Chart.js pie tooltip getting cut - javascript

I'm using Chart.js pie chart with tooltips which being cut for some reason.
Screenshot attached, didn't found any attribute/option to take care of it..
Is there anyway to take care of it?

This improper cutoff was raised as issue#622 in the Github repository for ChartJS.
This was determined to be a bug (evidently this bug hasn't yet been fixed)
In response to that issue, Robert Turrall has a solution which he says is a good workaround. Here is his proposed fix:
I'm sure that this is due to the fact that the tooltips are generated
within the confines of the canvas, making it difficult to fix.
I had the same issue on my doughnut chart and solved it by
implementing custom tooltips as per the example on the samples folder
- worked in conjunction with my existing tooltip fontsize and template settings in the chart initialisation code:
var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(donut).Doughnut(donutdata, {
tooltipFontSize: 10,
tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label%>: <%}%><%= value %>hrs",
percentageInnerCutout : 70
Check out samples/pie-customTooltips.html for the custom tooltip code.
Copy/paste and it worked straight away. Very happy!
Tooltip displayed well outside the bounds of the canvas:
PS: there's a line chart example too, which I'm guessing will work
fine with bar charts.

You can add internal padding to the chart. For instance in my case I had a cut of tooltips on the right.
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
cutoutPercentage: 60,
legend: {
display: false
animation: {
animateRotate: false
layout: {
padding: {
right: 40

I found a workaround for this. I have blank labels on my x axis, so I just added a label with several spaces in it for the last label entry. That caused ChartJS to leave enough space for the label to fit, which also leaves enough room for the tooltip to fit.
In addition, I have large circles for my data points and the last one on the right was getting clipped before. Adding the extra space to the label also fixed that.
Here is the code where I create my labels. The ratings is my actual data defined earlier:
// Add blank labels and "Today"
for (i=0; i<ratings.length; i++) {
labels[ratings.length-1] = " ";
var data = {
labels: labels,
datasets: [
label: "Progress",
strokeColor: "rgba(255,165,0,1.0)",
pointColor: "white",
pointStrokeColor: "rgba(255,165,0,1.0)",
pointHighlightStroke: "#B87700",
data: ratings
Even if you have actual labels on your graph, you could add spaces to your last label to make it bigger. If you are centering your label, you could add the same amount of space before and after.
Obviously there will be limits where this will or won't work for you, but for my case I added 7 spaces and all looks good now.
Also, my case had an issue on the right side, whereas this question has an issue with the left side. The same fix should work, but putting the space on the first label.

It seems like Chart.js can't figure out which direction to show the tooltip because it can't detect the size of the tooltip element when it extends beyond the canvas.
In my scenario I fixed it by squeezing the text inside this particular tooltip closer with these options for the tooltip options object:
tooltips.titleMarginBottom = 1;
tooltips.bodySpacing = 1;
tooltips.yPadding = 2;
Wierdly enough Chart.js then correctly decides to show the tooltip to the left of the mouse and not below.
Would be cool if you could choose which direction the tooltip appears compared to the mouse.

In my case, I was able to work around this issue by reducing the amount of text in the tooltip. I did so using custom tooltip callbacks to specify the label text. My initialization looked like this:
var chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext("2d"), {
type: 'line',
data: chartData,
options: {
responsive: true,
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
title: function(tooltipItems, data) {
return tooltipItems[0].xLabel;
label: function(tooltipItems, data) {
return tooltipItems.yLabel;
There appears to be a fix available that hasn't yet been merged into the project:

Interestingly, by the setting the tooltipCaretSize option to 0 solves the issue.
{ tooltipCaretSize: 0, ... }


ChartJS -- How do I change scale color when I have to scales?

I created a nice little chart with two scales using two datasets. I have read the documentation for ChartJS pretty thoroughly, but I can't seem to find out how to add specific colors to the chart scales (numbers). The left scale should be orange and the right one blue. Is this even possible, and if so, how do I do it? I don't think it's necessary for me to supply any source code for the chart itself, but let me know if it is.
Take a look at "Tick Configuration" under "Scales". You need to set the fontColor option for each axis. Like this:
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
fontColor: "#666"

