Update/Replace output text onClick - replaceNodes - Javascript - javascript

I have a form that takes information and outputs it in a div if its complete. If the form is not complete, output is error messages relating to the specific field which needs correcting. The error messages/output update as information is changed and the button is clicked.
Currently valid output will update as it changes, but going between valid output and error messages, the two sets of text both appear on the page, and then remain there until I refresh the page. Here's the code:
Project 1 - AJAX 2015
Mitch Gundrum
Function to create input and HTML elements,
Create output nodes; output div
function init() {
//Output Div
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.id = "output";
var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
name.type = "text";
var address = document.getElementById("address").value;
address.type = "text";
var city = document.getElementById("city").value;
city.type = "text";
var state = document.getElementById("state");
state.type = "text";
var index = state.selectedIndex;
var fullState = state.options[index];
var zip = document.getElementById("zip").value;
zip.type = "text";
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
email.type = "text";
//Phone Number
var areaCode = document.getElementById("areaCode").value;
areaCode.type = "text";
var prefix = document.getElementById("prefix").value;
prefix.type = "text";
var suffix = document.getElementById("suffix").value;
suffix.type = "text";
var gender = document.getElementsByName("gender");
var genderChoice = "";
for (var i = 0; i < gender.length; i++) {
if (gender[i].checked) {
genderChoice += gender[i].value;
//Previous Courses
var courses = document.getElementsByName("courses");
var courseChoice = "";
for (var e = 0; e < courses.length; e++) {
if (courses[e].checked) {
courseChoice += courses[e].value + ", ";
//Call Validate form method; pass all elements
validateForm(div, name, address, city, fullState, zip,
email, areaCode, prefix, suffix, genderChoice,
//Check all elements for null
function validateForm(div, name, address, city, fullState, zip,
email, areaCode, prefix, suffix, genderChoice,
courseChoice) {
var RUN_OUTPUT = 1;
function br() {
return document.createElement('br');
if (name == null || name == "") {
var nameError = "Name is not valid";
var printNameError = document.createTextNode(nameError);
var nameLabel = document.getElementById("nameError");
if (email == null || email == "") {
var emailError = "Email is not valid";
var printEmailError = document.createTextNode(emailError);
var emailLabel = document.getElementById("emailError");
if (areaCode == null || areaCode == "" || prefix == null || prefix == "" || suffix == null || suffix == "") {
var phoneError = "Area Code is not valid";
var printPhoneError = document.createTextNode(phoneError);
var phoneLabel = document.getElementById("phoneError");
if (address == null || address == "") {
var addressError = "Address is not valid";
var printAddressError = document.createTextNode(addressError);
var addressLabel = document.getElementById("addressError");
if (city == null || city == "") {
var cityError = "City is not valid";
var printCityError = document.createTextNode(cityError);
var cityLabel = document.getElementById("cityError");
if (fullState == null || fullState == "") {
var stateError = "State is not valid";
var printStateError = document.createTextNode(stateError);
var stateLabel = document.getElementById("stateError");
if (zip == null || zip == "") {
var zipError = "Zip is not valid";
var printZipError = document.createTextNode(zipError);
var zipLabel = document.getElementById("zipError");
if (genderChoice == null || genderChoice == "") {
var genderError = "Gender is not valid";
var printGenderError = document.createTextNode(genderError);
var genderLabel = document.getElementById("genderError");
if (courseChoice == null || courseChoice == "") {
var courseError = "No Courses!";
var printCourseError = document.createTextNode(courseError);
var courseLabel = document.getElementById("courseError");
if (Boolean(RUN_OUTPUT) != false) {
document.getElementsByClassName("errorField").textContent = "";
runOutputForm(div, name, address, city, fullState, zip,
email, areaCode, prefix, suffix, genderChoice,
function runOutputForm(div, name, address, city, fullState, zip,
email, areaCode, prefix, suffix, genderChoice,
courseChoice) {
function br() {
return document.createElement('br');
var printName = document.createTextNode("Name: " + name + " ");
var printEmail = document.createTextNode("Email: " + email + " ");
var printPhone = document.createTextNode("Phone: " + areaCode + "-" + prefix + "-" + suffix);
var printAddress = document.createTextNode("Address: " + address + " " + city + ", " + fullState.text + " " + zip);
var printGender = document.createTextNode("Gender: " + genderChoice);
var printCourses = document.createTextNode("Courses Taken: " + courseChoice + " ");
var output = document.getElementById("output");
if (output) {
output.parentNode.replaceChild(div, output);
} else {
I would like for only the current accurate messages to appear, either errors or valid output, not both. My element-replacing logic seems to be off. I am not using jQuery or innerHTML for this project. Please advise.


