duplicate constructor function - javascript

How to reuse the same constructor function in multiple objects?
Here creditor_group is constructed in both objects.. How to duplicate the Delegate function!?
var App = {};
App.module_group = function(main, location, table){
this.init = function(){
console.log('init: '+table+' args: '+main+', '+location);
this.test = function(){
console.log('test: '+table);
function Delegate(main, location){
var module;
this.init = function(){
module = new App[this.module_name](main, location, this.table);
return module;
this.test = function(){
var module_1 = Delegate;
module_1.prototype.table = 'debtor_group';
module_1.prototype.module_name = 'module_group';
var module_2 = Delegate;
module_2.prototype.table = 'creditor_group';
module_2.prototype.module_name = 'module_group';
// This part where the objects are constructed is done in another scope
var m_1 = new module_1('main', 'location');
var m_2 = new module_2('main', 'location');
init: creditor_group args: main, location
test: creditor_group
init: creditor_group args: main, location
test: creditor_group

Sounds like you want to use inheritance with two extra constructors module_1 and module_2 that both call the Delegate:
function Delegate(main, location) {
this.module = null;
this.init = function() { // you should do initialisation stuff directly in the
// constructor, not an `init` method
this.module = new App[this.module_name](main, location, this.table);
Delegate.prototype.test = function(){
function Module_1(main, location) {
Delegate.call(this, main, location);
Module_1.prototype = Object.create(Delegate.prototype);
Module_1.prototype.table = 'debtor_group';
Module_1.prototype.module_name = 'module_group';
function Module_2(main, location) {
Delegate.call(this, main, location);
Module_2.prototype = Object.create(Delegate.prototype);
Module_2.prototype.table = 'creditor_group';
Module_2.prototype.module_name = 'module_group';


Namespace With New Instance On Each Call

I'm trying to create something similar to d3(ex: d3.select()) but much more simple and I need to have a new instance each time I call the namespace function. Is this possible and/or am I approaching this wrong?
var dom = new function () {
var Element = null;
this.select = function (query) {
Element = document.querySelector(query);
return this;
this.append = function (elem) {
return this;
Desired use
var bodyelement = dom.select("body");
var p = dom.select("p");
You need to run some code each time you use the dom object. So if the dom object was a function, you could call it to get a new instance.
var dom = function () {
var Element = null;
var newdom = {};
newdom.select = function (query) {
Element = document.querySelector(query);
return this;
newdom.append = function (elem) {
return this;
return newdom;
console.log(dom() === dom(), "(false means the instances are different)");
var dom = new function () {
var Element = null;
this.select = function (query) {
Element = document.querySelector(query);
return this;
this.append = function (elem) {
return this;
// add a way of accessing the resulting Element
this.element = function() { return Element; }

javascript access "this" in function constructor

I'm trying to create a function constructor:
var obj = function() {
this.num = 2;
this.func = function() {
// need to access the **instance** num variable here
var instance = new obj();
I need to access the instance properties from a propery (which is the function func) of the object. But it doesn't work, since this is always the current function..
Store this in a variable which func can access:
var obj = function() {
var _this = this;
_this.num = 2;
_this.func = function() {
Please, use well-known approach, store this into separate field:
var obj = function() {
self = this;
self.num = 2;
self.func = function() {
// need to access the **instance** num variable here
var instance = new obj();
This is the pattern I use for the problem:
var obj = function(){
var self = this;
this.num = 2;
this.func = function() {
var instance = new obj();
The variable self now can be accessed in all function of obj and is always the obj itself.
This is the same then:
var obj = function(){
var self = this;
self.num = 2;
self.func = function() {
var instance = new obj();
You can do it using the Custom Constructor Functions, used to create a custom constructor and it's accessed without any problem, try it:
var Obj = function () {
this.num = 2;
this.func = function () {
alert("I have " + this.num);
return "I have " + this.num;
var instance= new Obj();
instance.func();//will return and show I have 2

