Authenticate user before updating object? - javascript

The scenario is similar to Evernote: a user can own multiple notes that can be viewed publicly but cannot be edited by anyone other than himself.
(I have implemented creating notes, but now get confused on updating notes. Have read docs of data & security, but it didn't help me much; though I've known ACL.)
I tried this in backend:
Parse.beforeSave("Notes", function (request, response) {
But I got error saying null (or undefined? sorry for forgetting the exact error) is not a function. I think that meant there is no Parse.User or Parse.User.current available in Cloud Function.
Then according to a question in archive of forum I found:
Parse.beforeSave("Notes", function (request, response) {
var userId = new Parse.User({id : request.params.userId});
But it doesn't seem to be like a method of authentication. I mean, by this, I just trust data form client without authenticating it.

request.user will contain the user object that is making the request. Do whatever check you have to do on that object and return an error if the user is not allowed to edit it.
Even better, set proper ACL on each note object, for example "Public Read" and only write access for the creator. That should make the beforeSave hook unnecessary.


UserState showing null in onMembersAdded function

I have logic in my onMembersAdded function to load the user state and see if userData.accountNumber attribute exists. If it does not, a run an auth dialog to get the user's account number. If the attribute does exist, the welcome message should be displayed without a prompt.
When I test on local, this works fine. But when I test on Azure, I always end up in the !userData.accountNumber block. Through checking the console log, I can see that in the onMembersAdded function is showing {} for the userData object. But in auth dialog, even if I skip the prompt (which we allow the user to do), the accountNumber attribute is there in userState (if it had been entered previously).
The only thing I can figure is that somehow using BlobStorage for state, as I do on Azure, is somehow exhibiting different behavior than MemoryStorage which I am using for local testing. I thought it might be a timing issue, but I am awaiting the get user state call, and besides if I do enter an account number in the auth dialog, the console log immediately following the prompt shows the updated account number, no problem.
EDIT: From the comments below, it's apparent that the issue is the different way channels handle onMembersAdded. It seems in emulator both bot and user are added at the same time, but on webchat/directline, user isn't added until the first message is sent. So that is the issue I need a solution to.
Here is the code in the constructor defining the state variables and onMembersAdded function:
// Snippet from the constructor. UserState is passed in from index.js
// Create the property accessors
this.userDialogStateAccessor = userState.createProperty(USER_DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);
this.dialogState = conversationState.createProperty(DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);
// Create local objects
this.conversationState = conversationState;
this.userState = userState;
this.onMembersAdded(async (context, next) => {
const membersAdded = context.activity.membersAdded;
for (let member of membersAdded) {
if ( === {
// Get user state. If we don't have the account number, run an authentication dialog
// For initial release this is a simple prompt
const userData = await this.userDialogStateAccessor.get(context, {});
console.log('Members added flow');
if (!userData.accountNumber) {
console.log('In !userData.accountNumber block');
const dc = await this.dialogs.createContext(context);
await dc.beginDialog(AUTH_DIALOG);
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(context);
await this.userState.saveChanges(context);
} else {
console.log('In userData.accountNumber block');
var welcomeCard = CardHelper.GetHeroCard('',welcomeMessage,menuOptions);
await context.sendActivity(welcomeCard);
this.appInsightsClient.trackEvent({name:'conversationStart', properties:{accountNumber:userData.accountNumber}});
// By calling next() you ensure that the next BotHandler is run.
await next();
If you want your bot to receive a conversation update from Web Chat with the correct user ID before the user sends a message manually, you have two options:
Instead of connecting to Direct Line with a secret, connect with a token (recommended). Note that this will only work if you provide a user property in the body of your Generate Token request.
Have Web Chat send an initial activity to the bot automatically so the user doesn't have to. This would be in response to DIRECT_LINE/CONNECT_FULFILLED, and it could be an invisible event activity so to the user it still looks like the first activity in the conversation came from the bot.
If you go with option 1, your bot will receive one conversation update with both the bot and the user in membersAdded, and the from ID of the activity will be the user ID. This is ideal because it means you will be able to acess user state.
If you go with option 2, your bot will receive two conversation update activities. The first is the one you're receiving now, and the second is the one with the user ID that you need. The funny thing about that first conversation update is that the from ID is the conversation ID rather than the bot ID. I presume this was an attempt on Web Chat's part to get the bot to mistake it for the user being added, since Bot Framework bots typically recognize that conversation update by checking if the from ID is different from the member being added. Unfortunately this can result in two welcome messages being sent because it's harder to tell which conversation update to respond to.
Conversation updates have been historically unreliable in Web Chat, as evidenced by a series of GitHub issues. Since you may end up having to write channel-aware bot code anyway, you might consider having the bot respond to a backchannel event instead of a conversation update when it detects that the channel is Web Chat. This is similar to option 2 but you'd have your bot actually respond to that event rather than the conversation update that got sent because of the event.
Per Kyle's answer, I was able to resolve the issue. However, the documentation on initiating a chat session via tokens wasn't entirely clear, so I wanted to provide some guidance for others trying to solve this same issue.
First, you need to create an endpoint in your bot to generate the token. The reason I initiated the session from SECRET initially was because I didn't see a point to creating a token when the SECRET was exposed anyway to generate it. What wasn't made clear in the documentation was that you should create a separate endpoint so that the SECRET isn't in the browser code. You can/should further obfuscate the SECRET using environmental variables or key vault. Here is the code for the endpoint I set up (I'm passing in userId from browser, which you'll see in a minute).'/directline/token', async (req, res) => {
try {
var body = {User:{Id:req.body.userId}};
const response = await request({
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.DIRECTLINE_SECRET}`},
json: body,
rejectUnauthorized: false
const token = response.token;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
} catch(err) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.write('Call to retrieve token from Direct Line failed');
You could return JSON here, but I chose to return token only as text. Now to call the function, you'll need to hit this endpoint from the script wherever you are deploying the bot (this is assuming you are using botframework-webchat CDN). Here is the code I used for that.
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type':'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({userId:userID})
const token = await response.text();
Body of request must be stringified JSON. Fetch returns the response as a stream, so you need to convert it using .text() or .json() depending on how you are sending the response from your bot endpoint (I used .text()). You need to await both the fetch AND the response.text(). My whole script to deploy the webchat is within an async function. Just a note, if you need this to work in IE11 as I do, async/await won't work. I dealt with this by running the entire code through Babel once I was done and it seems to work fine.

