Modifying MongoDB to allow cross origin requests - javascript

I am relatively new to MongoDB so I am still getting used to it.
Currently I am trying to post a json object to mongo from the client side using the code below in javascript.
var addUserButton = document.getElementById('add-user');
var userNameInput = document.getElementById('name');
addUserButton.onclick = function() {
var newUser = new Object(); = userNameInput.value;
var newUserJson = { 'name':};
$.post('', newUserJson);
When ever I run this code though I get error stating:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load %3127.0.0.1:27017/test. Cross origin
requests are only supported for protocol schemes... etc
I read up on this and was wondering if adding the following CORS handler to mongoDB would fix this. If it is correct, how would I go about adding this to MongoDB? I could not find documentation on how to add this CORS handler to mongo
function handleCors(req, res, callback) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,OPTIONS');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization');
// CORS OPTIONS request, simply return 200
if (req.method == 'OPTIONS') {
res.statusCode = 200;

Your work by concept is having issue.
Your post method is directly hitting to TCP Protocol here, which should not be.
You should call some http request based on some Rest API which is to be in Server.
At server routing, you should handle the CORS (http request) and then the db layer methods should get the data for Update/Select etc.
By the way, for Server Routing you can use high level node framework like expressjs.
If you want a complete example for this, you may go through want to look through this example and
the explanation can be found in at Single Page Application with Angular.js, Node.js and MongoDB - phloxblog.


Cors is not working for two different origins

I have two servers, frontend (Next.js) and backend (express.js api server).
Frontend server is running without any additions. But I have an nginx proxy for backend.
So far everything is good because they are not connected yet.
Frontend: is working as it should be.
Backend: I can make calls directly from the backend itself (by self origin).
When I make a fetch get call from my frontend server to the backend server, it normally gives a cors error because the origins are different.
For this, I set the backend server with cors:
// /src/middlewares/cors.ts
import cors from 'cors';
const whitelist = new Set(['', '']);
// frontend:
// backend:
const corsOptions = {
optionsSuccessStatus: 200,
origin: (origin: any, callback: any) => {
console.log('origin: ' + origin);
if (whitelist.has(origin)) {
callback(null, true);
} else {
callback(new Error('Not allowed by CORS'));
// credentials: true,
export default cors(corsOptions);
// /app.ts
import cors from './middlewares/system/cors.js';
// setup cors
app.options('*', cors);
After doing this, I reach my main goal. The frontend server can make call to the backend server.
But this time I notice a problem. I can't send self request to backend anymore (by self origin).
When dealing with this I looked at the origins that came to the /src/middlewares/cors.ts file that I showed above.
for frontend:
for backend:
I am using self signed ssl in nginx for back server.
And there is not any cors relevant headers in conf.
How can i solve this situation?
(If I'm missing something, you can point it out in the comments.)
The Origin header is only set in cross-origin requests. If you call your backend directly, the Javascript value is undefined, and in this case you must not restrict anything. You could, for example, write
if (!origin || whitelist.has(origin)) {
callback(null, true);

sending a websocket request through a proxy server in nodeJS [duplicate]

Generalizing that would be the question... how to make websockets to go through a proxy in node.js?
In my particular case I'm using with the node.js client library they recommend. Looking inside the code I would like to know some hints on what I should change in order to make this library to work with a proxy... you can take a look in the code here
Maybe I should somehow replace or modified the websockets module that is being used by the library?
Thanks for your answers/comments! A couple of things to take into consideration (excuse me if I'm wrong with some/all of them, just learning):
I don't want to create a proxy server. I just want to use an existent proxy server within my company in order to proxified my websockets requests (particularly
Just to let you know, if I use a proxifier like the one for windows Proxifier and I set up the rule to inspect for all connections to port 443 to go through the proxy server (type SOCKS5) it works like a charm.
But I don't want to go this way. I want to programatically configuring this proxy server within my node js code (even if that involved to modified the pusher library I mentioned)
I know how to do this for HTTP using Request module (look for the section that mentions how to use a proxy).
I want a similarly thing for websockets.
var url = require('url');
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
// HTTP/HTTPS proxy to connect to
var proxy = process.env.http_proxy || '';
console.log('using proxy server %j', proxy);
// WebSocket endpoint for the proxy to connect to
var endpoint = process.argv[2] || 'ws://';
var parsed = url.parse(endpoint);
console.log('attempting to connect to WebSocket %j', endpoint);
// create an instance of the `HttpsProxyAgent` class with the proxy server information
var options = url.parse(proxy);
var agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(options);
// finally, initiate the WebSocket connection
var socket = new WebSocket(endpoint, { agent: agent });
socket.on('open', function () {
console.log('"open" event!');
socket.send('hello world');
socket.on('message', function (data, flags) {
console.log('"message" event! %j %j', data, flags);
Using a proxy for websockets should work roughly the same as for https connections; you should use the CONNECT method. At least that's what both the HTTP and HTML5 specs say. So if your proxy implements CONNECT, you're good to go.
Try node-http-proxy
It allows you to send http or websocket requests through a proxy.
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// Create a basic proxy server in one line of code...
// This listens on port 8000 for incoming HTTP requests
// and proxies them to port 9000
httpProxy.createServer(9000, 'localhost').listen(8000);
// ...and a simple http server to show us our request back.
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.write('request successfully proxied!' + '\n' + JSON.stringify(req.headers, true, 2));
Source: link
Most web proxies don't support websockets yet. The best workaround is to use encryption by specifying wss:// (websocket secure protocol):

Node.js - How would I forward HTTP traffic (reverse proxy)?

