I have a simple question. I'm trying to add a a count down timer to my first ever project. I'm planning on putting the timer on the top of the page, and I want it to display the current time left starting from 5:00 to 0:00. I know how to do it using setInterval which could do something like time-- every second, but I want it to also display the current milliseconds and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. Any help would be very much appreciated!
This is the code I've written so far, and right now it just has a 5 second timeout used in the assignWords() method.
(function () {
'use strict';
// Dictionary object used to manipulate anagrams
var dictionary = {};
// List of letters used to help create incorrect choices
dictionary.letters = [
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r',
's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
'y', 'z'];
// List of words that are used for anagram questions
dictionary.words = [
'adaxial', 'agreeably', 'antinoise', 'asthenia', 'astint', 'babushka', 'bailiffry', 'bathtub', 'bestab', 'bestiary', 'bibulous', 'bordage', 'bostonite', 'brogue', 'brushoff', 'budlet', 'cathepsin', 'centesimi', 'chaste', 'chicayote', 'coastal', 'coppice', 'couple', 'cuapinole', 'cytoplasm', 'daubingly', 'dearth', 'deasil', 'drightin', 'drudge', 'ejecta', 'feelable', 'fistnote', 'flareback', 'folial', 'fortunate', 'garrulous', 'gemmology', 'glaringly', 'gleet', 'globule', 'gluepot', 'googol', 'googul', 'humuslike', 'ichnology', 'illiberal', 'issite', 'karyotin', 'kella', 'ketol', 'knowingly', 'lysogenic', 'macaque', 'meddle', 'menseful', 'mocha', 'mournival', 'musher', 'natty', 'nonactive', 'nonserous', 'outcut', 'outspeak', 'overheavy', 'partially', 'pernor', 'picnic', 'prickwood', 'pyorrheal', 'redly', 'refine', 'regaler', 'rollick', 'sandling', 'sarcastic', 'scypha', 'severely', 'sinkage', 'sissyish', 'sogging', 'staling', 'steellike', 'stonelike', 'stoneware', 'tadpolism', 'tarditude', 'tazia', 'thymiosis', 'tightener', 'tritical', 'trundler', 'undenuded', 'underbank', 'unpaining', 'untraded', 'wayfare', 'woodworm', 'woofer', 'zemeism'];
// Stores the count of the remaining words
dictionary.wordCount = dictionary.words.length;
* Returns a random letter from dictionary.letters
dictionary.randLetter = function () {
return this.letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 % 26)];
* Replaces one letter of a word with a randomly selected letter
dictionary.replaceLetter = function (word) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 % word.length);
var newWord = word.slice(0, index) + word.slice(index + 1);
return newWord += this.randLetter();
* Returns a random word from dictionary.words
dictionary.randWord = function () {
return this.words[Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 % this.wordCount)];
* Randomly shuffles the letters around in a word
dictionary.shuffle = function (word) {
var fragments = word.split('');
for (var i = fragments.length; i > 0;) {
var random = parseInt(Math.random() * i);
var temp = fragments[--i];
fragments[i] = fragments[random];
fragments[random] = temp;
return fragments.join('');
* Returns the correct answer for the current word
dictionary.getCorrectChoice = function (word) {
return this.shuffle(word);
* Returns an incorrect answer for the current word
dictionary.getIncorrectChoice = function (word) {
word = this.replaceLetter(word);
return this.shuffle(word);
* Randomly assigns the current word and correct and incorrect choices to the four buttons
function assignWords() {
// Clear the timeout for the previous question
// Allow 5 seconds for the user to get the right answer
dictionary.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
alert('you lose!');
}, 5000);
var currWord = document.getElementById('currentWord');
var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
// Randomly choose a word to use as the anagram test
currWord.innerHTML = dictionary.randWord();
// Randomly choose a button to hold the correct choice
dictionary.correctButton = buttons[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
dictionary.correctButton.innerHTML = dictionary.getCorrectChoice(currWord.innerHTML);
// Give the rest of the buttons incorrect choices
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (buttons[i] === dictionary.correctButton) {
} else {
buttons[i].innerHTML = dictionary.getIncorrectChoice(currWord.innerHTML);
// View object used to change information displayed on the page
var view = {};
// Stores the player's current score
view.score = 0;
// The timer that has the remaining time to answer the question
view.timer = 0;
view.resetData = function() {
view.displayData = function() {
var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (event.target === dictionary.correctButton) {
Use setInterval with a small interval such as 50ms to update your timer display.