How can I access express request object in Mongoose virtual get func

I tried to find this, but I could not find a solution which will answer my doubt.
I have a virtual mongoose property defined as :
postSchema.virtual('permissions').get() => {
What I am trying to achieve is fill this permissions property of string array type, with a list of permissions that user has on each post. This logic is derived through the owner user id, which is stored in the post mongo database and the user id present in the request object of express, which is coming from the requestor.
However, I realised that the request object is not available to virtual method:
postSchema.virtual('permissions').get((req) => {
// req is null.
Now, I do have a solution to fix this issue by making a find result to lean at service level.
app.get('/api/posts', (req, res) => {
PostModel.find({}, '-fbEmailAddress', { sort: { created_at: -1 } }).lean().exec(function (err, posts) {
posts.array.forEach(element => {
element.permissions = // write your permission logic here
However, if I do so, it will not stop calling . any virtual properties that I have also defined. I loose the opportunity to manipulate firstname, lastname to fullname et. al.
Do you guys have any recommendations to resolve this in a nicest possible way, so that I have an access to the current user id coming in the request object?
Please note that it is an API, so I don't want to introduce any kind of session object.
I think you should look at this module
It allows to set context variables in your request middleware and then use them in all functions called from it, e.g. mongoose model handlers.

Deleting data from MongoDB using MEAN stack

MEAN stack newbie here. I'm having difficulty understanding how delete works in MEAN. I'm using this SO Q&A and tutorial as guides, but whenever I test it out I get an error saying the data can't be deleted. Can somebody tell me what I've been doing wrong?
Here are my codes:
Controller JS
$scope.deleteProduct = function (value, idx) {
var this_id = value._id;
// delete
$http.delete('/api/products/delete:' + this_id)
.success(function (data) {
.error(function (data) {
console.log('Error: ' + data);
Node Server
app.delete('/api/products/delete:', productController.delete);
Server's "Controller"
module.exports.delete = function (req, res) {
_id: req.params._id
}, function (err, service) {
if (err) {
else {
res.json({message: "Delete successful."});
This is how I understood this. Is this correct?
Controller JS gets the id to be deleted and calls $http's delete request(?), using said ID and the /api/products/delete:.
Node Server sees that I called '/api/products/delete:' and passes the request to Server's Controller to complete the request.
Server's Controller deletes the data and returns status.
Where did I go wrong? Please help.
Also, I've been seeing some posts that say $resource works better than $http. Why?
Thank you.
I think you've got a couple things wrong here.
In Express in order to use params you need to have something in the route that can be replaced. i.e /api/:id express replaces the :id with whatever you pass in so if you send /api/1, is 1
So first problem is your route is
app.delete('/api/products/delete:', productController.delete);
tha dosen't mean anything to Express. I think you want
app.delete('/api/products/:id', productController.delete);
now should contain the parameter you send. Note im dropping the underscore here. you could use
app.delete('/api/products/:_id', productController.delete); and keep the underscore if you like.
Second mistake I think is your Angular code. you have the : in your call it should just be
$http.delete('/api/products/' + this_id)
Now you're sending the route with whatever Id you are trying to delete i.e
Now Express gets that and can map it to /api/products/:id and replace the id and now your controller should work. barring any other issues.
I'm not very familiar with Angular but I think the reason people are saying to use $resource is it is easier. You can directly call the different HTTP verbs directly on the objects themselves objects like
product.update and product.delete rather than trying to craft the http calls yourself. I'm sure there is a lot more to it than that but its a feature that's built into Angular that can be leveraged. I think one of the catches is the URLs for the resources just have to be set up a specific way on the server but I believe there was a way to override them in Angular.

