jQuery has stopped recognizing click events - javascript

I have a function that is called every time a user goes through a new step to bind the click event to each new item that is added to the page, and it was working fine but now it's stopped and I cannot figure out why
Below is the function (or click here for full js):
function bindClickEvents() {
$(".wall-dropdown .item").unbind('click').on('click', function() {
console.log('Item clicked');
if ($(this).hasClass('range')) {
selectedRange = $(this).data('id');
selectedStyle = null;
selectedColour = null;
if ($(this).hasClass('style')) {
selectedStyle = $(this).data('id');
selectedColour = null;
if ($(this).hasClass('colour')) {
selectedColour = $(this).data('id');

Use off with on (not unbind)
$(".wall-dropdown .item").off('click').on('click', function() {
However I suggest you simply switch to delegated event handlers (attached to a non changing ancestor element):
$(document).on("click", ".wall-dropdown .item", function()
It works by listening for the specified event to bubble-up to the connected element, then it applies the jQuery selector. Then it applies the function to the matching items that caused the event.
This way the match of .wall-dropdown .item is only done at event time so the items can exists later than event registration time.
document is the best default of no other element is closer/convenient. Do not use body for delegated events as it has a bug (to do with styling) that can stop mouse events firing. Basically, if styling causes a computed body height of 0, it stops receiving bubbled mouse events. Also as document always exists, you do not need to wrap document-based delegated handlers inside a DOM ready :)

Why don't you bind event to body like
$('body').on('click','.wall-dropdown .item',function(){...some code...})
to prevent reinitialization of event?
this code automaticaly works with each new element .wall-dropdown .item


Undelegate single event

I am having trouble stopping a click event on a dom element in a UL, essentially in the itemClicked method I want to undelegate the click event on the single element. When an item in a list is clicked, however that item still fires a click event despite have the none value. Is there a way to use undelegate for just the individual element clicked? I am at a loss as to why and any help is greatly appreciated.
App.Views.AttributeSelectorView = Backbone.View.extend({
itemClicked: function (event) {
var $target = $(event.target);
this.trigger('itemClicked', $target.data('attr'), $target.text());
events: {
'click [role=menuitem]': 'itemClicked'
attributeSelectorView.on('itemClicked', function(attribute, display){
// .remove attribute
attribute: attribute,
display: display
}, {
merge: true
try using stopListening, it Tell an object to stop listening to events.
itemClicked: function (event) {
var $target = $(event.target);
this.trigger('itemClicked', $target.data('attr'), $target.text());
You are setting the pointer-events attribute in the click handler itself. The click event has already happened by the time you change its target element's style.
You need to set the property before a click occurs for it to take effect.
Or, if you know which elements you want to ignore clicks on, you could add logic in your click handler:
itemClicked: function(e) {
if(!shouldIgnoreThisTarget) {
In many ways this is better. It brings the click behaviour into one place and reduces coupling between your CSS and JavaScript.
pointer-events only effects style - so it won't affect the functionality of an element (ie. javascript events).
If you want to prevent the default click behavior in javascript, you can return false from the click handler, or set event.preventDefault to true

.class selector not working

I'm working in a card game system that the player can select the card by clicking on it and then select the place to put it on. My problem is that when the player click on the target place, nothing happens.
This is my try: http://jsfiddle.net/5qMHz/
And this is my code:
function target() {
$(".target").on("click", function() {
What's wrong?
Try binding with document, since you change the class during document ready and there was no element with the class target initially
$(document).on("click",".target", function() {
$("#" + x).appendTo(this);
Firstly, your practice of putting function references in to jQuery objects is rather odd. The problem however is that because the .target class is applied after DOM load you need to use a delegate selector. Try this:
var $card
$(".card").on("click", function () {
$card = $(this);
if ($(".myslot").length) {
if ($(".myslot").is(':empty')) {
} else {
alert('No empty slots');
$('.field').on('click', ".target", function () {
$card = $();
Example fiddle
At the moment you are trying to bind the event handler, the elements don't have a class target yet. From the documentation:
Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements; they must exist on the page at the time your code makes the call to .on().
(Technically the elements exist, but they are not (yet) addressable by the class target)
You have three options to solve this:
Add the class to your HTML markup.
Bind the handler after you added the class to the elements.
Use event delegation.
The first two don't really fit to your use case, since your are adding the class target in response to an other event and the number of elements with the class target changes over time. This is a good use case for event delegation though:
$('.field').on('click', '.target', function() {
// ...