To get the time left, instead of decrementing a counter by 1 every second, just note the start time and subtract it from the current time. This will give you the total elapsed milliseconds since the timer started which you can then format for display.
Have found similar code on the W3C website and thought it might be what you are looking for:
var d = new Date();
var x = document.getElementById("demo");
var h = d.getHours();
var m = d.getMinutes();
var s = d.getSeconds();
var ms = d.getMilliseconds();
x.innerHTML = h + ":" + m + ":" + s + ":" + ms;
I am learning javascript and Ive stumbled upon issue that I do not understand. Could somebody explain to me why in method compareDNA I need to use parentheses while using this.dna and in the previous method it works just fine?
// Returns a random DNA base
const returnRandBase = () => {
const dnaBases = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G'];
return dnaBases[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
// Returns a random single stand of DNA containing 15 bases
const mockUpStrand = () => {
const newStrand = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
return newStrand;
function pAequorFactory(specimenNum, dna){
return {
let i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15)
let newGene = returnRandBase()
while (this.dna[i] === newGene){
newGene = returnRandBase()
this.dna[i] = newGene
return this.dna
let counter = 0
for(let i = 0; i < this.dna().length; i++){
if(this.dna()[i] === object.dna()[i]){
let percentage = counter / this.dna().length * 100
return `Specimen number ${this.specimenNum} and specimen number ${object.specimenNum} have ${percentage}% of DNA in common.`
let aligator = pAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand)
let dog = pAequorFactory(2, mockUpStrand)
The problem is that the dna that is passed as an argument is a function, so it becomes a method of the returned object, and needs to be called with .dna(). However, this looks like a mistake - actually an array should have been passed:
let aligator = pAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand())
// ^^
let dog = pAequorFactory(2, mockUpStrand())
// ^^
Then you can access .dna[i] or .dna.length as normal.
If you don't do that, dog.dna() returns a different DNA every time, which doesn't make sense.
using this.dna and in the previous method it works just fine?
Actually, it doesn't. dog.mutate() does return a function with a single integer property. It's supposed to return an array really.
This is inspired by a Codecadamey project, where I'm learning JavaScript.
The problem is meant to simulate a simple DNA strand. It has 15 positions in the array, and those elements are either an A, T, C, or G to represent DNA bases.
There are no limits to the amount of times a single letter (base) can show up in the array.
I create 30 arrays that are made up of at least 60% C and/or G in any of the positions, these are meant to represent strong DNA strands.
I compare the strands to each other to see what % match they are. I consider a 'match' being true when there is the same base at the same position thisDNA[i] === comparisonDNA[i]
When I test a batch of 30 of these 'strong' samples to see the best and worst match levels, I find the results very tightly grouped (I ran it 3,000 times and the highest was 87%, lowest 53%), yet it is very easy for me to concieve of two samples that will survive that are a 0% match:
const sample1 = AGACCGCGCGTGGAG
const sample2 = TCTGGCGCGCACCTC
(obviously I've cheated by building these to be a 0% match and not randomly generating them)
Here's the full code: https://gist.github.com/AidaP1/0770307979e00d4e8d3c83decc0f7771
My question is as follows: Why is the grouping of matches so tight? Why do I not see anything below a 53% match after running the test thousands of times?