I need what is essentially a reverse proxy but I need it in Node.js as I will have to put in some custom functionality.
The gateway will be the only visible service, and it needs to forward traffic on to an internal network of services. A simple 302 isn't going to work here.
How can I realistically achieve this with Node.js given the asynchronous nature of it?
Are there any well known libraries used for this?
I've managed this using node-http-proxy, where http://first.test/ and http://second.test/ are the hostnames.
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
// reverse proxy server
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var target = '';
if ( {
target = '';
} else if ( {
target = '';
console.log(, '->', target);
proxy.web(req, res, { target: target });
// test server 1
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.write(JSON.stringify(req.headers, true, 2));
// test server 2
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.write(JSON.stringify(req.headers, true, 2));
For a simple reverse proxy that uses the reactor pattern (like node), I would check out nginx. But, you mentioned you wanted to add in some custom functionality using node, so is that a realistic goal? Absolutely! Here are some things to think about when you are designing your reverse proxy:
How will you keep track of where incoming requests need to end up? For example, if you proxy all request with /test/* to your UI, but the returned HTML has root relative URLs (/imgs/banner.jpg), how do you keep track of where the subsequent request needs to go (especially if it comes from javascript)? Are you going to tightly couple your proxy and your back end applications? Or you might consider setting a cookie to keep track.
Does this thing need to scale at all? If your answer is no, my follow up is - are you sure? If you really just need to proxy to two backend applications, I'm sure there are any number of clever ways to achieve that. If at any time you may have N back end applications, then you need a solid plan for managing (add/remove/update) them on the proxy.
Do your applications use HTTPS? If so, are you going to terminate SSL on the proxy? Can you send data in the clear between your proxy and your back end applications?
Good luck on your reverse proxy endeavors! I will update this if anything else occurs to me.
With pure core module (may be a bit ugly, but efficient):
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
if ( === 'api.test') {
// request data from
} else if ( === 'test') {
// request data from
} else {
// Do something else
If you don't like this example, you can try:

EventSource and basic http authentication

Does anyone know if it is possible to send basic http authentication credentials with EventSource?
I'm looking for a solution to the same problem. This post here says this:
Another caveat is that as far as we know, you cannot change the HTTP
headers when using EventSource, which means you have to submit an
authorization query string param with the value that you would have
inserted using HTTP Basic Auth: a base64 encoded concatenation of your
login and a token.
Here is the code from the post:
// First, we create the event source object, using the right URL.
var url = "";
url += "&hub.mode=retrieve";
url += "&";
url += "&authorization=anVsaWVuOjJkNTVjNDhjMDY5MmIzZWFkMjA4NDFiMGViZDVlYzM5";
var source = new EventSource(url);
// When the socket has been open, let's cleanup the UI.
source.onopen = function () {
var node = document.getElementById('sse-feed');
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
// Superfeedr will trigger 'notification' events, which corresponds
// exactly to the data sent to your subscription endpoint
// (webhook or XMPP JID), with a JSON payload by default.
source.addEventListener("notification", function(e) {
var notification = JSON.parse(;
notification.items.sort(function(x, y) {
return x.published - y.published;
notification.items.forEach(function(i) {
var node = document.getElementById('sse-feed');
var item = document.createElement("li");
var t = document.createTextNode([new Date(i.published * 1000), i.title, i.content].join(' '));
node.insertBefore(item, node.firstChild);
// We add the element to the UI.
If your talk about cookies (not http auth):
EventSource uses http, so cookies are sent with the EventSource connection request.
Http auth should be supported as any other http url, although from the spec CORS+http auth is not supported.
Nowadays there is a NPM package to change the HTTP Header
This library is a pure JavaScript implementation of the EventSource
client. The API aims to be W3C compatible.
You can use it with Node.js or as a browser polyfill for browsers that
don't have native EventSource support.
You can use event-source-polyfill to add headers like this
import { EventSourcePolyfill } from 'event-source-polyfill';
new EventSourcePolyfill(`/api/liveUpdate`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer 12345`,
'x-csrf-token': `xxx-xxx-xxx`,
EventSource is about the server sending events to the client. I think you need bidirectional communication for authentication. How would you otherwise send the actual credentials?
WebSockets, however, can achieve that. Is that what you are looking for?
You can achieve what you want by utilizing cookies, as pointed out by 4esn0k. Cookies are sent along with the initial request that the browser makes to establish the connection. So, just make sure you set the session identifier for the cookie before launching any EventSource connections.

Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js

So I'm trying to make a very basic node.js server that with take in a request for a string, randomly select one from an array and return the selected string. Unfortunately I'm running into a few problems.
Here's the front end:
function newGame()
function server()
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","server.js", true);
This should send the request to server.js:
var http = require('http');
var choices=["hello world", "goodbye world"];
console.log("server initialized");
http.createServer(function(request, response)
console.log("request recieved");
var string = choices[Math.floor(Math.random()*choices.length)];
console.log("string '" + string + "' chosen");
console.log("string sent");
So clearly there are several things going wrong here:
I get the feeling the way I am "connecting" these two files isn't correct both in the method and in using response.on to send the string back to the front end.
I'm a little confused with how I call this page on localhost. The front end is named index.html and the sever posts to 8001. What address should I be go to on localhost in order to access the initial html page after I have initialized server.js? Should I change it to .listen(index.html) or something like that?
are there other obvious problems with how I am implementing this (using .responsetext etc.)
(sorry for the long multi-question post but the various tutorials and the node.js source all assume that the user already has an understanding of these things.)
Your request should be to the server, NOT the server.js file which instantiates it. So, the request should look something like this:"GET","http://localhost:8001/", true); Also, you are trying to serve the front-end (index.html) AND serve AJAX requests at the same URI. To accomplish this, you are going to have to introduce logic to your server.js that will differentiate between your AJAX requests and a normal http access request. To do this, you'll want to either introduce GET/POST data (i.e. call http://localhost:8001/?getstring=true) or use a different path for your AJAX requests (i.e. call http://localhost:8001/getstring). On the server end then, you'll need to examine the request object to determine what to write on the response. For the latter option, you need to use the 'url' module to parse the request.
You are correctly calling listen() but incorrectly writing the response. First of all, if you wish to serve index.html when navigating to http://localhost:8001/, you need to write the contents of the file to the response using response.write() or response.end(). First, you need to include fs=require('fs') to get access to the filesystem. Then, you need to actually serve the file.
XMLHttpRequest needs a callback function specified if you use it asynchronously (third parameter = true, as you have done) AND want to do something with the response. The way you have it now, string will be undefined (or perhaps null), because that line will execute before the AJAX request is complete (i.e. the responseText is still empty). If you use it synchronously (third parameter = false), you can write inline code as you have done. This is not recommended as it locks the browser during the request. Asynchronous operation is usually used with the onreadystatechange function, which can handle the response once it is complete. You need to learn the basics of XMLHttpRequest. Start here.
Here is a simple implementation that incorporates all of the above:
var http = require('http'),
fs = require('fs'),
url = require('url'),
choices = ["hello world", "goodbye world"];
http.createServer(function(request, response){
var path = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("request recieved");
var string = choices[Math.floor(Math.random()*choices.length)];
console.log("string '" + string + "' chosen");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
console.log("string sent");
fs.readFile('./index.html', function(err, file) {
if(err) {
// write an error response or nothing here
response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
response.end(file, "utf-8");
console.log("server initialized");
frontend (part of index.html):
function newGame()
function server()
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","http://localhost:8001/getstring", true);
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
You will need to be comfortable with AJAX. Use the mozilla learning center to learn about XMLHttpRequest. After you can use the basic XHR object, you will most likely want to use a good AJAX library instead of manually writing cross-browser AJAX requests (for example, in IE you'll need to use an ActiveXObject instead of XHR). The AJAX in jQuery is excellent, but if you don't need everything else jQuery offers, find a good AJAX library here: You will also need to get comfy with the node.js docs, found here. Search for some good node.js server and static file server tutorials. is a good place to start.
UPDATE: I have changed response.sendHeader() to the new response.writeHead() in the code above !!!
Express makes this kind of stuff really intuitive. The syntax looks like below :
var app = require('express').createServer();
app.get("/string", function(req, res) {
var strings = ["rad", "bla", "ska"]
var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * strings.length)
If you're using jQuery on the client side you can do something like this:
$.get("/string", function(string) {
I was facing following error with code (nodejs 0.10.13), provided by ampersand:
origin is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin
Issue was resolved changing
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*'});
Here is a fully functional example of what you are trying to accomplish. I created the example inside of hyperdev rather than jsFiddle so that you could see the server-side and client-side code.
View Code:!/project/destiny-authorization
View Working Application:
This code creates a handler for a get request that returns a random string:
app.get("/string", function(req, res) {
var strings = ["string1", "string2", "string3"]
var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * strings.length)
This jQuery code then makes the ajax request and receives the random string from the server.
$.get("/string", function(string) {
Note that this example is based on code from Jamund Ferguson's answer so if you find this useful be sure to upvote him as well. I just thought this example would help you to see how everything fits together.

