make content slide in and out when clicking link? - javascript

I am green in this area and I am trying to learn while I build a virtual resume for a website I can use to advertise my programming services (my strength lies more with C#, Java and similar languages :')
Something I think would look pretty cool, is if when you click on a link in my side-bar, the content on the page slides out and is replaced with the content on the new page that slides in, in the previous page' place.
I am a bit lost on how to achieve this though and if I have to do a per-page thing, or if I can make one general method in Javascript to take care of it. I am using jQuery and bootstrap.
var main;
main = function () {
$(".sidebar-nav a").click(function() {
<!-- Not sure what to do here -->
<!-- Pseudo Code -->
<!-- find out what element was pressed
slide out content on current page using animate();
slide in content from the element that was pressed using animate(); -->
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div id="sidebar-wrapper">
<ul class="sidebar-nav">
<li class="sidebar-brand">
<a href="#">
<a href="#">
About Me
<a href="#">
<a href="#">
<!-- Content -->
<div id="page-content-wrapper">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<p>Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.</p>
Toggle Menu
Let me know if you need the CSS.

You should use an AJAX technology to seamlessly load another page's HTML contents inline into the document.
The best choice (in my opinion) for this situation is the jQuery function load(), due to it's simplicity and pure convenience. You can also send a callback function, it's easy to implement.
You could then easily implement a CSS animation using the animation attribute.


Anchor link in Bootstrap 3.7 not Working

<ul style="font-family:'Ralway', Serif;" class="nav navbar-nav">
<li><a href="" >GLOBAL STRATEGY</a></li>
I want to click on "donate" or "contact" links that are from the page and go to the "donate" or "contact" section of this webpage: PLEASE ONLY CLICK THE CONTACT AND DONATE BUTTONS. I have verified they do not work. Clicking donate and contact it seemed to throw me in the middle of the site no matter where I but the anchor tags or the id attributes. The above code is revised.
The code on the page reads as follows:
<!-- Section Header -->
<div class="section-header container-fluid"><a name="donate"></a><!-- SEE ANCHOR HERE -->
<h3>GRAND TOTAL : $521,000</h3>
<div class="section-separator"><i class="fa fa-stop"></i></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">"Multiply" begins with you.</br>Own a piece of the ROC and join us in reaching our city, our region, and our world.</p>
</div><!-- Section Header /- -->
I already tried Expression Engine Stack over flow:
Any ideas as to why it not working?
I think all you have to do is match names and URL's for <a name="donate"></a> and <a name="contact"></a> respectively:
After much stress and tinkering, the anchors work, but I have to put them in ackward positions at the bottom of the viewport to "kinda" "sorta" go where I want them to go. It works, but it's cumbersome. Not sure what else to do here. guess we can close this.
FYI, the anchor tags I used just have the name in it, hence <a name="donate"> or <a name="contactus">
Add id attr to the div and test and it should work. I saw that anchor tag for donate has the href pointing to #donate but I think there's no div or section on the page with id donate.
<!-- donate id added to this div -->
<div class="section-header container-fluid" id="donate"><a name="donate"></a><!-- SEE ANCHOR HERE -->
<h3>GRAND TOTAL : $521,000</h3>
<div class="section-separator"><i class="fa fa-stop"></i></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">"Multiply" begins with you.</br>Own a piece of the ROC and join us in reaching our city, our region, and our world.</p>
</div><!-- Section Header /- -->

How do I make my mobile menu button reveal and hide the navigation bar as well as hide on click in negative space

I've been trying to make a responsive website, most of it is sorted but I'm having difficulty with making the menu button (that shows up on devices specified by the media query) show and hide the navigation bar.
After researching it seems the only method is via JS, is this correct?
Anyway, I'm pretty awful when it comes to JS but I put it as I believed it would work. Here is the snippet of code. So the idea is, when ".menu-icon" is clicked the menu will drop down (or in this case fade in) and revert to hidden upon a second click etc.
<div id="logo">
<a href="#">
<img class="logo" src="images/logo.png" alt="Logo" style="width:200px;height:100px" />
<a class="menu-icon" href="#menu"></a>
<div class="navbar">
<ul class="navbar cf">
<br />
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.menu-icon').click(function () {
As this is at the moment, it seems to fade the navigation in for approximately 0.3seconds and then disappears. Not giving the user much time to choose an option from the drop down! aha.
I know it will be something obvious I've missed. Any help regarding it would be grateful.
Removing the class navbar from navbar cf solves the toggle issue, but screws up the styling. So, give an id to your navbar and toggle on that.
<div class="navbar" id='navbarID'>
<ul class="navbar cf">
$('.menu-icon').click(function () {
Here is the fiddle
You have some errors in both HTML & JS.
First: You opened the inner <ul> element in a <li> element but closed it outside of the li element. The structure is wrong. It must closed inside the <li> element where it opened.
Second: The $(document).ready() function is not closed properly:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.menu-icon').click(function () {

how to set background-image of list items in Javascript?