Full code:
// Returns a random DNA base
const returnRandBase = () => {
const dnaBases = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']
return dnaBases[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]
// Returns a random single stand of DNA containing 15 bases
const mockUpStrand = () => {
const newStrand = []
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
return newStrand
const pAequorFactory = (num, arr) => { //factory function for new strand specimen
return {
specimenNum: num,
dna: arr,
mutate() {
//console.log(`old dna: ${this.dna}`) //checking log
let randomBaseIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.dna.length) /// chooses a location to exchange the base
let newBase = returnRandBase()
while (newBase === this.dna[randomBaseIndex]) { // Rolls a new base until newBase !== current base at that position
newBase = returnRandBase()
this.dna[randomBaseIndex] = newBase;
//console.log(`New dna: ${this.dna}`) //checking log
return this.dna;
compareDNA(pAequor) { // compare two strands and output to the console
let thisDNA = this.dna;
let compDNA = pAequor.dna;
let matchCount = 0
for (i = 0; i < this.dna.length; i++) { //cycles through each array and log position + base matches on matchCount
if (thisDNA[i] === compDNA[i]) {
matchCount += 1;
let percMatch = Math.round(matchCount / this.dna.length * 100) //multiply by 100 to make 0.25 display as 25 in console log
console.log(`specimen #${this.specimenNum} and specimen #${pAequor.specimenNum} are a ${percMatch}% DNA match.`)
return percMatch;
compareDNAbulk(pAequor) { //as above, but does not log to console. Used for large arrays in findMostRelated()
let thisDNA = this.dna;
let compDNA = pAequor.dna;
let matchCount = 0
for (i = 0; i < this.dna.length; i++) {
if (thisDNA[i] === compDNA[i]) {
matchCount += 1;
let percMatch = Math.round(matchCount / this.dna.length * 100) //multiply by 100 to make 0.25 display as 25 in console log
return percMatch;
willLikelySurvive() { // looks for >= 60% of bases as either G or C
let countCG = 0;
this.dna.forEach(base => {
if (base === 'C' || base === 'G') {
countCG += 1;
//console.log(countCG) // testing
//console.log(this.dna) // testing
return countCG / this.dna.length >= 0.6
complementStrand() {
return this.dna.map(base => {
switch (base) {
case 'A':
return 'T';
case 'T':
return 'A';
case 'C':
return 'G';
case 'G':
return 'C';
} //close method
} // close object
} // close factory function
function generatepAequorArray(num) { // Generatess 'num' pAequor that .willLikelySurvive() = true
let pAequorArray = []; //result array
for (i = 0; pAequorArray.length < num; i++) {
let newpAequor = pAequorFactory(i, mockUpStrand()); // runs factory until there are 30 items in the result array
if (newpAequor.willLikelySurvive() === true) {
return pAequorArray;
function findMostRelated(array) { // champion/challenger function to find the most related specimens
let winningScore = 0;
let winner1;
let winner2;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (let j = i; j < array.length; j++) // j = i to halve the number of loops. i = 0, j = 5 is the same as i = 5, j = 0
if (i !== j) { // Do not check specimen against itself
let currentScore = array[i].compareDNAbulk(array[j]);
if (currentScore > winningScore) { // Challenger becomes the champion if they are a closer match
winningScore = currentScore;
winner1 = array[i].specimenNum;
winner2 = array[j].specimenNum;
let resultArray = [winner1, winner2, winningScore] // stored together for easy return
//console.log(`The most related specimens are specimen #${winner1} and specimen #${winner2}, with a ${winningScore}% match.`)
return resultArray
function multiArray(loops) { //test by running finding the closest match in 30 random 'will survive' samples, repaeated 1000 times. Returns the highest and lowest match across the 1000 runs
let highScore = 0;
let lowScore = 100
for (let i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
let pAequorArray = generatepAequorArray(30);
let currentArray = findMostRelated(pAequorArray);
highScore = Math.max(highScore, currentArray[2])
lowScore = Math.min(lowScore, currentArray[2])
return results = {
'high score': highScore,
'low score': lowScore
I'm trying to create a 'beats per minute' (BPM) calculator, identical (for now) to the one you can find here. But for some reason, when I use the BPM calculator at that link on a test song, it gets within 1 BPM of the actual value of 85.94 within of 7 keypresses and just gets more accurate from there, ending within 0.05 of the actual BPM, whereas with my (essentially identically-coded) Vue.js version, it starts much higher (182-->126-->110) and goes down from there, but even after 60 keypresses it's still off by ~2 BPM, and after a full song, it was still off by about 0.37 BPM.
Here's the code for the plain-JavaScript version at that link:
var count = 0;
var msecsFirst = 0;
var msecsPrevious = 0;
function ResetCount()
count = 0;
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_AVG.value = "";
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_TAP.value = "";
function TapForBPM(e)
timeSeconds = new Date;
msecs = timeSeconds.getTime();
if ((msecs - msecsPrevious) > 1000 * document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_WAIT.value)
count = 0;
if (count == 0)
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_AVG.value = "First Beat";
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_TAP.value = "First Beat";
msecsFirst = msecs;
count = 1;
bpmAvg = 60000 * count / (msecs - msecsFirst);
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_AVG.value = Math.round(bpmAvg * 100) / 100;
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_WHOLE.value = Math.round(bpmAvg);
document.TAP_DISPLAY.T_TAP.value = count;
msecsPrevious = msecs;
return true;
document.onkeypress = TapForBPM;
// End -->
And here's my version:
computed: {
tappedOutBpm: function() {
let totalElapsedSeconds = (this.timeOfLastBpmKeypress - this.timeOfFirstBpmKeypress) / 1000.0
let bpm = (this.numberOfTapsForBpm / totalElapsedSeconds) * 60.0
return Math.round(100*bpm)/100;
methods: {
tapForBPM: function() {
let now = new Date;
now = now.getTime();
// let now = window.performance.now()
if (this.timeOfFirstBpmKeypress === 0 || now - this.timeOfLastBpmKeypress > 5000) {
this.timeOfFirstBpmKeypress = now
this.timeOfLastBpmKeypress = now
this.numberOfTapsForBpm = 1
} else {
this.timeOfLastBpmKeypress = now
I figured it out by stepping through both of our code.
