If/else loop to check image height Wordpress - javascript

I used this code to hide the bottom 37 pixels on the clients request, it hides the bottom of all blogpost images (it's a copyright mark), but now she wants to add larger images as well, which does't have the copyright mark at the bottom, so it must display in full, the size of the larger images is 1843px, and the small images are 351px in height.
Bascially I have to check "if container image greater than 351px", hide the bottom border, else, display image in full height.
However, If I add the code below in a normal loop, it doesn't work.
$('.image_Container').each(function() {
*var $this = $(this),
w = $this.find('img').width(), // Width of the image inside .box
h = $this.find('img').height() - 37; // Height of the image inside container
$this.width(w).height(h); // Applies the changes to the images
Any idea on how to make it work in a loop?


Calculating exact window height using jQuery

So I am redesigning my website: http://staging.slackrmedia.com/keenanpayne/, but I am coming across a small issue. I want each "pane" of the website to be the exact height of the window, no matter what the size. I also want the content therein to be exactly positioned in the center.
I am trying to accomplish this with jQuery at the moment:
function setSectionHeight() {
// Set section heights
windowHeightPadding = $(window).height() / 2;
firstSectionPadding = ($(window).height() - $('header').height()) / 2;
// Apply proper styling
$('section.home').css({"padding-top": firstSectionPadding,"padding-bottom":windowHeightPadding});
// Adjust section heights on window resize
$(window).on('resize', function(){
So what this is doing is calculating the window height and dividing it by 2, so I can set the top and bottom padding on each section.
However, for the first section, to get the proper top and bottom padding, I need to subtract the height of the header, which is why I have a firstSectionPadding variable.
Then I just add the CSS to each section tag on my website, with separate styling for the home section tag.
This works pretty well, but as you can see when you visit my site, for some reason the heights are not correct.
Right now it looks like:
And it should look like:
I have absolutely no idea where this extra padding or space is coming from on the top. I think my equations are right, but perhaps there isn't something I'm taking into consideration?
This could be done with CSS. One div set to 100% height and width, with text-align:center; A second div within set to display:table and 100% height and width. Finally, a third div set to display:table-cell and vertical-align:center;

Document height determined incorrectly - can't see all the content

I am building a wordpress template, and I use a little Javascript to make the 'content' element fill the page from top to bottom. The goal is to cover the background image, so the 'content' doesn't look cut above the edge on larger screens. The code is:
$(document).ready(function() {
var h = Math.max($(window).height()+50, $("#content").height());
$(window).resize(function() {
var h = Math.max($(window).height()+50, $("#content").height());
My layout is: fixed sidebar on the left, then content with auto-width and two floated columns inside. It generally works, however on pages where I have a nivo-slider in one of the columns, the document height is determined incorrectly. When the screen size is small, the other column lands underneath (#media statement) and I can't scroll the screen to see that column.
See example page here: http://figtreephotodesign.com/kidsandfamilies/about/ - and set your browser window below 860px-wide to see the problem.
On another page: http://figtreephotodesign.com/kidsandfamilies/contact/ - it works (there is no nivo-slider).
Is it the nivo-slider's css messing up?

