to equate to true/false by itself, ie:
if ((true|false) || (true||false))
so, rather than just use a string, you need to provide something to compare with, in each of the parts around the ||
Secondly, in javascript, if you are comparing a value you need to use == or ===, not =. This gives,
link = location.href;
if (link == ""
|| link == ""
|| link == "") {
You can make this more flexible, but these are the essential issues with your if.
In this case you might want just instead of location.href as .href is the entire address including any page path or parameters while .host already removes the https:// etc parts for you:
link =;
if (link == "") {
Either use a Regular Expression
/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?puslapioguru\.eu$/i.test(link); // Exactly on this
// OR
/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?puslapioguru\.eu(?:$|\/)/i.test(link); // Any path on this
Or use Array methods to test for your options
const permittedSiteList = [
permittedSiteList.includes(link); // eactly one of these
// OR
domain => (link + '/').toLowerCase().startsWith(domain + '/')
); // Any path
If you choose one of these, I also recommend abstracting the RegExp or the Array outside the condition so it is more readable; i.e. the if's condition looks like
if (permittedSiteRegExp.test(link)) {
// ...
// OR
if (permittedSiteList.includes(link)) {
// ...
// OR in the Array + any path case, also the test function
const isThisDomain = domain => (link + '/').toLowerCase().startsWith(domain + '/');
if (permittedSiteList.some(isThisDomain)) {
// ...
Currently, you're performing an assignment in your if statement so you'll get unexpected behaviour

Javascript to verify specific String from textbox

Here what the textbox result looks like,
Please add the following DNS entries name.domain name.domain name.domain
The goal is to validate name.domain by making sure that the user replace name.domain to server name on textbox before submit it. If the user doesn't replace name.domain with their server name, then it will send alert message and return false until user replace it correctly.
Here is my codes,
function DomainValidate() {
var arrayOfLines = document.getElementById('txt').value.split('/n');
arrayOfLines.shift(); //use shift to skip the first line
for (i = 0; i < arrayOfLines.length; i++) {
//somewhere here need to split to get name.domain and then verify it
var domainName = arrayOfLines[i].split(" ", 2);
alert("You must replace name.domain to your new server name");
return false;
I am not sure if these are correct since I couldn't debug the javascript.
First issue I can see is that your character for the newline is incorrect. It should be \n not /n. Second issue I see is that i is a global variable, when it should be local. Third issue is that arrayOfLines[i].split(' ', 2); returns an array, but you are treating it like it returns a string on the next line if (domainName.Equals('name.domain').
With those corrections your code would look more like this:
function domainValidate() {
var arrayOfLines = document.getElementById('txt').value.split('\n');
arrayOfLines.shift(); //use shift to skip the first line
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfLines.length; i++) {
var line = arrayOfLines[i].trim();
// Grab the second part of the split line, which represents the domain name
var parts = line.split(' ');
var domainName = parts[parts.length - 1];
if (!domainName || domainName === 'name.domain') {
alert("You must replace name.domain to your new server name");
return false;
As far as I can tell without testing, this should work as expected. The best way to test this though is with jsfiddle. Add your html and this script and call it to see if it produces the expected result.
Easiest way that I think
Suppose the id of textbox is domainTxt
src = document.getElementById("domainTxt");
//submit your form here
} else
return false;
function verifyInput(txtVal){
if(txtVal.indexOf("name.domain") >-1){
return false;
}else {
return true;