Parse Server Node.js SDK: Alternative to Parse.User.become?

I want to completely dissociate my client app from Parse server, to ease the switch to other Baas/custom backend in the future. As such, all client request will point to a node.js server who will make the request to Parse on behalf of the user.
Client <--> Node.js Server <--> Parse Server
As such, I need the node.js server to be able to switch between users so I can keep the context of their authentification.
I know how to authentificate, then keep the sessionToken of the user, and I ve seen during my research than the "accepted" solution to this problem was to call Parse.User.disableUnsafeCurrentUser, then using Parse.User.become() to switch the current user to the one making a request.
But that feels hackish, and I m pretty sure it will, sooner or later, lead to a race condition where the current user is switched before the request is made to Parse.
Another solution I found was to not care about Parse.User, and use the masterKey to save everything by the server, but that would make the server responsible of the ACL.
Is there a way to make request from different user other than thoses two?
Any request to the backend (query.find(),, etc) takes an optional options parameter as the final argument. This lets you specify extra permissions levels, such as forcing the master key or using a specific session token.
If you have the session token, your server code can make a request on behalf of that user, preserving ACL permissions.
Let's assume you have a table of Item objects, where we rely on ACLs to ensure that a user can only retrieve his own Items. The following code would use an explicit session token and only return the Items the user can see:
// fetch items visible to the user associate with `token`
fetchItems(token) {
new Parse.Query('Item')
.find({ sessionToken: token })
.then((results) => {
// do something with the items
become() was really designed for the Parse Cloud Code environment, where each request lives in a sandbox, and you can rely on a global current user for each request. It doesn't really make sense in a Node.js app, and we'll probably deprecate it.
I recently wrote a NodeJS application and had the same problem. I found that the combination of Parse.User.disableUnsafeCurrentUser and Parse.User.become() was not only hackish, but also caused several other problems I wasn't able to anticipate.
So here's what I did: I used
Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); and then loaded the current user by session ID as if it was a regular user object. It looked something like this:
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
var Parse =, query;
res.locals.parse = Parse;
if (req.session.userid === undefined) {
res.locals.user = undefined;
return next();
query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("objectId", req.session.userid);
query.first().then(function(result) {
res.locals.user = result;
return next();
}, function(err) {
res.locals.user = undefined;
console.error("error recovering user " + req.session.userid);
return next();
This code can obviously be optimized, but you can see the general idea. Upside: It works! Downside: No more use of Parse.User.current(), and the need to take special care in the backend that no conditions occur where someone overwrites data without permission.

how to nest access tokens in javascript safely?

"access_token": anAccessToken
}, function (response) {
I am currently getting mutual friends via the context object. But in order for that to happen, I need to pass both the app_scoped_userid and my accesstoken from Oauth.
I feel uneasy putting these two strings in my client, since together anyone can use them to query any information the user has allowed my app permission to use.
Is there a better solution? (I have been contemplating moving the graph call onto the server, but that works against the light server-heavy client structure I am trying to achieve.)
Am I right to be worried?
I don't think that it's correct how you're using this functionality. According to you should be able to run the following request:
The Access Token (from the currently logged-in User) should be handled transparently by the JS SDK. I see no need to specify it for the request:
FB.api('/{friend_id}?fields=context{mutual_friends}', function(response) {
To the the {friend_id}, you'll need to query /me/friends first for the current User, and select a specific friend.

