JQuery .hide() won't hide button suddenly - javascript

I have this a button which a user can click on which adds a comment box at the bottom of the page. My button html looks like this:
<input type="button" name="inspection_2895_14045_comment" tabindex="-1" value="+" class="commentBtn" onclick="generateComment('Test', 14045,1, this )">
So as you can see it calls a method called generateComment which looks like this:
function generateComment(name, id, isInspection, button){
//get the current button and hide it
var btn = $("a[name='" + button.name + "'");
btn.hide();//doesn't work
var generatedName = '';
generatedName = "comment_" + id;
generatedName = "section_" + id;
var comment = $('#comments');
var genHtml = '<div class="bigDataDiv">' +
' <label class="commentBoxLabels">' + name + '</label>' +
' x' +
' <textarea rows="4" class="commentBox" name=' + generatedName + ' maxlength="200"></textarea>'
scrollTop: $(".bigDataDiv").offset().top},
All this method does it hide the button, generate the comment div then scroll to the newly created div. This code worked no problem and used to hide the button but now for some reason it doesn't work and the button still shows up

As neokio pointed out, you forgot the closing ], but you are also selecting an anchor tag, when what you want is an input tag.
var btn = $("input[name='" + button.name + "']");

Since button in your generateComment function is a reference to the button you could just use this to set your btn variable:
var btn = $(button);
Then you don't have to worry about putting strings together to make your selector, or what kind of element the button is. Your hide should work no matter what that way.

You forgot the closing ] ...
var btn = $("a[name='" + button.name + "']");
You're also missing a + before the final '</div>';


Why button not created properly in JS function?

I create button dynamically in my JS function and the put created button to the DOM.
Here is the code:
var button = '<button id="btnStrView" type="button" onclick=' + parent.ExecuteCommand(item.cmdIndex) + ' class="button_air-medium">'+
+'<img id="streetView" class="miniToolbarContant" src="../stdicons/streetview-icon.png">'
$( "#tdStrView" ).append(button);
When I display the creted dynamically button in consle I see this:
"<button id="btnStrView" type="button" onclick=undefined class="button_air-medium">NaN</button>"
it seems that but not created properly the onclick is undefined and img tag is missing.
any idea what I do wrong? Why image button not created properly?
I tryed to add double quotes to the onclick event:
onclick="' + parent.ExecuteCommand(item.cmdIndex) + '"
and the created button is:
"<button id="btnStrView" type="button" onclick="undefined" class="button_air-medium">NaN</button>"
the onclick is still undefined.
You need to add double quotes.onclick will look like this onclick ="yourFunction()"
onclick="' + parent.ExecuteCommand(item.cmdIndex) + '"
// add double quotes in onClick and if you are getting NaN in place of image,
// it means that it is trying to add numbers. I'm not sure yet why this is happening, but
// to fix that, add extra string in second line. like this. and then console button.
var button = '<button id="btnStrView" type="button" onClick="alert(7)" class="button_air-medium">'+
+'' +'<img id="streetView" class="miniToolbarContant" src="../stdicons/streetview-icon.png">'
While this code is a lot more verbose, it is more readable and less error prone.
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.id = 'btnStrView';
button.type = 'button';
button.className = 'button_air-medium';
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.id = 'streetView';
img.className = 'miniToolbarContant';
img.src = '../stdicons/streetview-icon.png';
$( "#tdStrView" ).append(button);