regex detect url and prepend http:// [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Adding http:// to all links without a protocol
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I would like to detect url's that are entered in a text input. I have the following code which prepends http:// to the beginning of what has been entered:
var input = $(this);
var val = input.val();
if (val && !val.match(/^http([s]?):\/\/.*/)) {
input.val('http://' + val);
How would I go about adapting this to only append the http:// if it contains a string followed by a tld? At the moment if I enter a string for example:
Hello. This is a test
the http:// will get appended to hello, even though it's not a url. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This simple function works for me. We don't care about the real existence of a TLD domain to gain speed, rather we check the syntax like
Sorry, I've forgotten that VBA trim() is not intrinsic function in js, so:
// Removes leading whitespaces
function LTrim(value)
var re = /\s*((\S+\s*)*)/;
return value.replace(re, "$1");
// Removes ending whitespaces
function RTrim(value)
var re = /((\s*\S+)*)\s*/;
return value.replace(re, "$1");
// Removes leading and ending whitespaces
function trim(value)
return LTrim(RTrim(value));
function hasDomainTld(strAddress)
var strUrlNow = trim(strAddress);
return false;
var i, regex = new RegExp();
i = regex.test(strUrlNow);
regex = null;
return i;
So your code, $(this) is window object, so I pass the objInput through an argument, using classical js instead of jQuery:
function checkIt(objInput)
var val = objInput.value;
if(val.match(/http:/i)) {
return false;
else if (hasDomainTld(val)) {
objInput.value = 'http://' + val;
Please test yourself:
The best solution i have found is to use the following regex:
This detects the . after the url, and characters for the extension with a limit of 2/3 characters.
Does this seem ok for basic validation? Please let me know if you see any problems that could arise.
I know that it will detect email address's but this wont matter in this instance.
You need to narrow down your requirements first as URL detection with regular expressions can be very tricky. These are just a few situations where your parser can fail:
IDNs (госуслуги.рф)
Punycode cases (xn--blah)
New TLD being registered (.amazon)
SEO-friendly URLs ( you need to know about RegEx.aspx)
We recently faced a similar problem and what we ended up doing was a simple check whether the URL starts with either http://, https://, or ftp:// and prepending with http:// if it doesn't start with any of the mentioned schemes. Here's the implementation in TypeScript:
public static EnsureAbsoluteUri(uri: string): string {
var ret = uri || '', m = null, i = -1;
var validSchemes = ko.utils.arrayMap(['http', 'https', 'ftp'], (i) => { return i + '://' });
if (ret && ret.length) {
m = ret.match(/[a-z]+:\/\//gi);
/* Checking against a list of valid schemes and prepending with "http://" if check fails. */
if (m == null || !m.length || (i = $.inArray(m[0].toLowerCase(), validSchemes)) < 0 ||
(i >= 0 && ret.toLowerCase().indexOf(validSchemes[i]) != 0)) {
ret = 'http://' + ret;
return ret;
As you can see, we're not trying to be smart here as we can't predict every possible URL form. Furthermore, this method is usually executed against field values we know are meant to be URLs so the change of misdetection is minimal.
Hope this helps.

Issue with Javascript boolean values

I wrote a small script to recreate the Chrome address bar, wherein my code checks an input for any domain extension(.com, .edu etc.) and sets a boolean flag to true if an extension is found.
It then checks the flag and based on the result opens the website or sends it to google as a query.
Additionally, if it is a website, it checks if the string contains http:// and www. and if not, adds it to the string before using Window.Open() to open the target.
What's wrong here?
function openSite(){
var domain_extensions = [".aero", ".asia", "...All Other Extensions...", ".zr", ".zw"];
var isSite = false;
var userIn = document.getElementById('in_field').value; //Retrieves Textbox code
for (var i=0; i < domain_extensions.length; i++)
if ([i]) !==-1)
isSite = true;
//Checks against the array of extensions
if (isSite === true){
if ("http://") === -1 ||"https://") === -1)
{if("www.") === -1)
userIn = "http://www." + userIn;
userIn = "http://" + userIn;
}, '_blank');
//if extension is found, open website
//if qualifier http:// or https:// and/or www. not found, append and open website
var str = encodeURI("" + userIn);, '_blank');
} //Searches query for common extensions; if not found search google
This is a problem, I believe, with your usage of the search function. This function takes a regular expression as its argument. The . character is special in regex, and matches any character.
For example:
var test = "blasdfahsadfcomasdfasd";
console.log(".com")); // prints 11
Prepend the . with a backslash in order to override this behavior:
var test = "blasdfahsadfcomasdfasd";
console.log("\\.com")); // prints -1
Additionally, if you want to check only at the end of a string, add a $ symbol at the end of the strings like so:
var test = "blasdfahsadf.comasdfasd";
console.log("\\.com$")); // prints -1; prints 12 w/o the $

