How to change background of bootstrap accordion? - javascript

I'm using the bootstrap accordion and want to change the accordion-heading background on click, and it works fine when you have to click to close a accordion-group, but when the accordion-group close automatically when you click another it fails. I'm checking for the "in" class that change automatically.
$( ".accordion-group div" ).click(function() {
if ($(".accordion-group div").hasClass( "in" )) {
} else {

This is somewhat ugly, but it works. You can probably find out what gets passed to the methods and simplify selectors with that.
$('#accordion2').on('', function () {
$(this).find('.accordion-heading a').removeClass('bigger');


Close menu when another item is hovered

I am creating a menu with two dropdowns. I need the dropdowns to open when the menu item is hovered over, but close if the other menu item is hovered over.
The problem I am having is getting the first dropdown to close if I hover over the second menu item.
Please see my fiddle here:
I've looked through other questions, and this one seems to possibly be of use, but I'm having trouble applying it to my situation: Vertical Menu to stay open on hover then close when another is hovered
So I apologize if this is a duplicate...any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You can call slideup on the open ul before calling slidedown on the current one. like below
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".nav-basic").hover(function () {
$('').bind('mouseleave', function(){
$(".nav-applied").hover(function () {
$('').bind('mouseleave', function(){
You just needed to update your script to call the slideUp function:
$(".nav-basic").hover(function () {
$(".nav-applied").hover(function () {
Your code could use some optimization, but you could basically call slideUp() on all other $(.menu-interior') elements that are not of the target class:
Example: $('.menu-interior:not(.menu-basic)').slideUp();
See forked fiddle here:
Note: This will close ANY other open menu, rather than having to hard-code all other classes when the menu grows.
So set an class="isHovered" on the element that is hovered.
Set the boxes class="isHovered" aswell ..
If hover is called again , or lets say mouseenter, you check if isHovered is set on the current box and on the other box ... or iterate over any boxes there might be ...
You could aswell store the currently hovered element id in a variable and the box id. Then use these values. As JS is not multithreaded you can rely on the order of execution ...
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".nav-basic").hover(function() {
$(".nav-applied").hover(function() {

jQuery .not() not working properly

I've looked around and researched why this isn't working, but it seems that I am in a sort of different situation.
I have a default action for a navigation item that handles the navigation animation on hover:
}, function (){
Now, when it comes to being on the mobile screen, I hide the navigation and place a button there. The button then controls the animation of the menu sliding out from the side. I've added a line of code that adds a class to the navigation elements when this button is clicked.
$('.mobile-menuButton').click(function(){ //When you click the menu-show button
if($(this).hasClass('menuClosed')){ //Check to see if the menu is closed
$('.nav_hover').addClass('mobile_open'); //Add the mobile_open class to the navigation items
} else {
$('.nav_hover').removeClass('mobile_open'); //remove it
So then I changed the first hover function to say:
}, function (){
I was hoping this would stop the someFunction() from happening when the mobile menu is out.
You can view what I'm doing HERE - When you reduce the screen to under 540px the media query will take effect and you can click on the menu button.
Documentation on .not() HERE. The second example at the end of the page is exactly what I was hoping for.
The class is added later and the event handler is attached to any and all elements that match the selector at pageload (or whenever it is executed) and doesn't really care about what you add later.
You have to check for the class inside the event handler
if ( !$(this).hasClass('mobile_open') ) {
}, function (){
if ( !$(this).hasClass('mobile_open') ) {
delegation could also work, but it wouldn't really work with not() or hover()
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: function() {
}, '.nav_hover:not(.mobile_open)');

Bootstrap dropdown menu – stay open if search bar is focused

I am trying to create a customized bootstrap dropdown menu that opens and closes on hover (which I have working), but also stays open if the search bar is focused in the Events dropdown menu until it loses focus or the users clicks away from the dropdown.
Here is my js code:
$('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {
$(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').show(); $(this).addClass('open'); },
function() {
$("#search-query").focusin(function() {
if ($('.events').hasClass('search-active')) {
} else {
$(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').hide(); $(this).removeClass('open');
Here is a codepen so you can see the rest of my code:
I have tried several different ways to solve this using jquery’s is(':focus') selector with no results.
I appreciate any help or ideas you may have.
– Caleb
You can use :focus to find if the search box has focus in the second hover function, without any need to give things additional events. .size() will return 1 if it has focus and 0 otherwise, and then the ! casts those to true and false, respectively, before negating. Then in the first hover function, check to make sure there are no currently open menus before opening.
$('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {
if (!$(".dropdown-menu:visible").size()) {
$(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').show(); $(this).addClass('open');
function() {
if (!$(".navbar-search input:focus").size()) {
$(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').hide(); $(this).removeClass('open');
CodePen demo
I'll have my try.
I've used the hover() function and it's callback.
function () {
if (!$("#search-query").is(':focus')){
} else if ( !$( '.events' ).is( ':hover' ) ) {
on hover it's pretty much the same, You can set it back to closest as it was before.
On the callback (no hover) I check if not the .events gets hovered (so it'll show each of the other menu items drop down menus and also hiding the .events menu when hover removed. (you can set it to click if you want).
Here is a Fiddle, Hope it assists.

toggling between two classes jQuery = works but extra click

$(".sort").click(function (event) {
$(this).toggle(function() {
}, function() {
it works but I need to click once before it works.
so -
click (nothing happens), click (sortUP), click (sortDown)
I would like to remove first click.
Thank you community for the help !
Firstly, you're using toggleClass incorrectly. You appear to want to toggle sortDown and sortUp on each click. That's done with toggleClass("sortDown sortUp").
Secondly, you need your class .sort to either have sortUp or sortDown set in its class property when you load the page. e.g. <a href="#" class="sort sortDown">. This makes sure you can reason about your code (i.e. it's always true that exactly one of sortUp, sortDown are set on your div).
Thirdly, $(this).click(function() { /* code */ }) means "when somebody clicks, do /*code*/". You've wrapped your
$(this).click(function() { $(this).toggleClass("sortUp sortDown"); })
which sets up the click behaviour, in a $(".sort").click(function () { which means you are requiring an initial click on "sort" just to start the behaviour.
So the correct version is:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".sort").click(function() {
$(this).toggleClass("sortUp sortDown");
if you dont' want to begin with a sortUp or sortDown class, do this:
$(".sort").click(function (event) {
if($(this).hasClass("sortUp") || $(this).hasClass("sortDown")){
$(this).toggleClass("sortUp sortDown");
It looks like you are adding the click events on the first click, also if you want to switch between sortUp and sortDown you can simply specify them both. As long as the element starts with one or the other (not both and not neither), it will swap them each time.
$(".sort").click(function() {
$(this).toggleClass('sortUp sortDown');
You can see this running on JSFiddle.

Is there any special jQuery that would execute two different set of codes for one element?

I have code that lets me to show an element on click of one element and hide it on click of another. Code looks like:
var Dshow=false;
$('.allLink').click(function() {
$('.hideAllLink').click(function() {
I want $('.allLink').click(function() to have 2 states - on first click it shall show ".downloads" and on second click hide.
How to do such thing with jQuery?
You can use .toogle(). This method will hide element if it's visible, or make it visible if it's hidden.
$('.allLink').click(function()) {
I think what you are looking for is a toggler: Use of jQuery toggle function
$( "#idofthebutton" ).toggle(
function() {
/// hide the link
}, function() {
///show the link
This will work automatically to hide and show the links....
Note: In this case keep the links visible at first place. If you don't want that then change the order of the functions inside the .toggle