The problem was that I was setting the number of taps to 1 as soon as the user tapped the key the first time, when in reality it's not taps that I want to count, but beats, and the first beat requires not one tap, but two: the start and the end of that beat. So what I should do is rename the variable to numberOfTappedOutBeats and set it to 0 after the first tap rather than 1.
It's kind of math problem. I want to fire specific number of setTimeout (the number is based on an array length) in a specific period of time (say, 5 seconds).
The first setTimeout should start at 0 sec. and the last at 5 sec.. All timeouts between should start with an ease-in effect, so that each timeout starts faster.
There's an example which ilustrates what I want to achieve exactly.
I'm struggling around this line:
next += timePeriod/3.52/(i+1);
which works almost perfect in demo example (for any timePeriod), but obviously it doesn't work for a different letters.length as I have used static number 3.52.
How do I calculate next?
var letters = [
var div = $('#container');
var timePeriod = 5000; // 5 seconds;
var perLetter = timePeriod/(letters.length-1); // it gives equal time between letters
var next = 0;
for(var i=0; i<letters.length; i++){
//div.append('<span class="letter">' + letter + '</span>');
// Used "|" instead of letter, For better redability:
div.append('<span class="letter">|</span>');
}, next, letters[i]);
// Can't find the logic here:
next += timePeriod/3.52/(i+1);
///////////////// FOR DEMO: ///////////////
var sec = timePeriod/1000;
var secondsInterval = setInterval(seconds, 1000);
var demoInterval = setInterval(function(){
sec >= 0 || clearInterval(demoInterval);
}, 30);
function seconds(){
sec || clearInterval(secondsInterval);
$('#sec').text(sec-- || 'DONE');
color : red;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span id=container></span>
<span id=sec class=letter></span>
var steps = letters.length;
var target = timePeriod;
function easeOutQuad(t, b, c, d) {
t /= d;
return -c * t*(t-2) + b;
var arrayOfTimeouts = new Array(steps);
var n;
var prev = 0;
for(var i = 1; i <= steps; i++){
n = easeOutQuad(i, 0.0, target, steps);
arrayOfTimeouts[i-1] = n-prev;
prev = n;
This one should work with any input value.
Note that the graph appears to be slightly too fast but I believe that discrepancy to be a product of timing imperfections, as the sum of my array equals the timePeriod exactly.
more on easing equations
Here's a solution based on a geometric series. It's a bit goofy but it works. It generates an array with your timeout values.
Steps = size of your array.
Target = the total time.
var steps = 50;
var target = 5000;
var fraction = 1.5 + steps / 7;
var ratio = (fraction-1) / fraction;
var n = target / fraction;
var sum = 0;
var arrayOfTimeouts = new Array(steps);
for(var i = 0; i < steps; i++){
sum += n;
arrayOfTimeouts[i] = n;
n *= ratio;
console.log(arrayOfTimeouts, sum);
The behaviour I want is this: The background color changes to say, gold, and remains that color for say X length of time. Then, background color changes to say, red, and remains that color for say Y length of time. The background color then changes back to gold and remains that color for X length of time. Then the background color changes back to red and stays that way for Y length of time. This whole kit and caboodle executes in a loop-style fashion for Z number of times and then ends.
I've tried putting setInterval'd functions into a for loop (in order to count the number of times we make the change) but have found that all of the functions that have been set to setInterval themselves all start running the interval timers at the same time (not in sequence).
I hope this is clear. Here is a JSFiddle of my efforts: http://jsfiddle.net/6WE6s/3/ I've managed to get the background color to change in a even pattern, but I want the pattern described above and I'm confused as to what to do next.