How should I use localstorage for 2 things

As the title says, I want to use localstorage to store 2 things: accounts, and products and information of it. First, I got the accounts part working using this code:
function signup(e) {
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
var username = document.getElementById("username").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password").value;
var user = {
number: 1,
email: email,
username: username,
password: pass
var json = JSON.stringify(user);
localStorage.setItem(username, json);
function login(e) {
var username = document.getElementById("username").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password").value;
var result = document.getElementById("result");
var user = localStorage.getItem(username);
var data = JSON.parse(user);
if (user == null) {
result.innerHTML = "Wrong Username";
} else if (username == data.username && pass == data.password) {
result.innerHTML = "Logged In";
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
var datas = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(keys[i]));
var datauser = datas.username;
datas.number = 2;
var jsonval = JSON.stringify(datas);
localStorage.setItem(datauser, jsonval)
data.number = 1;
var json = JSON.stringify(data);
localStorage.setItem(username, json);
} else {
result.innerHTML = "Wrong Password";
function getaccount() {
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(keys[i]));
if (data.number == 1) {
document.getElementById("accountnamep").innerHTML = data.username;
document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = data.username;
and then I have a code for my products but I dont know how I would show it in a "your cart" file but the code I have currently is:
var tocart = {
name: name,
price: price,
size: size,
quantity: quantity,
shipping: shipping
var json = JSON.stringify(tocart);
localStorage.setItem(name, json);

sum field values based on condition in another field in javascript

I am attempting to sum a number of field values but only if a condition associated with those filed values is met. For example:
I have a form with several number value fields. Each of those number fields is accompanied by a choice in status. I simply want to add all of the number fields of the same status, or possibly some with a couple different status. Here is the code I tried, that does not work:
// field names
var cTotal1 = "Day1Pd1Total";
var cTotal2 = "Day1Pd2Total";
var cTotal3 = "Day1Pd3Total";
var cTotal4 = "Day1Pd4Total";
var cTotal5 = "Day1Pd5Total";
var cTotal6 = "Day1Pd6Total";
var cStatus1 = "Day1Pd1Status";
var cStatus2 = "Day1Pd2Status";
var cStatus3 = "Day1Pd3Status";
var cStatus4 = "Day1Pd4Status";
var cStatus5 = "Day1Pd5Status";
var cStatus6 = "Day1Pd6Status";
// get conditonal field values
var vStatus1 = this.getField(cStatus1).value;
var vStatus2 = this.getField(cStatus2).value;
var vStatus3 = this.getField(cStatus3).value;
var vStatus4 = this.getField(cStatus4).value;
var vStatus5 = this.getField(cStatus5).value;
var vStatus6 = this.getField(cStatus6).value;
// get field values base on condition
if(vStatus1 = "1"){
var vTotal1 = this.getField(cTotal1).value;
var vTotal1 = "0";
if(vStatus2 = "1"){
var vTotal2 = this.getField(cTotal2).value;
var vTotal2 = "0";
if(vStatus3 = "1"){
var vTotal3 = this.getField(cTotal3).value;
var vTotal3 = "0";
if(vStatus4 = "1"){
var vTotal4 = this.getField(cTotal4).value;
vTotal4 = "0";
if(vStatus5 = "1"){
var vTotal5 = this.getField(cTotal5).value;
vTotal5 = "0";
if(vStatus6 = "1"){
var vTotal6 = this.getField(cTotal6).value;
vTotal6 = "0";
// clear result value
event.value = "";
// add values
var FLPTotal = vTotal1+ vTotal2 + vTotal3 + vTotal4 + vTotal5 + vTotal6;
event.value = FLPTotal;
I have also tried something like this:
var FLPTotal = vTotal1(vStatus1 == "1") + vTotal2(vStatus2 == "1") +vTotal3(vStatus3 == "1") +vTotal4(vStatus4 == "1") +vTotal5(vStatus5 == "1") +vTotal6(vStatus6 == "1")
My knowledge of JavaScript is fairly poor, I admit. Any help would be genuinely appreciated. Thank you!
After working on this some more, I noticed it was riddled with syntax errors. After fixing them, I got this to work:
// field names
var cTotal1 = "Day1Pd1Total";
var cTotal2 = "Day1Pd2Total";
var cTotal3 = "Day1Pd3Total";
var cTotal4 = "Day1Pd4Total";
var cTotal5 = "Day1Pd5Total";
var cTotal6 = "Day1Pd6Total";
var cStatus1 = "Day1Pd1Status";
var cStatus2 = "Day1Pd2Status";
var cStatus3 = "Day1Pd3Status";
var cStatus4 = "Day1Pd4Status";
var cStatus5 = "Day1Pd5Status";
var cStatus6 = "Day1Pd6Status";
// get conditonal field values
var vStatus1 = this.getField(cStatus1).value;
var vStatus2 = this.getField(cStatus2).value;
var vStatus3 = this.getField(cStatus3).value;
var vStatus4 = this.getField(cStatus4).value;
var vStatus5 = this.getField(cStatus5).value;
var vStatus6 = this.getField(cStatus6).value;
// get field values base on condition
if(vStatus1 == "1"){
var vTotal1 = this.getField(cTotal1).value;
var vTotal1 = "";
if(vStatus2 == "1"){
var vTotal2 = this.getField(cTotal2).value;
var vTotal2 = "";
if(vStatus3 == "1"){
var vTotal3 = this.getField(cTotal3).value;
var vTotal3 = "";
if(vStatus4 == "1"){
var vTotal4 = this.getField(cTotal4).value;
var vTotal4 = "";
if(vStatus5 == "1"){
var vTotal5 = this.getField(cTotal5).value;
var vTotal5 = "";
if(vStatus6 == "1"){
var vTotal6 = this.getField(cTotal6).value;
var vTotal6 = "";
// clear result value
event.value = "";
// add values
var FLPTotal = vTotal1 + vTotal2 + vTotal3 + vTotal4 + vTotal5 + vTotal6;
event.value = FLPTotal;
I am not sure it is as streamlined as it could be, but it is doing what I need.