Percent Position CSS/ Javascript

If Have a div say
<div style="position:absolute;top:0%;left:94%;width:40px;height:40px;"/>
when viewed on different screen resolution the 94% starts to slide to the right, is that normal behavior.
The div is relative to the document, so when the window resize's , I want it to move along with the window.
I hope I am making sense. As I have it right now, it stays close to where I placed it, but as the screen gets larger or the doc is viewed on a higher resolution, it starts to shift.
Question: How can I position a div absolutely with percents and keep it in the correct position when the screen size/ resolution changes.
Here is what I am trying to do. I am writing an application in which a user can pick some items from a tool box, drag and drop onto a window sort of like Visual Studio, except the result is not a form its an HTML page. I got all this working and it works just fine. My problem started when I started testing on different screens and resolutions the end result is always different from the screen the user used to create the html page. Every thing in the page is absolutely positioned except the main content area which is relative, it contains all the absolutely positioned Items.
What I had tried was the percent left and top values for the items on the screen, and that was what lead to my original question, at the suggestion of calculating my own values I tried this
var currH = $(window).height();
var currW = $(window).width();
var rW = currW / OrgWidth; //Orignal Width of the window when the item was placed
var rH = currH / OrgHeight; //Orginal height of the window when the item was placed
var x =$("#Button_Tools").offset().left * rW;
var y =$("#Button_Tools").offset().top * rH;
$("#Button_Tools").css("left", x.toString() + "px");
$("#Button_Tools").css("top", y.toString() + "px");
I calculate this when the window first loads to and it moves the button to the exact same location the percent value moved it to.
What am I doing wrong? Any Takers.
You can't position a div absolutely with percents and expect it to behave the same in every screen. Since you are using percentage, the value will be proportional to the size of the screen. 94% of 1000 is different than 94% of 1500.
You can set the right attribute instead of the left, something like:
<div style="position:absolute;top:0%;right:20px;width:40px;height:40px;"/>
You could also compute this value in the page load event based on the current width of the page, this way you guarantee that the position will be the same even when the window is resized.

100% height div but if content bigger adjust accordingly

My website is to be a one page website, with 5 DIV's acting as panels (with a classname as .panel) that fit to stretch the full height and width of the browser window. My below code does this already and works a treat however, I have content that can be larger than the height of .panel/browser window. At the moment this content gets hidden. I.e. The .panel DIV is literally the height of the window and nothing else. I need it to expand if the content within it is larger than the height of the browser window.
How do I edit this code below to do add this functionality? Maybe add a classname to this adjusted DIV so that I can style it accordingly?
// In my plugins.js file
function fitElements(){
var height=$(window).height();
var width=$(window).width();
// At the bottom of my HTML file (to call the function)
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// My current code also adjusts on browser resize - so would need this answer to do the same
Change the section
if (height > $('.panel').height) {
for the re-size function add
in to the beginning of the function

Problem adjusting scrollbar after images have been loaded on page

Problem description: I got a page with a table containing text and thumbnails. Usually the table contains more entries than would fit on the screen leading to a scrollbar on the right side. No Problem so far. When loading the page or choosing the next page of the table (pagination) the table gets rendered - the scrollbar is at the bottom of the page where i would like it to be after complete load. Then the thumbnails are getting shown. Due to the fact that they are a bit bigger in size than the text in the table the table gets bigger in heigth leading to the scrollbar being set somewhere in the middle of the page.
Page and table after the images have been loaded, as you can see the scrollbar is somewhere in the middle (vertical) of the page:
I do not want to fiddle around with the thumbnail size. Customers are used to the actual design and image/icon sizes.
Usign the pagination function the table is the only element that gets replaced ont he page. "onload" on tables does not work unfortunatly.
What can i do to have the scrollbar appear after the images have been loaded (leading to the correct placement of the scrollbar)?
Is there a way to set the scrollbar to the bottom of the page after the table has been fully loaded?
There are jQuery plugins to wait for all images to be loaded, but I couldn't get them working on the quick, maybe you can: here and here.
However, you also could use the following hack: watch for the table height and if it changes, scroll to the bottom:
var lastHeight;
function watchTable(){
var currentHeight = $('#myTable').height();
if(currentHeight !== lastHeight){
lastHeight = currentHeight;
setInterval(watchTable, 100);
see my demo fiddle for a working example.
The best practice is to set the widths of thumbnails in HTML or CSS, if all the thumbnails are of the same size, you can just add the style like
.thumbnail {
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
Or, if they size can vary, you must add width and height attributes to the ` tag.
Another solution is to:
Look at the document's scrolltop on DOMload, and look if it's at the bottom, then on onload event (which would be fired when all the images loaded) check again and if scroll to the desired position if needed.
But I recommend always set the dimensions for images, so the page wouldn't jump when they are loaded.
Edit: If you're loading images dynamically, you can do two things:
Preload images and then insert them with the right dimensions.
Use onload for images, however, you still would need to use the document.createElement('img'), so you could be sure that all the images are loaded.
Anyway, in these cases you should use something like that for each image:
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.onload = function () {
// Image is loaded
image.src = 'test.jpg';
Note, that you must set .src after attaching the event, or there could be some problems in Opera.

