For Loop to Programmatically hide elements - javascript

I am currently trying to programmatically hide div elements on a page using an Array and loop in jQuery, but it doesn't seem to work.
I have done alerts and console.log to confirm the array is firing and the loop is working through the items, but it's the .hide() method that seems to be giving issue. Any help would be appreciated.
var divsToHide = ["fin_0", "fin_1", "fin_2", "fin_3", "fin_4", "fin_5",
"fin_6", "fin_7", "fin_8", "fin_9", "fin_10", "fin_10-1", "fin_10-2", "fin_10-3",
"fin_10-4", "fin_10-5", "fin_10-6", "fin_10-7", "fin_10-8", "fin_10-9", "fin_20",
"fin_21", "fin_22", "fin_23"];
$.each(divsToHide, function(index, value)
var currentDiv = "div#" + value;
var stringCurrent = currentDiv.toString();
var currentHide = $(' stringCurrent ');

You should probably use:
var currentHide = $(stringCurrent);
Your code
var currentHide = $(' stringCurrent ');
has no reference to stringCurrent variable, it just try to find <stringCurrent> element.

Even better, you should use
$.each(divsToHide, function(index, value)
$("#" + value).hide()
since an element id should be unique to the document

You need to remove the ' around stringCurrent. Otherwise your string is not interpreted but jquery searches for ' stringCurrent '


Move array of DOM elements to placeholders in page

I have a design received on my page with a set of placeholders such as:
<span id="ApplicationDate_" class="removeMe"></span>
Plus other many elements as well inside that html. These spans should be replaced by real inputs coming from another area on the page, such inputs look like:
<input type="text" id="ApplicationDate_48596977"/>
So basically what I need to do, is to get all input elements in an array, and then for each element, get its ID up to "_", and search for the span that equals that value, and replace it with this element, then remove all spans with class=removeMe, but I can't achieve it in code, below is what I have reached:
$(document).ready(function () {
var coll = $("input");
coll.each(function () {
var id =; //getting the id here
var substringId = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('_') + 1); //getting the span id
this.appendTo("#" + substringId); //having problems here..
$(".removeMe").each(function () {
it tells me this.appendTo is not a function, any help or hint is much appreciated.
TL;DR - Just use:
$(".removeMe").replaceWith(function() {
return $("input[id^='" + + "']");
Here's why:
this is a DOM element, but .appendTo() is a jQuery method. You probably just need to wrap this in a call to jQuery:
$(this).appendTo("#" + substringId);
That would place the <input> element inside the <span> like this:
<span id="ApplicationDate_" class="removeMe">
<input type="text" id="ApplicationDate_48596977"/>
But, then you call:
$(".removeMe").each(function () {
First, you would have the same problem as above - this is a DOM element, but .remove() is a jQuery method. Second, it would be better to just call $(".removeMe").remove() - wrapping it in a .each() is redundant. Third, that would remove the span, and the input along with it. That's not what you are trying to do is it?
If you want to replace the span with the input, use .replaceWith():
var coll = $("input");
coll.each(function () {
var substringId =, id.indexOf('_') + 1);
$("#" + substringId).replaceWith(this);
It seems like the whole thing could be rewritten, taking advantage of the attribute starts with selector, as:
$(".removeMe").replaceWith(function() {
return $("input[id^='" + + "']");

How to make an OR selector instead of an AND statment

This statement will look for the div #content-company and load the appropriate data when it finds it. However my problem is:
On this occasion I have to use a slider that I can't rename to the same as the div so in this instance I have an additional called .slides
I normally would do this:
// JavaScript Document
var url = $(this).attr('href') + ' #' + $(this).attr('data-target');
$('#content-company, .slides').load(url);
But that simply overlays both the content associated with the div and the slides class so you have them with the same name at the same time and I don't want that.
Can someone explain how I can have this?:
// JavaScript Document
var url = $(this).attr('href') + ' #' + $(this).attr('data-target');
$('#content-company OR .slides').load(url);
Thanks in advance
You can check if the #content-company element exists. If it doesn't you can use .slides instead. Something like this:
var url = $(this).attr('href') + ' #' + $(this).attr('data-target');
var $target = $('#content-company');
if (!$target.length)
$target = $('.slides');
You can use ? :(ternary operator). The code below will use the #content-company, if it existst otherwise uses .slides.
var $selector = $('#content-company').length ? $('#content-company') : $('.slides');
You can simply use this:
$("#content-company, .slides").first()
Note that first element is determined according to HTML order. If more than one matching elements are found then the first one in HTML order is returned.