I have a simple div with bunch of list items that I need to set their background with javascript? any help would be highly appreciate it, let say I have url1, url2, url3, url4?
<div class="banner">
<li style="background-image: url('img/sunset.jpg');">
<div class="inner">
<h1>The jQuery slider that just slides.</h1>
<p>No fancy effects or unnecessary markup, and it’s less than 3kb.</p>
<a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a> </div>
<li style="background-image: url('img/wood.jpg');">
<div class="inner">
<h1>Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal.</h1>
<p>Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.</p>
<a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a> </div>
<li style="background-image: url('img/subway.jpg');">
<div class="inner">
<p>Everything to do with Unslider is hosted on GitHub.</p>
<a class="btn" href="//">Contribute</a> </div>
<li style="background-image: url('img/shop.jpg');">
<div class="inner">
<h1>Uh, that’s about it.</h1>
<p>I just wanted to show you another slide.</p>
<a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a> </div>
My suggestion here would be to create separate CSS classes for each of the background image styles you want. Then you can use a library like jQuery to addClass to any HTML element. Here's the jQuery documentation: addClass
Ideally, you want to avoid convoluting your CSS with JavaScript code and as much as possible, keep these two separate from each other.

How to create a slideshow with navigation button using jquery

I have the following code block to acheive a slideshow to navigate different content(list) on click of the navigation buttons. Everything goes fine and works great. But indeed i need an additional feature like the slideshow should run on the load of the page and the buttons to choose the exact position of the slideshow as well. Still I need those button to navigate my slide show. Thanks in advance.
<div class="testimony">
<div class="container">
<ul class="test-con">
<li class="current">
<a class="image-frame" href="">
<img src=""></a>
<h5>“ My Test Content 1 ”</h5>
<h6>- Test 1</h6>
<a class="image-frame" href="">
<img src=""></a>
<h5>“My Test Content 2”</h5>
<h6>- Test 2</h6>
<a class="image-frame" href="">
<img src=""></a>
<h5>“ My Test Content 2 ”</h5>
<h6>- Test 3</h6>
<ul class="navigator">
<li class="current"></li>
$('.navigator li').click(function () {
var index = $(this).index();
$('.test-con li').hide();
$('.test-con li').eq(index).addClass('current').fadeIn('slow').siblings().removeClass('current');
NOTE: Need to animate width instead of fade animation.
jQueryUI provides a lot of facilities to make personalized the js code.
In any case, why don't you try to use a library of js sliders already existing?
What you want to create could increase proportionally with the appeal you want to reach :)
I knew, which makes the same work with the required attention.

Disable section of HTML code when Javascript Disabled

I'm currently making a website for a university project where I'm using a piece of Javascript ( ) in order to generate a background that is a gallery of several images.
I'm trying to set the site so that it will display a single image as the background in the event of Javascript being turned off, but the navigation elements of this slideshow are generated using HTML code outside of the script tags and inside the body tag.
Is there a way I can set this HTML code so that it will only be included when Javascript is active, leaving the screen clear of the navigation controls when it isn't?
At request the code I'm trying to isolate is the Div tags being called below.
<!--Thumbnail Navigation-->
<div id="prevthumb"></div>
<div id="nextthumb"></div>
<!--Arrow Navigation-->
<!-- <a id="prevslide" class="load-item"></a>
<a id="nextslide" class="load-item"></a>
<div id="thumb-tray" class="load-item">
<div id="thumb-back"></div>
<div id="thumb-forward"></div>
<!--Time Bar-->
<!--<div id="progress-back" class="load-item">
<div id="progress-bar"></div>
<!--Control Bar-->
<div id="controls-wrapper" class="load-item">
<div id="controls">
<a id="play-button"><img id="pauseplay" src="img/pause.png"/></a>
<!--Slide counter-->
<div id="slidecounter">
<span class="slidenumber"></span> / <span class="totalslides"></span>
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
<!--Thumb Tray button-->
<a id="tray-button"><img id="tray-arrow" src="img/button-tray-up.png"/></a>
<ul id="slide-list"></ul>
Like #jumpingcode mentioned, you would want to hide the controls in question with CSS, and show them with JavaScript.
Hide the div with CSS:
#controls-wrapper {
Then show it in your page with jQuery:
Or use .css() to have more control over what type of display property to use:
$('#controls-wrapper').css('display', 'block');