stackLabels configuration in Highcharts

I am working with highcharts and having some problems with stackLabels configuration of highcharts. I was asked to display a bar chart with "score/full score" format, e.g. 6 out of 10 should be like
⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎ 6/10
And I faked it with stacked bar chart with 6 for the first part of the bar and 4 for the second part.
[Solved] However, I don't know how to display 6/10 in stackLabels (It seems that I can only use {total} in it, while I can use {point.y}/{point.fullscore} in dataLabels).
[Unsolved] And also, when I use the basic bar chart, dataLabels automatically adjust its position (In my case, dataLabels will show on the left of the right edge of the bar). However, how should I force the stackLabels to display?
This answer points out that there is no enough space for stackLabels to display, and the solution is to make max value bigger and leave some space for it. However, the solution is not that elegant to me, and also since my bar chart is horizontal and the label should be long.
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
To answer second question:
You can set yAxis.stackLabels.crop to false, so labels will be rendered always. Those labels won't show up inside the plotting area, but will be rendered somewhere outside. stackLabels are not dataLabels - dataLabels have option justify, which forces labels to be rendered inside the plotting area.
However, in Highcharts you can get access to those labels, and move them (that's why crop needs to be set to false - to render labels anyway), here is simple POC:
function updateStacks() {
var chart = this,
H = Highcharts,
padding = 15,
for (var stackName in chart.yAxis[0].stacks) {
for (var itemName in chart.yAxis[0].stacks[stackName]) {
item = chart.yAxis[0].stacks[stackName][itemName]; // get stack item
bbox = item.label.getBBox(true); // get label's bounding box
// if label is outside, translate it:
if (bbox.width + bbox.x > chart.plotWidth) {
// add some poding, for a better look&feel:
item.label.translate(-bbox.width - padding);
Now simply use that method in load and redraw events, here you are:
chart: {
type: 'bar',
events: {
redraw: updateStacks,
load: updateStacks
And live demo: - let me know if something is not clear.
PS: Your answer with formatter for stackLabels is good!
Use formatter to change default stack label. You can access axis label with this.axis.
stackLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
return (this.axis.series[1].yData[this.x] / * 100).toPrecision(2) + '%';
//Make your changes here to reflect your output. This is just a sample code
Now to always show stack labels you have two options which are described here.
Okay, I've found the solution for the first question: How to show the specific series values in stackLabels? from this answer.
In my case, the code should be:
yAxis: {
stackLabels: {
formatter: function() {
return [this.axis.series[1].yData[this.x], '/',].join('');
enabled: true,
If you have better solution, post it! And I still have no idea about how to find it in the docs, maybe I should dig more...

How to remove the white outline/border on Highcharts 3D on setData?

I am loading a column chart in 3D with Highcharts. On the inital load, the chart works perfectly. When I use setData() to change the series, the chart gains an odd white outline around its edges.
I tried a few fixes such as using edgeColor and edgeWidth, although they made no difference.
Note: If I hover over one of the columns, the outline is instantly removed on that particular item until setData() occurs again.
How can I remove this white outline from the chart?
edgeWidth should be working, however there is a bug. Reported here - thanks.
As workaround, set edgeColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0). Demo:
Bug is fixed already by commit (4c94d34) - will be included in next release (4.1.5). Available already in github version:
like this
chart: {
type: 'bar',
title: {
text: 'Pie without borders'
series: [{
borderWidth: 0,

Javascript Highcharts v3.0.5 - How to hide Y Axis Title when using multiple Y Axis

When using Highcharts (v.3.0.5), I have multiple Y Axis displayed in the same chart. Using the legend, a user can choose to hide or show any of the Y Axis as they want. All this is built in feature of the Highcharts javascript library. However, when a Y Axis is hidden, its Title still appears visible in the Chart. I would like to hide it when the rest of the Y Axis is hidden. Surprised this is not the default behaviour already. Does anyone know how to do that?
The behaviour can be seen by looking at the example provided on Highcharts examples page:
If you hide the "rainfall" axis for example, the title remains in the chart as "Rainfall".
I found this post (several years old) where the exact same question was asked. However, the solution proposed does not work. The show and hide events, redisplay everything.
This actually turns out to be a much sought after question/answer. Since Highcharts V2.2, it is possible to assign "showEmpty: false" to y axis definitions and this will ensure that when hidden, the Y-axis text label is also hidden. Example snippet of config below:
yAxis: [{
min: 0,
showEmpty: false,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value;
style: {
color: '#3366CC'
title: {
text: 'Clicks',
style: {
color: '#3366CC'
id: 'Clicks'
I have read reports where this showEnabled = false breaks if both min and max are also set. In the case above, where only min is set, it worked well for me using Highcharts V3.0.5
you can use yAxis.setTitle() and set/remove the title when needed.
here is the api documentation link
#arcseldon, it is true that showEnabled = false breaks if both min and max are also set. A possible workaround in this case is to set floor and max instead

Highcharts : Under Y Axis we need to display a Image

Please see the Highcharts related jsfiddle here
This is my Y axis
// Secondary yAxis
title: {
text: 'Rainfall',
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value +' mm';
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
opposite: true
Typically what i want is that , under the Y axis Secondary Axis label (that is below 250 mm here in this case ) , i need to display the Temparature series Symbol
Could anybody please help me ?
I'm not quite sure why you want a symbol for temperature on the rainfall side, but let me see if I can help.
Well, if you just want to display a picture in the same place on your chart, then use the highcharts renderer. Highcharts drawing API. In this case, just use the image(...) function.
I'm not finding simple ways of doing more dynamic bits. There are some enforcements of the css for the axis's that prevent anything but text to show up. You may be able to dig into the axis (in the formatter; this.axis) and find something useful. But you may have more luck running jQuery code to find the location of the text you want, then using offset(), find where in the page to slap your image onto. Either using a div or the highchart.Renderer.
Good luck!