jquery each loop write data for each div

I hope this makes sense. I have an onclick and I am trying to write this data for each div with this.
jQuery('.circle_counter_div').each(function() {
var tagtext = '[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]';
I am cloning items but I can only write the data for one of them. How do I write data for each cloned item?
So with the above example I want tagtext to equal
[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]
[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]
[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]
Full Code
<div class="sc_options circle_counter_div" id="clone_this" style="display: block;">
<input type="text" class="circle_size"/>
<div class="sc_options circle_counter_div" id="clone_this" style="display: block;">
<input type="text" class="circle_size"/>
<div class="sc_options circle_counter_div" id="clone_this" style="display: block;">
<input type="text" class="circle_size"/>
<input type="submit" class="sc_options circle_counter_div" id="insert" name="insert" value="<?php _e("Insert", 'themedelta'); ?>" onClick="insertcirclecountershortcode();" style="display:none"/>
// Insert the column shortcode
function insertcirclecountershortcode() {
var tagtext;
var start;
var last;
var start = '[circlecounters]';
var last = '[/circlecounters]';
jQuery('.circle_counter_div').each(function() {
var tagtext = '[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]';
var finish = start + tagtext + last;
if (window.tinyMCE) {
window.tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand(window.tinyMCE.activeEditor.id, 'mceInsertContent', false, finish);
//Peforms a clean up of the current editor HTML.t
//Repaints the editor. Sometimes the browser has graphic glitches.
Extended Answer: After some more information was provided perhaps you're just missing the index and value properties on the loop. Its hard to tell, since little sample code is provided.
$('.test').each(function(i,v) {
var tagtext = $(v).html();
Original Answer:
Use use classes instead of an Id. Id's are only suposed to be used once on a page.
Since there should only be one occurance jQuery is filtering the result down to 1, even though the markup may have multiple elements with that Id on the page. This is to make use of the built-in browser function getElementById().
For proof checkout this jsFiddle
Using the class attribute is more appropriate for what you're trying to do.
jQuery('.clone_this').each(function() {
var tagtext = '[something][/something]';
And the markup:
<div class="clone_this"></div>
This will allow jQuery to return an array of elements like you're looking for
This is what I needed... Finally got it working.
tagtext = ' ';
jQuery('#circle_counter_div .circlecounter').each(function() {
tagtext += '[circlecounter rel="' + jQuery('.circle_size').val() + '" datathickness="' + jQuery('.circle_thickness').val() + '" datafgcolor="' + jQuery('.circle_color').val() + '" text="' + jQuery('.circle_text').val() + '" fontawesome="' + jQuery('.font_awesome_icon').val() + '" fontsize="' + jQuery('.circle_font_size').val() + '"][/circlecounter]';
var start = '[circlecounters]';
var last = '[/circlecounters]';
var finish = start + tagtext + last;

JQuery remove() not working with a two word id

I have a button <button onclick="takedown()"> take down </button> that creates a H1 and button with the id of the text in my text field and h1 at the end for the h1 and button at the end for the button the button has a onclick onclick="delete()". This is that function
function takedown(){
note = document.getElementById("noteinput").value;
idh1 = note + "h1";
idbutton = note + "button";
idcenter = note + "center";
$('<center id="' + idcenter + '"> <h1 id="' + idh1 + '">' + note + '</h1> <button id="'+ idbutton +'" onclick="deletenote()"> Delete </button> </center>').appendTo("body");
For the delete function the remove() works only if the id of the button and the h1 is one word.
function deletenote(){
// First setting
var idbuttondelete = event.target.id;
var idh1delete = idbuttondelete.replace("button", "h1");
// Removing the button, h1,center
$('#' + idbuttondelete).remove();
$('#' + idh1delete).remove();
Does anybody know whats wrong or how to use JQuery to delete something if it has a two word id.
This will not behave as expected because ID attribute values cannot contain spaces. Replace the spaces with underscore or some other allowed character:
// don't forget VAR or you will have a global variable (bad)
var note = document.getElementById("noteinput").value.replace(/\s/g, '_');
How string.replace() works
First your replace in the delete function will fail if the user enters the word "button", "center", or "h1" as the javascript replace in the delete will only work on the first instance. To prevent the user from having spaces try the below with the delete function you have:
function takedown(){
var note = document.getElementById("noteinput").value;
var idh1 = "h1" + note.replace(/\s/g, '_');
var idbutton = "button" + note.replace(/\s/g, '_');
var idcenter = "center" + note.replace(/\s/g, '_');
//the above 3 variables will use _ instead of space
$('<center id="' + idcenter + '"> <h1 id="' + idh1 + '">' + note + '</h1> <button id="'+ idbutton +'" onclick="deletenote()"> Delete </button> </center>').appendTo("body");
If you do not have control over the ID's and need to do this for a lot of objects you can change them all at once (buttons in this case)
$('button').each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.replace(/\s/g, '_');
$(this).attr('id', id);
And then you can reference all the buttons by ID using a _ instead of space. Otherwise do as others suggested and use a selector other than ID
Since you're using jQuery, you could try this:
var note = $("#noteinput").val().replace(/\s/g, '_');
idcenter = note + "center";
$('<center id="' + idcenter + '"> <h1>' + note + '</h1> <button id="'+ idbutton +'" onclick="deletenote(idcenter)"> Delete </button> </center>').appendTo("body");
function deletenote(id){
$('#' + id).remove();
You don't need to individually remove the child elements of your tag. I would also recommend against using the center tag, go with a div and center the contents with CSS rather than using center.
I also refactored your function. It's much better to pass in your values and this way, the function is more resuable and testable
As mentioned in the other answers...spaces in ids is bad practice!
BUT if you really need "two words" in your ids, instead of the query selector $, you can use:-
document.getElementById("doesnt mind spaces").remove();