Thanks in advance for the help! :)
var colors = [
['gold', 2000], // X = 2000 miliseconds
['red', 1000] // Y = 1000
repeat = 3, // Z = 3,
index = 0, // current position in colors array
changeColor = function( ) {
// if index == colors.length then mod = 0
var mod = index % colors.length;
if(!index || mod || --repeat ) {
index = mod;
var data = colors[ index++ ]; // data = [ currentColor, currentColorTimeout ]
document.body.style.background = data[0];
setTimeout( changeColor, data[1] ); // and so on
//if index >0 && index == last
//then decrement `repeat` and check if is == 0
//nothing to do :)
changeColor(); // run
This is a simple example. You can make function with arguments(colors,repeats) and its body as above.
setInterval isn't suitable for this purpose because in setInterval you pass timeout once
If repeat initially is 0 will be an infinite number of repetitions
Don't use setInterval(). With setTimeout() you can do something like this:
function changeColors(colors, repeats) {
var i = 0;
if (typeof repeats === "undefined")
repeats = 1;
function doNext() {
if (i >= colors.length){
if (--repeats > 0)
i = 0;
$('body').css('background-color', colors[i].color);
setTimeout(doNext, colors[i++].delay);
changeColors([{color : "gold", delay : 2000},
{color : "red", delay : 4000}],
You can add as many colours as you like, each with their own delay, by adding more elements to the array you pass to changeColors(). The function will go through the colours in turn, and do the whole sequence the number of times specified in the repeats parameter.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/nnnnnn/6WE6s/10/
Here's my effort - no jQuery required:
function colorCycle(el, count, cols) {
var i = 0,
n = cols.length;
// allow this to work on any element given its ID
el = (typeof el === "string") ? document.getElementById(el) : el;
if (n === 0) {
return; // no colours?
} else if (n === 1) {
count = 1; // don't trigger any timers if there's only one colour
// all of the hard work is done here
(function repeat() {
var interval = cols[i][1];
el.style.backgroundColor = cols[i][0];
// only do the whole cycle "count" times - 0 = forever
if (++i === n) {
if (count && !--count) {
i = 0;
setTimeout(repeat, interval); // call myself
})(); // IIFE starts the cycle straight away
colorCycle(document.body, 5, [
['red', 1000],
['gold', 500]]);
See http://jsfiddle.net/alnitak/42PeT/
Abstain from using setInterval. Reference here.
EDIT: I've missed the different delay in calls.
var colors = ["#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF"];
var times = [1000, 2000, 3000];
var backgroundColor = "";
var counter = 0;
var changeBackground = function () {
// if we ran out of colors — do nothing: this simply goes out
// of the function, without continually calling setTimeout.
if (counter >= colors.length)
// you fetch your new color here and increase the counter
// The counter keeps count of how many animations you've done.
backgroundColor = colors[counter];
// increase the counter to point to the next index of colors
// array you'll use in a subsequent call
// do your magic voodoo change background animation here.
// I'm just doing a console.log() to be sure this works.
// Your question was framework agnostic, the answer should be too.
// setInterval to repeat
window.setTimeout(changeBackground, times[counter]);
window.setTimeout(changeBackground, times[counter]);
try this
var colors = [];
colors.push({color:"gold", time:4000}); //4000 X length of time
colors.push({color:"red", time:2000}); //2000 Y length of time
var numberofTimes = 50; //50 Z number of times
var $body;
var times = 0; // counter for tracking
var currentColor = {}; //currentColor info can be used to get the current
$body = $('body');
function changeBG()
currentColor = colors[times % colors.length];
setTimeout(changeBG, currentColor.time);
check this quick DEMO
A basic example iterating an array of color and time arrays with setTimeout.
(function() {
var i = 0,
colorsTimes = [['gold', 'red', 'gold', 'red', 'gold'],
[2000, 4000, 2000, 4000, 2000]];
function switchColors() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('body').css('background-color', colorsTimes[0][i]);
if (++i < colorsTimes[0].length) switchColors();
}, colorsTimes[1][i]);
Using setTimeout:
var doCount = (function() {
var count = 0;
var interval;
var limit = 5; // default
return function(num) {
limit = num || limit;
if (count < limit) {
console.log('running number ' + count);
interval = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
} else {
interval && clearTimeout(interval);
Using setInterval:
var doCount = (function() {
var count = 0;
var interval;
var limit = 5; // default
return function(num) {
limit = num || limit;
if (interval) {
if (++count >= limit) {
interval && clearInterval(interval);
console.log('running number ' + count);
} else {
interval = setInterval(arguments.callee, 1000);
The advantage of setTimeout is that you can adjust the time between runs to make it more regular, setInterval just tries to run as regularly as it can.