jQuery click event triggered multiple times off one click

I am having trouble with multiple clicks being registered in jQuery when only one element has been clicked. I have read some other threads on Stack Overflow to try and work it out but I reckon it is the code I have written. The HTML code is not valid, but that is caused by some HTML 5 and the use of YouTube embed code. Nothing that affects the click.
The jQuery, triggered on document.ready
function setupHorzNav(portalWidth) {
$('.next, .prev').each(function() {
$(this).click(function(e) {
var target = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
function initiateScroll(target) {
var position = $(target).offset();
$('html, body').animate({
scrollLeft: position.left
}, 500);
Example HTML
<nav class="prev-next">
In Firefox one click can log a "Click!" 16 times! Chrome only sees one, but both browsers have shown problems with the above code.
Have I written the code wrongly or is there a bug?
-- Some extra info ------------------------------------------
setupHorzNav is called by another function in my code. I have tested this and have confirmed it is only called once on initial load.
if ( portalWidth >= 1248 ) {
wrapperWidth = newWidth * 4;
wrapperWidth = '100%';
There are mutiple instances of nav 'prev-next'. All target different anchors. All are within the same html page.
<nav class="prev-next">
Try unbinding the click event like this
$(this).unbind('click').click(function (e) {
You don't need .each() for binding event handlers. Try this instead:
$('.next, .prev').click(function(e){
var target = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
I think it is the way you are attaching the event handler from within the setupHorzNav function that is causing it. Change it to attach it only once from say, $(document).ready() or something.
I have managed to get the situation of multiple event handlers by attaching the event handlers from a function that gets called from event handler. The effect is that the number of click event handlers keeps increasing geometrically with each click.
This is the code: (and the jsfiddle demo)
function setupNav() {
$('.next, .prev').each(function () {
$(this).click(function (e) {
var target = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
See how calling the setupNav() function from the click event handler adds multiple eventhandlers (and the click log message) on successive clicks
Since it is not clear from your question whether you are calling the binding function multiple times, a quick and dirty fix would be:
$('.next, .prev').unbind('click').click(function() {
What you are doing here is unbinding any previously bound event handlers for click and binding afresh.
Are there no other click bindings elsewhere?
Are you loading the page with ajax?
You could also try this:
$('.next, .prev').click(function (e) {
var target = $(this).attr('href');
return false;

click outside DIV

<div id="aaa">
<div id="bbb">
What i must use if i want hide #bbb if user click outside box #bbb? But if i click on div #bbb then box is still visible - only outside.
if( e.target.id == 'bbb' )
{ return true; }
{ $('#bbb').hide(); }
A note of explanation: There are a few ways to do this, either way we need to listen for a click on a parent element, weather it be a direct parent like #aaa or a distant parent like the body or the document. This way we can capture clicks that occur outside of #bbb.
Now that we have that we need the .hide to NOT occur if the user did click inside of #bbb. We can do this two ways
Stop propagation if the user clicks on #bbb. This will make the click event not 'bubble' up to the parent. That way the click event never reaches the parent and so #bbb will not hide. I personally don't like this method because stop propagation will so ALL click events from bubbling, and you may have click events that you would like to bubble to a local parent and not a distant parent. Or you may have listeners delegated from a distant parent, which will stop working if click propagation is stopped.
Check for the #bbb element in the parent listener. This is the method shown above. Basically this listens on a distant parent, and when a click occurs it checks to see if that click is on #bbb specifically. If it IS NOT on #bbb .hide is fired, otherwise it returns true, so other things that may be tied into the click event will continue working. I prefer this method for that reason alone, but secondarily its a-little bit more readable and understandable.
Finally the manner in which you check to see if the click originated at #bbb you have many options. Any will work, the pattern is the real meat of this thing.
http://jsfiddle.net/tpBq4/ //Modded from #Raminson who's answer is very similar.
New suggestion, leverage event bubbling without jQuery.
var isOutSide = true
bbb = documment.getElementById('bbb');
document.body.addEventListener('click', function(){
bbb.style.display = 'none';
isOutSide = true;
bbb.addEventListener('click', function(){
isOutSide = false;
Catch the click event as it bubbles-up to the document element. When it hits the document element, hide the element. Then in a click event handler for the element, stop the propagation of the event so it doesn't reach the document element:
$(function () {
$(document).on('click', function () {
$('#bbb').on('click', function (event) {
Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/KVXNL/
Docs for event.stopPropagation(): http://api.jquery.com/event.stopPropagation/
I made a plugin that does this. It preserves the value for this where as these other solutions' this value will refer to document.
$('#bbb').clickOut(function () {
You can use target property of the event object, try the following:
$(document).click(function(e) {
if (e.target.id != 'bbb') {
This will work
Becouse bbb is inside the aaa the event will "bubbel up to aaa". So you have to stop the bubbling by using the event.stopPropagation when bbb is clicked
* this is none jquery. you can easly modify it to work with IE
first create helper method to facilitate codding don't get confused with JQuery $()
function $g(element) {
return document.getElementById(element);
create our listener class
function globalClickEventListener(obj){
this.fire = function(event){
let's say we need to capture every click on document body
so we need to create listeners array and initialize our work. This method will be called on load
function initialize(){
// $g('body') will return reference to our document body. parameter 'body' is the id of our document body
$g('body').globalClickEventListeners = new Array();
$g('body').addGlobalClickEventListener = function (listener)
// capture onclick event on document body and inform all listeners
$g('body').onclick = function(event) {
for(var i =0;i < $g('body').globalClickEventListeners.length; i++){
after initialization we create event listener and pass reference of the object that needs to know every clcik on our document
function goListening(){
var icanSeeEveryClick = $g('myid');
var lsnr = new globalClickEventListener(icanSeeEveryClick);
// add our listener to listeners array
// add event handling method to div
icanSeeEveryClick.onOutSideClick = function (event){
alert('Element with id : ' + event.target.id + ' has been clicked');
* Take into account the document body height and width
* Remove event listeners when you don't need them
$(document).click(function(event) {
if(!$(event.target).closest('#elementId').length) {
if($('#elementId').is(":visible")) {
Change the "#elementId" with your div.