javascript function using jquery addClass() method does not add class

The script works, creates everything correctly, etc., but the jquery addClass method isn't adding the class. I'm new to using jquery methods in a javascript function, any help is appreciated, including alternate methods for adding the appropriate classes without using jquery.
function thumbnail(Img, Element, Modal, ModalTitle) {
"use strict";
/*jslint browser:true*/
/*global $, jQuery*/
//this function will append an anchor tag with the appropriate functionality, accepting inputs on the image filename, attaching element, and modal
//Img = full filename in format of foo.png
//Element = the ID of the element within which the thumbnail anchor will be placed
//Modal = the ID of the modal
//ModalTitle = Text used for title of the modal and title of the caption
var image, element, modal, loc, output, iUrl, modal_loc, modal_output, mtitle;
image = Img;
element = Element;
modal = Modal;
mtitle = ModalTitle;
iUrl = "/design-library/images/thumbs/" + image;
output = "<a href='#' data-reveal-id='" + modal + "'>";
output += "<img class='sample_img' src='" + iUrl + "' alt='" + mtitle + "' />";
output += "</a>";
output += "<p class='caption'>" + mtitle + "</p>";
modal_output = "<h1>" + mtitle + "</h1>";
modal_output += "<img src='" + iUrl + "' alt='" + image + "' /><a class='close-reveal-modal'>×</a>";
//create the modal container
modal_loc = document.getElementById(modal);
modal_loc.innerHTML = modal_output;
//the end of the script gets the element and adds the anchor tag that exists in output
loc = document.getElementById(element);
loc.innerHTML = output;
Since modal and element are IDs, you should correct your selectors to use them as ones:
$('#' + modal).addClass('reveal-modal');
$('#' + element).addClass('samples');
Side note. Once you have found the DOM element with jQuery, there is no need to perform the second search with getElementById:
var modal_loc = $('#' + modal);
if modal is an ID string, you need to do:
Try changing:
$('#' + element).addClass('samples');

JQuery UnBind Works, Attempt to "re" bind does not

I'm working my way through a JQuery Solution and for the most part it works but I"m stumped on seemingly a small detail I know I'm overlooking. Heck, maybe my implementation/approach needs to be reconsidered.
Here's the flow of what works.
1. Click an anchor that adds to a table.
2. Add CSS Class.
3. Disable (Unbind) click on after preappend().
4. From the table of dynamically added record remove table based on ID.
5. delete class that was added in step 2.
6. Bind 'click'
However, although I can bind the click and alert on it. The expected functionality does not allow me to step through the above process again.
The code in question:
link that starts the process:
table that holds new records after click of link
<table id="carrier-table"><tbody></tbody></table>
JQUERY and Custom Javascript Function
<script type="text/javascript" id="removeCarrier">
function removeCarrierFromList(obj) {
var i = obj.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
$('a#' + obj.id).removeClass('delete-carrier-company');
//alert(obj.id); //.hasClass('add-carrier-company').tostring() ); //
$('a#' + obj.id).bind('click', function() {
//alert('User clicked on ' + obj.id);
<script type="text/javascript" id="carrierListJS">
$(function() {
// Link
// This adds a carrier to a list
function() {
var target = $(this).attr("id");
$("#carrier-table").prepend("<tr id='carrierRow_" + target + "'>" +
"<td><a href='#' id='" + target + "' class='delete' onclick='removeCarrierFromList(this)'> </a></td>" +
"<td class='carrier-list-text'>" + target + " " + $("#name_" + target).val() + "</td>" +
return false;
function() { $(this).addClass('delete-carrier-company').unbind('click'); }
There were a few issues I noticed with the code. For one thing, as #RussellUresti mentioned, you create two tags with the same ID. For another thing, if you're using ID's in a selector in jQuery, don't include the tag name, just use the id (ie. use $('#id') not $('a#id')) it will be faster (it won't break your code though).
I have created a jsfiddle to answer your question (though I rewrote most of it). :) I think it's what you're looking for.
Here's the code:
<table id="carrier-table" style="border:1px solid #000"><tbody></tbody></table>
function addCarrier() {
var target = $(this).attr("id");
$("#carrier-table").prepend("<tr id='carrierRow_" + target + "'>" + "<td><a href='#' id='a" + target + "' class='delete'> </a></td>" + "<td class='carrier-list-text'>" + target + " " + $("#name_" + target).val() + "</td>" + "</tr>");
$('#a' + target).click(removeCarrierFromList);
return false;
function removeCarrierFromList() {
var $this = $(this);
var id = $this.attr('id').replace("a","");
$('#' + id).removeClass('delete-carrier-company').click(addCarrier);
$(function() {
// Link
// This adds a carrier to a list