dynamically added input text field and get values to php and send to mysql

I have created like attachment and I have some problem to develop. The text boxes in bottom are dynamically created when add Article button pressed and now I want to update that "Added Article Details" section insert into mysql database some times have 5 rows sometime 2 rows and 1 row also wants to add. I named text box 1,2,3,4,5,6....... how to solve
My Javascript
function added_artic() {
if (added_art) {
document.getElementById('added_article').style.cssText = "display:block;";
var art_name = document.getElementsByName('article_name')[0].value;
var app = document.getElementsByName('appearance')[0].value;
var weight = document.getElementsByName('weight')[0].value;
var netWeight = document.getElementsByName('net_weight')[0].value;
var qty = document.getElementsByName('qty')[0].value;
var test = document.getElementsByName('test')[0].selectedOptions[0].text;
var added = document.getElementById("added");
var i_artname = document.createElement('input');
i_artname.value = art_name;
i_artname.name = "art_name" + art_name_id++;
i_artname.id = "txt_added";
i_artname.disabled = true;
var i_app = document.createElement('input');
i_app.value = app;
i_app.name = "app" + app_id++;
i_app.id = "txt_added";
i_app.disabled = true;
var i_weight = document.createElement('input');
i_weight.value = weight;
i_weight.name = "weight" + weight_id++;
i_weight.id = "txt_added";
i_weight.className = "cal_weight";
i_weight.disabled = true;
var i_netweight = document.createElement('input');
i_netweight.value = netWeight;
i_netweight.name = "netWeight" + netWeight_id++;
i_netweight.id = "txt_added";
i_netweight.className = "cal_netWeight";
i_netweight.disabled = true;
var i_qty = document.createElement('input');
i_qty.value = qty;
i_qty.name = "qty" + qty_id++;
i_qty.id = "txt_added";
i_qty.className = "cal_qty";
i_qty.disabled = true;
var i_test = document.createElement('input');
i_test.value = test;
i_test.name = "test" + test_id++;
i_test.id = "txt_added";
i_test.className = "cal_test";
i_test.disabled = true;
var remove_btn = document.createElement('input');
remove_btn.type = "button";
remove_btn.value = "";
remove_btn.id = "remove_btn";
remove_btn.onclick = function ()
if (!document.getElementsByName("test1")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test2")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test3")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test4")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test5")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test6")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test7")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test8")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test9")[0] && !document.getElementsByName("test10")[0])
document.getElementById('added_article').style.cssText = "display:none;";
var edit_btn = document.createElement('input');
edit_btn.type = "button";
edit_btn.value = "";
edit_btn.id = "edit_btn";
var a = 'weight' + (weight_id - 1);
var b = 'netWeight' + (netWeight_id - 1);
var c = 'qty' + (qty_id - 1);
edit_btn.onclick = function ()
document.getElementsByName(a)[0].disabled = false;
document.getElementsByName(b)[0].disabled = false;
document.getElementsByName(c)[0].disabled = false;
edit_btn.style.cssText = "background-image: url('images/update.png');";
edit_btn.onclick = function ()
document.getElementsByName(a)[0].disabled = true;
document.getElementsByName(b)[0].disabled = true;
document.getElementsByName(c)[0].disabled = true;
edit_btn.style.cssText = "background-image: url('images/edit.png');";
document.getElementsByName('article_name')[0].value = "Article Name";
document.getElementsByName('appearance')[0].value = "Appearance";
document.getElementsByName('weight')[0].value = "";
document.getElementsByName('net_weight')[0].value = "";
document.getElementsByName('qty')[0].value = "";
document.getElementsByName('test')[0].value = "Select You Tested Karatage type";
my Project screen shot -

