How to remove a link with jQuery or JavaScript? - javascript

I hope to remove the link "ContactUs.aspx" of the following code, I use the code $("#Main4").contents().unwrap(); it worked, but the class "LeftMainMenu" is removed also.
I hope to remove only the link, how can I do this?
<a id="Main4" class="LeftMainMenu" href="ContactUs.aspx">Contact Us</a>

<a id="Main4" class="LeftMainMenu" href="ContactUs.aspx">Contact Us</a>
This will remove the href attribute:
Remember to do it on page load event like below:
$(function() {
Or if you just want to remove the value of href then
$("#Main4").attr("href", "")
This will make
<a id="Main4" class="LeftMainMenu" href="">Contact Us</a>
$(function() {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a id="Main4" class="LeftMainMenu" href="ContactUs.aspx">Contact Us</a>

Your jQuery selector is wrong. Should be $("#Main4"). You can use .removeAttr() to remove the attribute of href. See the documentation here.

To remove the href you can use
To remove only the link you can use

if you want the link hidden, you can:
if you want the link disabled, you can:
By the way, the different href attribute about
'javascript:void(0)' and '#' is there.


JQuery on click link with href atribute

I have the following code structure. Its a set of wordpress tabs. I have many tabs all over the website, using Jquery i want to trigger a function when a user clicks one of the links, however i cant apply a ID atribute so my funtion below doesnt work...any suggestions?
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() {
$('.otherdiv').css('background-image', 'url(');
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span></li>
You can't select them by ID because they don't have IDs. But you can use CSS Atrribute-Equal Selector to get them by href attribute. Like this:
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
// ...
More CSS Selectors here.
Working code snippet:
$('[href = "#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').click(function() {
alert("#1485856532455-70ee0dfe was clicked! Hoooray!");
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<a href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"> <span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
Use attribute selector then :
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() { - means that on page we have some element with id 1485856532455-70ee0dfe. In your html code no id with text 1485856532455-70ee0dfe, thats why your code not work.
You have two case to fix:
add id's to needed element
change js to $('[href="1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
You cant give a id to a link like that. However you can select the link with jquery by doing $('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});

Assigning onclick via jQuery selector

I am trying to assign an anchor's onclick via javascript - see jsfiddle below:
<a id="link_a" class="linka" href="">link 1</a>
var lnkA=$('.linka');
fiddle: Code:
However, it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
lnkA is a jQuery object which have a method called click to register click handlers
var lnkA = $('.linka'); {
e.preventDefault();//to prevent redirection
<script src=""></script>
<a id="link_a" class="linka" href="">link 1</a>
<a id="link_b" href="">link 2</a>

How to make this JS link work?

I want to put a site link in my site and I don't want to show it in the status bar, so I used this code below but it's not clickable.
<a rel"nofollow" href="javascript:;" onclick="location.href='http://sitelink">text</a>
And, is the rel"nofollow" work with this code?
<a rel="nofollow" href="#" onclick="location.href='http://sitelink'">text</a>
rel is an attribute so use an =
use # in the href so that the link does target the current page
in the onclick you have a mess with the quotes, you forgot the closing '
But instead of misusing an a tag you could also use a button or span for your purpose:
<button onclick="location.href='http://sitelink'">text</button>
Try this:
<a rel="nofollow" href="Javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.location='http://sitelink'">text</a>

Calling a javascript and opening a link

I want to call a javascript and jump to a specified div by clicking on Text.
Here is the javascript I am using:
function hide(parameter) {
document.getElementById(parameter).style.visibility = "hidden"
and here the text that should call it:
<a id="text" href="Page.html#foo" href="javascript: hide('text')">Text Text</a>
I just don't know why it doesn't work.
You cannot add a second href attribute to your a tag. Try onclick instead:
<a id="text" href="Page.html#foo" onclick="hide('text')">Text Text</a>
#user3155154's answer is the "best" way to do it, but, if you're interested, this will work too:
<a id="text" href="javascript:hide('text');window.location.href='Page.html#foo';void(0)">Text Text</a>

how to simplify my code using jquery?

I want append <span></span> tag in my every <a> tag:
<a href=#>aaa</a>
<a href=#>bbb</a>
<a href=#>ccc</a>
I want:
<a href=#><span>aaa</span></a>
<a href=#><span>bbb</span></a>
<a href=#><span>ccc</span></a>
now ,i using below codes to implement it:
var buttons = $("a");
var text=buttons.text();
I think this codes is not good,how to simplify it?
thanks :)
I think What you are looking for is the wrapinner function.
You can find a working example here.

