How to get GrandTotal without shipping and tax in Magento - javascript

I need to put the value of "Grand Total without shipping and tax" into a JavaScript on the success.phtml-page. To add the Grand Total i use the following code:
<?php echo $this->__('%s', $this->escapeHtml($this->getGrandTotal())) ?>
I was thinking about using getSubtotal instead, but that will not be correct in case of any Shopping Cart Price Rule being used. So I think the approach must be something like: "GrandTotal minus shipping minus tax"
But how can I add these parameters to the code above?
EDIT: About using getSubtotal... I would then need to know how to subtract any discount given by coupon, anyone know how to do this? I was thinking about something like this:
<?php echo $this->__('%s', Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getSubtotal() - getDiscount()); ?>
...however "getDiscount()" should be something more correct..

You can try below code in javascript
try {
var total_ship_tax = parseFloat(parseFloat(cart.shipping_amount) + parseFloat(cart.tax_amount)).toFixed(2);
catch(er) {
var total_ship_tax = 0;
var total_amount = parseFloat(parseFloat(cart.total_amount)+total_ship_tax).toFixed(2);


Filemaker, PHP and jquery > show hide elements

I am echoing out a form (foreach) from my filemaker records which will result in the items ID, Name, a Checkbox and then an image.
In my understanding i will have to use classes or the elements will all have the same id.
My Code;
foreach($result->getRecords() as $record){
$id = $record->getField('Record_ID_PHP');
$name = $record->getField('DB_Name');
$pic = $record->getField('Photo_Path');
echo '"'.$id.'"<br>';
echo $name.'<br>';
echo '<input type="checkbox" class="check" value="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'">';
echo '<div class="pics">';
echo '<img style="width:200px;" src="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'"><br>';
echo '<hr>';
echo '</div>';
Which results in a page full of the records, a checkbox and the relating image.
I wish to only show these images when the checkbox is checked but cannot find a solution, i have tried many jquery scripts, to no avail.
The images will then populate the next page as a pdf to be printed.
I am hoping not to have to grab the checkbox's values as an array to then use the get method with 100's of if statements but cant see another way ?
The jquery ive used.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.check').click(function () {
$(function() {
$(".check").click(function(e) {
Plus many similar alternatives.
Is there something obvious i am missing ?
Query to filemaker method;
I have changed the path field to a calculated value which works great, thank you, although with 1000's of records, i would need lots of php code to echo the checkbox's to the website and lots more to be able to edit them from the website.
I have done this previously with the value held within the checkbox in filemaker.
$sesame = $print->getField('Allergens::Allergens[11]'); if ($sesame == "Sesame") { $sesame = "checked" ;} else if ($sesame !== "Sesame") {$sesame = "" ;}
This displays the checkbox synced with filemaker.
if ($_POST['Sesame'] == 'Sesame'){ $a_sesame = 'Sesame';} else { $a_sesame = 'No Sesame'; }
This is sent as a variable to my script.
if($a_sesame == "Sesame"){$contains_sesame = "Yes";} else { $contains_sesame = "No";}
This grabs the new value from the form.
Which all work great, but then i am writing a script in filemaker too to enable the to and from of the different names for each checkbox state.
which is for this part 120 lines long, this is a sample which i have to repeat for each repetition of this field.
Set Variable [ $sesame; Value:GetValue ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ; 11 ) ]
If [ $sesame = "Sesame" ]
Set Field [ Allergens::Allergens[11]; "Sesame" ] Commit Records/Requests
[ Skip data entry validation; No dialog ]
Else If [ $sesame = "No Sesame" ]
Clear [ Allergens::Allergens[11] ] [ Select ]
Commit Records/Requests
[ Skip data entry validation; No dialog ]
Refresh Window
[ Flush cached join results; Flush cached external data ]
End If
This would be far too large to write for so many records, just for these 14 fields used 120 in filemaker and 400 plus in the php.
I am not 100% sure what you are trying to do but this should work. First add an extra div that closes input and div pics like below.
foreach($result->getRecords() as $record){
$id = $record->getField('Record_ID_PHP');
$name = $record->getField('DB_Name');
$pic = $record->getField('Photo_Path');
echo <<<TEXT
<input type='checkbox' class='check' value='Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/{$pic}'>
<div class='pics'>
<img style='width: 200px;' src='Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/{$pic}'><br>
then change your java to this
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".check").click(function() {
well I hope this helps
Another alternative would be to set up a simple calculated container field in FileMaker, with a calculated value of:
If ( checkbox; imageField )
This would only pass the image when the checkbox was ticked for a record. This should be faster than handling this in JavaScript, since you'd be limiting the number of images being sent over the wire.
Note: For performance, you might try this with this calculated container field stored and unstored. I suspect stored v unstored should make little difference, in which case I'd suggest leaving this unstored to minimize disk space consumed.
You can use the toggle()function:
$(function() {
$(".check").is(':checked',function(e) {