Dynamically add new element and change its content

I want to "copy" a certain elements and the change some of the text inside them with a regex.
So far so good: (/w working fiddle -
$(document).ready(function () {
var divs = $('div');
var patt = /^\d\./;
var match = null;
for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
match = ($(divs[i]).text().match(patt));
$(divs[i]).text($(divs[i]).text().replace(match[0], "5."));
<div>1. peppers</div>
<div>2. eggs</div>
<div>3. pizza</div>
This works exactly the way I want it, but I want to add some of the content dynamically, but when I try to change the content of the copied divs, nothing happens.
Please refer to this fiddle:
I have put some comments, to be more clear what I want to achieve.
I thing that your problem is that you're not passing an element to your changeLabel function, but just a string.
Look at this solution:
Here is the line I changed to make your code work:
var newContent = $("<hr/><div id='destination'>" + $("#holder").html() + "</div>");
I just wrapped your HTML in $(). this creates an element from the string.
var newContent = $("<hr/><div id='destination'>" + $("#holder").html() + "</div>");
Brief explanation What I've done.
In order to make $(el).find('div'); work changeLabel() needs an element. Instead of passing newContent as a string doing the above will make it pass as an element which will make $(el).find('div'); work.

How to provide elements/tags dynamically inside the find() in jquery

I have created several div with id's such as window1, window2 and so on. Now all I want to is find the tag from these above created divs. I am doing this inside the for loop but it is not working for me. Here is what I am doing
//look for the to tag inside the html
var windo = "window"+connectWindow;
var to = "to"+connectWindow;
alert("Making connections" + windo +to)
var name = $(this).text();
alert("Name is :::"+name);
Please let me know where I am going wrong. Also please let me know if there is any solution in JavaScript either.
Thanks !
You need to do it like this
$("div#" + windo).find('p#' + to).each(function(){ // <-- this uses your variable
var name = $(this).text();
alert("Name is :::"+name);
Your code looks for an id="window" and id="to" instead of your variable
You really can just do it by ID since you are using the #(id selector)
$("#" + windo).find('#' + to)
Well, you need to actually use the variables:
$("div#" + windo).find('p#' + to).each(function(){
By the way - jQuery is written in JavaScript. If you're using jQuery, you're using JavaScript.

jQuery 'not' function giving spurious results

Made a fiddle:
I'm aware that the code has a LOT of repeating in it, its on the list to refactor once functionality is correct.
The behaviour i'm trying to achieve is if there is no selectedTab on page load, set the first tab in each group to selectedTab. If there is a selectedTab present, then use this as the default shown div.
However, as you can see from the fiddle its not working as planned!
If anyone has any ideas how to refactor this code down that'd be great also!
if($('.tabs1 .tabTrigger:not(.selectedTab)')){
$('.tabs1 .tabTrigger:first').addClass('selectedTab');
if ( !$('.tabs1 .tabTrigger.selectedTab').length ) {
$('.tabs1 .tabTrigger:first').addClass('selectedTab');
Demo at
They way you are doing it (the first code part) you are adding the .selectedTab class if there is at least one of the tabs in that group that is not selected at start .. (that means always)
For a shortened version look at
Your selector are doing exactly what you're writing them for.
$('.tabs3 .tabTrigger:not(.selectedTab)') is true has long as there is at least one tab that has not the selected tab (so always true in your test case).
So you should change the logic to !$('.tabs3 .tabTrigger.selectedTab').length which is true only if there are no selectedTab
WORKING DEMO with simplified code
var search = $(this).find('div.selectedTab').length;
if( search === 0){
var selectedIndex = $(this).find('.selectedTab').index();
var ind = $(this).index();
That's all! You don't need all that ID's all around. Look at the demo!
With a couple of very minor changes you code can be reduced to:
if($('.tabTrigger.selectedTab',$(this)).length < 1)
var content = $(this).data('content');
$('#' + content).show();
Those changes are
Change the class on the surrounding div to just class="tabs.
Add a data-content attribute with the name of the associated content div
Live example:
Well, I'm a bit behind the times obviously; but, here's my updated version of your demo...
I have updated your fiddle as in the following fiddle:
Basically I just tidied it up a bit, and to refactor I put everything in a separate function instead of having each of the cases in their own. This is basically just putting a new function in that does similar to what yours was doing (e.g. not modifying your HTML model), but I tried to clean it up a bit, and I also just made a function that took the tab number and did each of the items that way rather than needing a separate copy for each.
The main issue with the 'not' part of your query is that the function doesn't return a boolean; like all JQuery queries, it's returning all matching nodes. I just updated that part to return whether .selected was returning more than 0 results; if not, I go ahead and call the code to select the first panel.
Glad you got your problem resolved :)
var HandleOne = function (i) {
var idxString = i.toString();
var tabName = '.tabs' + idxString;
var tabContent = tabName + ' .tabContent';
var hasSelected = $(tabName + ' .tabTrigger.selectedTab').length > 0;
if (!hasSelected)
$(tabName + ' .tabTrigger:first').addClass('selectedTab');
var selectedTabId =
$(tabName + ' .tabTrigger.selectedTab').attr('id');
var selectedContentId = selectedTabId.replace('tab','content');
$('#' + selectedContentId).show();
$(tabName + ' .tabTrigger').click(function() {
$(tabName + ' .tabTrigger').removeClass('selectedTab');
$(tabName + ' .tabContent').hide();
var newContentId = $(this).attr('id').replace('tab','content');
$('#' + newContentId).show();