How to make dynamic phone number clickable for mobile users

I have phone numbers on my website that are automatically inserted via a JavaScript to display either a default phone number (that's defined within the primary JavaScript) or change to a variable phone number if the webpage is accessed by a URL string with the phone number in it - for example:
What I need to do is make the phone numbers clickable for mobile users so that whichever phone number appears they can click it and it will call the phone number.
I understand that if you wrap the phone number with an anchor with the tel: attribute it will launch the click-to-call function, but how can the tag be written so it will allow for the phone number variable to be passed? ex:
variable telephone number
Do you mean this?
Please rewrite your script to not use document.write. If you ever call one of your functions after the page loaded it will wipe the page.
Like this, using your original code
<div id="phonenumber">Call: </div>
function getPhone() {
var phone = get_named_cookie("MM_TrackableNumber");
if (phone == null) phone = "8885551313";
return formatnumber(phone);
window.onload=function() {
Full code
function pixelfire(debug) {
var phone_number = getVar("phone_number");
var keyword = getVar("keyword");
var source = getVar("source");
if (keyword) {
setcookie(keyword, phone_number);
} else {
var keyword = get_named_cookie("MM_Keyword");
var phone_number = get_named_cookie("MM_TrackableNumber");
return keyword || null;
var campaign = getVar("campaign");
var content = getVar("content");
var url = "http://www.mongoosemetrics.com/pixelfire.php?phone_number=" + phone_number;
var url = url + "&keyword=" + keyword;
var url = url + "&source=" + source;
var url = url + "&campaign=" + campaign;
var url = url + "&content=" + content;
myImage = new Image();
myImage.src = url;
function setcookie(key, tn, path) {
index = -1;
var today = new Date();
var cookie_expire_date = new Date(today.getTime() + (365 * 86400000));
document.cookie = "MM_TrackableNumber=" + tn + ";path=/;expires=" + cookie_expire_date.toGMTString();
document.cookie = "MM_Keyword=" + key + ";path=/;expires=" + cookie_expire_date.toGMTString();
function getPhone() {
var phone = get_named_cookie("MM_TrackableNumber");
if (phone == null) phone = "8885551313";
return formatnumber(phone);
function get_named_cookie(name) {
if (document.cookie) {
index = document.cookie.indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
namestart = (document.cookie.indexOf("=", index) + 1);
nameend = document.cookie.indexOf(";", index);
if (nameend == -1) {
nameend = document.cookie.length;
var ret_one = document.cookie.substring(namestart, nameend);
return ret_one;
//function to format the phonenumber to (123) 456-7890
function formatnumber(num) {
_return = "1-";
var ini = num.substring(0, 3);
_return += ini + "-";
var st = num.substring(3, 6);
_return += st + "-";
var end = num.substring(6, 10);
_return += end;
return _return;
function getVar(name) {
get_string = document.location.search;
return_value = '';
do { //This loop is made to catch all instances of any get variable.
name_index = get_string.indexOf(name + '=');
if (name_index != -1) {
get_string = get_string.substr(name_index + name.length + 1, get_string.length - name_index);
end_of_value = get_string.indexOf('&');
if (end_of_value != -1) value = get_string.substr(0, end_of_value);
else value = get_string;
if (return_value == '' || value == '') return_value += value;
else return_value += ', ' + value;
} while (name_index != -1)
//Restores all the blank spaces.
space = return_value.indexOf('+');
while (space != -1) {
return_value = return_value.substr(0, space) + ' ' + return_value.substr(space + 1, return_value.length);
space = return_value.indexOf('+');
return (return_value);
window.onload = function () {
key = getVar("keyword");
tn = getVar("tfid");
source = getVar("source");
content = getVar("content");
campaign = getVar("campaign");
if (tn != "") {
setcookie(key, tn);
var phone_number = getPhone();