Simple click event delegation not working

I have a div
<div class="myDiv">
<div class="anotherDiv">somediv</div>
Now, using event delegation and the concept of bubbling I would like to intercept clicks from any of myDiv, myLink and anotherDiv.
According to best practices this could be done by listening for clicks globally (hence the term 'delegation') on the document itself
$(document).click(function(e) {
var $eventElem = $(e.target);
var bStopDefaultClickAction = false;
if ($eventElem.is('.myDiv'))
alert('Never alerts when clicking on myLink or anotherDiv, why????');
bStopDefaultClickAction = true;
return bStopDefaultClickAction;
See my alert question above. I was under the impression that clicks bubble. And it somewhat does because the document actually receives my click and starts delegating. But the bubbling mechanism for clicks on myLink and anotherDiv doesn't seem to work as the if-statement doesn't kick in.
Or is it like this: clicks only bubble one step, from the clicked src element to the assigned delegation object (in this case the document)? If that's the case, then I need to handle the delegation like this:
$('.myDiv').click(function(e) {
//...as before
But this kind of defeates the purpose of delegation as I now must have lots of 'myDiv' handlers and possibly others... it's dead easy to just have one 'document' event delegation object.
Anyone knows how this works?
You should use live event from JQuery (since 1.3), it use event delegation :
So you code will be :
$(".myDiv").live("click", function(){
alert('Alert when clicking on myLink elements. Event delegation powaa !');
With that, you have all the benefices of event delegation (faster, one event listener etc..), without the pain ;-)
The event target will not change. You need to mirror what jquery live does and actually check if $eventElem.closest('. myDiv') provides a match.
$(document).click(function(e) {
var $eventElem = $(e.target);
var bStopDefaultClickAction = false;
if ( $eventElem.closest('.myDiv').length )
alert('Never alerts when clicking on myLink or anotherDiv, why????');
bStopDefaultClickAction = true;
return bStopDefaultClickAction;
Event.target is always the element that triggered the event, so when you click on 'myLink' or 'anotherDiv' you store a reference to these objects using $(e.target); So what you do in effect is: $('.myLink').is('.myDiv') which returns false, and that's why the alert() is not executed.
If you want to use event delegation this way, you should check wheter event.target is the element or any of its children, using jQuery it could be done like this:
$(e.target).is('.myDiv, .myDiv *')
Seems to work fine to me. Try it here: http://jsbin.com/uwari
Check this out: One click handler in one page
var page = document.getElementById("contentWrapper");
page.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
var target, clickTarget, propagationFlag;
target = e.target || e.srcElement;
while (target !== page) {
clickTarget = target.getAttribute("data-clickTarget");
if (clickTarget) {
propagationFlag = target.getAttribute("data-propagationFlag");
if (propagationFlag === "true") {
target = target.parentNode;