display 125 words from the description field of the database mysql

Hello fellow Overflows,
So im in the middle of creating a toplist script, ready to launch to the public,
I'm stuck on one perticualr subject.
Displaying X amount of content from A database field.
<?php echo $server_data['description']; ?>
As you can see in this image below, That wouldn't be a good idea to display the full amount.
What do i need?
Instead of it displaying all of the database field, i just want it to display 150 characters of the field.
It is best to limit characters while you are selecting from database because it will improve performance a bit. You can limit characters on select with mysql LEFT() function.
Here is how to do it:
SELECT LEFT(description, 150), another_col FROM ......
Try this:
$string = substr($server_data['description'], 0, 150);
substr() will only return a certain amount of characters. If you want a certain amount of words then you could use the following:
function excerpt($content = '',$number_words = 125){
$content = strip_tags($content);
$contentWords = substr_count($content," ") + 1;
$words = explode(" ",$content,($number_words+1));
$excerpt = join(" ",$words);
return $excerpt;
echo excerpt($server_data['description'], 125);

JS Variable not Posting

I have this JavaScript code that changes a field value and works ok for HTML output.
var basePrice = 10;
$(".vars").change(function() {
newPrice = basePrice;
$('.vars option:selected').each(function() {
newPrice += $(this).data('price')
I also have a form that posts data to another php page which also works ok, only the #item-price var isn't posting. I'm nearly sure I have the field named correctly as below.
<input type="hidden" name="product_amount" id="item-price" value="">
Can anyone help?
input fields don't use .html() they use .val()
Also, you may want to init that newPrice var...
var newPrice = basePrice;
Additionally, as Brent mentioned, you may want to use parseInt() or parseFloat() to convert the string data value to a usable number.
newPrice += parseFloat($(this).data('price'));

Javascript Multiplication and Totals

I have several fields that people will put in loan totals... We'll say loan1 and loan2 just to keep it simple.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('loan1').addEvent('change', rekenen1);
$('loan2').addEvent('change', rekenen1);
function rekenen1(){
$('subtotal').value = Number($('loan1').value) + Number($('loan2').value) ;
When they enter the data I have it create a subtotal of all the loans. Now I want to make a grand total by taking 1% of the subtotal and adding 295 for the grand total. I need help making this into javascript.
So the equation:
loan1 + loan2 = subtotal
Thank you for your help!
Provided you have a field with id grandtotal you can just add a line to you rekenen1 function:
function rekenen1(){
var subtotal = Number($('#loan1').val()) + Number($('#loan2').val());
I gone without saying that the addEvent have to change too:
$().ready(function() {
$('#loan1').addEvent('change', rekenen1);
$('#loan2').addEvent('change', rekenen1);
Changed rekenen1 function to use the jquery val function too
changed the event

how to pass a parameter to ajaxed loop script?

This function get a parameter and pass it to this this
$.arte({'ajax_url':'getRealTimeUpdates.php?activity_id='+id, 'on_success':updateLiveUpdates}).start();
[where this line of code feches the upadtes from server each a
specific time period as a jaxed loop]
when I call the function showLiveUpdates(id) with some parameter for example id=5, this line remember id=5 for all this function calls even different parameters !
I want each time I call the function with different id this line of code get the new id
{{ where arte is JQuery plug-in : Ajax Real Time Extension, this is its website click here}}
js code :
function showLiveUpdates(id)
$("#liveUpdates").append("<div><textarea rows='2' cols='49' id='txtLiveUpdates'></textarea></div>");
$("#liveUpdates").append("<div><input type='button' id='btnliveUpdatesShare' value='share' onClick='addComment("+id+","+getCookie("userId")+")'></div>");
$.arte({'ajax_url':'getRealTimeUpdates.php?activity_id='+id, 'on_success':updateLiveUpdates}).start();
I call it like this:
<input type='button' onClick='showLiveUpdates(<? echo $_GET["id"];?>)' />
function updateLiveUpdates(data)
$("#liveUpdates").append("<div id='updates"+ii+"' style='display:none' >"+data+"</div>");
$query = "SELECT id,comment from comments where activity_id=$activity_id order by id desc limit 0,1";
echo $query;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo $row["id"]."-".$row["comment"];
How about this? Creating a function scope for the id variable:
function createData(id) {
return function () {
return {
for (var id = 0; id < 5; i++) {
EDIT 1 Just looked at the code at
There is a shared _config property that gets overwritten, and the URL used is always _config['ajax_url'].
EDIT 2 I've posted a demo of this here to demonstrate your issue. So it looks like you cannot call this function multiple times, because the internal state is shared.
EDIT 3 I've updated a jsfiddle with a rough attempt at making this code work as you desire. The demo is here. The new code keeps no state and (seems to) successfully run 5 update loops before terminating them after 3 seconds.