Maximum call stack size exceeded in javascript

I write a extend method to achieve inheritance in javascript:
function Class() {}
Class.prototype.create = function () {
var instance = new this();
return instance;
// extend method
Class.extend = Class.prototype.extend = function (props) {
var SubClass = function () {};
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype);
for (var name in props) {
SubClass.prototype[name] = props[name];
SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;
if (this.prototype.init) {
SubClass.prototype.callSuper = this.prototype.init;
SubClass.extend = SubClass.prototype.extend;
SubClass.create = SubClass.prototype.create;
return SubClass;
// level 1 inheritance
var Human = Class.extend({
init: function () {
// level 2 inheritance
var Man = Human.extend({
init: function () {
// level 3 inheritance
var American = Man.extend({
init: function () {
// initilization
Then the develop tool report Maximum call stack size exceeded
I think the callSuper method cause the problem, callSuper call init, and init call callSuper, both with the same context.
But I don't know how to fixed it!
Can anyone could help me? How to set the correct context?
You have a scope problem. Here is the solution:
function Class() {}
Class.prototype.create = function () {
var instance = new this();
return instance;
// extend method
Class.extend = Class.prototype.extend = function (props) {
var SubClass = function () {},
self = this;
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype);
for (var name in props) {
SubClass.prototype[name] = props[name];
SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;
if (this.prototype.init) {
SubClass.prototype.callSuper = function() {
SubClass.extend = SubClass.prototype.extend;
SubClass.create = SubClass.prototype.create;
return SubClass;
// level 1 inheritance
var Human = Class.extend({
init: function () {
// level 2 inheritance
var Man = Human.extend({
init: function () {
// level 3 inheritance
var American = Man.extend({
init: function () {
// initilization
The key moment is to wrap init method in a closure:
SubClass.prototype.callSuper = function() {
Here is a jsfiddle containing the solution http://jsfiddle.net/krasimir/vGHUg/6/

Managing this scope in javascript

I am trying to get this function to get the correct scope for its "this" operator, but no luck. Inside the AssetName = function(options){ code block, I want the "this" to point to the class AssetName. What is it that I am missing? The scope of this right from the beginning is window.
Assetname: function(options){
var Base = WM.Utility.GenericFilter()
options = options;
if (typeof Object.create !== "function") {
// For older browsers that don't support object.create
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
var AssetName = {};
AssetName = function(options){
return function(){
var self = this;
// Call the super constructor.
Base.call(this, options);
this.$mod.on('change', '#asset-name-quick-search', self,
this.$mod.on('click', '.close', self, this.remove);
this.$selectionList = this.$mod.find("#asset-name-selection-list");
this.assetListItems = [];
return this;
}(options, AssetName);
// The AssetName class extends the base GenericFilter class.
AssetName.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
AssetName.prototype.initTypeAhead = function(){
var options = {};
options.source = _.pluck(this.collection, 'asset_name');
options.items = 8;
return AssetName;
AssetName = function(options){
return function(){
var self = this;
// Call the super constructor.
Base.call(this, options);
this.$mod.on('change', '#asset-name-quick-search', self, this.search);
this.$mod.on('click', '.close', self, this.remove);
this.$selectionList = this.$mod.find("#asset-name-selection-list");
this.assetListItems = [];
return this;
}(options, AssetName);
change to
AssetName = function(options){
var aa = function(){
var self = this;
// Call the super constructor.
Base.call(this, options);
this.$mod.on('change', '#asset-name-quick-search', self, this.search);
this.$mod.on('click', '.close', self, this.remove);
this.$selectionList = this.$mod.find("#asset-name-selection-list");
this.assetListItems = [];
return this;
In your code, the function aa is called as aa(options); so this is window.
I fix the bug with the following code:
AssetName = function (options) {
AssetName = function (options) {
var aa = function () {
return this;
aa.call(this, options);
AssetName.prototype.initTypeAhead = function () {
return new AssetName(options);;
var test = AssetName();
But I suggest how about writing the code like bellow:
AssetName = function (options) {
AssetName = function (options) {
AssetName.prototype.initTypeAhead = function () {
return new AssetName();
var test = AssetName();
You cam just move your var self = this out side of the anonymous returned function. Then you can use just use self.

Javascript calling public method from private one within same object

Can I call public method from within private one:
var myObject = function() {
var p = 'private var';
function private_method1() {
// can I call public method "public_method1" from this(private_method1) one and if yes HOW?
return {
public_method1: function() {
// do stuff here
} ();
do something like:
var myObject = function() {
var p = 'private var';
function private_method1() {
var public = {
public_method1: function() {
alert('do stuff')
public_method2: function() {
return public;
} ();
Why not do this as something you can instantiate?
function Whatever()
var p = 'private var';
var self = this;
function private_method1()
// I can read the public method
this.public_method1 = function()
// And both test() I can read the private members
alert( p );
this.test = function()
var myObject = new Whatever();
public_method1 is not a public method. It is a method on an anonymous object that is constructed entirely within the return statement of your constructor function.
If you want to call it, why not structure the object like this:
var myObject = function() {
var p...
function private_method() {
var another_object = {
public_method1: function() {
return another_object;
}() ;
Is this approach not a advisable one? I am not sure though
var klass = function(){
var privateMethod = function(){
this.publicMethod1 = function(){
console.log("public method called through private method");
this.publicMethod2 = function(){
var klassObj = new klass();
Do not know direct answer, but following should work.
var myObject = function()
var p = 'private var';
function private_method1() {
var _public_method1 = function() {
// do stuff here
return {
public_method1: _public_method1
} ();