Keep Weather info even when offline

So I'm creating a widget for the iPhone lockscreen using CSS/HTML. I can't figure out how to keep the weather info from disappearing when the phone screen turns off after a minute or when the phone is offline. Any tips? Here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var iconExtWall = '.png'
var iconExtLock = '.png'
var locale = 'Beirut, Lebanon'
var iconSetWall = 'stardock'
var iconSetLock = 'stardock'
var enableWallpaper = true
var isCelsius = true
var useRealFeel = false
var enableLockScreen = true
var source = 'appleAccuweatherStolen'
var stylesheetWall = 'mini'
var stylesheetLock = 'Under_StatusBar'
var updateInterval = 15
var postal;
var demoMode = false;
var enabled;
if (location.href.indexOf("Wallpaper") > 0){
stylesheet = stylesheetLock;
iconSet = iconSetLock;
iconExt = iconExtLock;
enabled = enableLockScreen;
stylesheet = stylesheetWall;
iconSet = iconSetWall;
iconExt = iconExtWall;
enabled = enableWallpaper;
if(enabled == true){
if(iconSet == null || iconSet == 'null' || iconSet == ""){
var iconSet = stylesheet;
var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var styleNode = document.createElement('link');
styleNode.type = 'text/css';
styleNode.rel = 'stylesheet';
styleNode.href = 'Stylesheets/'+stylesheet+'.css';
var scriptNode = document.createElement('script');
scriptNode.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptNode.src = 'Sources/'+source+'.js';
function onLoad(){
if (enabled == true){
if (demoMode == true){
document.getElementById("desc").innerText="Partly Cloudy";
validateWeatherLocation(escape(locale).replace(/^%u/g, "%"), setPostal)
function convertTemp(num)
if (isCelsius == true)
return Math.round ((num - 32) * 5 / 9);
return num;
function setPostal(obj){
if (obj.error == false){
if(obj.cities.length > 0){
postal = escape(obj.cities[0].zip).replace(/^%u/g, "%")
document.getElementById("WeatherContainer").className = "";
document.getElementById("city").innerText="Not Found";
document.getElementById("WeatherContainer").className = "errorLocaleNotFound";
document.getElementById("WeatherContainer").className = "errorLocaleValidate";
setTimeout('validateWeatherLocation(escape(locale).replace(/^%u/g, "%"), setPostal)', Math.round(1000*60*5));
function dealWithWeather(obj){
var translatedesc="description";
if (obj.error == false){
if(useRealFeel == true){
tempValue = convertTemp(obj.realFeel);
tempValue = convertTemp(obj.temp)
lastResults = new Array;
lastResults[0] = {daycode:obj.daycode, icon:obj.icon, hi:obj.hi, lo:obj.lo, now:obj.temp};
var c = obj.forecast.length;
var titi = new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");
var toto =new Date();
var tutu = toto.getDay();
var tata;
if (c > 6) c = 6; // just to be safe
for (var i=0; i<c; ++i)
var forecast = obj.forecast[i];
tata = tutu + i;
if(tata > 6) {tata = tata - 7;}
document.getElementById('day'+i).innerText = titi[tata];
document.getElementById('hi'+i).innerHTML = convertTemp(forecast.hi)+'&#176 ';
document.getElementById('low'+i).innerHTML= convertTemp(forecast.lo)+'&#176 ';
lastResults[i+1] = {daycode:forecast.daycode, icon:forecast.icon, hi:forecast.hi, lo:forecast.lo};
document.getElementById("WeatherContainer").className = "";
//Could be down to any number of things, which is unhelpful...
document.getElementById("WeatherContainer").className = "errorWeatherDataFetch";
var this_date_timestamp = new Date()
var this_weekday = this_date_timestamp.getDay()
var this_date = this_date_timestamp.getDate()
var this_month = this_date_timestamp.getMonth()
var this_year = this_date_timestamp.getYear()
if (this_year < 1000)
this_year+= 1900;
if (this_year==101)
function weatherRefresherTemp(){ //I'm a bastard ugly hack. Hate me.
setTimeout(weatherRefresherTemp, 60*1000*updateInterval);

